5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




Upcoming Resources for YOU!


Just to give you a heads up, over the next few days, weeks and months you will be having access to various content and resources from me, including some free resources.

Also, in order to update you on something upcoming or to share content, you may be getting more posts from me.  I hope this is ok with you!  The intention would be to share content and resources with you and let you know of upcoming events that may interest you.

I am teaching an online “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course in just over a week (Postnote: This is available now as an audio via the same link)

Excerpts from these will be shared on the Manifesting Excellence calls as well as articles I will be writing and radio shows and free calls that are upcoming.  The articles will be shared here on the blog at www.manifestingandlawofattraction.com.  If you haven’t checked this blog out in detail, it has been running for over 4 years and has over 300 posts!

Below are ways that you can access this information, including some free resources, to get the answers YOU want to create more what what YOU want in YOUR life!

Here are some aspects of what is currently scheduled –

– 27th September (Thurs) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time – FREE 30 min conference call on “3 Keys to Energetically Solving your Problems and Attracting Your Goals”. There will be content and a preview to “Mastering the Law of Attraction”, CLICK HERE to register for this FREE call

– 30th September (Sun) 11am Pacific Time/2pm Eastern Time/7pm UK time- Kenneth Heiber of New York’s ONE VOICE RADIO presents Hemal Radia. Kenneth has had various celebrities on his show including Gloria Gaynor, The Village People and will be interviewing Hemal about his book and sharing insights for you to create magic in your life. Details of accessing this FREE online radio show will be available soon.

– 4th October (Thurs) – “Mastering the Law of Attraction” 4-week online course with audio downloads begins, CLICK HERE to register
As well as about the above, you will hear from me with articles and other resources that you may find valuable.  There is also of course the Manifesting Excellence calls where I will be sharing great content over the coming weeks and months and YOU can request whatever you like on there, whether it be questions you have or specific content you would like to know more about.

You will be hearing from me this week, including in reminding you about some of the above events this week.  I wish you a phenomenal start to your week!


Law of Attraction



Course: “Mastering the Law of Attraction”


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  If you remember, a few months ago I taught a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction“.

I’m writing to let you know that next month is “Mastering the Law of Attraction“!  It will be a live online class environment and also downloadable audios if you can’t make it live.

Click here to find out about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course

(If you are on Manifesting Excellence then will have courtesy access to this as a courtesy)

The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos


Mastering the Law of Attraction upright