Parenting, Spirituality and The Law of Attraction


I have had some synchronicities in the last few days around the subject of parenting and the Law of Attraction in that at the weekend I was asked to be on a radio show soon to talk about it, then yesterday on the Manifesting Excellence Facebook group I was also asked a question about it for this Saturday’s call!

Hence we are talking about “Parenting, Spirituality and The Law of Attraction” on this Saturday’s call (and audio download afterwards) which, as an early outline, will include:

– Teaching children to manifest in a fun way
– Hemal’s story of manifesting as a child
– Creating fun games to move away from fear and towards faith
– Instilling powerful archetypes early in life – such as ‘angels’, loved ones that have passed on that are nearby etc
– Guiding them to trust their inner awareness
– Teaching them abilities which will serve them their whole lives
– Enabling and enhancing their natural (and intuitive) abilities
– Plus any questions you have, and much more!

To get access to this, even the audio download of it afterwards, click here.

Parenting, Spirituality and The Law of Attraction

Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
― Kahlil Gibran

When a child is locked in the bathroom with water running and he says he’s doing nothing but the dog is barking, call 911.
― Erma Bombeck

If this interests you, click here to register!


P.S. Do remember, even if you’re not able to access the live call you can get the audio download afterwards to listen at your convenience. We have people that access this information from all around the world including the US, UK, Australia, Canada, India, Switzerland, Sweden in different timezones at their convenience. Click here if you’d like to access this.

Money in Your Life and in the World Within You

Related post: Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Money has been on many people’s minds recently and we will be covering it on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio (if you are reading this after the call date, you can still register and access the audio via the archives) and possibly on some subsequent ones also:


Money is the label of an agreed commodity for economic exchange. It is one means – one of many means – with which the universe can bring you what you are a match to.

If you are open to believing that the economic and physical world is NOT everything there is (and it isn’t), there is a lot more happening underneath the surface of what you see in the world around you and in your life.

It’s about getting in tune with the undercurrent of your relationship to money and abundance in your life.

The undercurrent is shaping what degree of prosperity (not just money, but ALL prosperity) you allow into your life as well as the aspects that you experience of the world around you – whether there is a constrained flow and experience or an expansive one.

An expansive flow is available to you not by what is happening in the world around you but by what is happening in the world within you.

~ Hemal Radia


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I have received some questions about dealing with hurt from relationships in the past, getting into the flow of abundance in addition to others.

We will be addressing those as well as covering:

– De-identifying from your past

– Working with your ‘form’ around money to flow more abundance

– How you can inadvertently have hooked up “money” to what you don’t want

– Unhooking past momentums of negativity

– Why the ‘how’ isn’t necessarily important for you to know


If you’d like to access the call or the audio download afterwards you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.

“From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Telesummit

Relationship Expert Gladys Diaz has asked me to be amongst 20 speakers to speak in her upcoming “From Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires“relationships telesummit.

The telesummit is free to access and starts on May 6th. We recorded our call last week and it will be broadcast on May 17th at 7.30am Eastern Time/12.30pm UK time.

Some of the things we spoke about included:
– Dealing with Blocks and ‘Heartache’
– Manifesting a Relationship
– Creating Space for What You Want
– If you are in a Relationship then Honouring it and Treating it and your Partner as Sacred

– Not Confusing ‘Love’ and Finding Safety from an Unhealthy Relationship

It was a spontaneous and fun conversation in which we covered a lot in the time that we had.

Do check out the telesummit and let me know what you think of what we covered!

You can register for it for free at

From Heartache to Heart's Desires Telesummit with Hemal Radia




Want to access a FREE book group to study my “Find You” book?


Here is something which is for free, where you can connect with
thousands around the world, and can inspire you to your flow and

Many of you regularly write in with the manifestations and successes you have experienced with my “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secret to the Law of Attraction” book.

Would you, at your own convenience and totally for FREE, like to be part of a book group who will be studying my book?

They will be:
– Interacting about & discussing my book
– Taking learnings from it and everyday application
– Stimulating their intuition from it
– Having fun!
– And much more!

Does this interest you? It will be online and FREE, you just need to have a copy of my book (click here to get it if you don’t already have it).

What better opportunity than connecting with others around the world and sharing your questions and experiences from this book?

They have asked to interview me on their “Oracle Friday” radio show this Friday at 7am ET/12pm UK time (downloadable afterwards) to start it off and where you can get more details.

You can access that interview on Friday here Hemal Radia on “Oracle Friday” about Law of Attraction

Hemal Radia & Find You & You Find Everything

Magic and Miracles” Call from Last Weekend!

Below are details of the Manifesting Excellence call from last weekend.

Register at to access this call and others in the audio archive.

“Magic” and “Miracles” appearas that if they are outside your usual belief system
– Practice what you want…bring “magic” and “miracles” into your regular experience
– Using a dream-based manifestation to improve a dance move
Giving yourself mental suggestions when going to sleep, meditating or using self-hypnosis
Working with your unconscious mind and your spirit
– Hemal shares techniques to tap into the energy/vibration/morphogenic field of world-class experts supporting you
– Having Bill Gates, Warren Buffet etc amongst the experts on your ‘counsel’ and tapping into their energy
– It’s the energy that’s important for you, whether from the past, present or future, alive or deceased
– The more real your ‘expert’ is the more specific and real it will feel to you than being ambiguous
– Writing notes etc to consciously activate the information in your unconscious
Skim reading a book quickly and activating the material
– There are more neural connections in your brain than grains of sand on the planet
– More neural connections than planets in the solar system
– Your mind is like a phone network…any damage and it will re-route the information and work around it
How often do you ask yourself empowering questions and activate and stimulate those answers, rather than habitual internal chatter
Activating your mind, like the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
– Time is linear in that it is one moment after another. How you perceive each moment, how long or short, is subjective and can be worked with
– Your past and future are projected from and filtered by your present
– When your beliefs in your now change, your perceptions and projections of your past and future change, including of what you expect in the future, which affect what you manifest…
It’s not that time or events change, it’s your perception of them
– You view the past and future via your now like a slide projector. You filter them just like you can filter what you see on a projector with a coloured sheet of plastic, for example
Separation and differentiation is a convenient illusion in this physical reality, it allows you to make choices and have preferences on what you would like
– Process for getting in tune with your interconnectedness to everything else
Realising your interconnectedness to everything else when it comes to manifesting
Amplifying your relationship to what you want by your attention to it
– Your interconnectedness to Hemal in listening to the ME call/audio
You are connected to everything…including the manifestations you would like in your life – amplifying that connection to manifestation

Register at to access this call and others in the audio archive.


“Which is better: Visualization, Writing it down, or Meditation?”

I often get messages from many of you with questions about joining Manifesting Excellence.  Just to let you know that we had the first call of the year on Saturday and it is available as an audio in the archives by registering at

Below is an overview of some of the content on it:

– “When trying to manifest, which is better: Visualization, writing it down on paper or journal, or meditation?
The key thing is the FEELING of what you want to manifest
– Using different processes for different areas of your life at different times
– Identifying more unconscious or subliminal thoughts
What to do when “feeling good” isn’t easy because you aren’t feeling very good
Lifing yourself up many energetic levels
– “How is our health being affected by our emotional state?”
Your body, mind and spirit know what to do for a perfectly healthy body, other than when you block with resistance
Negative emotions distort the communication within your body
– Your body – like everything else – is constantly regenerating itself
– When you are in your flow you are allowing in the ‘life force’ – just like when you are in love or excited about something
– “How do you control your thoughts?”
– “Manifesting flippantly
Being light and loose about what you want to manifest
Manifesting $10,000 being as easy as manifesting a parking space
– As you go up the energetic scale you get more outrageous, creative and inspirational in your thinking
– What thoughts come up that you don’t want? Release the negative emotional base of them
Amplify the good thoughts you want with positive emotion
– “I’m in a relationship and afraid of sabotaging it. I fear it not working out or me not being good  enough or pretty enough of keeping him. I really like him and I’m fighting myself with the negative and the fear…what can I do?”
– Filtering present relationships and yourself with habits from past relationships
Dulling your senses with noise from the past
Things to say to yourself to feel better about yourself and the relationship you are in
Setting outcomes and goals for yourself and the relationship into the future
Abusive relationships and the dynamics in them
– An abuser acts the way they do because they are so disconnected and out of their flow
– “I lost my work and then couldn’t find more work and went through all my money and bottomed out as an alcoholic. I have now been sober for 5 1/2 years and lost a job recently and am filled with fear. I am working on a movie and believe I have many other talents but do not know how to bring the money in. I also believe I may have blocks to money and self-worth and self-esteem are always a work in progress  for me. What can I do?”
– Turning intention to something commercially profitable
Use the Manifesting Excellence private Facebook group to interact ideas
– When in fear, start making actions to get the momentum going

You can register at to access the audio from the call at the weekend as well as the archives with audios on topics such as attracting money, relationships, freeing up energy and emotional attachment, making 2013 a great year, and much much more!


“Soul-to-Soul Love vs Ego-to-Ego Love”


Soul-to-soul ‘love’ is flow/infinite/abundant/expansive and connective…
Whereas ego-to-ego ‘love’ can be divisive/fear-based/limited/scarcity thinking and contractive.

Ego-to-ego can resonate at times in people’s journeys and their evolution and for where they are at that moment – there is nothing necessarily ‘wrong’ with it, it can be a phase like many others.

But it may not be something that lasts as it is based on the superficial and transient, than on the deeper, infinite, the divine, or the ‘truth’ – who you really are.

You are your soul/spirit in addition to your physical form. Loving something (or someone) for their form is transient because they will change form, as will you.

But loving someone for who they are will be an eternal love affair because that’s ‘who’ they are and who you are.

One is expansive, abundant, timeless, connective and adds to who you are – the other is divisive, fear-basesd, contractive and transient.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

 Soulmate and Soul Love


“Finding Love” call this week


This Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call is about "Finding Love"!

* Do you keep attracting the same type of man/woman into your life?

* Are you finding that what you are looking for hasn't been appearing in your life?

* Are you scared of getting into a relationship or feel that you won't be happy?

* Do you believe that what you want isn't out there?

* Do you believe that you are carrying the past with you and it makes it difficult for you to have what you want and be happy?

* For this and much more, and YOUR questions, join us on the Manifesting Excellence call this coming Saturday!

Click here to register for Manifesting Excellence

P.S. In registering you also get access to the call archives on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go and much more.  Register at Manifesting Excellence



“5 Thoughts on Using your Intuition to Manifest What You Want”

The “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starts this Thursday and will be covering many topics including using your intuition to more easily and effectively manifest your goals.  This is a live course and the audios are downloadable afterwards.

In light of that, I thought you might enjoy the following…

1 – The path from where you are to where you want to be is revealed as you energetically line up to it.

The intelligence and information is ‘unlocked’ as you get into frequency and resonance with what you are wanting.

You can get into frequency and resonance with anything that has a frequency and vibration, and… everything has a frequency and vibration…

2 – There is usually a question (an ‘asking’), even an unconscious one.  This is followed by the answer in energetic form which you decode into a from that you understand, eg something you see, something you hear, something you feel etc.

When people get wrong information it is usually because:
– They are asking the wrong questions
– They are not able to discern the correct inutitive information from the noise

3 – All information is available to you. It is based upon your openness to what you are wanting to know.

4 – You will always get an answer. The accuracy of it will depend on your interpretation and ‘decoding’ of it

5 – This channel of information is available to you just like your other senses. It is just about activating and bringing this forward in your awareness, asking questions, separating the clean information from the noise.

Click here for more information about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting this Thursday

Mastering the Law of Attraction