“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne – When Others Ask My Opinion

“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne

I was on a radio show last week when “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne came up in the conversation. I was asked about my background and the radio show host found it fascinating that I was creating material on manifesting and Law of Attraction long before The Secret came out (in 2006).

Regarding “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, what do I think of it?  This is something I have been asked over the years.

My answer is it was lovely in the increasing of awareness of the Law of Attraction and about creating our realities.  The DVD in particular was inspiring, colourful and motivating.  But it still left many wondering….

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne - Law of Attraction book


But “How?”

Whilst it increased the awareness of Law of Attraction and taking charge of what comes into our lives, The Secret left many wondering about the “How”.

“How do you attract what you want?”

Many of you that have worked with me, been on Manifesting Excellence or interacted with me will know about my journey. That for many years from the late 90s onwards I studied the best methodologies out there for manifesting and creating.

I enjoyed Abraham Hick’s work and much else of what was out there, creating my own, and distilling it into an easy to understand and apply way.  I enjoyed learning and creating more of the “how.”

As my own exposure worldwide grew there was a calling from people wanting to experience more of me, whether via live events, a book by me or in other ways, which all came about.


Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

While there was a growing awareness of Law of Attraction in the world, there was a gap in understanding how to apply it.  This would be evident by the messages I would receive and on comments on my social networks.

When I wrote my book “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” my intention was to fill this gap in an easy, gentle and loving way.

Whilst at the same time connecting the reader to the love and connection within themselves simply by the process of reading the book.

So, my opinion is that The Secret is very lovely for what it was.  And, if you are wanting to know more about how to apply the Law of Attraction and attract more in your life in being in sync with your divinity as well as understand how all this works, there is more out there for you.

Have you read/watched The Secret? What did you think? What is your opinion of it?
Share your thoughts in the comments below…


Hemal Radia is the author of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” as well as a ‘super’ coach/mentor and speaker.

Click here to Work One-to-One with Hemal

Click here for Manifesting Excellence

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne - Law of Attraction book




Honoured to be Amongst “The Masters”

Recently I was honoured to be asked by Quantum Attraction website if they could include me on their page of “The Masters”.  Also on the page are Esther Hicks/Abraham, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer amongst various others.


(You can access the page by clicking the pic below, or by clicking here)




Abraham on Manifesting a House using Law of Attraction

Thanks to Nina Ferrell for letting me know about these audios

Abraham on Manifesting a House, part 1

Abraham on Manifesting a House, part 2



“What do I do when others are negative….How do I ‘Allow?'”

"I find your profile and website both interesting and inspiring, thank you. I am also a fan of Esther and Jerry Hicks' works and The Law of Attraction. In one of their books, it has a section on LOA and then a part called The Art of Allowing. For some recent months I have been following LOA and learning a lot about 'allowing', particularly with a few people that are close to me that share completely different beliefs and values. I have learnt to accept them for who they are and love them unconditionally. But, recently one particular person has been extremely negative, stressed and angry. Seeing as I spend quite a lot of time with this person, it is really hard for me to watch them and 'allow'. What do you suggest I do? I have been meditating on the situation, asking for guidance and focusing on a peaceful, loving, relationship. and sending love and healing to this person when i can.

I have learnt some valuable lessons about myself and my ego, and I am learning a lot about patience at the moment. But, I don't want to watch this negativity anymore!!

Have a wonderful day
Love and light."


It sounds like you are 'tolerating' than 'allowing', it's a subtle distinction.  On some level there is that element of 'that which you do not like' in your vibration. So one thing you can do is soothe it such as:

-Oh I know that this person can be unbearable sometimes, but they have so many other traits which I like about them
-I know there is a reason why they are in my life and why I’d like them in my life, and that is …….
-This person isn’t always like this, at other times they are so <positive qualities>, and I love this about them and this and this and this and this and this and that and this

Also (as mentioned in the lines above), focus on the things you like about them, even if small, and as you focus your attention grows on them, and whilst you're focusing on what you like (and growing) it's not so easy to focus on what you don't like.  When parents say they ‘worry’ about their children because they ‘love’ them, whilst they mean it in a very well intentioned way, ‘worry’ and ‘love’ are two different vibrations [on the vibrational scale], you also know this because they 'feel' different (of course, depending on how each person represents those words internally, but generally speaking).

Vibrational matches

Focus on the vibration of what you want.  Even if it’s not on these people, focus on the qualities you like IN OTHERS if you have to, but just get your attention onto what you like, it doesn’t even have to be about those people that you mention, such that when you come back to them and are around them you will see them from a new perspective and there may be a different vibration you have about it.

When you have a different vibration about something you tend to:
1 – Draw different aspects from the same scenario (eg the same people)
2 – Attract new people which are a match to the vibration

Or a combination.  But the key thing is you are always attracting a vibrational match.


It's all relative to where you're going and and where you are

The thing with sending love, healing etc, is if that works for you then great, the only thing with those things is they imply that there is something that needs to be healed, loved etc, i.e. something on some level that needs healing – which implies something isn’t how you want it or 'should be'. So if initially it works then great, it will get you further up the vibrational scale than where you were, and at higher vibrations you might want to come to it from a viewpoint of what you like and how you'd like things to be and imply that in your thoughts, actions, feelings, etc and forget about why you came to do this or why you’re doing it.  Focus on the aspects that you like because that’s what you do, not because you’re trying to change something or there was something you didn’t like

There is no right or wrong though, so if sending healing or sending love works for you and it feels better, then use that as your indication, your guidance.  It is all relative, relative to what you are working on and where you are coming from and the person that can give you that answer is yourself and your own guidance, which is your emotions.


In 'allowing', you are allowing others to be who/what they are, who they want to be etc  – without pushing back, and you are allowing of yourself too.  It's the pushing back that creates discord and attracts more of the same, it's soothing it and being at peace with it and focusing on what you like, what you appreciate, what you love, that attracts more of that too.  The Universe is a place that gives you total choice and freedom.  There is no assertion – such as asserting on another how to be, there IS attraction, the Universe matches based on vibration.

It's what Life was meant to be about

Life is about these sorts of things, that’s what it’s meant to be about, there you are going along minding your own business and something happens – at that moment you have desires for what you would like.  However because your attention at that time is on the thing that happened, you have your desire, but your beliefs (dominant thoughts) are not lined up to it because you’re still thinking about what happened.  The contrast in what happened creates the desire for what you want.  Your job then is to soothe yourself away from those thoughts of ‘what-is’ and work your way up the vibrational scale to WHAT YOU WANT, and you will find that things around you will change.  99% of manifestations are created before you see them on the physical – your job is to focus on that 99%, the emotional journey that you practice before the manifesting, let the Universe take care of the rest.  In that journey you use your imagination and play with your thoughts (and off ‘what-is’), in fact your journey becomes smoother because your thoughts are more and more about what you want – by virtue of Law of Attraction the momentum builds (so long as you don't contradict it with your thoughts) – and soon enough you turn around and see things are a certain way… 

Your job is to keep your vibrational mix about what you want (and FROM what you want) than on what happened or what is, it’s to play with your thoughts, use games (/processes – but seeing them as games is more fun and you have a better vibration about it) and your imagination to form your reality

FREE Abraham-Hicks audios

Here are some free introductory audios to Abraham and Jerry & Esther Hicks.

If you are someone who has heard of the Law of Attraction (or even if you haven’t) or someone who has watched/read The Secret and have learnt a little (or even a lot), you could find great value in covering the Abraham material.  Personally I resonate very much with the viewpoint of Abraham and think their material is amongst the best around on Law of Attraction.  My posts on the blog resonate very much with their viewpoint but of course we come from our own unique places and have our own mixes to our work, just like in life, we all bring our own unique recipe to the mix and each contribute to the greater whole.

Their books (see the Books section) are informative, I personally enjoyed them a lot more having heard Abraham, having been in tune with their vibe.  Do also check out the Oprah interviews with Esther/Abraham if you haven’t already, they’re great intros too.

On these free Abraham Hicks audios, from their free Introductory CD, the first six or so are Jerry & Esther giving an introduction as to how they came across Abraham and subsequent ones are Abraham speaking.  In the case of the Oprah audios, she speaks to Esther in the first audio and Abraham in the two subsequent ones.  My point being that it’s worth hearing Abraham speak.

The audios were recorded in the early 90s (or late 80s possibly) and are the early recordings with Abraham and give an introduction to them, their work, and the Law of Attraction, and other laws and contexts in applying the Law of Attraction.




Law of Attraction: Oprah interviews Esther Hicks & Abraham

Law of Attraction: Oprah interviews Esther Hicks/Abraham

Oprah interviews Esther of Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction

If you’d like to download the interviews of Oprah interviewing Esther (of Abraham Hicks) about the Law of Attraction on her Oprah XM Radio show you can access them below.

For those of you that are new to Law of Attraction or Abraham Hicks. this is especially worth looking into. For those of you with a bit more ‘experience’ there’s enjoyment in listening to Esther and Abraham I’m sure.

If I remember correctly, in the first audio Oprah interviews Esther and in the subsequent ones she speaks to Abraham and asks them various questions, including about what or who is Abraham,  Law of Attraction, 9/11, their involvement with The Secret, and other questions.

You can click on them to listen to them online or, depending on your browser, right click on them and Save Target/Link As

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 1

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 2

Oprah & Esther/Abraham Hicks about the Law of Attraction 3


Abraham Hicks group on Facebook surprised me!

On Sunday (Jan 20th), completely out of the blue, I received a message from Facebook saying I’d been made Officer (and Admin) on an Abraham Hicks group on there.  This had been done by the creator of the group, Nina Ferrell.  We had met online very recently and built up a lovely friendship, but I had not expected this lovely surprise! 
If you’d like to join the group you are welcome to go to


On Mon Jan 21st I sent the following message to the group:

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would write you a message and say hi
and introduce myself! Some of you already know me and I’ve interacted
with you.

I had a complete (and pleasant) surprise yesterday
when out of the blue I received an email from Nina saying I’d been made
Officer (and then Admin) on this group! I had not expected that at all,
and I was honoured and very appreciative that it did (it was also my
birthday too lol)

I’d just like to say feel free to contribute
to this group, let us know what you like, what you want, and feel free
to contribute with your thoughts and your experiences. There might be
someone just waiting to hear experiences that you’ve had which might be
perfect for them, WHEREVER you were at. So feel free to post on the
forum…there’s a saying….Ask and It Is Given… ;)….and we’re not
saying that we’d necessarily always have the answer, or that someone
else might, but the clarity comes in the ASKING, and the answer can
come from somewhere unexpected. A clarity can occur in formulating your
question and a boldness from asking it.

I have a blog as of a
few weeks ago so feel free to check it out (link below), and happy
manifesting! If you’re not getting the results you like then you have
to ask yourself, with groups like this, are you Asking…? And lining
up? This group can not only be a tool for you but your experiences as
resources for others, whether you’re completely new to this or have a
bit more experience (or a lot more), you always have something of value
to offer

Best wishes,