Finding the Energy of Your Manifestations



Trying to manifest money? Trying to manifest something in your life? Find the things that get you EXCITED and ENTHUSED about what you want (that’s what we do on Manifesting Excellence – join us!). Put emphasis on those things that excite you. Let them even ‘distract’ you away from your fears, anxieties and disappointments.

In your moments of excitement and enthusiasm the manifestation of what you want gets CLOSER.

What happens for many/most people is they then resume their stress, anguish, anxiety afterwards and it stops the manifestation and it never comes in. The fears create a boundary around them preventing what they want coming in or making it difficult for it to do so.






Love Quotes/FREE Audios (podcasts)


Recently I was approached by my friend and podcast consultant Ali Wylie mentioning that a lot of people would love to access my material via podcasts on iTunes.

So, she started putting some podcasts online of me answering live questions and if you’d like to access and subscribe to them for FREE you can do so on iTunes at


Hemal Radia Law of Attraction Podcast pic


The podcasts on there already include about (the following are all clickable FREE to get to the specific podcasts, or all of them via the above iTunes link) “Getting in the Flow“, “Money Problems? How Do We Stay in the Flow?“, ” Raising Confidence“, “Aligning Energy to Your Goals“.  Each are short snippets you can enjoy and are time efficient.

Ali would also like to create podcasts with my quotes.  So today, we have posts on various groups and pages of mine on Facebook asking people to send in their favourite quotes to be picked for me to record onto podcasts so you can download them!

What are your favourite quotes of mine you would like to ‘hear’ me say?

Below are those that have been submitted today and have been picked so far –

I give a flower to you where the petals each carry a letter of your name, and in the centre is my heart ~ Hemal Radia

Sometimes we can’t fall in love with what’s possible because of the limitations we construct about it… (Hemal Radia)

Love and limitation are like oil and water… (Hemal Radia)

What comes to you in your life will be in the easiest way it can enter your life. Your beliefs and thoughts (i.e vibration) determine the path of least resistance in your ‘allowing’ of it. ~ Hemal Radia

I love you (manifestations) not because of you happening or not happening, but I love you for the joy you give me when I think about you… (Hemal Radia)

Which other quotes would YOU like to submit?

And do remember, you can access the podcasts and subcribe to them free at