Millionaire Mindset call this weekend


Just to let you know that “Millionaire Mindset” is being covered on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call, which is downloadable as an audio if you can’t attend live.

This call came about after I got a request to cover the topic of: “How to get into the energy and mindset of a millionaire.”

Although it is themed as “Millionaire Mindset“, I will be covering processes that will enable you to accelerate your growth in any area of your life by acquiring the mindset, behaviours and skills in that context.

Yes, you can apply this to ANY area of your life.

On the “Millionaire Mindset” call we will be covering:

Identify 5-10 role models in a context you would like to succeed at whose conscious and unconscious behaviours you’d like to model and potentially ‘leap-frog’.

Apply this in any context, whether in making a million, having a fantastic relationship, health & body goals, and so on.

You will learn a process to behaviourally and energetically tap into what your chosen role models are doing.

You can then incorporate this on a conscious level, something which even the original role models may not always be aware of (oftentimes when people have unconscious competence they aren’t always consciously aware of every aspect of what they are doing)

You can evolve upon what you have learned and ‘leap-frog’ the role models.

Realise that I will be covering in a 60-90 minute call the main elements of what would be taught over several days in a live-event.

If this interests you, click here to register!


Attracting Money



“Soul-to-Soul Love vs Ego-to-Ego Love”


Soul-to-soul ‘love’ is flow/infinite/abundant/expansive and connective…
Whereas ego-to-ego ‘love’ can be divisive/fear-based/limited/scarcity thinking and contractive.

Ego-to-ego can resonate at times in people’s journeys and their evolution and for where they are at that moment – there is nothing necessarily ‘wrong’ with it, it can be a phase like many others.

But it may not be something that lasts as it is based on the superficial and transient, than on the deeper, infinite, the divine, or the ‘truth’ – who you really are.

You are your soul/spirit in addition to your physical form. Loving something (or someone) for their form is transient because they will change form, as will you.

But loving someone for who they are will be an eternal love affair because that’s ‘who’ they are and who you are.

One is expansive, abundant, timeless, connective and adds to who you are – the other is divisive, fear-basesd, contractive and transient.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

 Soulmate and Soul Love


“Finding Love” call this week


This Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call is about "Finding Love"!

* Do you keep attracting the same type of man/woman into your life?

* Are you finding that what you are looking for hasn't been appearing in your life?

* Are you scared of getting into a relationship or feel that you won't be happy?

* Do you believe that what you want isn't out there?

* Do you believe that you are carrying the past with you and it makes it difficult for you to have what you want and be happy?

* For this and much more, and YOUR questions, join us on the Manifesting Excellence call this coming Saturday!

Click here to register for Manifesting Excellence

P.S. In registering you also get access to the call archives on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go and much more.  Register at Manifesting Excellence



5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




Upcoming Resources for YOU!


Just to give you a heads up, over the next few days, weeks and months you will be having access to various content and resources from me, including some free resources.

Also, in order to update you on something upcoming or to share content, you may be getting more posts from me.  I hope this is ok with you!  The intention would be to share content and resources with you and let you know of upcoming events that may interest you.

I am teaching an online “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course in just over a week (Postnote: This is available now as an audio via the same link)

Excerpts from these will be shared on the Manifesting Excellence calls as well as articles I will be writing and radio shows and free calls that are upcoming.  The articles will be shared here on the blog at  If you haven’t checked this blog out in detail, it has been running for over 4 years and has over 300 posts!

Below are ways that you can access this information, including some free resources, to get the answers YOU want to create more what what YOU want in YOUR life!

Here are some aspects of what is currently scheduled –

– 27th September (Thurs) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time – FREE 30 min conference call on “3 Keys to Energetically Solving your Problems and Attracting Your Goals”. There will be content and a preview to “Mastering the Law of Attraction”, CLICK HERE to register for this FREE call

– 30th September (Sun) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time- Kenneth Heiber of New York’s ONE VOICE RADIO presents Hemal Radia. Kenneth has had various celebrities on his show including Gloria Gaynor, The Village People and will be interviewing Hemal about his book and sharing insights for you to create magic in your life. Details of accessing this FREE online radio show will be available soon.

– 4th October (Thurs) – “Mastering the Law of Attraction” 4-week online course with audio downloads begins, CLICK HERE to register
As well as about the above, you will hear from me with articles and other resources that you may find valuable.  There is also of course the Manifesting Excellence calls where I will be sharing great content over the coming weeks and months and YOU can request whatever you like on there, whether it be questions you have or specific content you would like to know more about.

You will be hearing from me this week, including in reminding you about some of the above events this week.  I wish you a phenomenal start to your week!


Law of Attraction



“Integrating Realities” call this week


Just to let you know that, based on a request sent in, this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call will be about "Integrating Realities".  If you'd like to register for it you can do so at

Upon registering on the trial access you can listen live and/or get the audio within 24 hours of the call as well as have access to previous weekly calls, including on subjects such as Money, Relationships, Spirituality, Letting go, Life/Death, Family issues and Manifesting successfully.

On this week's "Integrating Realities" call we will be talking about how to integrate two realities together, for example where you are and where you want to be, or resolving two or more conflicting paths, and much more.
Also including:
Integrating the reality of what you want with where you are
Blending your past, present, future to the now that you want to experience
When your present and what you want in your future don't seem aligned, how to 'marry'/integrate them together, even when they may not appear easily compatible
Resolving two or more conflicting directions
Integrating anything, and evolution
Your beliefs and your psyche adapting to integration
Making integrations 'stick' and a part of 'reality'
Checking for conflicts
– And much much more!

We'd love you to join us!
Click here to try at



Money PDF and Relationship Process on Manifesting Excellence


Just to let you know that for the Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching call next week, I will be sending out a “Money, You and Law of Attraction” pdf with various exercises, questions and processes to apply in raising your vibration around the subject of money.
Also, in the next day or so we will be starting a daily process on the private Facebook group in raising ones vibration around Relationships.  Recently we did the Prosperity Game and a lot of fun was had.
You can join anytime and do not have to attend the calls live, you can download the audios afterwards. You are also welcome to submit your questions and be on the call live if you would like to be.  And as mentioned, there is a private group for you to interact with others also.

Law of Attraction   

Love & Law of Attraction – A True Story

Firstly, Happy Valentine’s Day!

At the weekend I received an email from a former client of mine, Tiffany Kay.  Last year, we worked on various areas of her life, including relationships.  I knew the dynamics that were in play and offered specific advice and processes (as well as those that she would create for herself too) that she could use which we would interact about in our sessions. 

You see, I know what happened…Tiffany is getting married this year!  So I thought you might like to know about her story.  And so I asked Tiffany to write it in her words and I would tweak it and share it with you here…



“Relationships had always been a challenging area for me. I know that I always had high expectations that the “right” relationship could be deeply inspiring, fulfilling and supportive, I just wasn’t able to manifest the quality of experience I was looking for. 

I discovered the Law of Attraction through the work of Gill Edwards, which led me to study the teachings of Abraham. Although this was enlightening and changed my whole perspective on life, I couldn’t seem to apply it in practice.  There still seemed to be something missing, I just didn’t know what “it” was until I connected with Hemal Radia via Facebook. I was regularly inspired by Hemal’s posts and particularly how he helped to clarify the Law of Attraction principles an in easy (and often effortless) way.



This led me to contact Hemal about his one-to-one service and we worked together for a number of months to help me to apply the principles of creation and manifestation to my life. I found Hemal’s insights to be incredibly beneficial. I could take a particular experience and work through it with Hemal’s guidance to really understand how the mechanics of the Law of Attraction meant that I was not lining myself up with what I wanted.

One of the most significant revelations for me was the realisation that what was missing from my relationships was me. I came to understand that I was not creating the relationship I wanted, I was creating the version of me that would be living the inspired relationship. That’s why Hemal’s book “Find You, And You Find Everything” is so aptly titled.

For the next few months, I focused all of my energy on developing the type of inner relationship that would allow the external partnership to manifest. I treated myself with the love, kindness and respect that I would want with a partner. My Saturday nights became my own “date night”.  I would stay in and treat myself to a DVD or a hot candlelit bath or something else that felt indulgent. After years of dreading Saturday nights, they became the most special time of the week for me.



On my birthday in June last year, after another near miss relationship had painfully and abruptly ended, I made a decision that I would no longer settle for anything but my soulmate and I set an intention that I was going to meet him over the next twelve months, before my 40th birthday.

I enlisted the support of my best friends as external monitors and gave them permission to challenge me if they felt that I was doing anything to distract myself or that wasn’t in my highest and best interests and aligned with meeting “The One”. 

I wrote out a “spec” describing in detail what my future husband would be like. I have a beautiful box that my friend gave me called “My magical creation box” and I put my wish list in there.

Pretty soon, I started to notice changes in my life. I would see couples out for a walk and holding hands and kissing and my heart would leap with joy.  I went to bed at night and would dream of my future husband. I reached the point when the anticipation of my lover-to-be felt as real and exciting as if he had actually shown up!



As part of my intention-setting and following a suggestion from my best friend, I signed up to an online dating service.  For me at that time, it was purely part of putting the intention out there. I wasn’t “expecting” an instant result, but I was to get to be pleasantly surprised.

On the first day of my membership, I got an ice-breaker email from a guy on the site.  We exchanged emails and he seemed great.

Due to logistics and childcare, it took us about 6 weeks to get together and meet up. I liked him immediately but I found myself holding back and not wanting to “rush into things”.

On our third date something really bizarre happened. I was sitting opposite him having a drink and this voice behind me, clear as day, said “You really like him, more than you think”. I turned round to see who had said it and as you can probably guess, there was no one there! It was my inner guidance speaking to me.

When I reflected on what was holding me back, I realised I didn’t want to give up my special Saturday nights. I found that hilarious. Now I had actually “man-ifested” what I wanted, I hadn’t updated my model of how much fun shared Saturday nights could be.

Love & Law of Attraction


Things progressed really quickly after that and within a couple of weeks we were discussing moving in together. When you find someone who is completely easy to be with and totally compatible, you just know that it is right and it just seems like the inevitable next step. Our conversation moved quickly onto marriage, we got engaged just a few weeks later. Tim and I are now planning our wedding for 26 August.

As I reflect on the path to my inspired relationship, I really do understand that the real journey was developing my strong inner relationship that allowed me to create what I wanted on the outside.”

Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

In her new book, Tiffany shares the secrets that she learnt along the way, not just from her own experiences but with her clients too.  She has recently entered this book into the International Next Top Self-Help Author competition. You can find out more about the book and vote for her in the competition at Love to the Max ~ Creating Inspired Relationships That Last.  Every voter will receive relationship resource goodies worth nearly £100, as well as every vote counting and helping her progress to the next round.

Hemal specialises in bringing out the best in his clients and getting them to the results they are wanting. To find out more about working with him and to book, go to Work One-to-One with Hemal.  


“Find You, and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law Of Attraction” IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

Find You, and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law Of Attraction



I have been receiving messages EVERY SINGLE DAY from all around the world asking when you can have this book and it’s my great pleasure to say that it is now available for YOU to have!

CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”

Just the chapter on Abundance was way better than The Secret and
The Power put together; it was simple, practical and very realistic. 
A blind man can read it and be amazed!
Narda Mohammed, Life Coach, New York, USA

The DEFINITIVE guide to changing your life with The Law Of Attraction!  You have the knack of understanding and explaining the principles of Law of Attraction, for example, way better than Abraham and Esther Hicks.  There is no better text on this subject – this may be the most important book you will ever read.  Hemal Radia is a master teacher who explains the Law of Attraction and the power of manifesting better than anybody else, and in terms everyone can implement instantly.
Lena Mitchell Jasiak, Perth, Australia

You are amazing.  You are, in my opinion, the world’s leading expert on Manifesting and the Law of Attraction
Wendy Franklin Muhammad, Host of Authentic You radio show, Chicago, USA

 CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”


Thank you Hemal!!  I love your work and the way you word your teachings. You are by far my favourite Law of Attraction teacher!!
Keep up the good work!!!!
Gillian Gregory, Elgin, Scotland

You are the only person that made me truly understand “The Secret”…seriously!  I am really practising!  Everyday, I’m doing it properly – since I met you.  I always think that something big is coming my way…and I am enjoying the absolute now.  I always find something to be happy for.  This is  A M A Z I N G,  T H A N K  Y O U!!
There is not one day that I do not think how grateful you have made my heart.  Thank God you exist, Hemal!!
Silvia Bardellini, Ibiza, Spain

You are a brilliant beacon of light and wisdom, Hemal. In my opinion, no one brings it like you in the Law of Attraction business. 
Thank you for all you do.
Peter Ruble, USA


If you are wanting results, Hemal is the perfect person.  He will give you the perfect answer….and you’re always left feeling really good.
Stephanie Swann, Arizona, USA

 CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”

You are SIMPLY THE BEST!  Thank you again, Hemal. 
It means A LOT to me.  I wish you success and happiness, always. 
You are loved.
Claudia Caecilia, Indonesia

I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible.  You are doing much good Hemal! 
And I feel really blessed to have connected with you.
Georgina Laros, Personal Development Coach and Author of “Tables & Chairs”, South Africa

Hemal has an INCREDIBLE handle on the laws of vibration. The chapter on Abundance alone was filled with so much insight that it was able to give me an entirely new perspective. You must read this book,
it will change your life!
Justin MacArthur Rand, Light Beam Academy, Boston, USA

You are amazing at what you do!
I just read the next chapter and I’m hooked!  I am LOVING this.
Hemal’s divine writing style allows me to truly comprehend the Law of Attraction.  His writing engages me and his use of visualization really defines the point and expresses the truth behind the Law of Attraction.  He has a talent for writing in a way which touches the spirit.  After reading this, I feel more in tune with myself and my journey.  I am going to read this every morning as a jump-start to my day!
Candice Quinn, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

CLICK HERE TO BUY “Find You, and You Find Everything”





Dealing with the End of a Marriage or Relationship (or Anything!)


When we have decided we will spend the rest of our lives with someone (or it feels that way), and it doesn’t quite work out that way, we have to deal with the emotions about that, the dynamics of the relationship, as well as all the other emotions in play. It can be a time of upheaval.  Remember what it was always about: you went into a marriage/relationship for happiness, love and joy.  Let that be the light for you to head towards – these emotions, even if at the time they might appear in the distance.  Remember also that perspectives and circumstances change very quickly in your changing attention – ‘things’ and solutions appear where they weren’t appearing previously.


The marriage or relationship was meant to be a reflection of these emotions for you, not a replacement.

Avoid getting pulled into the dramas. They take you away from your true self and your true authenticity. You went into a relationship for two wholes to create something special together. It is still about something special (it always is) – You. And despite there being another, you could only have something special together, from your own specialness individually; that has not changed anyway.


When a relationship (or anything) ends it seems like the end of something. Consider that the ending of the relationship (or anything) was actually part of the process of something new beginning.

The relationship served it’s purpose and all possibilities are open to you in your now, as they always have been. They are open to you from your true self and your true authenticity.  Not from games, smoke and mirrors, and distortions.  All those things hide the real you. And if you feel the need to be scared and not yourself, what is it that you are (vibrationally) communicating to the rest of the Universe?


Realise your power is within you, not on what happens outside of you (which is a reflection), and in your now.  And despite what has happened with this other person, you are no less adored and loved.


The Universe totally adores you unconditionally, it always has, other than the doubts and conditions you filter that love and ‘energy’ through. 


Remember to look for the indicators in your experience of how you are blessed and what you DO have, than what you don’t.  Sometimes we can look at something that has ended or is ending and feel regret and sadness, especially if we are not wanting it to end.  It may seem like a loss of your whole world.


Realise that this relationship was something that you made your world, it was something that you expanded to make your world, by your attention to it.  When something then turns not so pretty, it can be uncomfortable.  Withdraw your attention from it, and balance it with the rest of your world that has always existed, that you had selectively filtered out whilst you focused on the relationship.  You are just shifting your perspective from this person or situation to be in balance with everything else.  Previously, when things were good, because they were good, you chose to shift the balance and make it your predominant focus.  Now, as you move on for now, you are shifting the balance, and creating space for other things in your life.  And of course, the Universe responds in kind with new energy.


There is an abundant and infinite stream of what can come into our lives.  When we hold onto things due to our emotional attachments, we are not allowing the space and freedom and possibilities of what else may come into our lives.  We can use fear to hold onto things, or trust and faith to allow this energetic stream.  It’s not really about the relationship with the other person, but the relationship with ourselves and our own divinity.


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