“Soul-to-Soul Love vs Ego-to-Ego Love”


Soul-to-soul ‘love’ is flow/infinite/abundant/expansive and connective…
Whereas ego-to-ego ‘love’ can be divisive/fear-based/limited/scarcity thinking and contractive.

Ego-to-ego can resonate at times in people’s journeys and their evolution and for where they are at that moment – there is nothing necessarily ‘wrong’ with it, it can be a phase like many others.

But it may not be something that lasts as it is based on the superficial and transient, than on the deeper, infinite, the divine, or the ‘truth’ – who you really are.

You are your soul/spirit in addition to your physical form. Loving something (or someone) for their form is transient because they will change form, as will you.

But loving someone for who they are will be an eternal love affair because that’s ‘who’ they are and who you are.

One is expansive, abundant, timeless, connective and adds to who you are – the other is divisive, fear-basesd, contractive and transient.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

 Soulmate and Soul Love


FREE “Love: Soul to Soul” Wallpaper for November 2009




Related posts:
September 2009 “No limits to the Universe” wallpaper
October 2009 “Abundance” wallpaper

For November 2009 we have a “Love: Soul to Soul” inspirational wallpaper calendar with my quote:


“LOVE sees no age, colour or judgement.  It connects deeply within, person to person, SOUL TO SOUL.”

This wallpaper was created in collaboration with good friends; Jessie Smith from Storykraft Kreative and I worked on the design and the original photo was from Fawny Frost.

To download it, right click on the appropriate link below and “Save Target/Link As” and save it to your computer.

You can download this image in various sizes depending on the resolution of your computer:

You are very welcome to share this post with your friends.

And do feel free to leave us a comment below and let us know what you think 🙂