“Single Mother Finding Money Hard to Come By” & Much More


Below is some of what we shared on Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio. The first question was from a single mother of 21 years who was finding money hard work to attract into her life.

The next question was by a woman who was finding she was giving to her friends and family but people weren’t reciprocating to be there for her and she was feeling out of balance about it.

I also then followed on from the online TV show last week and shared more about Authenticity when it comes to attracting what you want.

Below are more details about what we covered.  If you’d like to access the audio you can do so via registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


“Through one of your wonderful calls I identified that my belief is that I have to work hard for money to come into my life or it is hard to earn money. I was a single parent for 21 years. Could my belief in that we will always survive, and my son and I did, be a blocking factor? I always survive financially, but I am blocked on how to increase and maintain more money coming into my life . I know we can have a surplus of money, back up money and  savings that easily come into our lives. How can I do this?”
– Looking into your beliefs about receiving and allowing money
Do you identify – your identity and self image – with surviving and struggling, or thriving?
– ‘Earning’ money and ‘having’ money
– Does having money mean other complications or problems?
– Moving from surviving to THRIVING
– “What do I carry in my aura… what signs am I sending out … that even friends talk talk talk and forget to listen to me… I am the giver all the time. Am I sending out certain signals that I need to change? I’d like things to be in flow… giving, taking, loving, caring…”
– Others getting ‘entranced’ and engrossed with your communication
– Are you ok to receive what you want?
– Others not aware about caring for you?
– Stepping away from some who only want to ‘take’

Different types of authenticity/congruency
– It is hard work keeping up an inauthentic mask
Being true to yourself and expressing it
– What you say and what you do being congruent
– Verbal & non-verbal
The relationship between your ‘authenticity’ and your ability to manifest
– Clearing up your ‘signal’
Not sending mixed messages and distortion to the Universe
– Make a list of WHAT you want, identify WHY you want it – clear up the energy behind it
– Why do you want/do the things you do – getting to the real energy behind your intentions and actions
– Clearing up fear, people pleasing, etc
Coming from your core, your groundedness, strength, divinity etc
– Being true to your integrity and spirit
– Things (and people) that take your energy


If you’d like to access the audio you can do so via www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



3 Tips to Embracing Change


Many people go through life fearing what happens, whether it be by the ending of a relationship or job, being in debt or financial challenges, health situations, and the problems encountered in day to day life.

All of these situations require change and transformation within ourselves to transcend them.

On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call we will be sharing some techniques that you can use to quickly do this.

In addition to the techniques on the call, how can you embrace change more easily?


3 Tips to Embracing Change

1 – Realise that change is natural in fact NOT changing is against your flow and is painful – it leads to discord within yourself and dis-ease.

2 – Have the awareness that every situation that you experience has the seed of a greater transformation for you.

Much like in the past, you will deal with this. And you will have grown in the process. HOW you deal with it and grow is your journey.

On Manifesting Excellence we aim to provide tools to help with this and make it easier.

3 – Not only will you change and grow, but have the intention that you will THRIVE AND PROSPER.

Life is not about fearing change at every turning corner. It is embracing it, transforming yourself and looking forward to every breath of life you get to experience.

3 Tips to Embracing Change


Wishing you a beautiful day with smooth & enjoyable transformations…




Money in Your Life and in the World Within You

Related post: Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Money has been on many people’s minds recently and we will be covering it on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio (if you are reading this after the call date, you can still register and access the audio via the archives) and possibly on some subsequent ones also:


Money is the label of an agreed commodity for economic exchange. It is one means – one of many means – with which the universe can bring you what you are a match to.

If you are open to believing that the economic and physical world is NOT everything there is (and it isn’t), there is a lot more happening underneath the surface of what you see in the world around you and in your life.

It’s about getting in tune with the undercurrent of your relationship to money and abundance in your life.

The undercurrent is shaping what degree of prosperity (not just money, but ALL prosperity) you allow into your life as well as the aspects that you experience of the world around you – whether there is a constrained flow and experience or an expansive one.

An expansive flow is available to you not by what is happening in the world around you but by what is happening in the world within you.

~ Hemal Radia


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I have received some questions about dealing with hurt from relationships in the past, getting into the flow of abundance in addition to others.

We will be addressing those as well as covering:

– De-identifying from your past

– Working with your ‘form’ around money to flow more abundance

– How you can inadvertently have hooked up “money” to what you don’t want

– Unhooking past momentums of negativity

– Why the ‘how’ isn’t necessarily important for you to know


If you’d like to access the call or the audio download afterwards you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.

Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Want to improve your cashflow? I received this testimonial a few days ago:


I am a happy teacher with a set income. I bought your book about two weeks ago. Who would’ve thought I would have an almost immediate change in cashflow after reading and re-reading your book. Good stuff!!!!
– Kelley Chandler Kammerlocher


She got my book and joined Manifesting Excellence….if you haven’t yet, check them out! : )

“Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” Book: http://www.hemalradia.com/findyouebook
Manifesting Excellence: http://www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


The Secret by Rhonda Byrne - Law of Attraction book



“Working with Fear about not having Money” and other topics

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Working with fear around not having money
– There are different ways into your flow
– Interaction about losing weight
– Being ‘pinned down’ energetically by the present
– Setting targets and a future direction
Enjoying the process and stepping away from where you are coming from
It’s the emotions behind not having money, such as survival, embarassment, etc
– Working with the core

Fear can be like quicksand
Make a list of fears and concerns and work through them, whether emotionally or behaviourally
Make a list of 50-100 constructive ideas – the key thing is to get your mindset in a place of solutions and ideas
See this as a phase in your life (ie transient) and you will be moving on to better things
– “Meditation is normally said to be great and most spiritual masters seem to recommend it. Why is that? Does it get you better into your flow?”
– Because of what you go through you will be better and stronger
Set an outcome or goal or direction. It is easy for your mind to veer towards fear, give it another pre-set direction so it has somewhere else to turn to than the fear
– What would you like? How would you like it? Get as specific as you can?
– “Trying to do too much”
The key thing is your alignment, not whether too much or too little – what feels the best and most desireful?
Avoid second guessing yourself and “splitting” your energy
Does it feel better or worse to do less? How about to do more?
Being ‘hopeful’ about manifestations and what it implies
– Getting conscious about how your impending manifestations feel to you
– You want to be ‘solid’ in your congruency and alignment
When you ARE it, you don’t have to think of becoming it
– Being gentle and soft with yourself and closing the emotional gap from where you are to where you want to be
– Being general at first and getting specific
– eg “I may not be where I want to be, but I’ll find my way…”
– eg “I may not know the how, but I love me having x. When I have it I will love x, y, z
The emotions you feel are indicative of the emotional gap between where you are and where
you want to be
Incorporating more into your life that adds towards your congruency, and taking things out which lead to incongruency
– For some people it can be addictive dealing with those that are incongruent. Be aware, and step
– “Energy vampires
Don’t get pulled into other’s issues when you don’t want to be. Be vigilant and aware
– Nurture the thoughts and things that add to your congruency and alignment
– Like orange juice, are you adding to the concentration or diluting it

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting




5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




FREE Coach Cafe Radio Show Interview Audio


I was on Estra Roell and Kathleen Martin’s Coach Cafe radio show yesterday where we talked about a variety of topics including how we often manifest ‘incorrectly’ in trying to attract the things we are wanting, living from our purpose, how to follow our ‘essence’, whether to take physical actions or follow our inspiration or both – and how to do this, relationships, money, and a lot more.

Click here to Access/Download the Radio Interview


coach cafe


LOA in Australia horizontal pic2

LIVE “Law of Attraction in Australia” event



LOA in Australia horizontal pic2

On 17 & 18 November this year we are running a live event on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia…”Law of Attraction in Australia“…and you are welcome to join us!

There is more information at www.LOAinAustralia.com

It will be an opportunity to attend a very special seminar where you can learn more of the ‘secrets’ of manifesting what you want and also meet fabulous like-minded others! 

Two years ago we did a Las Vegas event where the spirit was phenomenal and life-long friendships were made.  Our intention would be that to create a very special experience for you.

To incentivise you attending it:
We have aimed to keep the costs down for the event so as to make it as affordable as we can
We have arranged accomodation on the Saturday night if it interests you as well as meals and refreshments
– I have agreed that anyone who registers will have courtesy access to Manifesting Excellence (“ME”) up to the time of the event.  It is also an opportunity to connect with others there who will be attending the event
– We are supportive of attendees connecting with each other and arranging tours, meals and get-togethers outside of the event

Please do let family and friends know (there is also an affiliate program in place).  As well as attending a live seminar with me and the content I share, our aim is to have this as a wonderful meeting place for all that want to meet each other in person.

For more information or to book go to www.LOAinAustralia.com




“Integrating Realities” call this week


Just to let you know that, based on a request sent in, this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call will be about "Integrating Realities".  If you'd like to register for it you can do so at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Upon registering on the trial access you can listen live and/or get the audio within 24 hours of the call as well as have access to previous weekly calls, including on subjects such as Money, Relationships, Spirituality, Letting go, Life/Death, Family issues and Manifesting successfully.

On this week's "Integrating Realities" call we will be talking about how to integrate two realities together, for example where you are and where you want to be, or resolving two or more conflicting paths, and much more.
Also including:
Integrating the reality of what you want with where you are
Blending your past, present, future to the now that you want to experience
When your present and what you want in your future don't seem aligned, how to 'marry'/integrate them together, even when they may not appear easily compatible
Resolving two or more conflicting directions
Integrating anything, and evolution
Your beliefs and your psyche adapting to integration
Making integrations 'stick' and a part of 'reality'
Checking for conflicts
– And much much more!

We'd love you to join us!
Click here to try at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



FREE Manifesting & Law of Attractions Podcasts go Top 5!

I wrote to you earlier last week about free new podcasts of mine that my friend and podcast expert Ali Wylie had been putting online, within a few days they went to number 4 position on Podomatic website’s Spirituality category!

There are two ways to access them:
1 – On iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/manifesting-law-attraction/id544488188 – do be sure to rate and comment on them!

2 – The specific podcasts on the Podomatic website. More are going on there all the time, here are some so far:
“Hemal Radia Quotes”
“Aligning Energy to Your Goals”
“Money Problems? How Do We Stay in the Flow?”
“Getting in the Flow”
“Raising Confidence”


podcast top 10