Looking for Love? (Attracting Love)


With Valentine’s Day coming up we are having a call (with audio download) on Attracting Love this weekend on Manifesting Excellence!  Lower down this post I have shared a Real-Life Love Story with you.

Of course, if you are already in a relationship (or some other ‘complicated’ situation!) and have questions or experiences to share you are welcome to send them in.

What would you be most excited to discover?

On this Saturday’s call we will be covering:

– How do I find my ‘soulmate’?
– Why do I keep attracting the same type of person?
– Why do I find different people but none has ‘everything’? And what can I do about it?
– How do I let go of my blocks?
– How do I find my blocks that I’m not even aware I have?
– And much more!

Do you have any questions, experiences or stories about this?  Register and send them in!

Law of Attraction and Love

You do not have to be able to access the call live – you can register and access the audio download at your convenience

We have people around the world that will be accessing this call from Australia, US, UK, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, India and many other countries.  The audio download makes it easy and convenient to access.

A Real-Life Love Story

Nancy hadn’t been in a long term relationship for many years.  She would meet guys and date, but it wasn’t working out.

She asked me about this at a live event and I worked with her in the seminar for about 20 minutes.  During the break she came up to me and said that her mind was feeling differently about the subject and found herself in thought – I said it was her mind processing the new possiblities and it would make sense.

Three weeks later Nancy shared on Manifesting Excellence that she had met a guy – “Mike”.

Two years on they have moved in together and have been travelling the country investing in real-estate as well as touring destinations around the world for the last year.

When we get congruent about what we want, what we want shows up in our lives.

If you’d like to access Saturday’s call/audio register here.

Law of Attraction & Attracting Love

Want to know more?  Try it out!  Register here.


Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex


Want to get some great insights and manifestations in your life?

– Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex
– How to Manifest to “Make Amends”
– What to do When Finding it Difficult to be Grateful
– If I Help Others will I Attract Suffering?
– I have had Financial Challenges before and resolved them however I was filled with Dread and Panic recently. How do we Let Go of Old Programmed Responses?

These topics and more will be covered on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/downloadable audio –
Register at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



 Manifesting Excellence