The Universe is a willing and responsive friend…

The Universe is a willing and responsive friend who will listen to you based on your vibrational asking and alignment

The Universe does not ‘tell’ you anything, it matches your vibration. The way you know something is right or wrong is with your feelings, not what happens on the outside

The Universe acts as a confirmer to what you are emitting vibrationally. It’s a magnifier. It does not decide for you. What you see happening on the outside has been in place vibrationally before it happened.  What are you putting in place vibrationally now through your thoughts and feelings?

The answer ALWAYS is to put your attention on what you want.  Even if there has been a momentum to what you don’t want, you change it by putting your attention on what you WANT and what FEELS GOOD – the feeling that it feels good is your indicator you are heading toward what you want

Things can only happen in your physical experience that are in vibrational vicinity of where you are at.  Don’t be disheartened or disappointed if they are not pleasing, use them as an indication to direct your course to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

Envision how you want things to be, daydream, play with those thoughts and fantasies, build them up.  Are those ‘realities’ more dominant in your mind than your fears and doubts?  Are the things that INSPIRE and EXCITE you dominant in your consciousness?

“Why you are simply the best”

This is an e-mail I received earlier today.  It is from someone who subscribes to this blog and is also on the Universal Law of Attraction group on Facebook.   My friend Dora Crow (famous for the Tatiana videos!) suggested I share it with you on this blog, so here we are…

Hi Hemal,

This is what I have been wanting to tell you why I said to you that for me you are simply the best!

I joined several groups in FB, group for encouragement and for LoA. I think I join 5 of them and the creator are on my friends list too, including you.

I was quite active with all groups or tried to. But you are the only one who calls my name (which is important for me), who gives wonderful responses, who is warm and who gives great attention to all of your members.

I thought maybe other creators were very busy and had many clients/members. But then I noticed you ARE too a very busy man and has MANY members. Yet you can still give time and energy for me and everybody else personally. That is WOW!

So thank you again, Hemal. It really means ALOT to me.

You are simply the best! I wish you success and happiness, always.

I really look forward to reading your book!

You are loved,
Claudia Caecilia

The Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine…

The Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine,
you are a part of this ocean and never separate from it

‘Allowing’, is about relaxing and releasing the resistance. It is actually about letting in the natural wellness than ‘trying’

The trying will come naturally, when you release the resistance you will be naturally uplifted anyway, your natural inspiration will flow through and you will be INSPIRED to take the right actions and be at the right place at the right time

You know how sometimes when you forget a problem it solves itself? That type of thing. Or when someone has had an argument with someone but they get distracted by something else and the argument resolves itself?

The Universe is all around you and within you and WANTS to bring the wellness to you, it’s about letting go of the thoughts that don’t let it in. Sometimes that can be by thinking good thoughts or relaxing, but certainly taking attention off that which is not letting it in, eg worry, fear, whatever it may be. That’s why good thoughts actually serve as a distraction away from that, regardless of them being good in and of themselves also

Everything you want is actually ready to come into your life, it’s a process of letting it come in. We do not actually have to ‘chase’ it, the Universe knows what you want because you have asked for it in your vibration, you just have to align to it with your thoughts and match it vibrationally and the Universe will orchestrate the rendezvous

Law of Attraction for “Bigger” things

A question that was asked about a recent post of mine on “Law of Attraction and YOUR Flow” was about someone who could attract “smaller” things but questioned “the Law” for “bigger” things, my comment reply was…

“The Law” or the Universe do not make distinctions between larger or smaller – WE do.  You will find there is a difference in how you think about the smaller and the bigger things, how you represent/believe them internally

People will have different beliefs about them and in likelihood more ‘resistance’ or less expectation about attracting the bigger things. For many people their expectation of the bigger things is not the same as the smaller ones. When it is, the bigger things will be in your life as well

The thing to do is either work with your beliefs and expectations in expecting those ‘bigger’ things – such as by visualising or practicing thought – or keep playing with the small things and build them up (progressively towards bigger things)

Essentially everything is energy and vibration, it is human minds that distinguish between large and small. If right now you saw £1 million as the same as £10 you would attract it the same way into your life


Law of Attraction and YOUR Flow

Law of Attraction and Flow are totally related.  Law of Attraction is the universal ‘mechanism’ of ‘like attracts like
and the flow is your personal experience when you are attracting things
easily and effortlessly – it’s almost like you can’t miss at whatever
you do and things work out for you in the right way and right time

We have all had these experiences and of course many are striving to make these more regular!  

Clouds and sunlight

A way to get into your flow is with the expectation of good things.  No matter how things are around you, start with the INTENT of what you want, this is a good starting place.  Even if you do not fully believe you can have what you want yet, you can start with an INTENTION to have it – the beliefs will come as you practice your thoughts and vibration around it, you will build your vibrational familiarity around it which will lead to you manifesting it into your life.  Start with the intent and let go of the ‘how’, let the Universe orchestrate that, your job was always to set your vibrational tone

So you start with your intent and you trust and allow it to happen – that means not doubting or contradicting it.  If you plant a seed do you doubt or question it growing?  Why would you do that? 

Ideally when you set your intent and/or focus on what you want you do it for the JOY of it – that is the best place to be, to be in your flow and to be attracting more and more

You will find that when you are in your flow you are focused in your present moment and at what is happening and usually with very little judgement and very little resistance.  You don’t let things unsettle you.  If things happen that you don’t enjoy then in your mind you have a positive outcome or intention for that situation which you are focusing on regardless of what is happening around you

Law of Attraction and your Flow are really a matter of focus rather than luck or waiting for the planets to align.  Just as with everything else, it is all vibrational.  You do not attract things which are not in vibrational vicinity to you and your vibration is determined by your choice of thoughts and feelings

So ask yourself,
What do I want to Focus on today?
What Feels Good to me?
Want to I Appreciate?
What do I Love?
What do I EnJOY?
What can I find in my Past or Recent Past that FEELS GOOD?
What Dreams, Desires, and Goals FEEL GOOD?

It is never about the reality that you are experiencing but where you are putting your attention – that is setting your vibration and what you are attracting more of.  It’s just sometimes you use your present reality as a reason for you not to focus on good things, it is so easy to get ‘sucked’ into the reality happening at the time – but it is always about your focus (hence vibration). 

When your attention and focus is in a good place and it is purely on it (i.e. without contradicting it with thoughts that don’t match it) you will attract things that are a match.

The irony and paradox is, when you are in your flow you do not think about the flow because you are too busy being in it and enjoying it – you are too busy ‘being’ to metacomment ‘about’ it.   So get yourself to a place where you are experiencing and being than having to think too much about it ‘from the outside’

Your Flow is as ready for you as the first good feeling thought you are about to take which will lead to another and another and another and so on…


You are Perfect Being You

There is never within any of us such a thing as flaws or distortions other than the masks we have given ourselves.  Deep down from an energetic perspective you are actually ‘perfect’ other than the patterns you have practiced to see yourself with over the years.  You are essentially pure positive energy in a physical form, you are the manifestation of that energy, and moment by moment you are deciding (whether consciously or unconsciously) what the manifestation of that energy is in you being who you are

Your attention can be on the present, the past, the future, or wherever else.  Regardless of where your attention is your point of attraction is in your now moment.  That is what you are attracting more of, whatever your vibration – via your thoughts and emotions – is in your now moment

If your attention is on the lover that scorned you or if it is on the business partner that wasn’t so wonderful, what are you attracting more of?  Or if you haven’t experienced a ‘perfect lover’ but you are envisioning how it might feel, and how it might feel to have your millions and what you will do with them and how your body will feel being how you want it to be – although you may not have yet experienced these but in your now moment you are envisioning them very clearly and deeply and feeling from them, what is your vibration and what are you attracting more of?

What matters most

Don’t spend time justifying why you are where you are at now, don’t blame the lover or the (ex) husband or the (ex) wife or parent or the business partner or friend or whomever.  Take your attention away from that, sooth any hurt around that, and put it towards WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

When your attention (and hence vibration and intention) is on where you want to be you are attracting experiences that match that.  Initially it might be something small that manifests that catches your attention and that makes you think, and then something else happens, and something else.  Your attention – your conscious attention – starts shifting towards it more and more, and your expectation builds; you expect it more and ‘allow’ it into your life by being more and more from that place

And of course, if your attention is on those good things that are trickling in, what is your attention NOT on?  Where you came from!  ‘The past’!  You wouldn’t have time to think of where you came from because you’d be TOO BUSY ENJOYING THE NOW!!!!  Love and enjoy your NOW so much that you don’t think about anywhere else and don’t care about anywhere else, and everything will take care of itself.  Create and mould and shape your now.  Take your attention away from what you are coming from and what you don’t want (that in itself will create a huge shift) and naturally your attention will be drawn to those things in your now moment that you can love and appreciate and enjoy


In doing this you will be adopting all those spiritual principles that you’d been reading about for all that time and were figuring out how to implement: detaching, letting go, allowing, creating, attracting and everything else.  You will be applying ALL OF THOSE just by making the most of your now moments.  In you enJOYing each moment you are not being attached to what you want because your attention is on the now (detachment, letting go), and because you are feeling good you are allowing, creating and attracting

Remember not to beat yourself up.  It is ok if things happen (or happened) that aren’t how you like them or want them to be.  Sooth yourself around that, sooth your vibration around that.  If you give yourself a hard time for too long you are building THAT vibration (and then don’t be surprised if you attract matches to that via recrimination!)

So make peace with the way things are, that will soften your perspective to what you don’t enjoy, it will create the space for what you DO enjoy and your attention will naturally go there.  As it goes there that will build – Law of Attraction – it will attract more thoughts that match that and it will grow and grow and grow and you will see physical manifestations.  If you do not contradict or doubt yourself along this process you will see more physical manifestations and it will grow and build and build and build.  It is loving your now moment but wanting to expand and grow more and have more. 

Your now moment is as rich and abundant as you see it to be, and seeing that will show you more abundance.  There is no corner or spot in the Universe that is not abundant – the Universe is abundant EVERYWHERE – period!  The Universe is not playing a game and has said that just for you – just for you – it will withhold some of its abundance!  It has not decided that just for kicks it will withhold it from you!  The Universe adores you as you are a part of it and it expands THROUGH you – if you win, it wins!

So be kind to yourself, know that there is abundance around you, today, and every day, where you are, and everywhere

In your kindness to yourself the Universe will match that, and you will see things around you, and it will get easier, you will see reflections of your love for yourself and it will expand and grow

Remember to appreciate who you are, there is no coincidence you are here, you came here to do things and experience things.  Appreciate you are here to be you, and you are perfect the way you are

Rainbow flower

Appreciating Life with the Law Of Attraction

Many of you will remember Dora Crow – ‘human mommy’ of Tatiana the dog.  She is a great friend and has also been a client

I thought I would let you know of a post she has just written on her blog about how working with the Law of Attraction has enabled her to appreciate the things in her day to day life that in a way many often don’t realise to do,

Whilst we can appreciate our loved ones, we don’t always remember the wonders in our day to day experiences and when we see the magic we attract more of the same

You can find her post titled The Wood Burning Stove and LOA on her Barefoot Pony Whispers blog

Dora blog pic