“Transforming Debt to Prosperity Flow”



Is debt something that is a burden for you?  This is the case for many and below is a question that was sent to me by someone for whom it is.  She has been manifesting very well in general but money hasn’t been flowing as well as it can for her:


“(Excerpted) Hi Hemal, One thing I don’t understand is the majority of things in my life with regards to the manifesting seem to be getting better and more opportunites and synchronicities are happening for me, in fact a lot of things are escalating but the money situation is still dire.

I do wonder why the majority of things in my life are good and getting better all the time yet the money situation never seems to change, my money situation is the same now as it was years ago.

So it is the money situation I need to work on with the manifesting and little bits here and there won’t make a difference to me I need another huge windfall to get me out of debt and clear everything and start afresh, it would be great if you could cover this on the next call.

Many thanks.”

For many, debt can be very uncomfortable because it is very real and tangible – everytime you have a bill or payment or want to buy something you are reminded of it.  It can be scary.  It can also be very debilitating and entrapping.  And of course it is very hard to think of things being better because you keep thinking about they very thing you are stuck in (the debt).

This Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio I will be helping with this and much more.  The aim will be to move you towards something more tangible, constructive and helpful in moving forward from this situation.

What we will cover will include the following:

– Putting yourself in the best place to bring in financial flow
– Recovering from ‘debt disconnection’ to reconnect to your flow despite your financial situation
– Focussing energy when it has been scattered due to multiple debts
– Rebuilding self-image
– Working through the ‘scary’ thoughts about your finances and future
– Knowing how synchronicities and manifestations can happen and help you even though you may have financial debt
– Using debt strategies in other areas of life – such as losing weight!
– And much more

Law of Attraction and Debt

If you’d like to access the live call and/or the audio download afterwards then register here, you may find it very life-changing!

Once you have done that, if you would like to, do feel free to send in any questions or share about your situation if you would like help, even anonymously.