When you are ‘attached’ to something – whether it be something you want, a person, a situation, or anything else – you will have stifled your flow and be making it difficult for it to naturally manifest how you would like it to be.

On the Manifesting Excellence group I created a thread yesterday titled “You know you’re ‘Attached’ when you say things like...” where we shared many clues to know when you are  attached’ to something and know that you are not letting it happen, and then to work on relieving that.

Below are some of the comments I posted early on. Since then the thread has grown with many  other’s commenting and we will be having a call/audio to go into this in more detail and to resolve this and manifest what you are wanting.  If you’d like to find out more you can by  registering at Manifesting Excellence.

“You know you’re ‘Attached’ when you say things like…”

– “I just need this goal or thing and everything will be ok

– “ When will it happen?

– “I ‘hope’ this happens…

– “I need to manifest this so badly

– “I ‘need’ this…
– “I need it by x (eg Friday)
– “My friends will think differently of me or not like me in the same way anymore
– “How could you do this to me?
– “I ‘just’ need this to work out...

–  And so many more!! 

If you’d like to know the others and how to resolve them, click here to register to access the rest of the thread and the call/audio that will be covering this in detail.


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