Remember, Vegas Hotel room rate is at HALF price until end of August


I just wanted to remind you that if you are wanting to attend the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event next month (September 25th & 26th) that the discounted $99 rate (excl tax) that we have negotiated with the hotel for a studio suite at the Trump International is until August 31st.  This is almost HALF their regular rate of $179 (excl tax).

It would be great to meet you there if you can make it!  My intention is it will be a VERY special event with a lot of life changing, transformational, exhilirating, and fun, content.

Trump Suite

Bring Your Intentions, Expect them to Progress

You may come with goals and outcomes that you would like to be working on in your life
.  As well as me covering content, there will be interaction also. 

No Coincidence in You Being There

There will be no coincidence of the people attending and the questions asked, the answers and content you receive, and the connections you make.  It will be beautifully orchestrated for you to receive the answers you are looking for to take you towards where you want to be heading.


Las Vegas - night time-2

Answers for You on Many Levels

This Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event will give you many answers, on many levels, for themes in your life, and where you want to be heading.  The answers and content will be ‘multi-layered’ in that they will speak to you on many levels, and you will take information and ideas in the best ways that fit for you.

Finding ‘You’

You will also find a better connection with yourself on many levels.  When I work with clients, this happens right away and their perspectives change on everything, which in turn leads to them being more aligned to the scenarios that they want.  This harmony is always there, I enable you to more easily find ‘You’.

Connecting with Others before and during the Event

Whilst people have been booking onto the event, my intention is to create a way where attendees can connect before the event if they would like to.  Most likely, this will be a private Facebook Group for attendees.  We are also working on arranging optional buffet dinners on the evenings of the event so attendees can spend more time with each other and with me.

I know many of you that have booked, and know that there will be wonderful connections amongst you, as well as what you get from the event itself.  There are ‘light workers’, intuits, practitioners, coaches, and more, amongst those attending.

Vegas event room pics

Do remember, the $99 deal from the Trump International hotel is until the end of August

For more information and to book, go to Law of Attraction in Las Vegas

Reminder that Early Booking Discount for Vegas event is until this Friday

Some of you have booked and I know some of you are yet to book onto the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event.  I just wanted to remind you that the early bird booking discount ends this coming Friday, 21st May.

For more information and to book go to

Yesterday, we received some photos of the event room from the hotel where the seminar will be held, the Trump International, and I thought I’d share them with you.  We have also been going over the courtesy meals for attendees of the event.

Also do remember that we have negotiated a deal with the hotel for attendees of this seminar to have studio suites at $99 (excl taxes) and have a view of the Vegas Strip.  These are subject to availability and on a first come first served basis.

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact Stephanie Swann-Stringham at or myself at

If you’d like to know more about the content of the event, more information about it, or to book onto it, you can do so at

Enjoy the pics!

View from the hotel room

The view from the seminar room

Entrance pic 

The entrance to the seminar room

Studio suite strip view

A studio suite with a view of the Vegas Strip

Skyline at dusk

Skyline at dusk

Skyline at night

Skyline at night

Want to Meet in Las Vegas?

Welcome to Las Vegas Las Vegas - night time

Henri Coleman, who lives in Las Vegas, asked me a few months ago if I would be interested in having a live event in Las Vegas.  We interacted and are intending on having an event next Spring.  I will let Henri explain….


Henri: In preparation for a Hemal Radia Law of Attraction Seminar/Workshop in Las Vegas, we are targeting a weekend in May 2010 (PS – Since this post was written, the Vegas seminar has been arranged for the last weekend of September 2010, the 25th & 26th.  See Law of Attraction in Las Vegas for more information, HR – 5th April '10).  This will give everyone who would like to attend a chance to come to Las Vegas and participate in this exciting event.  

What you can expect from this event:

  • You'll learn Law of Attraction and about YOU and YOUR Life like you've
    not known it before!  Those who are familiar with Hemal's work will
    know that no one covers it like he does!
  • You will get a chance to see Hemal in person; and, we will
    get a chance to personally interact with one another also!  How exciting to
    meet, manifest, and share!
  • You will not only be able to interact with Hemal but also meet others
    who have very similar interests to you! 
    One thing I have noticed with
    the people around Hemal is there is a WONDERFUL spirit!
  • Ask questions!  This is a live event and Hemal enjoys the interaction and stimulus!  And we get ANSWERS!
  • In meeting Hemal we have an opportunity to interact with a true Expert in his field.  As well as the seminar time we are also intending to have some lighter interaction time.

A provisional format for the event would look something like this:
Friday evening:  Cocktail Party to meet and greet. 
Morning session, Lunch with group or separately, Afternoon session with
Questions and Answers, Dinner with group or separately. 
Sunday:  Coffee, Pastries, 2-3 hour Workshop, and depart by 1pm.

If you would like to be kept up to date about this event then please enter your details below.  This does not commit you to attend the event, but will enable you to receive updates about it.  (If you are reading this via email notification then click here to go to the blog post and the form)


Also, we have created a short survey in order to know YOUR preferences.  We would appreciate it if you could have a look at this and let us know your thoughts:

Click here to have a look at the survey

Please fill in the form above with your details and we will keep you updated! 

And do feel free to let us know what YOU would like!