“The Best Call Ever”


As you may be aware, we had a call yesterday on the group coaching calls about "Attracting Money & Material Possessions."  After the call, those that were on the call live said it was "The best call ever."


For an hour I covered content on prosperity, flow, abundance, dealing with debt, fear, and much more. For over half an hour afterwards I answered questions on these topics, and more.  The information below is what was sent in the email link to those of you that were registered to receive the download link of it.


Content covered included:

– How to change your energy about your situation by seeing it as an opportunity
Exercising your gratitude about it
Lack of money gets you to focus on within, which is a good thing
– It's actually not about money – it's about the most important relationship in your life, which is…
Is this taking you into or out of alignment with your Self?
Money and relationships tend to be influencers on many people's flow
Fear around money and debt, etc
Money and success are not good/bad, they are just magnifiers
Action steps and energetic steps
Making a list of 10, 20, 50 things etc
How will it be in a month, 3 months, 6 months etc?
What thoughts do you have on a daily basis about this?
– Communicating with your emotions and aspects of yourself
– As you shift your energy, inspiration and opportunities come
– And much, much more!

Questions asked included about:
– The formula for "How to Attract Money for Dummies"
– Difference between attracting small sums and big sums
– "Should I focus on attracting the money, or the possessions that the money will get for me?"
"I am great at promoting others and helping them, how can I have the same instincts for myself?"
– If someone has been successful at acquiring wealth with someone else and then the agreement or partnership changes or dissolves, what thoughts, feelings or actions would be best to maintain that wealth/lifestyle?
Handling litigation situations and staying in flow
Why is it some people fight hard for their money and end up with less, and others surrender without a fight and end up with less also?


If you'd like to access this call along with the downloads, you can do so via the  7 day trial mentioned at http://www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


That webpage will be updated in time to mention that the group calls have no obligation in having to  attend live sessions, though you can if you'd like to, and interact with me and others.  They are structured so you can access them how and when you like, including via the downloads of the calls. There is also a private Facebook group with a very strong spirit where, if you'd like to, you can connect with others and interact and enjoy a lot of fun and games that can help you to your flow.


(After the 7 day trial period, if you stay on, you also get a courtesy e-book version of my "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction" book.)


If it resonates with you, do feel free to check it out,  you have very little to lose.



“Attracting Money and Material Possessions” Call/Audio this Saturday

This Saturday's group coaching call will be about "Attracting Money and Material Possessions".

This is a popular subject which many of the members would like to get content, processes and answers on.   Another topic that is being asked about which we will most likely cover soon is about "Losing Weight".

If you'd like to be on the call or receive the download of it then you can register via the webpage at Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Calls

As members and those joining submit questions, these will form the processes, techniques and content that will be covered as a result.



“How I Attracted $6,000, Twice, and a Rent-Free Home This Year”

As you may know, much earlier this year I created the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching Calls.  A lot of people are having challenges in their lives and seeking answers.  I wanted to create something where people could easily and inexpensively get answers.

Over the year this has grown and flourished.  Including recently where we have been having an absolutely fantastic, fun and frenetic time playing “games” pretty much on a daily basis which help us attract more of the things we’d like.  We have had the Relationship/Soulmate Game, Prosperity/Wealth/Money Game, Health/Ideal Body Game, Gratitude Game, and others.  I am getting feedback from members saying that the thrill they feel in interacting with like-minded others and the friendships and support they find, as well as in having access to my skill and expertise on calls, is priceless.

As a Christmas gift to those who are registered, I have recorded a couple of audios from two members who have had various manifestations this year.  That’s right, these are REAL-LIFE PEOPLE IN THE GROUP WHO HAVE CREATED MANIFESTATIONS IN THEIR LIVES.  They are people with ‘real-lives’ like you and me and everyone else who have gotten into their flow and made things happen in their lives and in those around them.

They include a school teacher in Australia, and we talk about:
– How she Attracted a $47,000 lump sum
– How she has Manifested $6,000 twice this year (once in 5 days, the next time in 2 days)

– How she recently Attracted a Brand New House with no rent to pay and no electricity bills with all the mod cons
– Attracted 4 Scholarships to the value of over $20,000
– Manifesting Money
– How to Speed up Manifestations
– And much more

On another audio I also talk with a nurse in Scotland about:
– How she Attracted her “Dream” Car within a couple of weeks of when we started working together
– All sorts of other Manifestations such as Parking Spaces, Discounts on Groceries, Green Lights at Traffic Lights, Cups of Tea, Boxes of Chocolates, Energetically getting Someone to Move Out and her Move on with her Life , and More
– How she Applied what she has learned to her Hospital Ward and How it Inspired other Nurses and Colleagues!  Less Politics, More Spirit and More Laughter!

This will be a Christmas gift for anyone who is registered on the group calls.  If you’d like to register you can do so at: Group Coaching Calls.
There is no obligation to attend calls, you will receive a download link for them.

The website will be updated soon. You can register for $1 on it and also automatically receive a courtesy copy of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” after the trial period (value $14.95).



Law of Attraction




“Money, You & the Law of Attraction” PDF


Just to let you know that if you are on the Manifesting Excellence, you can download a “Money, You & the Law of Attraction” PDF from a teleseminar I did a couple of years ago.

It includes a selection of processes, techniques and questions to identify your underlying vibration around money or anything else. On the call this Saturday I will be going over it (the call is downloadable if you cannot attend it live).

To find out more, go to http://www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



Money PDF and Relationship Process on Manifesting Excellence


Just to let you know that for the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching call next week, I will be sending out a “Money, You and Law of Attraction” pdf with various exercises, questions and processes to apply in raising your vibration around the subject of money.
Also, in the next day or so we will be starting a daily process on the private Facebook group in raising ones vibration around Relationships.  Recently we did the Prosperity Game and a lot of fun was had.
You can join anytime and do not have to attend the calls live, you can download the audios afterwards. You are also welcome to submit your questions and be on the call live if you would like to be.  And as mentioned, there is a private group for you to interact with others also.

Law of Attraction   

Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Want to hear an example of how someone used appreciation and gratitude in attracting money to the sum of $350 within a few days?

I was approached by someone wanting to be a new client a week ago, whom I have been working with since then.  She doesn’t speak English very well, and so she preferred our interactions to be via email and audio replies which I sometimes send out to clients.  She is also on Manifesting Excellence and has been listening to the audios there.

She is in a job where she is not happy, in a relationship and living at a place where she would like to be able to have some contemplation away from.

The financial means to do so would be very helpful to her.  Hence, when she got in touch she wanted to get into her flow and attract work opportunities, financial resources, and more.




Getting a Sense of What’s Valuable to Work on Now

When I start working with someone I get a sense right away on where they are energetically and the steps for them to take at that moment.  In her case, I got her to start making lists of what she appreciated in her life.  I felt at the time that this would be the most useful thing for her.

I get a sense of what is most valuable for the client at the time, and also what they would enjoy the most as I want people to enjoy themselves, have fun, and be in their flow.

She was feeling the benefits of my suggestions in how she felt about herself right away and would tell me so.

I amped it up further and suggested she did the appreciation more frequently in the day, such as every few hours when she could, or even more frequently than that.  I also shared this approach in more detail on the Manifesting Excellence private group.


Shift the Energy, and Things Around You Shift Too

Things started happening in her life.  She felt more energy, she felt more of a purpose in her life.  And no longer did she allow the work that she hadn’t been enjoying to get her down, because she had something much bigger and better to focus on.

Within days, at the start of this week, she attracted a situation where she won $350 as well as various other happenings.

I wanted to share this example in how making subtle shifts in your energy can change things around you, including in attracting money.

Noticing the things that you DO have in your life is a great place to start in focusing on what is PRESENT in your life.

One, it magnifies your attention to what you DO have, and secondly, if you are focusing on what is present, that is time and attention that you WON’T be spending on lack – a two-fold effect on the energy that you are putting out.


Click here if you’d like to Work One-to-One with Hemal:

There are now two-hour packages to interact with him over the month available as well as four-hour packages!

Click here if you’d like to join Manifesting Excellence:

You can try it out and ask your questions!


“Attracting Money, Jobs, and Material ‘Possessions'” On This Week’s Live Call

Just to let you know that the live call this coming Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence program is about "Attracting Money, Jobs, and Material 'Possessions'" or any questions related to it.

This has come about from various member questions about these subjects, so we thought we'd have a live call where you can submit questions for it.  It can be about a situation that you're in, a challenge, other aspects of 'attracting', or anything else related to this.

If you'd like to know more about the program and want to join, go to Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Coaching Program

Upon joining, you can interact with others on a private group on Facebook as well as submit any questions you have if you'd like to.

Want To Know How Quickly Things Can Happen In Your Life?

As you may know from my post last week, I was at the Professional Beauty Show in London yesterday (Sunday) where I was meeting many of you and signing copies of my book.

Below is a video of someone who didn’t know me a week ago, yet within 5 days of her coming across some material of mine, she is having all sorts of manifestations and synchronicities in her life, including in terms of attracting clients, sales and revenue.  I thought you would enjoy her inspiration, as well as what is possible for YOU.



(If you are reading this anywhere other than on the blog,

click here to go to the blog post with the video)

I have always said that things can happen very quickly in your life.  It is about changing the energy.  It takes a simple step, and then another and you build a momentum.  What happens for many people is they are not always aware of how to make those steps.

There is an infinite and abundant energetic momentum that is ready to be on your side in you lining up to it.  The Universe has already created your manifestations, it’s just waiting for you on a physical level to line up so you can experience them on a physical level.

Click here to to Download a Free Sample of “Find You, And You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction”

Law of Attraction book

Law of Attraction Technique to Work with Money (or Anything else)

Here is a technique, using Law of Attraction and vibration, which I started writing about on the Manifesting & Law of Attraction page on Facebook a few days ago.  Quite a few people commented and found it valuable.

Sometimes when in a situation of the absence of money (or anything), it can be not so easy to envision it in your life. If that isn’t easy, allow yourself to make a list of what is good about money itself (or anything else) and how it adds to life in general (regardless of it being in your life or not).

What this does is it allows you to get in touch with the positive aspects of something without having to deal with the resistance of it being or not being in your life. You are not making a list of money in your life (unless it feels comfortable to do so) but on what ways money in general is good – you are focusing on, and practicing, positive associations to it and about it.


What you attract is not based on what you ‘think’ but on what you ‘feel’ (vibrate) and ‘are’.  It’s not about logic, but about who you are – your ‘beingness’ – and what you are projecting from your place of power.


Once you practice your positive associations about something, you will be shifting your focus and attention in that context to things that feel better.  In doing this, you can then be in a better vibrational place to write/think about it being in your life and visualise/imagine it etc. 
You are in essence building a vibrational bridge from where you were starting to where you can feel better and think, feel and envision about what you want and it feeling good. 
Sometimes when we start off thinking about something, it doesn’t feel good.  The above process allows you to bridge that and think/feel from a better and more fun place.

The above can be applied to your relationship with anything; money, a person – any context, any-thing.

It’s about shifting your perspective and momentum of thought about a subject to a better place, where you can use other techniques to further build (and attract) it into your life.

Do feel free to share your comments and experiences below (If you are not on the blog, click “Law of Attraction Technique to Work with Money (or Anything Else)” to go to this post on the blog)

Making Money Doing What You Love, with Law of Attraction

> I am in a Law of Attraction Master Mind group and we are discussing the money aspect of our chosen path. We have been challenged to contact someone whom we admire that is doing what we wish to do and ask them a question. I have chosen you and the question is: What would you say about creating an income from someone's passion? If you feel that this something you can share with me I will be so grateful.
I thank you for your time and wish you bright blessings, Chessie, creator of "Evolution lf Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance"

If someone follows their true joy, that joy in itself has a very attractive vibration.  It will bring people to it that are a match to it.

What prevents many people from creating an income from what they love are their beliefs about it. 

Consider the following questions:

– Do I believe it is possible to make money from this?
– Do I believe that *I* can make money from this?

– As I think about doing this thing that I love, how do I feel?  Do I feel a conflict in relation to something else in my life, such as with creating money, or with something else?

– What other thoughts come up for me about this thing that I want to do?

It may not necessarily be that you always have to have positive answers to the above questions, it can even be that you just ALLOW the possibility of it (i.e. not block it).

If everything is energy in this Universe, then the possibility exists in everything.  The only thing that stops you is your vibration – which is composed of your beliefs about it.  Oftentimes, many of these beliefs are from past programming, maybe thoughts about 'traditional' ways of making an income etc. 

Regarding this last point about 'traditional' ways of making an income, some people, who are looking to start their own business, have been very used to making an income through a 'regular' job and when it comes to them starting their own business and following something they love, they may have beliefs about it not being right to do something that they love, that work and money are not meant to be enjoyable, etc.  These are all beliefs.  And beliefs can quickly be changed.

On the other hand, you can have beliefs that it is fun to make money, it is fun to do what you love – in fact that it's the best way.  That by you enjoying what you do, you are offering something so much more, and the money naturally comes from that also.  If you were giving someone so much joy and pleasure through the vibration of joy that you share, as you think about it, people would find it impossible not to give you money for it.

Some people believe they are not worthy to do what they love and make money from it.

In the joy of what you feel for what you are doing, the worthiness is inherent in that.  The value and the 'worthiness' is in the joy.  The vibration is the most important aspect that you can transfer on.  If you have that, then you are 'worthy'.  I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago about "It's not about the Actions but about the Energy behind those Actions."

In you questioning your worthiness, you are diluting the value that you offer.  Allow yourself to think of yourself in the grandest of ways and with the greatest contribution possible.  Activate the most powerful vibration within yourself.  Do it in the most loving of ways and in ways you resonate with, relative to your beliefs.  Allow your beliefs to expand and grow and for you to (vibrationally) 'grow' to this possibility for yourself.

In light of the above, as you think about it now, how unnatural would it be to NOT make money following your love… 😉