Situation is temporary, Class is permanent



Whether it be a situation you are going through or some circumstances, no situation comes into your life without the means for you to expand and grow from it.


Have you noticed how nature (including our bodies) as a system – when allowed – evolves and improves upon a stimulus being presented?

Similarly, we are nature in motionWe have the capabilities and infinite intelligence to evolve beyond any situation.

Oftentimes our minds are obsessed and cluttered with the energy of the problem (being focused and ‘stuck on the problem’) to allow our natural growth and expansion to move beyond it.

It doesn’t always happen right away, just like nature incubates a seed to grow and expand, so do you.

You assimilate all the information needed from the present, past and anything else to have the insights and synchronicities to move on.

It can be instantaneous, or it can take a little incubation time.  When we say “All happens in perfect timing”, it happens when all the aspects within you are ready to receive; however long it takes you to do that, whether by design or by accident.

Are you allowing that natural process?

Remember you are a fantastic aspect of the Divine through which Infinite Intelligence and synchronicities flow.  No goals and desires are unreachable for you.

Nothing is beyond you.  Nothing is too big for you. <3




Looking for Love? (Attracting Love)


With Valentine’s Day coming up we are having a call (with audio download) on Attracting Love this weekend on Manifesting Excellence!  Lower down this post I have shared a Real-Life Love Story with you.

Of course, if you are already in a relationship (or some other ‘complicated’ situation!) and have questions or experiences to share you are welcome to send them in.

What would you be most excited to discover?

On this Saturday’s call we will be covering:

– How do I find my ‘soulmate’?
– Why do I keep attracting the same type of person?
– Why do I find different people but none has ‘everything’? And what can I do about it?
– How do I let go of my blocks?
– How do I find my blocks that I’m not even aware I have?
– And much more!

Do you have any questions, experiences or stories about this?  Register and send them in!

Law of Attraction and Love

You do not have to be able to access the call live – you can register and access the audio download at your convenience

We have people around the world that will be accessing this call from Australia, US, UK, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, India and many other countries.  The audio download makes it easy and convenient to access.

A Real-Life Love Story

Nancy hadn’t been in a long term relationship for many years.  She would meet guys and date, but it wasn’t working out.

She asked me about this at a live event and I worked with her in the seminar for about 20 minutes.  During the break she came up to me and said that her mind was feeling differently about the subject and found herself in thought – I said it was her mind processing the new possiblities and it would make sense.

Three weeks later Nancy shared on Manifesting Excellence that she had met a guy – “Mike”.

Two years on they have moved in together and have been travelling the country investing in real-estate as well as touring destinations around the world for the last year.

When we get congruent about what we want, what we want shows up in our lives.

If you’d like to access Saturday’s call/audio register here.

Law of Attraction & Attracting Love

Want to know more?  Try it out!  Register here.


“Transforming Debt to Prosperity Flow”



Is debt something that is a burden for you?  This is the case for many and below is a question that was sent to me by someone for whom it is.  She has been manifesting very well in general but money hasn’t been flowing as well as it can for her:


“(Excerpted) Hi Hemal, One thing I don’t understand is the majority of things in my life with regards to the manifesting seem to be getting better and more opportunites and synchronicities are happening for me, in fact a lot of things are escalating but the money situation is still dire.

I do wonder why the majority of things in my life are good and getting better all the time yet the money situation never seems to change, my money situation is the same now as it was years ago.

So it is the money situation I need to work on with the manifesting and little bits here and there won’t make a difference to me I need another huge windfall to get me out of debt and clear everything and start afresh, it would be great if you could cover this on the next call.

Many thanks.”

For many, debt can be very uncomfortable because it is very real and tangible – everytime you have a bill or payment or want to buy something you are reminded of it.  It can be scary.  It can also be very debilitating and entrapping.  And of course it is very hard to think of things being better because you keep thinking about they very thing you are stuck in (the debt).

This Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio I will be helping with this and much more.  The aim will be to move you towards something more tangible, constructive and helpful in moving forward from this situation.

What we will cover will include the following:

– Putting yourself in the best place to bring in financial flow
– Recovering from ‘debt disconnection’ to reconnect to your flow despite your financial situation
– Focussing energy when it has been scattered due to multiple debts
– Rebuilding self-image
– Working through the ‘scary’ thoughts about your finances and future
– Knowing how synchronicities and manifestations can happen and help you even though you may have financial debt
– Using debt strategies in other areas of life – such as losing weight!
– And much more

Law of Attraction and Debt

If you’d like to access the live call and/or the audio download afterwards then register here, you may find it very life-changing!

Once you have done that, if you would like to, do feel free to send in any questions or share about your situation if you would like help, even anonymously.



Manifesting by Letting Go of Old Energy & Clutter


Would you like to finish this year ready to have what you want in 2015?

For many, this time of year, in addition to being about loved ones and the spirit of festivity, is a time where focus shifts to closing out this year and starting the next with anticipation, excitement and great expectations.

This post will help you with that as well as what I will be covering this week, details below.




For many people, when they think about creation and manifestation, they think it to be about ‘creating’, ‘making happen’ and even ‘forcing’ things to happen.

It is often more about the allowing of you and who you are. The processes where people think they are activating their goal, whether by visualisation or any other process, is actually improving their ability to allow and RECEIVE what they want.

The reason most people do not manifest what they want is usually because of old energy they have trapped around them that they haven’t let go of (which is distorting their ability to allow and receive what they want).

Most people have the ability to manifest and create, but they block it and resist it, inadvertently and usually outside of their conscious awareness ie they unconsciously block it.

That is why it is important to reflect on energy we can release to create space for what we would like. When we do this, oftentimes what we want can come in automatically.

You are creating space in your energetic field by letting go of what no longer serves you.




Some forms of old energy/clutter:

– Emotions/memories
– Beliefs
– Physical clutter
– Digital clutter (Emails, text messages, files etc),
– People and emotions around them
– Incomplete/unresolved situations
– And much more

The above list is not exhaustive, I will be covering other hidden aspects this week.

The key thing is not the item but the energy you have about it.

Are you tolerating a situation or person in your life?

Are you aware that by you ‘tolerating’ the situation (whether consciously or unconsciously) it is taking energy for you to push against (resist) it? This takes energy from your body’s ability to heal & grow, you to manifest etc.

I will be talking about the above and much more on two Manifesting Excellence calls this week (you will also receive the audio downloads), on Wednesday & Saturday, where you can identify what you need to let go of as well as create an outstanding 2015.

This is the last chance to access this information for 2014.

Click here if you would like to access this content about letting go and creating an outstanding 2015 (includes access to the audio downloads).

The topics covered on the calls will include:

– Manifesting by Letting Go of Old Energy
– Overcoming ‘Clutter Blindness’
– Identifying ‘Unconscious Clutter’ You Didn’t Know You Had
– Incomplete and Unresolved Situations Take Up Your Energy
– What Are You Tolerating That is Silently Draining You?
– How to Determine if Something is Old Energy to Let Go of
– How to Easily Create Space For What You Want
– Focusing Techniques for 2015 Goals
– And Much More!

Register here to access this and much more!



3 Manifesting Questions For You


Here are 3 questions for you which the Manifesting Excellence group have been answering this week:


1 – What happens when two people want the same thing?  How does that work in relation to manifesting and the Law of Attraction?  For example, what if you and someone else are going after the same job (or lover!)?  Who gets it?

2 – “When it comes to parking spaces or ‘little’ happenings manifesting seems easy.  But I can’t seem to attract the ‘bigger’ things such as a long-term love partner, more money and so on… why is that happening?  What should I do?”

3 – “I keep attracting people that aren’t a fit for me in some way… what do I need to change to attract what (who) I want?”


What do you think?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Click here if you’d like to join us on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio at the weekend for the answers.



“3 Waves of Manifesting”


Just to let you know that on the Manifesting Excellence call at the weekend we covered the notion of “3 Waves of Manifesting“.

This is a new concept that I have been sharing which evolves your awareness of manifesting, making it easier and faster in your life.

Below are some of the notes from the call. If you would like to access the audio recording of it you can do so by registering at


“3 Waves of Manifesting”

Wave 1 – Affirmations, visualisation, goal-setting, ‘positive thinking’ etc (‘Simple stuff’) – the early days, years ago
Wave 2 – Getting into the ‘feeling’, energy, vibration etc (Being conscious of getting into the feeling/energy)
Wave 3 – What we covered on the call at the weekend

– Each of the previous waves, through greater awareness, leads to the next wave. Each subsequent waves includes the previous ones
– Using the terms quantum field, The Field, God, Universe, Source, Inner Being, Higher Self, energetic or non-physical aspect of you interchangeably
– All the techniques you have learnt, all the wisdom and the insights, all the ‘aha’ moments, they take you to the third wave – this wave includes everything before it
Your higher self is already there (where you want to be/do/have)
– “People often talk about faith. As I think about it, faith is an intermediate state because when you ARE something/somewhere, you do not need faith, you just ‘are'”

– “Let’s say you want to be a certain bodyweight. Notice, isn’t your higher-self already there energetically? What gets in the way is your past and present conditioning of how you see yourself”
Vibration/Energy Management
– Realise also that this is layered. In that you make some changes and it creates a shift within you. Then you make some more changes, and so on – PROGRESSIVE
– “When people are waiting for things outside of them to change, it suggests that they themselves have not fully changed because they are waiting for the outside. When you yourself have changed on the inside it won’t matter what happens on the outside because you are congruent with your change. Ironically, this is the quickest way the outside changes also.

Your inner being is
– All loving
– Abundant
– Knows it will be fine
– Nurturing/divine energy
– COMPLETION energy – not seeking or intention energy

When you say the following to yourself and how to resolve it
– “I’m not good enough”
   – “If only I did/didn’t do that”
   – “If only I could be/do/have…”
   – “I’m not young/old enough”
  – “I’m not smart/good looking enough”
  – “Why hasn’t it happened yet?”
  – “Why doesn’t it happen for me?”
  – “Why me?”

Those that try to get what they want by creating drama
– Some people get invested in drama because it gets them things… and then it is reinforced by people giving them things
– Notice the energy behind drama energy – “I don’t have what I want” – it can be victimhood, anger, noise, distraction etc – if you have what you want (ie aligned to your higher-self), would you need to do that?
– It is about COMPLETION energy
The third wave is working with that energetic part of you and being it. Living it. Being the physical embodiment of it. Living heaven on earth

Click here to register and access the audio of the call



Upcoming Radio Shows (with an Olympian athlete and a Singer)


Just to let you know of a couple of upcoming radio shows I’ll be on where you can hear the latest questions being asked as well as ask any of your own.

Of course, these are both freely accessible online or via calling in.


Firstly, I will be a guest on former Olympian Nicole Moneer’s Lifestyle360 radio show on the VoiceAmerica network next week.  Her show is in the Top 10 on their network.

The following are some of Nicole’s credentials:
Team Athlete
IFBB Bikini Pro & Olympian
2009 Ms. Bikini Classic Universe Champion
Olympian Labs Sponsored Athlete
Contest Prep-Bikini, Figure and Fitness Lifestyle Consultant
Pilates Reformer & Mat Certified
Internationally Published Fitness Model & Writer   

Throughout her life and career Nicole has applied and been fascinated by “The Law” (“Law of Attraction”).  She said she would love to have me on her show and give the TRUTH as to how to make this work even more effectively for her and her listeners.

The show is next Tuesday 12th August at 7am PT/10am ET/3pm UK time, you can find out more at Hemal Radia on Nicole Moneer’s Lifestyle360 show.

Hemal Radia on Nicole Moneer's Lifestyle360 show

Also later that day I will be on Chessie Robert’s Get on the Grid radio show.

In Chessie’s words:
Next Tuesday I discuss with Hemal what accuracy really means in this context of manifestation and how our mind, ego, spirit and emotion are used as tools to become aware of our feelings so that we do indeed create what we desire. Want to make your dreams come true? Then you can’t miss this interview! Hemal and I discuss what it is that so often trips us up in our attempts to manifest our goals and dreams.”

Chessie Roberts is a Singer/Songwriter, Spiritual Teacher, Author, Radio Host, Lecturer and much more

This show is next Tuesday 12th August at 4pm PT/7pm ET, you can find out more at Hemal Radia on Get on the Grid radio show.

Hemal Radia on Chessie Robert's Get on the Grid show


“Meeting Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Britt Ekland, Peter Sellers and David Niven”


Yesterday I had a very lovely experience which all started by me setting an intention, which I will share with you in a moment.

I was on my way to the gym early yesterday morning and I knew I would be doing quite a bit of cardio so I set an intention… I said to myself: “Wouldn’t it be lovely if I bump into some wonderful people at the gym and we have some GREAT chats!

The irony is this… I DID meet three people… and they were all people I had known from the gym for years, but (as a result of the energy of the intention) we had very NEW conversations…

The world around you reveals itself to your energy… if you have the same energy then you have the same experiences and same aspects experienced from others. 

Change your energy, and you draw forth new experiences, including from the same people.
The third person I synchronistically bumped into worked freelance with film studios such as Pinewood and Shepperton here in the UK and worked on major blockbuster movies over the years.  We have said hello to each other for years but this time we talked about all sorts of experiences that we have had in our lives.

In his case, we was telling me how in the 70s and 80s he worked on the Superman and Star Wars movies amongst others.  He met Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Peter Sellers and his wife Britt Ekland, David Niven and many others.

I got to know about these people as if I had met them myself… their nuances and their day to day habits which most people never get to know.
As we got talking my friend mentioned how in breaks during filming they would play football (soccer!).  They played football matches with Christopher Reeve and the lighting crew.  He told me now nowadays it wouldn’t happen anymore because the studios try to protect their ‘assets’ (the actors), including for insurance reasons.  I learned how Marlon Brando would take the crew out for drinks and was “a man’s man”.

I heard about how Peter Sellers would keep to himself, perhaps focused on his roles.  And there were quite a few stories about him and his then wife Britt Ekland!

I also heard about how David Niven is just like he is on-screen as is Christoper Reeve, and a gentleman.

My friend and I talked for quite a while and I learnt about many of the behind-the-scenes secrets and how high profile actors were when they weren’t on-screen.

I ended up getting a lot of cardio done as well as us laughing a lot and having plenty of fun!  At the end my friend and I shook hands and said we would chat again.


Let’s See What Happened Manifestationally…

1 – I set an intention: “Wouldn’t it be lovely if I bump into some wonderful people at the gym and we have some GREAT chats!

2 – I let it go.  I stayed in the moment and enjoyed my time in the gym.  I found that I used three pieces of equipment and waiting for me on the next equipment every time was someone ready to have a conversation.

Sure, I could have put on my earphones and listened to music or done something else, but I’d set the intention for conversation and this is what I got on this occasion, every time.

When you think of your goals, are you setting intentions?  Intentions create a focus in your energy.  Your perceptual filters (conscious and unconscious) also draw in data, information and situations to be consistent with your intention.

Setting intentions is often an under-rated tool.  Even if you are having a challenge or are stumped on a situation, set an intention for the answers to come to you – even if you don’t know how they will come.  Take it a step at a time.  You can intend your way to manifestations!

The above process may seem trivial to some, but it is a same type of process that makes fortunes, brings fantastic love to your life as well as bodily and health changes.


$50k in 60 Days, Losing Many Pounds in Bodyweight, Finishing a Book, and Much More!


Just to let you know that next week we are starting another 60 Day Process Thread on Manifesting Excellence.

Here are some of the achievements on the last one (which started on 7th May and finished last Friday):

– One woman made $50k in 60 days for the first time in her life (she is aiming for $100k in the next one starting on Monday)
– Another identified blocks which had been stopping her from increasing her income for over 30 years
– Another woman wrote a book and almost finished a second one also
– Health and energy benefits, juicing started by some, and many pounds in bodyweight lost!
Personal development goals achieved – the right information showing up at the right time!
– Other goals happening as a result of the natural focusing of energy in this process

Let me ask you, what would you like to happen in the next 60 days for yourself?

If others can make thousands of dollars, lose many pounds in bodyweight, finish writing books, have greater fulfillment and much much more, why can’t you have what YOU want?


Would you like to join the large list of people that have made things happen?  Or in 60 days will you look back with not much having changed in your life?

You get to set goals for yourself that YOU resonate with.  We are all in different places in our evolution with different things we want (or need) to happen for us to progress.

What would you like?

– A financial goal?
– Lose bodyweight?  Be firmer and trimmer?  Feel healthier?  Have more energy for your life and for those around you?
– Relationship goals?  Meet someone?  Deepen a connection you already have?
– Write a book?  Start a business?  Move your business to THRIVING?
– More fulfillment and joy in your life?
– Achieve a goal that you have been wanting to happen for some time but hasn’t happened yet?
– Overcome a challenge or an issue?  Grow in some ways?  Resolve some things so you can live your life much FREER?

I invite you to take this opportunity.  Many more are joining in on the next 60 Day Process which we are starting early next week.

Join now to make sure that you are in!

Many people read an email or a message like this but lack follow-through to make things happen.

Will you be making great things happen in your life in the next 60 days?  We would love you to… not for us, but for what YOU will get from it!

Join us by registering at Manifesting Excellence.

Wishing you a very special day ahead!!

60 Day Process - Law of Attraction



FREE Video – Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out: Letting Go – A Unique Way to Manifest


I was interviewed earlier today by Julie Seibert Coraccio in a video interview which went live on YouTube a little while ago about Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out: Letting Go – A Unique Way to Manifest.

In the conversation we talked about how many people aren’t even aware of what they need to let go – it is outside of their awareness!  We also talked about letting go, allowing, fear, ego and allowing things to naturally come into your life!

(If you are reading this on the email subscription then please click here to watch the video on the blog)

Since the interview Julie joined Manifesting Excellence right away. If you aren’t on there yet and would like to join her and many others click here!

Clearing Clutter, Letting go and Law of Attraction