When you let go of the ‘need’ for it, you will get what you want

“Hi Hemal,

Nina put me onto your blog and posts, and of course you know they are simply wonderful. Thank you for contributing so much of your helpful knowledge to the rest of us out here living this crazy physical experience.

I was wondering if you knew, or have blogged about anything having to do with baldness. With the knowledge I have now, I can see that I practiced the "I'm going bald and that's it, my dad is bald, etc." for years, and now I am trying to tell a new story and appreciate a full, healthy head of hair. I want all my other balding friends to look at me and say "How the HELL did you do that?  No rogaine?  No transplants?  How the hell is it possible?" Any help you could offer would be very appreciated.

Funny enough, I've searched the web for everything and found a way through the LOA to assist in a positive solution…but baldness is the ONE subject that seems very tricky – no one has a clear cut answer. Or one that I've been able to find, anyway…

All my best”


The process for people to create change in their physical bodies is the same as the process for the changes they try to create elsewhere in their lives; whether it be attracting more money or attracting a lover, etc.  They often have a situation which is of what they don’t want and this creates the contrast – that feeling of wanting something that isn’t here right now.  And the desire of what they want emanates from that.

So it’s softening the perspective on where you are at that moment, this softens the resistance and contrast and lets in the good stuff (which feels good – that is your indication) – you can call it the Universe, Universal energy, God force, spirit, non-physical, whatever you want to call it.  You are allowing it in.  We’ll talk more about it regarding this case later.


When someone is saying “Where is my lover?  Where is my
lover?  Why has he/she not entered my life yet?
”  Implicit in that
asking is doubt and focus on the lack of that person not being in their
life right now, and that attracts more of the same.

It’s the same as someone saying “Where’s my money?  Where’s my
”  Again, it is focusing on the absence of something and it
attracts more of the same.  Some people would call it ‘root looking’ or
‘pulse checking’.  If when you plant something you are regularly
digging it up to check for root growth it is not going to grow so well

The issue you mention here has the same solution as with other issues, and the irony is this: 

As you soften your perspective on the present situation, it won’t be an issue to you any more, but the irony in that is you will get what you want anyway.

It’s like a couple wanting to get ‘pregnant’, they try and try and try for a baby and after a while they decide to adopt.  And when they adopt, all their resistance to ‘not having a child’ goes….and they get pregnant.  When someone ‘gives up’ or ‘surrenders’ they let go of the resistance and thus allow what they want.  The key thing is not necessarily the surrendering but the letting go of the resistance.


Before we have some statements to soften this and talk about your body’s ability to grow, something else as a consideration when people are working on something on a ‘cosmetic’ level….

People are conscious of how they look and how they come across to others especially to the opposite sex.

The thing to realise is that attraction is vibrational.  Before anyone sees you (or hears you or touches you) they have already picked you up (pardon the pun) vibrationally, their attraction and recognition of you is vibrational – the fact they are even in your vicinity is because you are a vibrational match.

The question to ask yourself, is what tone (vibrationally) are you setting, is it one of:
– I don’t like the way I look, I am uncomfortable about one thing or another
– There is something not right about me
– I won’t be liked

– I know that despite how I might look or sound, I like (even love) me
– I don’t need to be or do anything, there are people that will love me for me, and it is ok if I’m not ok for others
(a vibrational match), it wouldn’t have worked anyway – I like who I am and if they’re looking for someone that doesn’t then I’m not a vibrational match
– I like/love me

The whole Universe works on a vibrational level far before anything else, before social conditioning, man-made laws or anything else – which are all composed of 'vibration' and pure potential anyway, they are all made up of the building blocks of the Universe.  With you being in alignment and feeling good about who you are, you are attracting people that match that, or attracting that aspect from those already around you.  You can only attract that which is a vibrational match to you.


Socially you may have thought there were certain opinions about baldness in terms of attraction – as may be the case with any situation, but do realise that through your softening of your own perspective on it, those elements of society will not interest you and those that do will be the ones that match your warm fuzzy feeling about yourself. The aspects of the Universe (and that includes society!) you draw to yourself will be the ones that are a match to your frequency, your vibration.  If you have a certain opinion or self image about yourself you will attract those that are a match to it.


Now you may have read the article on Getting Into Alignment with your Body (particularly the section in it titled "Your Body Literally Responds to your Vibration") which touched on the body’s ability to regenerate and grow.  Your body has the ability to grow hair as well as make other physiological changes.  Everything is malleable by your offering a pure thought and holding your vibration to it, thus attracting more of the same and the momentum building and manifesting on a physical level.

Your body responds when you come from a place of pure (i.e. not contradicted or 'mixed') thought, i.e. not from a place of lack or trying to 'fix' something.  Law of Attraction will give you more of the same, whatever you focus on it will give you more of the same.

Soothing yourself about a situation will let you soften the thoughts that don’t support what you want, the thoughts that are on what you don’t want, so you could say:

– I know I have this and whilst I haven’t enjoyed it, I’m going to take my attention off it and onto how I feel about myself
– I’m not going to let something change how I feel about myself.  My feelings about me are unconditional regardless of the outside.  And what do you know, maybe the outside will change too
– I also know that as I change how I feel about myself, other physiological changes may take place anyway
– I know the body has the ability to create the changes I want, I am here and reading this and have attracted a match in my search for a solution
– I will take my attention off the situation and ‘stop counting’ and instead will start to appreciate the good things in my life, including my body and what I appreciate about it


What would be good to do at that point would be to write a list of the things you DO appreciate about yourself and your body and to practice this.  You could make it a list of 10 things, 20, 50, whatever number you like, and regularly (such as every day) write a new one.  Not necessarily because you are trying to ‘create’ something, but because you enjoy how it feels and how you feel.  Manifestation is about how you feel during the process, the manifestations themselves are natural consequences of you feeling good.  The feelings are indicators of you letting in 'all the good stuff'.

Your vibration will raise and if you feel inspired to remember or think or imagine (whichever feels best) how more and more hair (or whatever the 'condition' was) would look on you you can do so, do what feels good and enjoyable, and do it because of that.  The subject will feel different as a result of your raised vibration, you will not be trying to 'solve a problem' but envisioning and creating something because (at that raised vibration) it feels good.  If it feels heavy then return to softening and resume from there.

Love is you being You

Love is about following the heart. As with most things, all the answers one needs are communicated through the emotions.

Love is not meant to be about obligation or control – they are based on insecurity and fear, you will know how they feel and they feel different from 'true love' – it is about expression and being free flowing, it is about being 'You' and unconditional love.  It is not expecting the other person to be something, it is accepting them for who they are and loving them, and you being You in the same process.  And ironically, when you really do this you have all the love in the world here. 

When you are in this place of love the Universe beats a path  to your door to make it all happen.  The events and synchronicities and happenings all take care of themselves, they can't not, from a vibrational perspective when in love you are 'singing' and attracting all that is a match.  Literally the Universe creates a path for you, with the angels with harps and rainbows and more. 

Perception is projection.  You attract matches.  If you want to attract your soulmate (or have your soulmate be the person you're with), BE from that place and see what happens.  You can attract a person with those qualities or draw those qualities from the person you're with, it's by appreciating who they are than who they're not


Softening your Vibration about a Decision Made

Here is an interaction from the comments of the "Everything you Experience is for you to Have What you Want" post.  It was a question Pat asked and I thought others would value it so I've pasted it here so it can be more visibly seen.  I've edited it a bit and added some additional comments

"Around January 2007 my husband and
I made a decision that affected me deeply (moving to another country),
and which I now regret. I cannot reverse it now, and I feel guilty,
remorseful, and depressed. I keep wishing I could turn the clock back,
which of course won't happen. I'd love to believe everything will be ok,
and attract the right things, but I just cannot. Any words of wisdom?"

Hi Pat,

You are in a situation that does not feel nice and you are looking to see what possibilities there are.

Start with the situation at hand, look at the things that feel
uncomfortable and look to 'soften' them. So you might say you are not
enjoying the country and find aspects that aren't so bad about them,
rephrase or reframe things such that they feel 'softer' rather than the
harsh way they've been perceived as previously.  It is never about a situation but your perspective on it, and that determines your vibration about it and thus your physical experience. 

As you soften how you see something the resistance will decrease and you will attract better feelings thoughts and feel better too.  Feeling better is a sign of alignment towards who you really are, from a spiritual point of view, it's alignment towards everything that you want

So as you soften your vibration you will attract other
thoughts in line with that and so on. As you do that you will find soon
enough your reality will change, and at the very least how you see your reality will have changed, in gentle subtle shifts. But it starts with gently softening
how things have been

You can say to yourself:
– I don't enjoy how things have been, but things have happened and I can try to make the most of them

I feel guilt and am depressed about it, and I can start to gently look for things I might appreciate because I know that will improve how I feel and is on the way to things changing, whether it be that my physical reality changes or that how I see my physical reality will change
– I can look for things that have come about through all of this which
may be of benefit to me, even if it's being clear on what I don't want.  I know there are things I have not enjoyed, in fact detested, but I am also clearer on what I DO want
– What I DO want is….

And work with building those thoughts, practice them, imagine them, spend time on them.
Just imagine if things could be a certain way, how would they be?  Don't
think you are trying to create something, just focus on these better feeling thoughts and practice them.  Doing this will raise your vibration and in time you will see things
around you shift, they can't not. If your vibration changes, what is
around you will (almost seemingly magically) shift

Everything You Experience is for You to Have What you Want

Everything on this physical platform is for you to have what you want.  You may think the challenges and 'hardship' you experience…'Oh why does it happen to me?'…you may think you were the unfortunate one for whom it just doesn't work out, the one that has to 'make do'…  

Realise that everything you get and everything you don't get serves as a vibrational platform.  It is like you are standing on the shoulders of a giant from your new perspective; from the thing that worked out, or the thing that didn't work out.

You always see things from new eyes.  Whether it be going back to a country, a relationship, a company that you worked for, or anything else.  Each time you EXPERIENCE something your vibration grows – whatever the outcome. You can never go back.  You will always see it with new eyes.  You are always 'more'.  And that's what you came here to be.  And your physical is (/will be) a match to your vibration

Know that each time you don't get what you want there is a building desire for what you DO want, and the discomfort that you feel is an indication that you are not lined up to it in your thoughts and feelings.  The stronger the disparity the stronger the 'negative' emotion.  But if you are to use your emotions as guidance, as guidance that you are getting closer to what you want or further away from it, based on how you feel, you can then work on getting yourself to a better feeling place and thus more in alignment with what you want and thus the manifestation of it.

So as an example something has gone wrong, or something has happened how you don't want it to be – and you feel terrible.  When feeling something as strong as that usually the first step is to soften it.

So you might say:
-This is so bad, why oh why is this happening (pacing the experience)
-I realise that it's not quite how I wanted things to be, and this realisation is my first step (a bit better)
-I realise inherent in everything – good or bad – is the desire and the energy to HAVE WHAT I WANT (feeling better)
-It's not the end, I know there is much more to come, and as soon as I get off feeling bad about this I can line up to what I do want
-What is it that I DO want?  How would it feel when I have it?  
-What are the details of what I want?  (get into more and more specifics, do scripting – script out how things would be, role play, practice using your imagination)

And you are on your way to a better feeling place…

Oftentimes when certain things happen, whilst we have our attention on what we don't like rather than what we do, we are attracting more of what our attention is focused on.  So even though things around you (on the physical) may be appearing a certain way, how do you want things to be?  Can you imagine it?  Can you FEEL IT? How deep can you get into that reality?  

And of course as you do that and your vibration adapts to it, it gets easier to think the next better feeling thought and so on.

It can sometimes take the physical a little while to adapt to your vibration (as quickly as you 'allow' it through your good feelings), so keep your vibration on how you want things to be, REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING AROUND YOU. Do you want to create more of 'what already is' (by your focus on it) or what you want?  What vibrational signal are you offering RIGHT NOW IN YOUR LIFE?

Feel free to share and add your thoughts, experiences, tips in the comments below

Have a great day

It’s on its way! (2)

Here’s a follow-up to my earlier post It’s on its way

So let’s use an example,  let’s say you want to manifest a car and you are having doubts about it, about whether it is coming, whether you deserve it or if it is ok to have it.

Let’s say that you have already decided what type of a car you want and that you felt good about it but you haven’t seen anything happen on a physical level yet and you are wondering if it’s on it’s way, so you can say the following to yourself:

I know the make, model and colour on the car that I would like and am enjoying thinking about it being outside my home
I realise that recently I’ve not been so sure that it was on its way as I’ve not seen too many things happen and…Where is my car?  Why is it not here?
I realise that as I think about it and most importantly FEEL it in my life the Universe is orchestrating for it to manifest in my life.  By me trusting and allowing and letting it do what it does best and me focusing on what I do best – ENJOYING this process of creation – it will happen in the fastest way
I realise it’s about the PROCESS of creation than the end result.  My goals – including my car – are about what energy I flow about them than the items themselves.  How good I feel about something is relative to how much energy I am flowing and letting in about it and how quickly it will be in my life

I think about my car in my life, outside my home and gleaming wonderfully
As I touch the door handle and hear the sound as I open it, I appreciate this car in my life
I step inside and can smell the interior as I feel the back of the seat against me and feel the upholstery, it feels sooooo lovely
I put my hand on the steering wheel and start the car up and hear the beautiful hum of the engine
I change gear and as I drive this car, I feel how beautiful this experience is, me cruising down the road in this wonderful car of mine

I think about all the places I drive my car and how wonderful it is
It feels very real and I very much feel it in my life
As I think of it and how wonderful it feels I realise that it’s already manifesting and on its way to me
I know that by me thinking and feeling the way I do about it IT’S ON IT’S WAY


It’s on its way!

One of the questions I answered in Saturday’s (yesterday’s!) teleclass is when you have dreams and desires, what happens when you get doubts about them?

We are very much used to SEEING things happening, in only believing when we see them.  Having said that, the Universe does a lot of its work on the unseen level – on the spiritual or non-physical level.

And so there we are on the physical looking and saying “Where is it?  Where is it?  Why isn’t here yet?  Does this work?  Oh it doesn’t work!  Oh it doesn’t work for me!”  Whereas it was ALWAYS HAPPENING and on it’s way to you.  As mentioned in the class the moment you think a thought and you focus on it it is on its way, even in the stages of attracting more and more thoughts and attracting clusters of thought and it building and manifesting on the physical.

It’s like planting a seed and then digging it up every few minutes to check whether it is growing.  IT’S ON IT’S WAY!  

The implication of asking “Where is it?” is doubt and doubt is not conducive to you quickly and easily manifesting what you want.  The way to manifest what you want is to focus on the good feelings of what you want and to keep yourself there and to not question it, to have faith, to believe, to allow it in (rather than push against it by doubting or questioning).  You don’t have to be thinking about it all the time but you don’t need to be questioning it either.  How you feel and how good you feel about it is an indication of it being on its way.  Thus if you are questioning it and doubting it that’s not going to feel good and thus you have your indication.  Let go of those doubts and instead focus on what you enjoy and like and love about what is on its way to you, step into the experience of it and how your life will be in having it in your life.

As mentioned, in the subsequent teleclasses there will be techniques and processes to work with this as well.

But remember that whenever you focus on something and you do not contradict that thought i.e. do not doubt it, do not think about the lack/absence of it, IT IS ON ITS WAY

If you were not able to attend yesterday’s teleclass you can still download it, all the teleclasses are available for download after the event.  You can currently do this via the post at http://www.manifestingandlawofattraction.com/loa/2008/07/manifesting-law-of-attraction-teleclasses—book-now.html

And you are also able to take part and send your questions for the subsequent ones too!


‘Detaching’ and being with a loved one

"I have a question that has been troubling me the past couple of
days… How does one detach from someone when one knows that they are
already there, the love is already incredibly strong, and we have been
trying to get together so much yet obstacles continue to get in the way?

feel like detaching will help with the unification, but it just seems
so difficult and even after many prayers and meditation, it still seems
very difficult to detach from one another in order to complete the
attraction and let our physical beings connect rather than just our
mind and spirit…

Any insight/advice is greatly appreciated!
Thank you


The way to 'detach' is also through 'allowing' and letting it
, and focusing on the GOOD FEELINGS, but not the heavy ones and
not the ones that are trying to figure it out and how it will happen
and so on from your physical perspective. Focus on the enjoyment and
the appreciation and PRESENCE of WHAT YOU HAVE NOW than on the absence
what you would like]

Don't look at what is around you to feel
good, use your imagination if you have to to think of how you would
like things to be. Don't think about what is or isn't here yet. Think
the wonderful thoughts you do in the moment because in that moment they
give you the pleasure, love, joy etc they do

And as you feel
better about things you will be allowing it in and letting it happen
and thus will be less attached (which is what I'm presuming is the
intention of you wanting to be detaching)

So for example you can appreciate the wonderful things in this relationship such as:
-the fact that you and your partner have found each other
-that your love is incredibly strong
-the aspects of each other that you love so much

go of the [issue of the] unification and the 'obstacles' (because what
you focus on expands), soothe your vibration by saying things such as:
-I love my partner so much, and we have a love so strong…
-I realise that things maybe aren't perfect right now but I know they are on the way to being good…
know the universe can orchestrate anything and I know that it will
orchestrate this in my lining up to it (through my allowing, via my
good feelings as mentioned above)…
-I will line up to it by
remembering the positive aspects in that person and in our relationship
and our love and in the Universal orchestration…
-I'll remind
myself that the universe can orchestrate anything – but I have to let
it in and the universe will match my vibration about it…
-As I see my partner and I together the universe will match that…
realise that I may not see things immediately but what is important is
how I feel about it and that will be bringing it to me…

From Drug Addiction and Poverty to a Life of Abundance and Happiness

Hi Everyone,

This is an email I received recently.  I am sharing it with you (with permission) and have replaced the original names with initials

Hi Hemal

Two years ago my dear mother-in-law took me with her to attend a one day workshop on the Secret.  It was all very new then and hadn’t yet exploded into the phenomenon it is today.  At that stage I was pregnant, unemployed and my husband, also unemployed, was in the grips of a drug addiction that had seen him survive two heroin overdoses.  My husband’s 8 year old twin daughters from his previous relationship lived with and witnessed every single day how their father’s drug abuse pulled us further and further into financial, emotional and mental ruin.  We never had money for food as every cent he earned was spent on cocaine and we were in the process of being evicted from our home.  My life was in absolute ruins Hemal – I truly felt hopeless.  
I had grown up in awful circumstances too, my past a web of sexual abuse, alcoholism, neglect and poverty.  I knew only how to feel unworthy, as if my lot in life was in fact not a lot at all but very, very little!  But after watching the Secret, a concept so new to me, I decided I would give positive thought a try, and I did.  I only managed a little at first, as it was incredibly difficult to change 30 years worth of negativity.  I noticed over the months how much easier it became, how quickly I was able to catch my negative thoughts before they became all-consuming.  And then things started changing!
My beautiful daughter was born and she gave me the motivation I needed to continue being grateful, to believe in myself and to teach our children to be positive, to instil in them strong values and morals.  Our daughters, then 9 years old, also began visualising, they too began being positive and happy despite their dad’s drug use.  We believed that we would be happy, we dreamt about it and we lived it through all adversity and despite our circumstances.  In July 2007, after 10 long years of hardcore drug use, my husband stopped taking drugs.  He took three months off, removed himself from the course of daily living as much as he could and he started on the long road to sobriety.  Three months to the day after he took his last hit, he began his employment as a Mechanical Engineer with an international company.  In six and a half short months we have gone from poverty to life in abundance!  We have a beautiful home filled with beautiful furniture (my husband had sold everything we owned for money to get drugs – we had so little left), we always have money and food and most importantly of all we have the kind of family bond that most people can only dream of.
We each have gratitude books, N (husband) included, that we write in all the time.  This attitude of gratitude has brought us so close to each other – we easily express our love and adoration for one another all the time and words like, “I love you”, “I’m proud of you” are things said daily in our home.  My husband has morphed into the most caring, attentive, loving, adoring, calm and happy man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  He works 2 jobs with such passion for each and still manages to be such a present and able father and husband.  His children adore him, they idolise him – he is our everything.  It was the most incredible feeling for me to be able to hand over the reigns of our family to him and allow him to take his place as head of our home and know beyond any shadow of doubt that he was capable and deserving enough to be there!

Our children, A and C (children), now 10 years old, have been through therapy and their Psychologist is incredibly pleased with their state of mind and with them as little people.  They are well adjusted young ladies who care so much about the feelings of others and who give thanks daily for everything they have.
I’m so happy and motivated and positive for our future.  We’re still paying off debts accumulated throughout the years, but those debts are lessening at an incredible rate.  I have an amazing job with the promise of great things to come. I love my life, I love myself and my children and I love my husband so very much!
This is an exert from my husband’s gratitude book:
 “I express my gratitude for my wife and best friend, she is always a constant support to me and to the good Lord who has blessed me with my three girls – the best reasons to keep living and fighting for every moment that I may share with them.  Thank you for the wonder of being a father and husband to my family and beautiful wife.  Thank you for a nice cup of coffee and for a Friday filled with the promise of rain and the enjoyment of our health, wealth and family”

From A's (child) book :
 “I am so grateful that we are so happy and lucky and that we have such a great family and that every moment in my little life is always happy.  I am grateful that we have a house to live in and such a great family and for my wonderful (but crazy) mom and handsome daddy”

From C's (child) book :
“I am grateful for quite a lot today.  I am grateful that we got to dance with mom and that daddy got home safe from work. I am grateful for my dad, he is always doing his best for us and he works so hard and I’m glad he’s my dad.  I’m grateful that mom got such a good job and that I have such a great family. Thank you”
My children at this age are so aware of thinking positively and being happy and fulfilled that I know their futures are going to be filled with success and happiness.  I’ve done it Hemal – I’ve broken the cycle of poverty and pain lived through by so many generations of my family before me and set a new course of abundance and happiness for generations to come.
The Law of Attraction works, it works, it works, it works!!!
Blessings and love




What you Want is Already around you

What you want is already around you,
EVERYTHING is already around you,
You are turning the invisible to the visible,
You are letting it reveal itself to you,
As you think the thoughts that are in harmony of it,
As you think of what you want,
What you are thinking is only a tool or a symbol for you to get into the frequency (/vibration) of what you want,
And then you are allowing by letting it in or something better,
When you are saying ‘ONLY this’ is what I want, you are not allowing something that might be better or more suited to come to you, you are dictating the ‘how’,
There are an infinite number of ways it can make its way to you,
Let it come to you in the easiest and quickest way it can…
But of course, your journey was meant to be as fun as the destination,
So you were never going ‘where is it, where is it’ were you <wink>
Because you are so enjoying the journey and the creation of it….

(Hemal Radia)


Which Thought Feels Better? A simple way to getting what you want

Decide on an area of your life you’d like to work with or something you would like

1 – Write five thoughts about it

2 – Determine if amongst those 5 thoughts there are thoughts that feel better than your current thoughts on the subject (use your feelings as your guide), if not then write 5 more thoughts, repeat until you have a thought or thoughts that feel better

3 – Replace your current thoughts with the thought or thoughts that feel better/best, make that your way of thinking (practice it, mentally rehearse it if need be), and don’t contradict it with what you used to think

4 – Repeat from step 1, until…

5 – You have what you want

By doing this process you will always be thinking and feeling better and better thoughts:
-The better it feels the more aligned you are to what you want
-The more aligned you are to what you want the closer it is…
…and it manifests on the physical level


-You feelings are telling you how close you are to what you want, they are your guidance from the Universe, God, Source, Higher Self, whatever you want to call it

-When you access a better feeling thought it opens up other thoughts that weren’t previously accessible to you, including ideas, thoughts and inspired actions.  From where you are initially you do not have access to where you will
end up as vibrationally it is too far, but by repeating from your
new perspective each time you have access to new thoughts and feelings
that get you vibrationally where you want to be.  Your physical experience is a manifestation of your vibration

-From the new feeling place you are immeasurably closer to what you want than you would have been by ‘action steps’

-The Universe is not an action one but a vibrational one, by doing the above you are getting closer to what you want far more quickly than you would by action alone, you will have ideas that get you closer, you’ll be in the right time/right place, experience synchronicities, etc, there will be an almost seemingly magical unfolding