1 The relationships you experience are a projection of your emotions. They are acting out the scenarios in your vibrational script. You can change the people, and new people will come in though they could have the same dynamics if you are offering the same vibration. Change the vibrational script – via your thoughts and emotions – and the dynamics of the relationships in your life change.
2 – When you want to be having something in your life, start with a thought about that subject that feels good. Many people think thoughts that they doubt or contradict easily, and so little moves.
Step back a bit from it, and find a thought that you can ponder and dwell on, which feels good, and there isn’t that inner voice that doubts it. When you have the thought that you can congruently experience, just by dwelling on it, you attract another thought soon after (Law of Attraction!), and another, and another, and so on!
That’s why I often say it’s like dipping into a stream. There is an infinite stream – you just have to join it at a place you feel comfortable, then it will take you to wherever you want to go (by attracting more of the same).
3 – When you have an area of your life you want to improve or change, notice how you feel about it and what you think (how you feel will be a consequence of what you think). Are you having mixed thoughts about it? Any reservations? Get to a place of congruence (i.e. not being mixed, but a place of clarity) on the subject. From that ‘pure’ vibration, you will attract solutions and resources more easily. From a ‘mixed’ place, it can be like trying to travel with a handbrake on.
The place of clarity can be anywhere, but the key thing is you are congruent about it. Then, you just focus on it, and it takes you to where you want to go on the subject. Most people don’t get there because they contradict or offer resistance and so the natural ‘stream’ can’t take them, they are offering too many mixed signals. If you offer a point of clarity, the Universe will reflect that back to you, and it expands and grows.
4 – Be aware of your daily thoughts (and hence daily vibrational offering) about a subject. It’s not just about the visualisation and other processes you do. Be aware in case you are contradicting the processes with your thoughts during the day. Someone may visualise more money, but if in the day they are having other thoughts about it, they may be contradicting their good work.
5 – Realise that everything is in constant motion, even the things that appear to stay the same. They appear to ‘stay the same’ because you have the same attention on them and are re-creating them. Everything is like a stream, a stream of life we could call it. Everything is being re-created in each moment by your attention to it (as is the case with your body as well as everything around you). Similarly, all relationships are being re-established again and again.
Likewise, love is a process. It is not just something that ‘happens’, but it’s also a process (whether conscious or unconscious) of ‘being’ in love that you are ‘doing’ in each moment. Love exists and stays in your life because you are perpetuating it each time. That is the same with everything else – whether it be poverty, wealth, loneliness, good health. Nothing can exist by itself other than by a process – whether conscious or unconscious – which KEEPS it reoccuring (the consequence of the process may be actions, but also vibration). The process re-establishes your relationship with that ‘thing’ and keeps it in your life.
If you think about it, you have a relationship with every ‘thing’ in the Universe – object, person, and any other. Manifesting is about the process of your relationship with it. When you want something to leave your life, it is also about the relationship with that ‘thing’.
Interesting post. I like the first point. Relationships are a mirror of ourselves. I believe one of the best ways to learn about yourself is to look at the way you interact with others.