Tatiana the Dog (below) would like to talk to you about making the Law of Attraction work and tell you about a “great Law of Attraction blog”

Tatiana tells you how bad stuff was happening to her and how she used Law of Attraction to attract good things

Of course, she is referring to my Manifesting and Law of Attraction blog that you are reading.  Remember, if you like what’s on here you can email subscribe to it via the form in the top left corner on it, you will then receive a confirmation email which when you click the link within it will CONFIRM you getting email notifications when there are new posts on the blog (within 24hrs of the post going up)

My good friend Dora Crow who created the video with Tatiana is an author of a book
called Winky & Wonder which talks about children following their
inner messages through the story. Dora also has a blog called Advice 4
Kids by Kids
, you can check both out at,

Do leave a comment below and let Tatiana, Dora and I know what you thought of it

If you are reading this via the email notification then it is likely you cannot see the video below, click here to access the post on the blog and watch Tatiana talking to you about Law of Attraction

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  • Bhavini says:

    Hey this is soooooooooooooooo good…i must say, need 2 appreciate Dora’s creativity in this….def brought a smile on my face…n Tataina is sooo cute

  • Hemal Radia says:

    Thanks Bhavini! I agree, Tatiana is sooo cute and Dora has done great. Would you believe she planned it whilst waiting to pick her children up from school? lol

  • Lily On Earth says:

    Hi Hemal and Dora,
    Awww…how cute and enchanting! I think my puppy Lucky and Tatiana could have been lovely friends. My Lucky is a master when it comes to attract bones…
    Love and Blessings

  • Hemal Radia says:

    Hi Lily,
    I would think Tatiana would love to meet Lucky, Lucky can attract bones and Tatiana can get her soccer ball and they can play together!

  • Mckay says:

    Love the video with Tatiana explaining how to successfully manifest what you want. Great job by you and Dora. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for the great video.

  • Silvia Richardson says:

    Adorable… well done and presented and much more fun to see… thank you great idea 🙂

  • Tracey-Lee says:

    Very Clever presentation Hemal..well done..enjoyed it thoroughly..
    Cheers Tracey-Lee

  • Hemal Radia says:

    Thank you everyone 🙂
    I have to give credit to Dora who did the video

  • Tatiana,
    Toffee the 16 yr old beagle is behind me right now trying to tell me it’s dinner time She is insisting and demanding, not attracting. Of course I am going to feed her (I actually cook for her, that’s why she’s in great shape).
    However Toffee could learn a lot from you!
    If you ever get a Twitter ID Tatiana, follow me back. I follow followers, but would love to follow you!
    On Twitter: @judyrey

  • Hemal Radia says:

    Hi Judy,
    Thank you for your comment!
    Tatiana actually DOES have a Twitter ID, it is @TatianaTheDog, and now she also has a website at http://www.TatianaTheDog.com
    And if you are on Facebook she also has a Facebook page on there, feel free to find Dora Crow and/or me (Hemal Radia)
    And I’m sure she (and Dora) would love to meet you and Toffee!

  • Tia Singh says:

    This is so cool!! What a fantastic way to bring LOA into the lives of children (and dogs..) Love it!

  • Pam Tayloe says:

    This posting was saved as a favorite :), I really like your blog!