These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at
– Working with fear around not having money
– There are different ways into your flow
– Interaction about losing weight
– Being ‘pinned down’ energetically by the present
– Setting targets and a future direction
– Enjoying the process and stepping away from where you are coming from
– It’s the emotions behind not having money, such as survival, embarassment, etc
– Working with the core
– Fear can be like quicksand
– Make a list of fears and concerns and work through them, whether emotionally or behaviourally
– Make a list of 50-100 constructive ideas – the key thing is to get your mindset in a place of solutions and ideas
– See this as a phase in your life (ie transient) and you will be moving on to better things
– “Meditation is normally said to be great and most spiritual masters seem to recommend it. Why is that? Does it get you better into your flow?”
– Because of what you go through you will be better and stronger
– Set an outcome or goal or direction. It is easy for your mind to veer towards fear, give it another pre-set direction so it has somewhere else to turn to than the fear
– What would you like? How would you like it? Get as specific as you can?
– “Trying to do too much”
– The key thing is your alignment, not whether too much or too little – what feels the best and most desireful?
– Avoid second guessing yourself and “splitting” your energy
– Does it feel better or worse to do less? How about to do more?
– Being ‘hopeful’ about manifestations and what it implies
– Getting conscious about how your impending manifestations feel to you
– You want to be ‘solid’ in your congruency and alignment
– When you ARE it, you don’t have to think of becoming it
– Being gentle and soft with yourself and closing the emotional gap from where you are to where you want to be
– Being general at first and getting specific
– eg “I may not be where I want to be, but I’ll find my way…”
– eg “I may not know the how, but I love me having x. When I have it I will love x, y, z
– The emotions you feel are indicative of the emotional gap between where you are and where
you want to be
– Incorporating more into your life that adds towards your congruency, and taking things out which lead to incongruency
– For some people it can be addictive dealing with those that are incongruent. Be aware, and step
– “Energy vampires”
– Don’t get pulled into other’s issues when you don’t want to be. Be vigilant and aware
– Nurture the thoughts and things that add to your congruency and alignment
– Like orange juice, are you adding to the concentration or diluting it
These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at