“You are Amazing and Divine…”

Is this something you were aware of?  Or did you need me reminding you of it?

“Amazing and Divine” not in an arrogant way, but a healthy inner awareness of your magnificence and brilliance as the divine in motion through you.

We are and always have been this, no matter how much we may have tried to mask it with our doubts, fears and self-limitations.  The limitations and fears are temporary and are illusions, despite how real they may appear.  What is ‘real’ and eternal is your divinity and natural beauty.  It is constant and always has been here, ready to flow through you to your manifestations… 


How about living your life with the presumption that you ARE amazing and divine…with no justifications or explanations needed?


We often seem to feel the need to justify our grandeur but find it so easy to belittle and undermine ourselves.  Turn the tables.  Why?  Because it’s the natural flow.  How do you know?  By how you feel.  Your emotions (and intuition) are telling you what is correct and what isn’t.

There’s a reason why one feels good (your grandeur) and the other feels bad (belittling yourself).  The one that feels good is closing the gap between you and your divinity, the other is increasing the gap.  What occurs when you close the gap?  All that you have been asking for and waiting for… 

The “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” 4-week teleclass hosted by en*theos starts next Thursday 5th July 2012.  Click here if you’d like to know more about it.


Fundamentals of Law of Attraction


Tomorrow’s Manifesting Excellence Call

Tomorrow's (Saturday 30th June 2012 – available as an audio download if you are reading this after then) Manifesting Excellence group call includes the following questions:

– "There are numerous occasions in the past when I've been driving – at least 30-40 times – where I've been momentarily distracted by something and then either gone into another lane, swerved towards something, or something else, and every time I have turned back JUST IN TIME to avoid any major accident or death. I feel it's impossible I lucked out every time, it defies probability…is there something more at work?"
– "How do I know what's ok to manifest? I change my mind at times, whether it be money or a car or anything else, and I contradict myself. How can I have clarity on this and attract what I'm wanting?"
– "It's hard for me at times to be specific  about what I want…how do I get around this to attract what I want?"
– "I seem to have resistance in setting an amount or 'form' of what I want, how can I loosen this up?"
– "What are the best ways for me to feel less nervous and more confident? Affirmations?  Other ways?"
– And many more!

Click here if you'd like to join the call  (You can receive the audio download of the call too)


Download the Self-Esteem/Self-Love call/content details


Just to let you know that the download of the Self-Esteem/Self-Love call is available in the archives of Manifesting Excellence along with other topics such as Money, Relationships, Letting Go, Fear,  Emotions, and many others. 

You can try Manifesting Excellence for 7 days and have access to all the archives, all the calls from every week going back to early last year.

Click here to Access Manifesting Excellence

I've listed the content below from the email that was sent to the group on Saturday.
The content included:
– You are questioning the unquestionable about yourself
– It's really about how you deny your own light and love to yourself
– It is a sense of disconnection, rather than moving to a place of connection
– Learning and modelling someone else's sense of disconnection and disempowerment
– As you shine the light, the shadows disappear
– When you are in your divinity you don't question these things because you are BEING it
Abusive situations
It is often a victim that creates another victim. However it is your choice how you see a situation and in going forward
We question whether we are:
    – Lovable
    – Likable
    – Capable
    – Valuable
What is your language with yourself like, what are the things you say to yourself
Using physical situations and conditions to define ourselves, and them being transient
Notice the vibration/energy of when you are unkind to yourself – it implies disempowerment, such as hopelessness, despondency etc
Releasing blockages to self-love/self-esteem
Unintentionally creating an invisible 'ceiling' in your energy. Flea and elephant analogies
What this means on a Manifesting level
Expectation and allowing
– Living each moment with your presence
Make a list of why you deserve or don't deserve something. Deal with what's on that list, that is what prevents the manifestation of what you want
Denying others and the Universe through us not forgiving ourselves
Questions included about:
Is money correlated with self-esteem?  Are they intertwined?
– Is there a way to 'test' how high or low your self-esteem is?
– How do you get around when you procrastinate or make excuses or get too busy to doing the things you adore and love and feel are your 'path'?

Click here to Access Manifesting Excellence

Have a wonderful week ahead!


P.S. As mentioned above, just like the content above on Self-Esteem/Self-Love, there is content on other topics such as Money, Relationships, Letting Go, Fear, Emotions, and more as well as over $250 in bonuses!



“It’s About Attracting It To You…”


I mentioned to you recently that I have been asked by en*theos to run a couple of 4-week teleseminars on their platform, the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” and “Mastering the Law of Attraction” (working title).  In order to help them promote the teleseminars, they asked me to write an article that they could share with their mailing list.

I thought you might enjoy this article and hence I’m sharing it with you here!


“It’s Not About Chasing What You Want, It’s About Attracting It To You”

There is so much information out there about ‘getting’ this or that and chasing what you want and ‘making it happen’.  That is all very well, but have you considered the notion that instead of chasing something, how about making yourself attractive to it, so that it is drawn to you?

How would this work?  Firstly, everything is energy.  Everything has a vibration.  You and what you want are ALL energy.  Your thoughts and emotions are energy and have a vibration.  In this world, like vibration attracts like vibration.

So, you can change your thoughts and emotions…which means you can change your vibration…which means you can be vibrating from a similar place to what you want…and draw it to you.

You don’t have to get it perfect, you just need to get your frequency closer to what you want.  You will then get clues and guidance, whether it be through inspiration, manifestations that happen or the infinite number of ways the Universe can communicate to you.

You follow these clues and you get closer and closer…and then you have the manifestation of what you want – you and what you want have come together…


Click here If you’d like to know more about being on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course


Fundamentals of Law of Attraction



Want to Resolve Self-Esteem/Self-Love?


Would you like to have the answers in resolving any self-esteem/self-love or self-value challenges this weekend?

I will be covering them on this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call!  Recently we did a survey of the group calls and received unanimous delight – ie from ALL the respondents…including from those who had been on it for over a year as well as those that joined recently. 

One topic request that came up from this survey was about self-esteem and self-love – and so we will be covering it right away!

Below is more information on Saturday's call.  In accessing this, you will also have access to the archives which includes over a year's calls on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go…and many others!  (There are also over $250 of bonuses!)

This weekend's call will include:
– Self-love/self-esteem (including self-value)
– What this means on a Manifesting level
– Self-forgiveness
– Identifying and releasing blockages
– Indicators of low self-value/undermining yourself
– And much more!

You will also be able to download this call (and others) afterwards!

Click Here to Access the Call

I look forward to seeing you on the call!


Remember, you will be able to access the ARCHIVES of over a year of group calls including on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go, and many others, and you have access to forthcoming courses and my book, totalling over $250 in bonuses.

Click Here to Access the Call


“Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  Starting from early July there will be a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” (there are also plans in the future for a “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a follow-on).


Click here to find out about the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course
(Those that are on the Manifesting Excellence Group calls will have access to this as a courtesy)


The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos

Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction - Hemal Radia

Free Audio – “Manifesting Your Life’s Purpose” interview

Earlier today I appeared on Nancy Brook’s “Love Your Path: Passion, Purpose & Possibilities” radio show and we had a great time.  She asked me various questions about purpose, manifesting successfully, how to live our purpose when we have responsibilities such as earning a living and raising children, do other people’s intentions affect us, as well as questions from my “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” book.

I thought you might like to listen to the audio.  There is no opt-in required, i.e. no email address to give to access it, just click the link below and you can play it in your browser or download the audio.

To listen to the show or download it click here.

Love Your Path Show


Hemal was an amazing guest on my Love Your Path Radio Show.  He explains the Law of Attraction in a way that makes it easy to understand.  He puts abstract concepts into words that anyone can follow.  Plus, Hemal has a supportive and soothing energy that makes it all feel so easy!  I could listen to him for hours.”

Nancy Brook, Host of “Love Your Path Show”


Losing 35 Pounds in Weight With What You Learn

Earlier today I was sent a video by Michael Todd in which he mentions how he has moved towards his “perfect body” through what he has learned from me.  He mentioned to me previously that he has lost 16kg in weight (35 pounds).

I had no idea that he was going to be sending a video or saying what he has until I received it.  I thought I would share this video with you as I know so many people that often ask me questions about how to lose weight using the Law of Attraction and through how they think about themselves.

I have also put this video as a video testimonial on the Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Coaching Program webpage.

 Law of Attraction


If you are reading this anywhere other than the blog,

Click here to go to the ‘Losing 35 Pounds in Weight With What You Learn’ blog post to watch the video



I Lost 35 pounds (16kg) With What I Have Learned!

Michael Q Todd, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

For many, just knowing that someone has effectively lost weight using this material is valuable in and of itself.

These techniques, processes, insights work for any area of your life as we are talking about working with energy and vibration, which everything is composed of, and are malleable.


Download the FREE “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” audio

You are very, very good at what you do. Great insight, great wisdom & delivery that creates ah-ha moments. I really appreciate the gift of it Hemal. So much appreciation coming to you right now from me.

— Lena Mitchell Jasiak

For those of you who haven’t downloaded the audio of the recent “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” teleseminar, you can do so here!  This event was very popular and HUGELY appreciated, as you will see.  There is content at the start about making this a great year for you, followed by insights to questions submitted.

It was scheduled for an hour and ended up being two hours because there were so many questions and interactions on it!  There is a lot of information here and great answers to some great questions.  And it’s a FREE audio to download. 

To download it:


I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible … You are doing much good Hemal! … and I feel really blessed to have connected with you here.  The content, which I always find really valuable because even though it is stuff that I mostly know (on a deeper level) … again, you simplify it and make it so easy to apply.

— Georgina Laros, South Africa

This is fabulous… so much good
information and you’re hitting on so many areas that resonate here.
Your presentation was great last time and it’s even better this time.
Thank you!

— Krystal, Southern California

Thank you so much, Hemal! You answered all of my
questions, and in doing so gave me guidance to move ahead. As a side
benefit I found peace within myself for the ways you have offered
guidance to deal with my quandries! I look forward to your continuing

— Judy Green, USA



There were countless questions answered, some included:

– How do I manifest loads of money when I have never experienced it before?  How do I stop feeling discouraged when I compare myself to others successes in manifesting?

– What do I do when I feel my soulmate and twin flame is with another?

– I have used goal setting in the past and at times it has worked and at other times not.  Can you please guide me on this and on staying positive?

– I know it’s best to think only of the present moment -“the Now” – but how do I focus and be positive as I continue to endure several simultaneous and overwhelming life-changing situations this year?

– What if we attract something which is contrary to the lessons we may have chosen to learn. eg, what if our path is to learn to be poor to serve the poor, but we want to be comfortable financially?

– What do you do about negative people bombarding your life?  They seem to be all around and pulling you down.

– What if what you would like to manifest is possible but it seems “mountains will have to move out of the way” or a miracle occur for it to happen?  Still keep believing?

– I am looking to meet a partner that I can share my world with as well as start a family. I have been dating and continue to meet men that show interest and similar goals but when I express my interest in a relationship things take a different direction.  What can I do?

– As a result of some things that have happened, I doubt I will ever be as successful and get as much money now.  I fear I will become lonely, lose my friends, and that they are judging me. That they have views about me that I won’t like.  Is there something that can be done?

Thank you Hemal for valuable conversation!
You are extraordinary person! Please, keep walking your special way!
Have fantastic 2010 year! !

— Olga, Lugansk, Ukraine

It was very insightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom to the world 🙂

— Karla M. Nashar, Indonesia

Top 10 List for Staying in Alignment – The Video

From my post last month on “Top 10 List for Staying in Alignment“, Ellen Slyngstadli has created a beautiful video.

The photos that you see in the video have been taken by Ellen on hiking trips that she has taken in Norway.

If you are on Facebook, Ellen is happy to make friends!  Click here to go to her profile!  She is also an Officer on the “Hemal Radia Appreciation Group” on Facebook.

If you are reading this in an email, CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view this on YouTube then CLICK HERE.  (You are welcome to rate it and put a comment if you would like to!)