Related post: Conversation about Money I
Currently there is a lot happening around the world and there are a lot of headlines and people are asking 'What do we do about this?' There are many suggestions, and many of them from an economic/'physical world'/action perspective have involved holding back the reins on spending and 'contracting' and so on.
This post talks about taking a bigger perspective and knowing you are part of a far greater power you can tap into at any moment no matter what is happening in the world and no matter what is being said or predicted. In effect you are always creating your own stream of abundance
Add your comments and questions at the end, they may stimulate another post as appropriate or may be covered in a teleclass soon
Can you talk about the current economic climate?
The economic climate is actually just a fraction of what there 'is' (you will find out more about that in a moment), and despite what you may hear in the media wellbeing actually abounds. Generally the current climate in the mainstream media is of fear and impending fear, but that does not mean that it is or has to be that way for you.
The whole world can beat the path of fear and doom and gloom but in this divine Universe you have your own connection with God (/Universe), that is never not the case, you can set your own path through your thoughts and feelings.
When you do that you will attract those that are a match to that. There WILL be those that ARE a match to that, you cannot have a vibration and not have a match, and this Universe is pure potential and pure abundance, everything truly is possible.
Most of the mass consciousness is very used to seeing what is happening and as a result of that having their vibration determined and their lives radiate not too far from the mean. YOU set your course through your deliberate intent. What do you want from your life? How would you like things to be? If you could have what you want how would things be? If you couldn't fail, what would you strive for?
All possibilities are truly open to you. Disregard all that you hear about what is happening. Feed yourself information on how you would like it to be, the possibilities and the mechanics of that will present themselves to you, you always attract that which is a match to you. Whether it be doom and gloom or prosperity, abundance and possibilities for you and those you love.
Ok, so what will happen?
By virtue of Law of Attraction, if there is excitement and positivity it grows and grows and grows and grows. Currently there is a fear and that has the potential of growing and growing and growing. The governments will try things and the people will watch and hope. The answer is not in you watching something outside of yourself it is in you tapping into your own divinity, your own power, your own 'Source' and creating and orchestrating. You will then see things happen. And others will take from your inspiration. You may not even tell them anything but they will 'feel' it from you, they will be innately drawn to you. And what will happen is prosperity will grow, and it will feed more and more and more and more. And then it will be rampant and feed more.
And then everyone will define the success in economic and physical action terms but there was a lot of spiritual and non-physical going on underneath. And by 'non-physical' we just mean it to be things on the level of thought, spirit, vibration, 'God', 'Universe' etc, the things you don't necessarily 'see' but you can 'feel', and they are there as much as anything and everything else in your life, in fact even far more so. This post, amongst others on this blog, is getting you in tune with this.
There is no problem or shortage in your life that you cannot get out of or solve, what you are seeing is the physical manifestation of it, you are not seeing the non-physical or spiritual or thought reasons behind it because you are so used to looking at only what you can 'see' rather than trusting your instincts on what you 'feel'. As you work on your thought level the physical will take shape and respond to it, it can't not.
So where are we going wrong?
Well everything is 'perfect' in that it is always contributing to your growth, individually and as a consciousness. Even the things that went wrong in your life, you have gained in many ways. Not necessarily just through conscious lessons but vibrationally you always grow and expand. The desire for it to never happen again can be a strong attractor for what you want, but the importance is on having your attention and focus and vibration on what you want than pushing away what you don't (by focusing on it), you are using what happened to define what you want and powerfully draw towards it.
But from a human perspective you may say 'How come this is happening?' and 'What can we do about it?' Start gently by taking your attention off the fear and off what might happen and start to veer your course towards what you DO want. More on that in a moment, but if you could have things how you want them, how would you like them? Start by practicing those thoughts, and as you practice them the vibration of that will get stronger and you will experience more of it.
Know that you attract things that are a vibrational match and not things that are not a match to your thoughts. If your vibration and attention is absent of fear and doom and gloom you will not be attracting experiences that match that, it will be vibrationally apart, it will be a different frequency. If despite whatever may be happening, your vibration is on your own prosperity and the divine abundance there always is, that will be your experience.
There are MANY prosperous experiences happening in your day EVERY DAY, put your attention on those rather than the things that the media portrays, that is how you set your course by your intent and power than by accident and mayhem and chance.
Can you talk more about prosperity spiritually? And regarding money?
You are very much used to seeing a physical world and your physical manifestations. There is a spiritual world around you which is not as visible or as obvious to your eye at the moment, but it CAN be sensed in other ways such as through your feelings. When you work with your thoughts and vibration you are getting into synch with it and it is orchestrating things on the physical level as a result. YOUR PHYSICAL WORLD RESPONDS TO THE NON-PHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL. That is the easiest way of creating in the physical world and how it was meant to be; action was meant to be the last step in claiming it, the picking of the fruit from the tree so to speak.
So money like anything else is an energy, it also has a spiritual/non-physical component, or rather the physical is a manifestation of it. Money responds to your thoughts about it. If you are scared of not having it or of having it, it responds to your vibration of fear and those are the experiences you have with it. If you are comfortable and enjoy money and what it can do for you then it is drawn to you. Why would you not enjoy money, it is like everything else in life, why would you want to have resistance towards it? Allow it to flow naturally into your life and you are happy to pass it on as you know there is plenty to come, you are in a natural flow with everything around you. It comes to you easily and you enjoy passing it on for what you get from the PROCESS of doing that – your joy in the moment – and more comes to you, and it attracts more of the same
Money is the same as anything else in the Universe, it is energetic in nature and you do not need to be shy about it nor scared of it, it will match your vibration to what you have about it, as will everything else, whether it be love or health or anything else in your life, they are all matches to your vibration about them
What do I do, I have impending (financial) challenges?
Start to focus on non-physical solutions. Physical solutions (actions) will help and sometimes they can kick-start things vibrationally, in that sometimes by taking action you feel better and you sooth your vibration and things improve. But when you focus on vibrational or non-physical solutions in the way of working with your thoughts and feelings they will impact your life on a physical level. There is greater leverage from the non-physical/spiritual/thought/vibration perspective, it is easier to create change there, the vibration is lighter and more malleable and then it can permeate down and create physical manifestations.
An example process
What are your daily thoughts on the subject of money?
Do they feel good or do they feel uncomfortable? Is there an element of fear or hope? Hope implies there is a reliance on something for it to be ok.
Start to realise that despite what you are seeing that things can turn around very quickly. Sometimes you may not see the results immediately, but your indication will be how you feel, that is your connection to your non-physical, that will tell you what is happening on the underlying non-physical level, it is your guidance, your map, your compass. Follow your impulses and instincts, they are taking you in the right direction, even if logically at times it may not make sense.
Start to practice the thoughts on a daily basis of the things you would like. There are many processes offered on this blog (especially in the teleclasses) but for now we will offer something as a starting point.
Allow yourself to fantasise, to day dream. Do this for say three times a day for 10 minutes, trust your intuition as to what is best for you. But trust that it works, and believe in it. Allow yourself to start in hope (as that may be a better vibration from the one you start with), and as you practice and practice your vibration will raise and you will naturally feel expectation and desire and excitement.
When you start you may have niggly thoughts of 'What if this happens or goes wrong or this?' and so on, keep practicing your vibration work. Allow yourself to imagine successful outcomes of those scenarios too that you previously may have doubted, it will get easier as your vibration naturally raises throughout this. You will attract thoughts that match your raising vibration, more and more thoughts will flow to you and it will get easier and easier, akin to rolling a snowball off the top of a mountain, it will attract a greater mass and momentum.
The idea of this is that for those 10 minutes (or whatever time you'd like to determine for yourself and for however many times a day) you are creating space in your life to practice this vibration. Put all those other thoughts aside and practice and hone your vibration about your prosperity and what you would like.
Know that you have the wherewithal and ability and knowledge to be where you want to be
You could say you are a child of God or the Universe and you were never sent unprepared,
You have always had the tools for what you want, they have always been here
think there is one important thing about this — we inherently 'know'
if we are wanting someone that we simply can't have for whatever
reason (such as Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie!). But also, just because someone specific we desire a chance with
doesn't manifest immediately or even quickly, doesn't mean that it
won't be.
For example, my husband and I dated for a brief time many years ago,
and through tragic circumstances, were parted. Neither one of us in all
those years stopped hoping and desiring the other, but things had to
work out for the best timing for each of us. I was faithful to my heart
and never dated anyone else, and didn't stress it. I was content and
fulfilled in my life as a single woman.
My husband was in a very bad
and controlling marriage, and though he'd had many signs he should take
action to leave, it took him a LONG TIME (6 years) to finally make the
move. As soon as he did, all the things he'd wanted for all those
years, started to arrive — including ME! We ran into each other
several times out and about.
When we want something that can't be — be it Brad Pitt 🙂 or Angelina
Jolie, we will get re-directed to where our true desire lies.
Just my thoughts, and my experiences! Great blog." -Meg