What Are You Not Letting Go Of That You Need To?


What served you to get to where you are may not be what you need to get to where you want to be…

The paradigms, concepts, situations, thoughts, emotions and constructs – all transitory – that got you to a point, you need to relinquish so as to enable the new to grow around you and within you…

The past that is overdue is a shell preventing the new from fully emerging…

A decaying past held more than it is needed to will cause pain, whether in spirit or in physical, requiring you to let go of it…

Your spirit, your eternalness, is all about continuity and flow. Not about form and attachment…

What are you scared of letting go of? What are you scared of NOT happening – these too are also indicators of fears and attachment: attachment and fear to who you think you won’t get to be (do/have)…

When you create space for your spirit to inhabit your now, miracles and magic happen beyond your wildest dreams…

There will be much more about this on Manifesting Excellence.


Letting go, detachment, Law of Attraction, The Secret




When You Truly Manifest You Wont Need to ‘Think’ About It

Manifesting is an expression of your being rather than an activity of your rational mind.  When you are drawn to something it pulls you towards it, rather than you having to ‘think’ your way to it.

This coming Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio we will be covering “Authenticity, Self-esteem & Self-value“, next week I will be sharing a method I developed in getting your daily thoughts into alignment to what you want so that it happens quickly in line with what we are talking about here.

What happens for many is daily they find themselves in a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions and they can’t think of what they want, it is too much against the tide of fear and anxiety and other emotions they are feeling.

They can’t sleep, they feel tired, they feel other symptoms. I’ll share a way of changing this and moving towards what you want.


When you truly manifest you don’t need to ‘think’, the energy ‘pulls’ you (like a magnetic experience). The right thoughts, ideas, manifestations and happenings pave the way to what you want.


For most people this doesn’t happen because their thoughts are going in mixed directions so very little tends to happen or if there is inspiration it is crowded out by noise and not realised in physical manifestation.

When you have thoughts going in different directions it’s like trying to lift or pull something with your arms and legs pointing in different directions – that’s not ‘alignment’ because you are diffusing and your effort and energy.

It’s the same with manifesting, you want alignment with your thoughts.  The reason things feel hard when your thoughts are in different directions is you are ‘splitting’ your energy.  When you lift something with alignment it’s easy, it doesn’t feel like hard work.

If you’d like to access Manifesting Excellence, including over 2 years of archives, you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.


Pink Abstract


Do You Ever Find Yourself Out of ‘Synch’ With Yourself?


Do you ever find yourself out of ‘synch’ with yourself? Do you find yourself sometimes pulled in different directions, perhaps having mixed emotions about the same thing, or not quite sure what is important to you?

On yesterday’s Manifesting Excellence call (the audio of which is accessible in the archives there) I talked about why this could be happening and what to do about it.  I will share some of the aspects of it here and if you’d like more of the context around it you can access the call.



You are a collection of thoughts, emotions, beliefs (collections of thoughts), identity (more collections of thoughts!) and so much more.


In our lives we ‘choose’ (even if it is unconsciously) all sorts of thoughts, emotions and behaviours to fulfil intentions (even if at the time the intention is unconscious and outside of our awareness).


For example someone growing up early in life in an uncomfortable situation with their parents or siblings, or someone later in life in an unhealthy relationship situation, may choose to have ‘anger’ as a protective mechanism.

However what happens later in time when they are out of the early family dynamic or the relationship situation and the anger is no longer needed?  What if they are then around friends or a new relationship and this anger manifests itself in an unhealthy way?

This is what I talked about yesterday – that behaviours, thoughts and emotions we have can become outdated and out of context and then become not only unhelpful but can potentially also be counter-productive.



All behaviours, thoughts and emotions we choose are with an intention in mind, even an unconscious one (I shared on the call yesterday, and more next week, on how to access this).  Over time the context or situation may change and the thoughts, behaviours and emotions that we believed once served us may not be necessary any more – in fact they can be counter-productive.

This applies behaviourally and also when someone is looking to manifest what they want.  If you are having thoughts of your past or anxieties about losing your job or that your partner is not being loyal or money worries or concerns about your health condition, in likelihood it is counter-productive to positive outcomes you may be wanting.

Realise that everything has a behavioural (or thought or emotion etc) side to it and an intention.  A behavior taken on at one point for an intention may get separated from the original intention or the behaviour may not serve that intention any more, like the examples mentioned above.

Another example is someone who eats chocolate (behaviour) because it makes them value and feel good about themselves (intention).  But time goes by and as a result (in a simplistic model of this, putting aside any other contributing factors) they are now gaining weight and looking very different and the behaviour (eating chocolate) is now incongruent with the intention (feeling good about themselves/valuing themselves).

It is the same on a thought level.  The reason you have not (yet) manifested what you want is you have thoughts, consciously and unconsciously, which are incongruous with where you want to be.


What thoughts, behaviours and emotions do you currently have that do not support you?
What was the original intention when you took them on? 
And where are you now heading (intentions about your present or future)?

Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.


If you’d like to know more about this and access yesterday’s call you can download the audio of it by clicking here to access Manifesting Excellence.


Alignment and Congruency

Want to Stop Battling Yourself and Feel Like You’re Floating on a Cloud?

This Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio I will be talking about how to get into deep communication with yourself.

We have various aspects within ourselves at any time – aspects which have desires and which can as a consequence get into conflict with each other.

On this Saturday’s call/audio we will be talking about identifying the different aspects within yourself, whether in one area of your life or in your life as a whole.

For most people a lot of this communication is unconscious and outside of their awareness.  Their mind is communicating to them all the time and they are not aware of it.  And oftentimes it is also unconsciously through their body via various sensations.

Wouldn’t it be powerful to get in touch with this communication within yourself – harnessing your conscious and unconscious – to have it oriented towards what you desire?

Most people have many aspects operating within themselves at any time.  It could be self-chatter about what has happened, internal conflicts, anxieties about the future, dislikes, preferences, and and many other thoughts.

These all take up focus (including unconscious focus) and energy – energy away from what they want.  This is why people often do not get what they want.  Their energy is “all over the place” and they do not know this because it is a state they have been doing for so long that they are so accustomed to it!

The thing to do is to identify these aspects and have them work in collaboration, synergy, and even potentially integration with each other.

When people do this with themselves they feel their energies align, their bodies become lighter and “come alive” (as well as the chemical benefits their bodies experience) – the “coming alive” feeling occurs because the aspects of themselves are no longer resisting each other and their “life-energy” can flow through them. 

They are in synergy and alignment, there is no longer friction – which means more energy to take action with, as well as finding more synchronicities and manifestations occur.

Join us this Saturday (or on the audio of it afterwards) by trying out Manifesting Excellence.






“Integrating Realities” call this week


Just to let you know that, based on a request sent in, this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call will be about "Integrating Realities".  If you'd like to register for it you can do so at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Upon registering on the trial access you can listen live and/or get the audio within 24 hours of the call as well as have access to previous weekly calls, including on subjects such as Money, Relationships, Spirituality, Letting go, Life/Death, Family issues and Manifesting successfully.

On this week's "Integrating Realities" call we will be talking about how to integrate two realities together, for example where you are and where you want to be, or resolving two or more conflicting paths, and much more.
Also including:
Integrating the reality of what you want with where you are
Blending your past, present, future to the now that you want to experience
When your present and what you want in your future don't seem aligned, how to 'marry'/integrate them together, even when they may not appear easily compatible
Resolving two or more conflicting directions
Integrating anything, and evolution
Your beliefs and your psyche adapting to integration
Making integrations 'stick' and a part of 'reality'
Checking for conflicts
– And much much more!

We'd love you to join us!
Click here to try at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



FREE Manifesting & Law of Attractions Podcasts go Top 5!

I wrote to you earlier last week about free new podcasts of mine that my friend and podcast expert Ali Wylie had been putting online, within a few days they went to number 4 position on Podomatic website’s Spirituality category!

There are two ways to access them:
1 – On iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/manifesting-law-attraction/id544488188 – do be sure to rate and comment on them!

2 – The specific podcasts on the Podomatic website. More are going on there all the time, here are some so far:
“Hemal Radia Quotes”
“Aligning Energy to Your Goals”
“Money Problems? How Do We Stay in the Flow?”
“Getting in the Flow”
“Raising Confidence”


podcast top 10



It Doesn’t Have to Be A Perfect Journey


If you're feeling something uncomfortable, question your thoughts/beliefs around it. In likelihood, there will be a presumption of limitation or scarcity or something in what you are thinking if it feels that way. The more and more you are in tune with 'you' and the Universe, the more elegantly it flows. 'Resistance' is what creates the discord. Alignment and easing into 'who' you are flows easier and easier.

It doesn't necessarily mean that things are always smooth, that's part of the journey and gives you emotion, desire, perspective, for choices you make towards your alignment. It doesn't have to be a perfect journey, but ideally make your response to it as best as you can, that serves and helps you to your alignment.

~ Hemal Radia




Being Intuitive, Congruence to What you Want, and “Muscle Testing”

Letting Your Body/Mind/Spirit Talk To You

As some of you may know (especially those of you who were there!), I was speaking last week in London and opening Perenna Fleming and Anne Walsh’s “You’ve Got Spiritual Voicemail” seminar on the Friday evening.  They also invited me to attend their one-day event on the Saturday, which was great fun.

One of the methods used during the day was “muscle testing”.  At times what they would do is ask themselves a question and based on the congruence of a physiological test, they would determine the answer.  For example they may have a participant put their arm out, ask a question, and gently press down on the participant’s arm.  If the answer was “Yes” the arm wouldn’t be able to be lowered by pushing down on it.  If the answer was a “No” then the arm would easily drop.

What is happening is the body/mind/spirit knows the answer and when the arm stays up or drops, it is based on the CONGRUENCE (or incongruence) within the system.  Similarly, they will also create a circle with their thumb and forefinger and insert the forefinger of the other hand inside the circle and ask a question and try to break outside of the circle.  If the answer was a “Yes” then because of the congruence of the energy, the circle couldn’t be broken.  If it was a “No” then it would be broken.

Over the years when interacting with people about food and diet, I have always said your body knows what is best for you.  Your body will tell you its congruence or incongruence to certain foods.


This also applies with anything and everything else.  Your body, mind and spirit are communicating to you in every moment.  They know what you need to do to have what you want.  The way you know is by your congruence and incongruence – i.e. your “alignment” – within yourself.



Getting in Tune with your Intuition

What this reminded me of was our internal congruence and alignment.  You have often heard me use the word “alignment” in aligning to what you want, the muscle testing is a physiological demonstration of it.  It happens on an internal level with your feelings also.

Your body, spirit, and mind KNOW THE ANSWERS.  And you can FEEL them.  It is in your skill in getting aware and familiar with the exact feeling/kinesthetic sensation.


As some of you may know, especially those on the group coaching calls where I have been mentioning this more regularly, I tend to incorporate my intuition with my other know-how and skills in working with others, whether in working one-to-one with others or on the group coaching calls.  When you are “right” with your intuition, you tend to have a congruent feeling attached to it.  If you yourself are working on your intution, you may want to have an awareness of a feeling when you are “right”.

Similarly, when manifesting, you will know the times that when you have gotten what you wanted, it has “felt” differently than when you didn’t (haven’t I been saying for years that it’s about the feeling?).  In likelihood, when you weren’t about to get something, it probably felt “weaker” energetically (sometimes this can still work out, though the “weak” feeling is an indication that the probabilities aren’t high).

When someone is wanting to attract a goal and I tell them to start making a list of thoughts that are resonant to that, the indication of whether you are heading closer to that is by how these thoughts that you are writing FEEL.  Do they feel better?  Do you feel more congruent about your goal?  Or does it feel like wishful thinking?  “Wishful thinking” is usually when you are finding thoughts around your goal but you do not quite yet believe it.  It will tend to feel “weaker” and there is more work to be done on it.  Identify why you do not believe it, what beliefs you have that do not enable it and address them (or feel free to work with me either one-to-one or on the group coaching to help you!).

Some people maythink that “thought-work” is pie in the sky.  As you can tell from what we have shared here, there is a physical consequence to every thought you have.  Whether it be within your body, or the manifestations you experience in your life.  That’s right, your thoughts matter.  And they are creating in your life.  Also, you know this, you know this from the experiences you have had in your life.



Ride the Wave!

As you start to build a congruence (“Alignment!”), and add more thoughts to it, you will start to find things happening.  You will feel clarity within yourself and within your actions and thinking.  You will see things easily and clearly.  You will be decisive.  This is what I would say is an indicator of when you are getting more and more into “alignment”, “into your flow”, etc.  And if you haven’t already, you will start to see synchronicities and manifestations.

Your job then is to ride the wave and keep building it.  It will transcend into other areas of your life and more will be happening.

The stream of wellbeing, the stream of possibilities, your ‘flow’, they are all waiting.  It’s just about you gently stepping on, relative to where you are at, and letting your flow carry you.  It will TAKE you, if you allow it.



  Colourful Intuitive Rose


“How can you be a Vibrational Match?”

Jay Lakhani:  There is an Abraham quote: If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing. You are not a vibrational match to your own desire.”  So how can you easily achieve a vibrational match?

The easiest way is by thinking of it and from it. What happens for most people is they let other thoughts get in the way. It’s about thinking about something and by the attention to it (without resistance), letting it build; and it attracts more thoughts, and more thoughts, and then physical manifestation.

Playing with thoughts is one way, eg “Wouldn’t it be lovely for me to be with the love of my life?  How would it feel to drive the car I’d love to have?  How would it be to live in the house I want?  How will I decorate it?”  And so on.  It’s just many people get stuck on the “how to” and their beliefs about it being/not being possible, rather than being open to the possibilities and focusing on the envisioning and letting the Universe find the answers, commensurate with your vibration.

Every thought has a vibration. To be a vibrational match to something, have thoughts about it.

Hi Hemal > Many thanks for the kind contribution, really appreciate your effort! Very nicely explained. Thanks again.

Top 10 List for Staying in Alignment

Want to have some tips to staying in Alignment?

Rainbow water


A few days ago, a friend wrote to me feeling saying that she had been in a wonderful flow and had felt that day that she had – in her words – “crashed”.  She had been feeling great, doing all sorts of things to look after herself, and then all of a sudden she felt things “fall down” all around her and she felt very, very down – down to a degree that she had hardly ever felt. 

She had been intending to become a client before this happened and is about to become one anyway.  I wrote her a message at the time which enabled her to realise how she could get herself back into her flow. 

Within days, she is buzzing and is back in her flow despite how down she was at the time.  She wrote to me this morning with a list of around 10 things that I had mentioned in my message to her which she had organised into a list.  

Enjoy…. 🙂

(To give you the context of some of the points below, I’ve annotated some of them and put the annotations in brackets)



Hi Hemal,

I am going to re-read your note every day for the rest of my life! ha ha  Seriously, there are so many good points that you make there.

1. I love the idea of being “light and easy” with myself. You are right, the easier I allow myself to be, the better I feel! Do not disrupt flow…ok, got it!

(Do not beat yourself up and create resistance from your flow.  Be light and easy and gentle with yourself.  Let the energy flow, and let it build and grow.)

2. No beating self up…stay away from quicksand…excellent point!  Btw, I thought about quicksand a lot as a child…just remembered that…haha

(The languaging she was using was of “crashing” in having come out of her flow.  Understandably, due to the state that she was in at the time, she used the languaging a few times in her original message to me so I asked to her to focus instead on what she wanted (than on what was wrong, i.e. “crashing”).  It’s like quicksand – that’s the analogy I used.  The more we struggle, the more we get pulled in.  The more attention to what we don’t want, the more we ‘fight’, the more we can feel getting sucked in. 

So relax, get your attention away from that.  Don’t put your energy towards it.  Instead, be light and easy because your flow is ALWAYS there, it’s about you letting it in (and not fighting or resisting it).  You are always connected to your flow.  So relax, let it in.  Think thoughts that feel good, they are you letting in your flow.)

3. Relax and know it is ok to concentrate on “me”. I just want you to know that I never knew until a few years back that it is ok to love myself…unfortunately I think a lot of people are unaware of that. (Might make an excellent post for you in the future)

4. Get rid of unwanted thoughts by thinking of being in the “now”. Will try and just revert to breathing technique or mantra…I call on my higher self.

5. Begin thinking of one wonderful thing to appreciate and then add more to the list.

6. Good thoughts = positive flow!

7. Do things that feel genuinely good to you.

8. Do things that energetically have value for you.

(I said to her to consider the things she does, thinks and feels for their ‘energetic value’.  How do they feel?  My sense was she was getting drained because she was focusing on things which energetically didn’t feel great for her and she was ‘getting things done’ and ‘working away’ rather than being in her flow.  She focused on this, as I get my clients to do, and she felt herself driven to do things which were more compelling and had a higher ‘energetic value’ and very easily and naturally her flow came.  I got her to focus on how things felt to herself. 

I have even worked with Law of Attraction coaches in guiding them to making this a way in their lives and their businesses, love lives and many other things have skyrocketed.)

9. Allow yourself to create personal well being doing the things you love.

10. Find your own personal ‘Super’ Coach, like Hemal Radia…:)

By the way, you are absolutely wonderful!

Thanks, things are getting better already…woo hoo!

PS. Maybe you could post this as Hemal’s Top Ten List for Staying in Alignment…



Any questions?  Any comments?  Anything you’d like to add that has
worked for you?  Feel free to add your thoughts to the comments below…