It’s on its way! (2)

Here’s a follow-up to my earlier post It’s on its way

So let’s use an example,  let’s say you want to manifest a car and you are having doubts about it, about whether it is coming, whether you deserve it or if it is ok to have it.

Let’s say that you have already decided what type of a car you want and that you felt good about it but you haven’t seen anything happen on a physical level yet and you are wondering if it’s on it’s way, so you can say the following to yourself:

I know the make, model and colour on the car that I would like and am enjoying thinking about it being outside my home
I realise that recently I’ve not been so sure that it was on its way as I’ve not seen too many things happen and…Where is my car?  Why is it not here?
I realise that as I think about it and most importantly FEEL it in my life the Universe is orchestrating for it to manifest in my life.  By me trusting and allowing and letting it do what it does best and me focusing on what I do best – ENJOYING this process of creation – it will happen in the fastest way
I realise it’s about the PROCESS of creation than the end result.  My goals – including my car – are about what energy I flow about them than the items themselves.  How good I feel about something is relative to how much energy I am flowing and letting in about it and how quickly it will be in my life

I think about my car in my life, outside my home and gleaming wonderfully
As I touch the door handle and hear the sound as I open it, I appreciate this car in my life
I step inside and can smell the interior as I feel the back of the seat against me and feel the upholstery, it feels sooooo lovely
I put my hand on the steering wheel and start the car up and hear the beautiful hum of the engine
I change gear and as I drive this car, I feel how beautiful this experience is, me cruising down the road in this wonderful car of mine

I think about all the places I drive my car and how wonderful it is
It feels very real and I very much feel it in my life
As I think of it and how wonderful it feels I realise that it’s already manifesting and on its way to me
I know that by me thinking and feeling the way I do about it IT’S ON IT’S WAY


Law of Attraction Processes and Techniques to line up to your Goals, this Saturday!

The content for this coming Saturday’s Teleclass is:

  • What are ‘Detachment’ and ‘Allowing’, and how can you use them to let your goals happen?
  • What Techniques and Processes can you use to attract your goals?
  • What is the inherent structure behind Manifesting and Law of Attraction processes?  What is it that makes them work and how can you use this for yourself and to create techniques for yourself?  I will be working with common techniques you will have heard of and letting you know what it is about them that does what it does
  • The Keys to Creation – what you are doing to manifest the things you want
  • Examples of working with processes
  • Practical exercises
  • Do of course send in your questions and make this an even more unique and special experience for you!  Send them to

For booking details go to—book-now.html

If you have missed previous teleclasses you can download them from that link and are still able to purchase them as a bundle ($20 each or $50 for the bundle of all 4 teleclasses)

And remember, even if you can’t attend live you can still submit questions and access the download to them afterwards

It’s on its way!

One of the questions I answered in Saturday’s (yesterday’s!) teleclass is when you have dreams and desires, what happens when you get doubts about them?

We are very much used to SEEING things happening, in only believing when we see them.  Having said that, the Universe does a lot of its work on the unseen level – on the spiritual or non-physical level.

And so there we are on the physical looking and saying “Where is it?  Where is it?  Why isn’t here yet?  Does this work?  Oh it doesn’t work!  Oh it doesn’t work for me!”  Whereas it was ALWAYS HAPPENING and on it’s way to you.  As mentioned in the class the moment you think a thought and you focus on it it is on its way, even in the stages of attracting more and more thoughts and attracting clusters of thought and it building and manifesting on the physical.

It’s like planting a seed and then digging it up every few minutes to check whether it is growing.  IT’S ON IT’S WAY!  

The implication of asking “Where is it?” is doubt and doubt is not conducive to you quickly and easily manifesting what you want.  The way to manifest what you want is to focus on the good feelings of what you want and to keep yourself there and to not question it, to have faith, to believe, to allow it in (rather than push against it by doubting or questioning).  You don’t have to be thinking about it all the time but you don’t need to be questioning it either.  How you feel and how good you feel about it is an indication of it being on its way.  Thus if you are questioning it and doubting it that’s not going to feel good and thus you have your indication.  Let go of those doubts and instead focus on what you enjoy and like and love about what is on its way to you, step into the experience of it and how your life will be in having it in your life.

As mentioned, in the subsequent teleclasses there will be techniques and processes to work with this as well.

But remember that whenever you focus on something and you do not contradict that thought i.e. do not doubt it, do not think about the lack/absence of it, IT IS ON ITS WAY

If you were not able to attend yesterday’s teleclass you can still download it, all the teleclasses are available for download after the event.  You can currently do this via the post at—book-now.html

And you are also able to take part and send your questions for the subsequent ones too!


Remember to BOOK, and some of the content from Saturday’s Teleclass

Hi Everyone!

This is just a reminder if you
haven’t already that you need to book on the blog post below at—book-now.html to get the access details.

This teleclass will cover a lot of detail on Law of Attraction and Manifesting including:

-Inherent in every desire are the mechanics for the attainment of it
-How to be general and specific to soften, shape and empower your goals
-The bigger picture on Law of Attraction which often isn’t mentioned, and how to apply it in your life
-How do you know your goals are close? How do you know what to do to get closer?
-Your emotions in being key to lining up with what you want
-As well as YOUR questions!

There will be some pdf notes of the content.
course there will be other content in the upcoming teleclasses also as
well as you getting to ask questions that APPLY TO YOU! I have already
received some questions for Saturday and am open to receiving more if I
receive them in the next day or so.
The teleclasses are $20 each or $50 for the bundle of four and as mentioned above you can book at—book-now.html

Feel free to contact me if you have questions for the teleclass or about it

Take care,


Manifesting & Law of Attraction Teleclasses – Book now!

Hi Everyone,

A big thank you to all of you for your interest in the 4 teleclasses 'bundle' on Manifesting and Law of Attraction!  The response has been wonderful and I am happy to see how much interest there is out there for these materials

Below I have listed the content for them but I’d like to emphasise what I mentioned in the teleseminar last week that I’d like these teleclasses to be ABOUT YOU. i.e. working with your questions, your challenges, your sticking points.  Whilst there will be content and a syllabus and you will grow anyway, you are welcome to contribute your questions and let these teleclasses take a unique shape of their own (and do say if you want the questions to be anonymous)

About the 4 Manifesting & Law of Attraction teleclasses:

  • Listed below are the dates and times and the content, there is a bundle package so you can get them all at a discounted price
  • There will be pdf notes where appropriate to accompany the teleclasses
  • There will be examples and exercises you can apply in your own life
  • They are scheduled for an hour and as mentioned I will take questions, in fact I'd LIKE you to send in questions! See the last point below
  • Even if you are not attending live you can still benefit from this and still submit your questions, and can access the downloadable mp3s
  • Listed below is the scheduled content, this will be subject to variation within the respective sessions based on timing but the content will be covered
  • Send in YOUR questions, challenges, sticking points, requests etc!  Send to

To book your class click on the relevant link(s)
(See below for a discounted bundle price for all 4 Teleclasses)

Teleclass 1: Getting up to Speed with the Law of Attraction
Saturday 26th July,
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST

Teleclass 2: Processes and Techniques to line up to your goals
Saturday 2nd August,
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST

Teleclass 3: Abundance, Money and Relationships
Saturday 9th August,
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST

Teleclass 4: Fine tuning your Manifesting skills and some Advanced techniques
Saturday 16th August,
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST

>>>4 Teleclass Bundle<<<
Sat 26th July, 2nd, 9th and 16th August
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST
($50, for all four teleclasses)

Manifesting & Law of Attraction Teleclasses
(You are also able to click the Teleclass titles below to book them)

Teleclass 1: Getting up to Speed with the Law of Attraction

  • Using Law of Attraction to line up your goals with the Universe
  • What you need to know about the Universe to attract what you want
  • Vibration – the key to what you want
  • Tuning in to your Vibration about the things that matter to you!
  • Examples of working with goals and manifestations
    Practical exercises
    YOUR questions!  (Send them in!)

Teleclass 2: Processes and Techniques to line up to your goals

  • What is Allowing?
  • Techniques and processes for your goals
  • Knowing the structure behind manifesting and Law of Attraction processes
  • How to use processes and make them work for you
  • The keys to creation
  • Examples of working with goals and manifestations
  • Practical exercises
  • YOUR questions!  (Send them in!)

Teleclass 3: Abundance, Money and Relationships

  • Tapping into the Abundance around you
  • Lining up with your essences of Money
  • Can you 'Attract Someone Specific'?
  • Thoughts on Attracting a 'Soulmate'
  • And much more on Abundance, Money & Relationships plus answers to the questions YOU submit!
  • Practical processes on working with these subjects (money & relationships)
    Working with YOUR scenarios and questions!

Teleclass 4: Fine Tuning your Manifesting skills and Some Advanced techniques

  • Never-before-seen techniques Hemal has developed and applied over the years
  • Applying NLP techniques with Law of Attraction
  • Using the Power and Perspective of ‘Time’ in Creating your Desires
  • Common problems experienced by people in applying LOA (and their solutions!)
  • Answers to the questions YOU submit!
  • And as always Much Much More!
  • YOUR questions – for this session I’d also like to focus on your questions about what we have covered on these classes

ALL 4 TELECLASSES as a BUNDLE PACKAGE at a discounted price (click here)

Once again Kim Doyal from and will be joining me in the sessions when she can

Kim Doyal cropped pic                   Cropped_pic

Manifesting & Law of Attraction Intro & QA Teleseminar – FREE!


questions do YOU have about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting?

How can you better manifest the things you
want in your life?  What nuances would
you like to know about the workings of the Universe and the Law of Attraction in
lining up yourself with it and the magic within you?

The Details 

teleseminar will be on

Saturday 12th July
5pm London time/9am PDT/10am
MDT/11am CDT/12pm EST

You can
dial in for it or access it free on the internet, details are available when you register hereEveryone that registers can download a free mp3 of it
– hence timezone is not crucial, you can register for this wherever you are
in the world
– you are as able to ask your questions and hear answers as
anyone else

Those accessing via the webcast will be able to ask questions during the session also

YOUR Questions!

Once you
have registered for the teleclass you can submit your questions to, by messaging me on Facebook, or in posting in the comments below

It is an open forum in that besides an
introduction to the Law of Attraction at the start the agenda will be set by you
and your questions

your friends or anyone who might find this free event of value, remember it is
FREE and open to all who want to learn about Manifesting and Law of Attraction

timezone is not crucial in that even if you cannot attend this event live you
can submit your questions and upon registration you will be able to download an
mp3 of it after the event

There will
be an introduction on the Law of Attraction and the focus for the rest of the
session will be around YOUR questions.

You can ask
questions on topics such as:

  • Using the
    Law of Attraction
  • Particular
    challenges you may have
  • Using it in
    certain contexts eg money, relationships etc
  • Manifesting
    the things you would like in your life



(The company that is dealing with the registration is experiencing mail delays so do give it a few hours and do feel free to follow up with me on if you need to)

The steps for registration via the form:

1 – Fill in and Submit the above form

2 – Receive an email with a link in it, click the link in it to confirm your registration (check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox).  As mentioned above do give it a bit of time, several hours if not a day currently as the company dealing with that have had a bit of an email backlog.  (But do feel free to contact me if you have any questions or to follow up, or you can write in the comments below)

3 – You will receive an email with the access details.  That is also the same link for downloading the mp3 after the event

4 – Send your questions to!

Taking your Manifesting & Law of Attraction skills to NEW LEVELS!

seminar is a build up to a series of 4 Teleclasses on manifesting into your
life.  More information will be provided
at the above mentioned teleseminar and the content of the four is currently
subject to change but likely to be:

  • Using the Law of Attraction/Manifesting
  • Money/Abundance
  • Relationships
    – Being in them & Attracting them
  • Fine tuning
    your Law of Attraction/Manifesting skills

will be available individually or as a bundle

As with
this event, the above series will be oriented towards YOUR questions, so whilst
I will provide content and information, YOU can influence what is covered can know what YOU want to know.

Any reasons
for not being able to better line up and draw into your life the things you
want just disappeared. 

Take the above steps in lining up with the magic that is within youREGISTER HERE

My good
friend Kim Doyal (from and
will be co-hosting this event in
asking me YOUR questions about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting.

Kim Doyal cropped pic                                    Cropped_pic

Conversation about Money

come I’m not abundant?

Yes, how come you’re not?

Well…I don’t know, I’m just not, I don’t have much money/abundance….

Yes, why don’t you?

Well…I just don’t…

Have you ever wondered how you can be in an ocean AND NOT GET WET??

Er no….?

Well isn’t that what you are, the Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine, and you are in it, the last time we checked you are a part of it, and you say you are not abundant, how do you do that?

Er….I don’t know?

By resisting.  By resisting your natural birthright, by not letting it in.  By thinking you don’t have enough, by thinking you don’t have it.  By thinking you are not good enough. By thinking about what others have and not feeling very good.  By seeing what is on the TV and not feeling good about what you have.  By pining.  By yearning.  By thinking of scarcity.  By thinking of recessions.  By being scared of what might happen.  By being scared of what will happen.  By thinking of how you never had enough.  How you were never lucky or had a lot passed on...

By considering the work you are in and how you’ll never have enough.  By thinking of where the money goes and how there isn’t enough left over.  By thinking of all the people making money and not feeling very good thinking about it.  By thinking how if you had the money what you would do with it…ah that’s a good thought, maybe that might get you more money….. but then you feel bad you don’t have it and say to yourself why even consider what you might do with it because you don’t have it.

Want us to go on?

Ok….so how do I create money?

By thinking of what you will do with it.  By thinking of how it feels.  By realising that just like everything else in the Universe it is energy and it will flow and be attracted by vibration JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE

By realising it will flow into and out of your life by your thoughts, and more importantly your feelings.  It responds to your vibration, just like everything else, including the cells in your body and in the Universe, they literally respond to you

Oftentimes your vibration is a mix and so the responses you get are a mix or not a clear signal, and then you wonder if all this stuff is really true

So how do you create or attract money?  Think about the things you will do with it.  The pound or dollar notes in and of themselves do not have value for you, it is what you think they will get you, whether it be the items or physical experiences, but more so the essences and the EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES, whatever labels you choose, such as freedom, security, fun, etc. 

What is more important than these specific labels is what they underly also, i.e. ‘Freedom to do what?’  Get the essences of that.  ‘Security from what?  And if you had that Security what would you do?’  ‘And what sort of Fun?  If you had Fun what would you be doing or what would it allow you to do?’  HOW DO THEY FEEL?  Your vibration is through your feelings.  SUMMON WHAT YOU WANT through your feelings. 

The Universe will respond, it always responds.  Send it a clear pure message and it will respond and respond as quickly as the purity and emotional intensity of your message, and before your eyes you will see the money and abundance flow in.  And as you see it and notice it, you will start to see it more and more, you will believe it, you will ‘allow’ it more, you will let it in more, your attention will be on what is coming than those previous thoughts you had about it not coming.  See the difference? 

You create that reality in your mind.  And then you see the trickle.  And the trickle expands upon your attention to it.  It cannot not.  Just like a magnifying glass, the focus leads to more.  And more.  There are no limits to what the Universe can bring your way other than what you let in.  And the thing is, you’re in the Universe, it’s all around you.   EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS ALREADY AROUND YOU.  IT IS ALL IN PLACE.  How lined up to it ARE YOU?
