“You are the focal point, when you change the lens you change everything reflected from it”
The content for this coming Saturday’s (Aug 9th) Teleclass includes:
- Tapping into the Abundance around you
- Lining up with your essences of Money
- Can you ‘Attract Someone Specific’?
- Thoughts on Attracting a ‘Soulmate’
- And much more on ABUNDANCE, MONEY & RELATIONSHIPS plus answers to the questions YOU submit!
- Examples of working with processes
- Practical exercises
- Do of course send in your questions and make this an even more unique and special experience for you! Send them to hemal@manifestingandlawofattraction.com
For booking details go to http://www.manifestingandlawofattraction.com/loa/2008/07/manifesting-law-of-attraction-teleclasses—book-now.html
If you have missed previous teleclasses you can download them from that link and are still able to purchase them as a bundle ($20 each or $50 for the bundle of all 4 teleclasses)
And remember, even if you can’t attend live you can still submit questions and access the download to them afterwards
It’s about Flow…
I couldn’t agree with you more. Part of optimizing how well the law of attraction works is being able to love ourselves first before we can properly use the LOA to have a great relationship and taking a closer look at what is programmed into our subconscious mind. I wrote a bit about it if anyone wants to check it out:
Don’t you understand that it is correct time to get the loan, which will help you.
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