“Find You, and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law Of Attraction” IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

Find You, and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law Of Attraction



I have been receiving messages EVERY SINGLE DAY from all around the world asking when you can have this book and it’s my great pleasure to say that it is now available for YOU to have!

CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”

Just the chapter on Abundance was way better than The Secret and
The Power put together; it was simple, practical and very realistic. 
A blind man can read it and be amazed!
Narda Mohammed, Life Coach, New York, USA

The DEFINITIVE guide to changing your life with The Law Of Attraction!  You have the knack of understanding and explaining the principles of Law of Attraction, for example, way better than Abraham and Esther Hicks.  There is no better text on this subject – this may be the most important book you will ever read.  Hemal Radia is a master teacher who explains the Law of Attraction and the power of manifesting better than anybody else, and in terms everyone can implement instantly.
Lena Mitchell Jasiak, Perth, Australia

You are amazing.  You are, in my opinion, the world’s leading expert on Manifesting and the Law of Attraction
Wendy Franklin Muhammad, Host of Authentic You radio show, Chicago, USA

 CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”


Thank you Hemal!!  I love your work and the way you word your teachings. You are by far my favourite Law of Attraction teacher!!
Keep up the good work!!!!
Gillian Gregory, Elgin, Scotland

You are the only person that made me truly understand “The Secret”…seriously!  I am really practising!  Everyday, I’m doing it properly – since I met you.  I always think that something big is coming my way…and I am enjoying the absolute now.  I always find something to be happy for.  This is  A M A Z I N G,  T H A N K  Y O U!!
There is not one day that I do not think how grateful you have made my heart.  Thank God you exist, Hemal!!
Silvia Bardellini, Ibiza, Spain

You are a brilliant beacon of light and wisdom, Hemal. In my opinion, no one brings it like you in the Law of Attraction business. 
Thank you for all you do.
Peter Ruble, USA


If you are wanting results, Hemal is the perfect person.  He will give you the perfect answer….and you’re always left feeling really good.
Stephanie Swann, Arizona, USA

 CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”

You are SIMPLY THE BEST!  Thank you again, Hemal. 
It means A LOT to me.  I wish you success and happiness, always. 
You are loved.
Claudia Caecilia, Indonesia

I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible.  You are doing much good Hemal! 
And I feel really blessed to have connected with you.
Georgina Laros, Personal Development Coach and Author of “Tables & Chairs”, South Africa

Hemal has an INCREDIBLE handle on the laws of vibration. The chapter on Abundance alone was filled with so much insight that it was able to give me an entirely new perspective. You must read this book,
it will change your life!
Justin MacArthur Rand, Light Beam Academy, Boston, USA

You are amazing at what you do!
I just read the next chapter and I’m hooked!  I am LOVING this.
Hemal’s divine writing style allows me to truly comprehend the Law of Attraction.  His writing engages me and his use of visualization really defines the point and expresses the truth behind the Law of Attraction.  He has a talent for writing in a way which touches the spirit.  After reading this, I feel more in tune with myself and my journey.  I am going to read this every morning as a jump-start to my day!
Candice Quinn, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”





Remember, Vegas Hotel room rate is at HALF price until end of August


I just wanted to remind you that if you are wanting to attend the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event next month (September 25th & 26th) that the discounted $99 rate (excl tax) that we have negotiated with the hotel for a studio suite at the Trump International is until August 31st.  This is almost HALF their regular rate of $179 (excl tax).

It would be great to meet you there if you can make it!  My intention is it will be a VERY special event with a lot of life changing, transformational, exhilirating, and fun, content.

Trump Suite

Bring Your Intentions, Expect them to Progress

You may come with goals and outcomes that you would like to be working on in your life
.  As well as me covering content, there will be interaction also. 

No Coincidence in You Being There

There will be no coincidence of the people attending and the questions asked, the answers and content you receive, and the connections you make.  It will be beautifully orchestrated for you to receive the answers you are looking for to take you towards where you want to be heading.


Las Vegas - night time-2

Answers for You on Many Levels

This Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event will give you many answers, on many levels, for themes in your life, and where you want to be heading.  The answers and content will be ‘multi-layered’ in that they will speak to you on many levels, and you will take information and ideas in the best ways that fit for you.

Finding ‘You’

You will also find a better connection with yourself on many levels.  When I work with clients, this happens right away and their perspectives change on everything, which in turn leads to them being more aligned to the scenarios that they want.  This harmony is always there, I enable you to more easily find ‘You’.

Connecting with Others before and during the Event

Whilst people have been booking onto the event, my intention is to create a way where attendees can connect before the event if they would like to.  Most likely, this will be a private Facebook Group for attendees.  We are also working on arranging optional buffet dinners on the evenings of the event so attendees can spend more time with each other and with me.

I know many of you that have booked, and know that there will be wonderful connections amongst you, as well as what you get from the event itself.  There are ‘light workers’, intuits, practitioners, coaches, and more, amongst those attending.

Vegas event room pics

Do remember, the $99 deal from the Trump International hotel is until the end of August

For more information and to book, go to Law of Attraction in Las Vegas

Dealing with the End of a Marriage or Relationship (or Anything!)


When we have decided we will spend the rest of our lives with someone (or it feels that way), and it doesn’t quite work out that way, we have to deal with the emotions about that, the dynamics of the relationship, as well as all the other emotions in play. It can be a time of upheaval.  Remember what it was always about: you went into a marriage/relationship for happiness, love and joy.  Let that be the light for you to head towards – these emotions, even if at the time they might appear in the distance.  Remember also that perspectives and circumstances change very quickly in your changing attention – ‘things’ and solutions appear where they weren’t appearing previously.


The marriage or relationship was meant to be a reflection of these emotions for you, not a replacement.

Avoid getting pulled into the dramas. They take you away from your true self and your true authenticity. You went into a relationship for two wholes to create something special together. It is still about something special (it always is) – You. And despite there being another, you could only have something special together, from your own specialness individually; that has not changed anyway.


When a relationship (or anything) ends it seems like the end of something. Consider that the ending of the relationship (or anything) was actually part of the process of something new beginning.

The relationship served it’s purpose and all possibilities are open to you in your now, as they always have been. They are open to you from your true self and your true authenticity.  Not from games, smoke and mirrors, and distortions.  All those things hide the real you. And if you feel the need to be scared and not yourself, what is it that you are (vibrationally) communicating to the rest of the Universe?


Realise your power is within you, not on what happens outside of you (which is a reflection), and in your now.  And despite what has happened with this other person, you are no less adored and loved.


The Universe totally adores you unconditionally, it always has, other than the doubts and conditions you filter that love and ‘energy’ through. 


Remember to look for the indicators in your experience of how you are blessed and what you DO have, than what you don’t.  Sometimes we can look at something that has ended or is ending and feel regret and sadness, especially if we are not wanting it to end.  It may seem like a loss of your whole world.


Realise that this relationship was something that you made your world, it was something that you expanded to make your world, by your attention to it.  When something then turns not so pretty, it can be uncomfortable.  Withdraw your attention from it, and balance it with the rest of your world that has always existed, that you had selectively filtered out whilst you focused on the relationship.  You are just shifting your perspective from this person or situation to be in balance with everything else.  Previously, when things were good, because they were good, you chose to shift the balance and make it your predominant focus.  Now, as you move on for now, you are shifting the balance, and creating space for other things in your life.  And of course, the Universe responds in kind with new energy.


There is an abundant and infinite stream of what can come into our lives.  When we hold onto things due to our emotional attachments, we are not allowing the space and freedom and possibilities of what else may come into our lives.  We can use fear to hold onto things, or trust and faith to allow this energetic stream.  It’s not really about the relationship with the other person, but the relationship with ourselves and our own divinity.


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Download the FREE “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” audio

You are very, very good at what you do. Great insight, great wisdom & delivery that creates ah-ha moments. I really appreciate the gift of it Hemal. So much appreciation coming to you right now from me.

— Lena Mitchell Jasiak

For those of you who haven’t downloaded the audio of the recent “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” teleseminar, you can do so here!  This event was very popular and HUGELY appreciated, as you will see.  There is content at the start about making this a great year for you, followed by insights to questions submitted.

It was scheduled for an hour and ended up being two hours because there were so many questions and interactions on it!  There is a lot of information here and great answers to some great questions.  And it’s a FREE audio to download. 

To download it:


I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible … You are doing much good Hemal! … and I feel really blessed to have connected with you here.  The content, which I always find really valuable because even though it is stuff that I mostly know (on a deeper level) … again, you simplify it and make it so easy to apply.

— Georgina Laros, South Africa

This is fabulous… so much good
information and you’re hitting on so many areas that resonate here.
Your presentation was great last time and it’s even better this time.
Thank you!

— Krystal, Southern California

Thank you so much, Hemal! You answered all of my
questions, and in doing so gave me guidance to move ahead. As a side
benefit I found peace within myself for the ways you have offered
guidance to deal with my quandries! I look forward to your continuing

— Judy Green, USA



There were countless questions answered, some included:

– How do I manifest loads of money when I have never experienced it before?  How do I stop feeling discouraged when I compare myself to others successes in manifesting?

– What do I do when I feel my soulmate and twin flame is with another?

– I have used goal setting in the past and at times it has worked and at other times not.  Can you please guide me on this and on staying positive?

– I know it’s best to think only of the present moment -“the Now” – but how do I focus and be positive as I continue to endure several simultaneous and overwhelming life-changing situations this year?

– What if we attract something which is contrary to the lessons we may have chosen to learn. eg, what if our path is to learn to be poor to serve the poor, but we want to be comfortable financially?

– What do you do about negative people bombarding your life?  They seem to be all around and pulling you down.

– What if what you would like to manifest is possible but it seems “mountains will have to move out of the way” or a miracle occur for it to happen?  Still keep believing?

– I am looking to meet a partner that I can share my world with as well as start a family. I have been dating and continue to meet men that show interest and similar goals but when I express my interest in a relationship things take a different direction.  What can I do?

– As a result of some things that have happened, I doubt I will ever be as successful and get as much money now.  I fear I will become lonely, lose my friends, and that they are judging me. That they have views about me that I won’t like.  Is there something that can be done?

Thank you Hemal for valuable conversation!
You are extraordinary person! Please, keep walking your special way!
Have fantastic 2010 year! !

— Olga, Lugansk, Ukraine

It was very insightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom to the world 🙂

— Karla M. Nashar, Indonesia

A Video about Tomorrow’s Teleseminar

Here is a video which Emma Turner of 7thSpace surprised me with earlier.  It has scenic pictures with beautiful music and gives suggestions on questions for tomorrow’s teleseminar.

If you are reading this in an email then CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view it on YouTube you can do so by CLICKING HERE

It’s not so much about the ‘How’, it’s about Lining up Your Energy

I got inspired to write this from an interaction I had with a client this morning.  This is what I wrote in a status message on Facebook about it earlier:

“About a month ago a client said that she wanted to lose weight but it felt like a bit of a chore and ‘hard work’. She was also looking to be in a relationship. In the last couple of weeks she has found a partner she is *very* attracted to (at the time she couldn’t believe it happened)…who is a gym instructor and she is spending more time at the gym (EVERY DAY last week lol) than ever. Interesting how things happen isn’t it 🙂

Let go of the how, focus on the essences of what you want, let the Universe orchestrate the details, which will be a match to your overall vibration.”

(Relationships is one of the areas we had worked on in helping her get alignment)



When we think of something not happening or not being possible, what do we do?  We tend not to think of it happening or it not turning out how we want to because of our beliefs about it (our beliefs act like switches as to whether we consider the notion of something happening or not), or we have a fear about the situation. 

How about allowing yourself to daydream about how nice it would be if it was to happen instead?  You don’t have to say it ‘will‘ happen (because that can be uncomfortable for some people because they do not fully believe it at the time), but ALLOW YOURSELF TO CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITYJust allow yourself to think of it and feel from it and daydream, just CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY.  As you do that, it will get stronger and stronger.

Allow yourself to feel the sensations of how it would be, without putting pressure on yourself for it to ‘have to’ happen.  By you experiencing these sensations without doubting or ‘thinking’ – i.e. without contradicting, these feelings will grow and build and you will start to see clues of it happening.

What happens for most people is because they do not believe that what they want can happen they disregard the possibility right away and short circuit their flow so to speak, so they don’t even give themselves a chance.   It’s about being gentle and kind with yourself.  Allow yourself to entertain the possibility of what you would like just for the thought of it, just for the fun of it.  That takes away the pressure of it ‘having to’ happen, and you are doing this for fun.

And as you do that your thoughts about it will build and grow and get stronger.  As this happens you will start to get ideas and physical manifestations.  These will act as a reflection of your building consciousness about this and you will also feel more and more certain about it – which means your expectation and belief will grow and your pull for what you want will be even greater and greater.

“When you tune into the possibilites this
Universe can provide you, you will think of yourself as crazy for all that
you were holding back from yourself.”


Castle in hand

The thing most people do is they let their doubts and fears come in and short circuit their natural and infinite and abundant universal flow There is no limit to the universal energy the Universe is sending you in every moment – and it is all around you – it’s about you letting it in and allowing it. 

Some thoughts you can consider:
– If my life could turn out wonderfully, how would it be?
– If things went right, what would it be like?
– What if things DO work out for me, how would it be?

go of the ‘how’ and the ‘thinking it’ too much.  What we are talking about
is you FEELING from what you want.  We are talking about vibration and
manifestation, not actions or plans or linear and logical
possibilities (there is a place in life for them too, but here we are talking about lining up your energy).

cannot fathom the possibilities for you from what you have been used
to.  Can
you imagine what it would be like if every resource in this Universe –
because you and it are not separate – was responding to
your aligned vibration to bring you what you wanted?”

Abstract storm



What many do is they expect themselves to rationally and logically know HOW they will get what they want.  That is what we have been taught as we have grown up.  We’ve been taught to have a plan and a structure and have actions listed out.  Many people even teach the Law of Attraction with this.  That is all very well, I would encourage people to use a vibrational aspect with this.

We are in a Universe that is not just physically full of logic and actions, but also non-physical and spiritual and there is far more that is unseen and we feel from the heart than what we can physically see.  There are dormant capabilities within you and around you.

Do you remember a time when things just ‘clicked’?  When they just fell into place and you weren’t ‘thinking’ too much and just ‘being’?  And you weren’t evaluating, you were experiencing, and things were just taking care of themselves.  THAT’S an example of when you had your energy aligned.  You may not have been aware of how you did it consciously, but you were in a place where you were in the moment and things were happening.

I work with clients with different aspects and often it is about identifying what feels best to them and taking
their attention off the things that do not matter.  Understandably
people have habits of thought they have built up over years and it
is just about practicing a new way.  Just like the client mentioned
above, people can start to see things around themselves in their lives
change.  But you do it for how you feel, the manifestations are natural

I hear pretty much everyday from people who have read something I have written or a teleseminar they have heard or in working with me and it has inspired them to think of something differently (and it is a pleasure and an honour to be on the receiving end of it!) and that has brought into their life all sorts of things.  I am hearing these stories everyday and throughout the day and this is happening around you and you will see more and more of it.  There’s only expansion and growth, you – nor anyone else – do not grow smaller.  You will experience more and more of these things.

Regarding the above interaction, it was with a Law of Attraction coach who is very successful at what she does.  From my perspective I just happened to suggest some tweaks and it has changed how she sees things and what has come into her life.

If you’d like to know more about working one-to-one with me you can do so here: Working One-to-One with Hemal.


Light cascade

“Love is you Being You” on Video!

I have received a surprise just now when Emma Turner of http://www.7thspace.co.uk has let me know she has created a video of my “Love is you Being You” article!

If you are reading this in an email, CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view this on YouTube then CLICK HERE.  (You are welcome to rate it and put a comment if you would like to!)

Attracting Someone Specific using the Law of Attraction

Attracting Someone Specific using the Law of Attraction

See also: Using the Law of Attraction in Attracting Soulmates


I want to ask about attracting someone specific using the Law of Attraction.  I read your article on how you really wanted the Jaguar and got it!  Amazing.. anyways I really hope you can help me because I think its fate that I have this opportunity to seek advise from you.. I really like this young man and I know he is the one for me but he has not shown much interest back yet.. although I know deep down we are going to be spending the rest of our lives together can you please help me or guide me how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest my dream to be together with him forever.thanks very much.. I would really appreciate it if you could help me….


When having a scenario of attracting someone specific, you focus on what it would feel like to be with this person. How does it feel? What are the qualities? And you think, you visualise and FEEL from that place. You FEEL excitement.

I know you feel this is ‘The One’. There are many ‘Ones’. The Universe (God, or whatever you want to call it) is abundant – including this one that you have found.

Let go that it has to be this one in that you are allowing this one – or any other that feels and has qualities at least as good to be in your life.  By you ‘forcing’ this particular person, it could push against it. The way you know is how you feel.

The Universe is not scarce or limited. It will provide you everything you want. But it will find the best ‘form’ of the essence that you are offering – it can be this person or another but it will reflect back how you feel. If you feel wonderful, in love, looking ahead to a wonderful future, having all the things that you think about and more, it will reflect that back.

Just focus on what feels good. If things appear not to be ‘going to plan’, let go of thinking of this particular person and let it come to you in the best way. If you believe in God, the Universe or anything else, it’s all the same thing – have faith in the bigger picture, and stay feeling from a wonderful place so what you want can find its way to you.

I m so happy that you replied to me.. you are absolutely right.. i will focus on the qualities and not the one person…. the right personcould be him but its the qualities that i m so drawn to and i know, i know like I know he is coming soon into my life…may god bless u always.


You could be fixated on this guy, and not know how he is about marriage, but there might have been another guy standing right next to you who is at least as ‘perfect’ for you and is ready and willing and wanting to be with you but you never saw him because you were looking at this other guy.

So focus on what you want to feel and experience and let the form take care of itself – it can happen in the most wonderful and magical of ways.

And also take it as a sign that the fact that you’ve experienced something tells you that you are thinking/feeling in a good way and are on your way.

Want to attract amazing things in your life? Check out:

Law of Attraction, The Secret, Manifesting, Attracting someone specific

“Attracting Someone Specific using the Law of Attraction” Hemal Radia copyright 2008