On last weekend’s Manifesting Excellence call there were questions submitted by someone looking to attract a job which included dealing with fears and challenges she was working through.  One of the dilemmas she was having was an internal conflict in believing that if she had a job with job satisfaction, she wouldn’t have money, and vice versa.

How would you deal with this conflict?

Can you think of others?
How about:
– Can I have a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship?
– Can I have independence AND a fantastic and amazing relationship?
– Can I have someone that I am deeply attracted to AND who is good for me?

And so on…

This was towards the end of the call and if you’d like to access it via Manifesting Excellence you can do so by clicking here.

rose petals

When you have an internal conflict between two (or more) things, you are creating a dichotomy – a split – in how you see things about what is possible and what isn’t.  That split creates boundaries between the two things that you want.

This could be obvious such as some of the statements above or quite subtle such as “Shall I do x or y today?”

When you decide to do something, do it.  Don’t split your energy over it.  

When you split your energy over something you are diluting your resources in the manifestation and the inspiration to it.

The skill is to bring those two outcomes/goals/realities together and integrate them into one, i.e. –

– A life with a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship
– The feeling of self (within which is ‘independence’) AND a fantastic and amazing relationship
– Someone that you are deeply attracted to AND someone who is good for you

When you start to SEE something, you start to make it happen.

When you see a split in what is possible, or see it as impossible, it’s harder to create it, unless you happen to take your attention off the conflict (/resistance) and allow in what you want.

If you’d like to get access to the Manifesting Excellence call that covered this and much more click here.



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  • Dale Kathryn says:

    Hi Hemal,
    I agree with your statement on th dichotomy. I think that is the reason that people don’t think the law of attraction works: they constantly take one step forward and one step back! Not the easiest way to make progress!