The only reason your reality isn’t the way you want it to be is because on some level you are keeping a vibration of that which you don’t want
When you think of what you want, it is on its way. At that moment you are emanating the vibration that is a match to it. When you then doubt and question it or look at what is around you and how separate or different or far away you are from what you want, you are mixing up your vibration, and thus the ‘pull’ on what you want isn’t the same
Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to fantasise about what you want. Don’t put pressure on yourself, allow yourself to gently build the vibration of what you want.
If it is a car, a lover, a house, money in your account or whatever else, go to it from a place of inspiration and how good it will feel to have it in your life, rather than a place of ‘needing’ it and how it will fix things in your life and how you believe you will as a result be able to do things you believe you cannot do right now.
When you are wanting to attract something to ‘fix’ something you are in likelihood starting from a place (and vibration) that is not a match to what you want. Want what you want because it inspires you, because you love it and are in love with it
But how can you get there when you need to pay the bills? Or that your lover has just walked out on you? And that you feel terrible as a result of something like this. Gently take your attention away from what has just happened. Sooth your vibration around that. Make peace within yourself with what has happened. It is not the end of the world, even though it may seem like it at the time. It is one of life’s contrasts, although knowing that may not make you feel better at the time. But thinking of it as the worst thing in the world is not going to solve it or make it better either.
Make peace with what happened (or is happening). Realise there is far far far far more for you in life, it’s not over, there is far more ahead for you. As you gently do this your feelings and attention will shift towards what you want. Towards the future and what you want and where you want to be
Allow yourself to daydream. Allow yourself to think about what you want. Allow yourself to imagine it in your life, just for the fun of it. You are doing this for the fun of it, not because ‘you want it’. Sometimes ‘wanting it’ can have a need. But have you noticed that when you enjoy something the results take care of themselves? The reason is that when you are having fun, when you are appreciating, when you are loving (including yourself), your vibration is very pure. What does this mean? It means it is very much on what you want and feels good, it is very much in tune with the divinity within you, the God within you. It is from this place that miracles happen for you. And miracles DO happen for you
Miracles often happen when we are doing something and we suspend our judgement on what is possible and stay in the moment and create. For when we suspend our judgement on what we can do and what is possible we are in the moment and creating without ‘thinking’ and ‘judging’, we are purely moulding the clay so to speak. When we are doing what we are doing for the love of doing it, very present moment oriented, we are creating magic
You will know this experience from when you have been in love with someone (or something, such as a pet), been involved in an activity (such as painting, playing music etc), or something else where you were totally in the moment, captured by the moment, intoxicated by the moment for the sake of the moment and that’s all. With no care or attention on anything else but the moment.
This is where you create your miracles and magic from
When you get to this place, you won’t even be thinking about your reality because you’ll be too busy creating miracles in your life