I thought you might enjoy some quotes about the ‘possibilities in your life’!  You are welcome to share them wherever you like.

Let go of the who, the what, the when, the how, and make it about
the joy of the moment.  When you make it about the only thing that
you truly have – the now – you are focusing on what’s important and
the rest takes care of itself.
~ Hemal Radia

The Universe is faceless; it takes expression and form upon your
desire and moulding of it. It is pure unmanifest energy, ready at
your bidding and calling. What will you be summoning into your
experience today…?
~ Hemal Radia

If you want to communicate to your unconscious mind, do it through
impregnating and dominating your conscious mind.
~ Hemal Radia

Let go of the attachment to how things need to be. Realise you are
a spiritual being who knows it will be ok. Tap into that
knowingness, and see how your physical conditions change too
~ Hemal Radia
When you keep coming across the same challenges and think that
things are not possible, realise that you are losing sight of the
Universe being full of possibilities. It can create multiple
possibilities. The only reason the same patterns or obstacles appear
is that you are calling them on some level, vibrationally.
~ Hemal Radia


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