Magical Manifesting Techniques (incl Abraham processes)



Have you had the experience of using a technique and afterwards felt like you wasted time and effort because either not much happened or very little happened and you still didn’t get what you wanted?

Lower down this email I will share with you about how to make manifesting techniques work for you which I will be elaborating more on this Saturday’s “Magical Manifesting Techniques” call on Manifesting Excellence.

We will be talking about:

– What makes a technique effective for manifestation (clue: It HAS to affect your energy, for starters)
– How to pick the best technique for you for the fastest results
– Common characteristics in the BEST techniques
– Demystifying some of the Abraham Hick’s processes – what are the common patterns between the techniques?

– Whichever technique you like to use, how to use it most effectively

Magical Manifesting TechniquesEveryone wants the ‘super-duper-how-can-I-have-everything-in-5-minutes’ technique… as mentioned above we will be talking about TECHNIQUES & PROCESSES on Saturday’s call.

It’s All About ‘Energy’

It is not about a method or technique, it is about YOU and your energy.  All methods, techniques, processes are TOOLS to help you with your energy.  It is always about ‘you’ and your energy as to what happens.


There are so many techniques out there, how do you know what will work for you?The thing to realise is no matter which technique, ‘all’ they do is work with your energy – and of course you manifest based on your energy.

Some techniques work better at energy levels to disrupt resistance where you are doubtful, fearful, more ‘negative’/resistant.  Other techniques are enablers and magnifiers of your good energy, such as gratitude and appreciation methods which further enhance the good feelings you are experiencing.

Realise that your situation or outcome you want has a particular energy to it.  And, currently you have a particular energy.  If you do not have what you want then in likelihood those energies (‘vibrations’) are different, hence you are experiencing the mismatch on the physical that you are.

You then use techniques and methods to close and bridge the gap between your present energy to where you want to be.  As mentioned above, all techniques (if they are to help manifestationally) will be about shifting your energy.

You may also find that different techniques work better for you along the way as you progress towards your manifestation because most techniques work better at a specific energy level for that particular technique.

For those of you that like Abraham Hick’s techniques, I studied them many years ago early on in my journey to identify the underlying structure and use that to create new techniques.  Many/most of the patterns have a very similar underlying intention.


In order to manifest what you want in the quickest way it is about getting your energy as a match to the outcome you want in the quickest way.  Whether it be about money, relationships, health & physical goals, etc.


We will be talking about the above and much more on Saturday’s call in giving you an awareness of how to best use techniques, avoid wasting time on those that won’t help you, and use the ones you do use to get the best/quickest results for you.Click here to register and join us.  Even if you can’t attend live you will be able to access the audio download afterwards.

Plus, you can send in any questions that you have about this subject!  (We have already had some questions sent in, they will be taken on a first-come first-served basis time permitting for the call!)


“5 Thoughts on Using your Intuition to Manifest What You Want”

The “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starts this Thursday and will be covering many topics including using your intuition to more easily and effectively manifest your goals.  This is a live course and the audios are downloadable afterwards.

In light of that, I thought you might enjoy the following…

1 – The path from where you are to where you want to be is revealed as you energetically line up to it.

The intelligence and information is ‘unlocked’ as you get into frequency and resonance with what you are wanting.

You can get into frequency and resonance with anything that has a frequency and vibration, and… everything has a frequency and vibration…

2 – There is usually a question (an ‘asking’), even an unconscious one.  This is followed by the answer in energetic form which you decode into a from that you understand, eg something you see, something you hear, something you feel etc.

When people get wrong information it is usually because:
– They are asking the wrong questions
– They are not able to discern the correct inutitive information from the noise

3 – All information is available to you. It is based upon your openness to what you are wanting to know.

4 – You will always get an answer. The accuracy of it will depend on your interpretation and ‘decoding’ of it

5 – This channel of information is available to you just like your other senses. It is just about activating and bringing this forward in your awareness, asking questions, separating the clean information from the noise.

Click here for more information about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting this Thursday

Mastering the Law of Attraction

5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




Upcoming Resources for YOU!


Just to give you a heads up, over the next few days, weeks and months you will be having access to various content and resources from me, including some free resources.

Also, in order to update you on something upcoming or to share content, you may be getting more posts from me.  I hope this is ok with you!  The intention would be to share content and resources with you and let you know of upcoming events that may interest you.

I am teaching an online “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course in just over a week (Postnote: This is available now as an audio via the same link)

Excerpts from these will be shared on the Manifesting Excellence calls as well as articles I will be writing and radio shows and free calls that are upcoming.  The articles will be shared here on the blog at  If you haven’t checked this blog out in detail, it has been running for over 4 years and has over 300 posts!

Below are ways that you can access this information, including some free resources, to get the answers YOU want to create more what what YOU want in YOUR life!

Here are some aspects of what is currently scheduled –

– 27th September (Thurs) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time – FREE 30 min conference call on “3 Keys to Energetically Solving your Problems and Attracting Your Goals”. There will be content and a preview to “Mastering the Law of Attraction”, CLICK HERE to register for this FREE call

– 30th September (Sun) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time- Kenneth Heiber of New York’s ONE VOICE RADIO presents Hemal Radia. Kenneth has had various celebrities on his show including Gloria Gaynor, The Village People and will be interviewing Hemal about his book and sharing insights for you to create magic in your life. Details of accessing this FREE online radio show will be available soon.

– 4th October (Thurs) – “Mastering the Law of Attraction” 4-week online course with audio downloads begins, CLICK HERE to register
As well as about the above, you will hear from me with articles and other resources that you may find valuable.  There is also of course the Manifesting Excellence calls where I will be sharing great content over the coming weeks and months and YOU can request whatever you like on there, whether it be questions you have or specific content you would like to know more about.

You will be hearing from me this week, including in reminding you about some of the above events this week.  I wish you a phenomenal start to your week!


Law of Attraction



Course: “Mastering the Law of Attraction”


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  If you remember, a few months ago I taught a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction“.

I’m writing to let you know that next month is “Mastering the Law of Attraction“!  It will be a live online class environment and also downloadable audios if you can’t make it live.

Click here to find out about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course

(If you are on Manifesting Excellence then will have courtesy access to this as a courtesy)

The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos


Mastering the Law of Attraction upright

How to Have a Successful Career AND a Successful Marriage/Relationship


On last weekend’s Manifesting Excellence call there were questions submitted by someone looking to attract a job which included dealing with fears and challenges she was working through.  One of the dilemmas she was having was an internal conflict in believing that if she had a job with job satisfaction, she wouldn’t have money, and vice versa.

How would you deal with this conflict?

Can you think of others?
How about:
– Can I have a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship?
– Can I have independence AND a fantastic and amazing relationship?
– Can I have someone that I am deeply attracted to AND who is good for me?

And so on…

This was towards the end of the call and if you’d like to access it via Manifesting Excellence you can do so by clicking here.

rose petals

When you have an internal conflict between two (or more) things, you are creating a dichotomy – a split – in how you see things about what is possible and what isn’t.  That split creates boundaries between the two things that you want.

This could be obvious such as some of the statements above or quite subtle such as “Shall I do x or y today?”

When you decide to do something, do it.  Don’t split your energy over it.  

When you split your energy over something you are diluting your resources in the manifestation and the inspiration to it.

The skill is to bring those two outcomes/goals/realities together and integrate them into one, i.e. –

– A life with a successful career AND a successful marriage/relationship
– The feeling of self (within which is ‘independence’) AND a fantastic and amazing relationship
– Someone that you are deeply attracted to AND someone who is good for you

When you start to SEE something, you start to make it happen.

When you see a split in what is possible, or see it as impossible, it’s harder to create it, unless you happen to take your attention off the conflict (/resistance) and allow in what you want.

If you’d like to get access to the Manifesting Excellence call that covered this and much more click here.



“Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  Starting from early July there will be a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” (there are also plans in the future for a “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a follow-on).


Click here to find out about the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course
(Those that are on the Manifesting Excellence Group calls will have access to this as a courtesy)


The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos

Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction - Hemal Radia

Manifesting at 76 Years Young


I shared this on the Manifesting Excellence private group and thought you might enjoy this from a friend of mine who was ‘coaching’ her elderly dad to some goals. He attracted three goals, all using a similar way/method, this was one of them, to attract him and his wife taking a trip/vacation. It was quite something for him at this stage in his life to start to use the power of his thoughts to attract something he wanted into his life –


With regards coaching my Dad …. it really has been quite amazing …. at the time of him thinking about the ‘trip’ goal (he wanted to go away on a trip) … I suggested that he research the location, create a mind map … start a savings jar especially for the holiday where he could put his coins etc …. and basically suggested he should prepare as if they were definitely were going …. and the money would come …. well he did all of this and the money did come … unexpectedly : ) ….



Elderly couple holding hands



Using Goals and Outcomes to Align Your Energy


Blue Clouds


If you are going to set goals and outcomes I’d suggest using them as a tool to get your ‘energetic’ or ‘vibrational’ alignment to those things you are wanting.  In the end, THAT’S what gets you your goal, that you are an energetic match to it.

There are many methods of goal setting, one of them is the ‘SMART’ system.  I have just picked this system randomly to go through aspects of a system and show what each aspect does on an energetic level.  I’m not saying you should use this system or not – that’s about your resonance to it, I’m just highlighting how ‘traditional’ goal-setting techniques work on an energetic level – which is what it’s all about – and you .

Specific – If you’ve read my book “Find You and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” you will know I talk about you being a physical being who flows non-physical or spiritual energy.  When you get specific, you are getting more and more focused and engrained into the physical and in your clarity there is more ‘power’ in your energy.

Meaningful The more meaningful something is to you, the more energically charged it will be for you and thus more attracting power.
Measurable – Similar to specific, mentioned above.

Achievable You achieving your goals is a process of magnifying your alignment to something, even if it isn’t here yet.  If you disbelieve your goal, you are magnifying that.  If you find something about your goal that feels good to you right now, you magnify that and attract more of that.  You don’t have to believe everything right away, you just start with what you DO believe and go from there.  Your life is a journey and an evolution.  These goals are a part of that process and a tool.

As if Now – Stating the goal as if you have it.  It’s about FEELING as if you have it, and that’s better when you are stating and thinking as if you have it.

Realistic – Similar to Achievable above.
Responsible – That the goal (in your perceptions) is ‘Responsible’.  This is down to your alignment and beliefs.  Trying to attract something that you have a conflict about may not be easy, hence get alignment with it.

Toward – State the goal toward what you want, than away from something you don’t want, i.e. state it how you want it (not what you don’t want)
Timed – Time is more a focusing mechanism in your alignment than the Universe bringing it to you based on the time you specify.  I will talk more about this on the Manifesting Excellence call this coming Saturday.

Understanding ‘Goal Setting’ on an Energetic Level

The above are some early thoughts on this topic.  When I explain things on an energetic level (such as some of the concepts in my book), people get the “aha” moments and it all fits.  There has been a lot of information around about goals, but this brings it all together as there is actually a pattern and simplicity around everything that is out there on it.

Tomorrow* on the Manifesting Excellence group coaching program call I will be talking more about this topic and taking questions on it (*the call was on June 11th, by registering now you can download the audio of it).  Some of the questions I’ll be answering include:

“Do I set my goal once and ‘let it go’ or keep thinking about it?”

“What is ‘letting it go’?”

“How specific do I need to get?”

“How do I trust what I want is coming when I have been waiting for it for a long time and it doesn’t show any signs of manifesting?”

“What if once the goals are set, you change your mind and realise this is not what you want…will the original goal manifest?  How do you change it without setting confused messages?”

– And much more!

Click here to join us on the call or to access the audio (if you are reading this after the call).  Upon registering, feel free to submit your questions for it also.  The call will be available as a downloadable audio if you are not able to be live on the call.


Law of Attraction


“Recipe to Happiness”


A friend suggested to me to write a post on “Happiness”.  So I thought a post about “Recipe to Happiness” could be fun…


Ingredients to include, and not include in your life.  Starting with those to avoid…


Fear – Focusing on that which hasn’t happened yet can bring you more torment than it might if it does (and attract more also).

Anger – A moment’s miscontrol can lead to consequences and regret beyond the moment.  Which can lead to…

Guilt – Questioning an action or decision beyond when it happened.  It happened back then, you can drop the burden/load now.  Correct whatever you need to, and go forward with a free mind.  A heavy load just slows the rest of your journey…



Love – The truth is when you experience love, it is another (or some ‘thing’) enabling you to find the love within you.  Your whole physical experience is about revealing more of who you are.  You are in a beautiful place to do that.

Happiness – Oftentimes a state people allow themselves to feel when they have, be, or do something.  Essentially, those conditions act like ‘switches’ for you to turn on your allowance of this state.  Allow yourself to feel it now.  And having, being, doing what you want will come sooner anyway.

Self-worth – Much like happiness, people place conditions on how they see themselves.  Oftentimes they look around where they are, or look to their past, perform evaluations based on their beliefs, and determine their ‘value’.

Allow yourself to set no conditions on your ‘value’ or self-worth.  Or better still, project the most magnanimous dreams into your future, feel and embody yourself within them, and transform your now.  Expect your world and everyone within it to change.   It can’t not.  When you truly change how you see yourself in your now, you change everything that you see from your now – and that’s how you change your future, and your possibilities in your now.


Rainbow Rose