Firstly, there is no secret.  The Law of Attraction, and the answers to it have always been available to you based on your vibrational asking (more on that later), think of it as it’s always been, and is, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears’, whenever you’ve been ready – vibrationally, for anything, it has appeared; it’s Law.  No exceptions.

There is also no coincidence you are reading this article right now.  You always attract what you are a vibrational match to.

“If you’re looking for the key to the universe, I’ve got some good news and bad news.
The bad news: there’s no key to the Universe. The good news: it was never locked.”

Swami Beyondananda


As a summary, this article will cover:

Recently there has been quite an ‘awakening’ and the term ‘Law of Attraction’ has become popularised for all sorts of things.  I’d suggest focusing on the essence and the spirit and the ‘energy flow’ than the terms that are being offered to you.  This information has always been, and always will be available to you, regardless of any hype, as you will be able to attract it in the best way into your life.  You do not have to go to only one source for ‘THE’ way, the universe will provide as many perspectives as you ask and are open to.  What you should trust is your own guidance and intuition and what you feel drawn to.




Using the Law of Attraction puts you in harmony with the Universe (or ‘God’ or Source or whatever term you want to use).  The Universe expands THROUGH you.  When you have a goal or desire and you grow through attaining it, the Universes expands through you.  It wants you to want what you want (they are also its wants too) and to flow desire and energy towards it, and it will match your energy (vibration) to it, you will attract whatever you are a vibrational match to.

The universal stream that flows through everything and everyone is everywhere, it’s the universal organising principle in the universe, it organises through vibration, your choice is whether you want to deliberately be lined up with it or not, and this is how in your harmony with ‘All-That-Is’ you experience synchronicities and being in ‘the flow’.

The Universe has infinite solutions, but you have to ask for solutions, not problems.  Whatever you focus on expands, whether it be problems or solutions.  The solutions can be as grand as you like, that’s in your choosing, the universe is abundant and infinite in orchestrating the answers.  What are you willing to conceive for yourself?

Inside EVERY desire there is the mechanics for its fulfillment, much like in every seed there is a tree (or many trees!)  You do not have to think about the ‘how’, you just have to focus on your desire and get in harmony with it, and live FROM having it – vibrational alignment with it – feel what it is like to have it in your reality, and live from that place.  The Universe will orchestrate the ‘how’, you’ll be in the right place at the right time, you’ll get the ideas and inspiration, you’ll happen to bump into someone that will mention something in relation to what you want or you’ll catch a TV programme or an article and it’s just what you were looking for at that moment in time – there is no limit to the solutions.  If you think you ‘missed out’ on taking action on something, just keep your attention on what you’re wanting than on the fact you ‘think’ you didn’t do something right (hey weren’t you meant to put aside figuring out the how and just CONCENTRATE ON YOUR DESIRE?), focus on your vibrational alignment and the Universe will orchestrate chance after chance after chance after chance, and so on….

Limitation and scarcity, and competition (as a result of the perception of limitation and scarcity usually), are concepts in the human model of thinking not in the Universe’s, the Universe deals in abundance, limitlessness, infiniteness, expression, creativity, harmony, flow, expansion, and much much more.  It’s not about ‘undoing’, because you can never really ‘un-do’ something as you have new eyes and experience as a result of it, you can never look back on a same situation as you’ll have new eyes and will have expanded as a result of it, it’s about expanding from your present moment, and there are no limits on that at all, all possibilities are open, other than those you close with your perceptions.





Everything in the universe is vibrating on a quantum level (an even more minute level than the atomic level) at varying degrees, but it is vibrating so fast that things appear solid, such as rocks, trees, people etc.  Do you remember being told when you’re at the cinema and watching a movie that it’s not actually a ‘movie’ but a series of frames being flashed in quick succession, 24 per second, that make it appear like a ‘movie’?  Well that’s what the whole universe is like in that everything is vibrating on a deeper level.  It’s vibrating so quickly that it appears solid at varying levels.  As mentioned, even solid matter such as trees and rocks and people, AND THOUGHT are vibrating, at varying levels.

Your thoughts are magnetic, everything is magnetic on a vibrational level. The Law of attraction states that ‘like attracts like’.

Your senses are interpreting vibration and re-presenting
it to yourself in what you perceive and experience through your senses,
and the things you perceive are always in proximity to your vibration –
you don’t experience something you are not close to vibrationally –
like attracts like.

Other analogies of Law of Attraction include:

Birds of a feather flock together
-What you sow is what you reap
-As with-in so with-out

All thoughts have a vibration.  So if you are saying ‘I don’t want to be poor’, your mind has to think of ‘not poor’, i.e. it has to internally represent ‘poor’ and thus resonate with that vibration.  Don’t think of a blue elephant in a yellow tree – your mind had to represent it internally.  Thus it had to think of it to ‘not’ consider it.  You can’t not think of something, your neurology cannot process a negative, it can’t ‘not’ think of something without actually thinking of it!  So focus on what you WANT than on what you don’t want, resonate with the vibration of what you want than of what you don’t want, you will know you are as what you want will feel good and what you don’t won’t.

So what happens if you’re looking for money, wealth and prosperity and your attention is on having ‘enough’ money and ‘getting by’?  Do they sound vibrational matches?  Most probably not.  It’s not the words you use but the vibration, the feelings, behind the words that are important, but generally most people’s interpretations of prosperity and ‘getting by’, for example, are very different and probably contradictory.

Hence in those scenarios the more you ‘try’ the further away you get because you’re reinforcing the absence of money than the presence of it.  There will be some tips later on getting vibrational alignment with it.

Everything you want IS around you, all possibilities exist, it’s about aligning your thoughts and vibration and letting it into your reality.  It’s like being in a boat in the ocean and asking for water…and looking at the boat and not what’s around (or what you are looking for) and asking for water and…looking at the boat….

When you line your vibration up with what you want you are changing the probabilities of what you want to happen.  There is a probability for everything – everything has a possibility – you affect it with your vibration

You’ve always been ‘using’ the Law of Attraction, whether you’ve been aware of it or understood it or not, much like gravity.  You can’t not use it whilst you’re in the physical universe, it’s just whether you’ve been using it consciously and deliberately or not.



As you think a thought and don’t contradict it (such as you think of money but don’t dwell on the absence of money), and hold it momentarily you will attract another thought, and another thought, and another, and another, and so on, and you will soon have gathered a cluster of thoughts.  Soon enough they will become your dominant thinking on that subject and they will manifest in your physical reality

The key thing is whatever you put out you get back – however it’s not necessarily about what actions you put out, it’s about the vibration you put out, or in that case the vibration about the action, it’s the energy behind the action than the action itself.

Some people talk about taking certain actions, such as clutter clearing, tithing, etc to attract abundance.  Some people attract it, some don’t.  The difference is in the intent and vibration ABOUT what they do.  Some people tithe because they’ve heard that’s how you attract more money and they ‘need money’, whereas others do it because THEY HAVE THE FEELING they have MORE THAN ENOUGH and are passing what they have onto others, they are continuing the flow.  These people may have relatively little but it’s about the perception, THE FEELING that they have plenty, which attracts more of the same, that they have ‘plenty’.





Many other posts on my blog will go into more detail and provide examples on Manifesting and using the Law of Attraction but here are some quick tips on using it in your life.  There are an unlimited number of ways you can use it as thought and vibration are fluid and malleable, and your willingness to play with your imagination is one of the factors in your ‘success‘

My Manifesting and Law of Attraction 101 post covers 101 points on various things about manifesting and Law of Attraction, including various aspects of attracting and ways of thinking.  Other favourites include a post I wrote on How I Manifested my Car by Lining up to it Vibrationally and 10 Thoughts on Abundance.

The main purpose is putting your attention on the aspects of having what you want, essentially the FEELING of it being in your life, and not contradicting it with the absence – or perception of lack – of it.  And that’s all it is, a perception.  Your job is to practice seeing and FEELING what you want here, so that you can draw it into your reality.


1 – Spend some time contemplating it, imagine it in your life, how would it feel?  What would you do, be, have?  What would your day be like?  Most importantly, HOW WOULD IT FEEL?  Live FROM this feeling place.  Get as specific and as detailed as you can (the specifics flow energy) WHILST feeling good.

If at any point you feel any emotional discomfort because you are not sure about it, your beliefs are not fully lined up yet, adjust what you are thinking so it feels great again and carry on from there.  Keep practicing these good feeling thoughts.

Create scenarios, frames and games to use your imagination.  Imagine a friend has given you an unlimited credit card, imagine you can go out and spend whatever you like and buy whatever you like, what would you get?  What would you do?  How does that FEEL?


2 – When you line up emotionally to what you want, you will be inspired to take actions.  If they are from a place of joy then they will be the ‘right’ actions and actually the quickest route to where you want to go.  Even if in the short term it appears to have ‘failed’, if it was from a place of joy then whatever you were to gain from it you did, despite it appearing not to have succeeded, and it was a quicker route than others you might have thought rationally or logically.

The best feeling (inspired) actions are the quickest path to where you want to go, they are the impulses from the Universe guiding you on the right things to do.  There are an infinite number of ways to get to where you want to go.


3 – With all the processes, games and visualisation, MILK THEM.  It’s not just about doing them, but you’re using them to flow energy.  So when you write the things you buy or do, write descriptively, FEEL the emotions, live it, make it real.  How would it feel right now?  What else?  What else?  Milk the emotions from it.  That’s what manifesting is meant to be about, the energy flow.  The goals and desires are your tools in doing that

Say ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if…’ or ‘What if…’ and imagine scenarios of what you’d like to happen, play with this, daydream


4 – Get used to how things FEEL.  For example when you make a list of goals or thoughts, notice how they feel.  Get used to focusing or working with goals or desires such that they feel better and better.  You don’t have to ‘change’ something, it’s about what aspects of it you focus on that bring out the best feelings in you.  You could be in a relationship with someone and whilst the person may not change, you can take responsibility and choose what aspects of that person you are going to put your attention on, and which you aren’t.  Whatever you focus on expands.  And consequently that relationship will change anyway.

Keep practicing better and better feeling thoughts, they are an indication of your improving vibration on the subject (see the diagram below)


5 – Appreciate, love the things you have in your life currently.  Make peace with the NowNo matter what you may think of your future, it is always being attracted FROM your Now, that is your point of attraction.

Practice focusing on things (no matter how small) that you know you appreciate.  That will allow you to have thoughts about other things that you appreciate, and so on.  The vibration of appreciation and love is very high and if this is your state of being it is a very ‘attractive’ place to be.  You can also look to appreciate things in what you are looking to attract (but don’t get yourself into ‘why is it not here, why is it not here’ type thinking, that’s not very ‘attractive’, so don’t focus on the absence of it but on what you LIKE about what you are attracting)


6 – Writing is a great focuser and makes you focus on what you are writing/thinking about, all your attention is on it.


7 – Focus on the above about the POSITIVE ASPECTS of what you want, use them to feel good.  It ‘s always been about the energy you summon from the goal, and the positive aspects summon positive energy flow.  Your indication of that will be by how you feel.

Remember to practice the thinking on what you want because you enjoy it rather than because you ‘need’ what you are thinking of – if you ‘need’ something, thinking from that place (yearning, pining etc) is a different vibration – it’s from a place of absence, from lack, than a vibration of HAVING, BEING, DOING it

As you practice the thoughts of what you want this will become more and more dominant in your vibration and you will find it easier to do it, and you can keep striving for better feeling thoughts.  So as you’re getting familiar with some good feeling thoughts, better feeling thoughts will become more and more accessible

The diagram below illustrates this, as you raise your vibration through feeling better and better you will have access to thoughts (including ideas and inspiration) you didn’t have access to previously.




Q & A

Is there pre-destination or freewill?

You are attracting through your vibration and have freedom to alter your vibration through your thoughts

But are some things pre-destined and I can’t change them?

If you believe that, yes  😉

The universe is vibrational and malleable

For some things you may have set things in motion energetically and it may not be easy to reverse the momentum as it is/has manifested on the physical level, but that’s a moot point as it’s not your part to figure out, you always put yourself in vibrational harmony with what you want and let the Universe orchestrate it.
Let the universe deal with the mechanics of it and the how, you deal with the vibration.  That was the deal before you came here.

Sometimes my goal feels uncomfortable, why is that?

Whenever you have an experience and desire shoots
forth from it you are likely to not be in alignment with it (otherwise you’d have it), so there is a difference between your desire
and belief, this is what feels uncomfortable and is represented by the
discord in your emotions.  The discord represents the difference between the desire and the belief.  Feeling good is when they are lined up, and you have vibrational alignment.

The solution (to discord) is to use the above processes and practice feeling (good) from what you want.

You can also use what I call ‘softening’ statements (a topic in and of itself and there are examples in other posts on this blog) such as:
-‘I may not have what I want but I know it’s on its way’
-‘The Universe is infinitely abundant in its solutions and I know it’s making it happen’
-‘This (goal) and much more is on its way’
-‘If I had this goal it would feel like….’

There is no fixed answer to softening statements as
it depends on your goal, your belief about it and the discord (if any)
you are experiencing, it’s all relative, you’re just using these
statements to sooth the discord and resistance and ‘bridging’ between desire and belief to
focus on the good feelings about it and letting them grow and grow and

Why hasn’t what I wanted happened?

There is a buffer of time from your thoughts to the manifestation of them.  If it was instantaneous you would be literally attracting everything you thought.

Having said that the universe IS infinite and abundant in its resources (for anything) and in orchestrating the solutions and answers.


1 – How strong is your desire about what you want, i.e. your emotions, is it just a passing fancy or is there a real powerful desire?
2 – Are your thoughts ‘pure’ about what you want, are you contradicting the good feeling thoughts with other thoughts?  Pure thoughts, i.e. not contradicted, are powerful in attracting what you want and they quickly build and attract more of the same



This is
just a taster for what’s ‘out there’, and the irony is that as you learn the
‘out there’ you discover that it’s always been ‘here’ and you are just letting
it reveal itself (and ‘you’) to you  😉

remember, there is no ‘secret’ with the Law of Attraction, the universe is
ready to reveal itself to you, just waiting for you to ask, and to line up with your asking….



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  • Xiomara Del Valle Diaz says:

    Hi Hemal thank you very much for so wonderful message…I always know that I will find something very important in your posts…I felt a huge emotion while I was reading this article…It was like when I have received or expecting good news. My heart could not stop bumping for long time…I wanted send you some comment immediately I finished to read this article but the huge emotion did not let me do it…
    Hema I have had so much excitement in the last month that I feel that my chest is reflecting a huge energy like it is a 150 watts bulb… Everything started after I made my formal resolutions of this year. I said to myself that I want to be happy, in peace, and I want to have harmony…
    One of my principal goals as Psychologist is to teach other to help themselves, not to depend on me. I was looking for the best therapy or for the best way to teach them how to manage their own emotions. I know that is something work on me is going to work on others…
    I consider myself an excellent and passionate student… It is true that “When the student is ready, the teacher appears“. That is totally true… I feel happy to read that…
    It is not a coincidence that I am reading your article because I asked for it and I was waiting for it.
    Now I am 100% sure that I am attract to my vibrational match. That is definitely a Law…
    One of the most important message this article brought me is that I have to focus on the essence and the spirit and the “energy flow” . That if how I feel I should work to make my dreams come true…I know it is working because all what I have gotten it is thanks to that…
    I do really trust my own guidance and I do really trust to my pure intuition and that is why I found you and that is why I felt attracted to all this information…
    I love all the pictures you have in this article, they are very inspirational for me…
    When I saw the picture of the rainbow i felt so happy because that confirmed that I am doing the right thing to awake my soul…It like the rainbow tell me that I am going up to my reality…
    Since I am working with the Law of Attraction I feel in harmony with the Universe…It feels so GOOD…
    I keep asking for solutions, and I am focus on the solutions. The solutions have come to me much better that I expected them…
    I have gotten good inspiration through many things and through many people. I know wherever I go or whatever I do I will find something important on that.
    Lately I have working a lot on my body. I see each part of it full of love and with a shine energy…I talk to each part of it too…I say to my ears, they will hear the most important and beautiful things they have heard… I say to my eyes, they will see the most wonderful things they have seen…That has made feel that I am in a new body or like I recently have born…My new me feels soo Good…
    This article also help me to see better and proved that Everything I want IS around me, I feel that is true…I know that all possibilities exist, and I only need to transform my thoughts, my wish and my goals in a vibration…
    I have learned to recognized when I feel uncomfortable with some of my goals…I always asked for the best for me and the best I should do to feel GOOD, that is very helpful…
    I will keeping asking you or asking to the my Universe friend because I am sure I will get a lot of solutions that look like beautiful gifts…
    Thank you very much for all what I have learned and for all that solutions I have gotten…I know I will get more and more and much more from you…

  • Hemal says:

    Hi Xio,
    It’s wonderful how things have been happening for you, it’s great when things happen that confirm all that’s been happening and your essence about things, and when the ‘trickle’ gets bigger and bigger
    Most importantly of all, regardless of what happens on the physical level, how you have been feeling has been the greatest indication, and then what happens on the physical will follow as a consequence anyway
    May things continue for you in wonderful ways 🙂


    THANK YOU my Friend Hemal Universe…:) 🙂 🙂

  • XIO says:

    I got the answer about the money for my tuition here… I can feel its positive vibration and that makes me feel so Happy, so GOOD and so proud to asked for the best for me…The voice really helped me, I really felt its vibration and thanks to it I decided to read this message again… For sure I will listen it again…Now I have hope again and I am happy with my Master and I am happy that the Universe picked it for me…
    Thanks a lot Hemal Universe and Thanks for this article and its voice…

  • manifesting says:

    The breath as simple as it may be as the power to catapult your manifesting intentions to outstanding levels. Those who understand the science of breathing know that it allows you to accelerate your manifesting abilities.

  • Its so exactly true, I have been completely and utterly aligned vibrationally a few times in my life and found miracles literally appeared out of thin air. I find my tendency is to dilute my manifestations with fearful thoughts, so it delays them or stops them altogether, the law of attraction is so powerful, and so easy to use, but we need to be pure. Pure wonderful thoughts and feeling good is something I am working on. It is easier I have noticed when I am in love and connected to God.

  • Hemal Radia says:

    Thanks for that Lisa. By the way if you haven’t seen a recent post Manifesting by Keeping your Thoughts ‘Pure’, check this out,
    When one focuses on the Universe or God or ‘the big picture’ that often helps them have faith in it and let go of the details and their thoughts can be more ‘pure’ as a result