Money in Your Life and in the World Within You

Related post: Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Money has been on many people’s minds recently and we will be covering it on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio (if you are reading this after the call date, you can still register and access the audio via the archives) and possibly on some subsequent ones also:


Money is the label of an agreed commodity for economic exchange. It is one means – one of many means – with which the universe can bring you what you are a match to.

If you are open to believing that the economic and physical world is NOT everything there is (and it isn’t), there is a lot more happening underneath the surface of what you see in the world around you and in your life.

It’s about getting in tune with the undercurrent of your relationship to money and abundance in your life.

The undercurrent is shaping what degree of prosperity (not just money, but ALL prosperity) you allow into your life as well as the aspects that you experience of the world around you – whether there is a constrained flow and experience or an expansive one.

An expansive flow is available to you not by what is happening in the world around you but by what is happening in the world within you.

~ Hemal Radia


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I have received some questions about dealing with hurt from relationships in the past, getting into the flow of abundance in addition to others.

We will be addressing those as well as covering:

– De-identifying from your past

– Working with your ‘form’ around money to flow more abundance

– How you can inadvertently have hooked up “money” to what you don’t want

– Unhooking past momentums of negativity

– Why the ‘how’ isn’t necessarily important for you to know


If you’d like to access the call or the audio download afterwards you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.

5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




FREE Coach Cafe Radio Show Interview Audio


I was on Estra Roell and Kathleen Martin’s Coach Cafe radio show yesterday where we talked about a variety of topics including how we often manifest ‘incorrectly’ in trying to attract the things we are wanting, living from our purpose, how to follow our ‘essence’, whether to take physical actions or follow our inspiration or both – and how to do this, relationships, money, and a lot more.

Click here to Access/Download the Radio Interview


coach cafe


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Visualisation as a Tool to Massage Your Energy

Visualising is one of the most popular tools in your spiritual toolbox and there are so many ways of using it.  Whether to use it with your intuition and have energies represented to you symbolically, to change how you see yourself or a situation, or many other ways in using your ‘inner mind’ with this tool of “seeing from within”.  Today you will experience how you can better use it as a tool to more effectively harness the Law of Attraction and manifest more of what you want.

People often use visualization but then say that they do not get what they want.  Why is that?

Because it is not just about visualizing.  It is a tool.  Manifesting is about a relationship you have within yourself with what you want.  Visualization is a tool to massage that relationship and work with your own energy in relation to what you want.

When visualizing, you see the end in mind, but you also relate it to your emotions.  That’s how you use it to get better at manifesting.  As you visualize, be sensitive to what your emotions are telling you.  When it comes to manifesting, adjust what you visualize so it feels as good or as real as it can.

Also do remember, it does not have to be that you visually (or necessarily clearly) ‘see’ something, it can be a ‘sense’ that you get.

Consider the following:

– What can I visualize that brings me great delight?
– What are the aspects of my goal(s) that feel good to me?
– What can I see beyond my goal, into the future, that feels good to me?
– If I had no fear and no doubts, what would I allow myself to see?
– If I was to be bold and outrageous, what do I allow myself to see?

This is just the start to using visualization to benefit yourself and the lives of those around you…


To find out more about Visualizing and Manifesting click here to check out Manifesting Excellence

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“It’s About Attracting It To You…”


I mentioned to you recently that I have been asked by en*theos to run a couple of 4-week teleseminars on their platform, the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” and “Mastering the Law of Attraction” (working title).  In order to help them promote the teleseminars, they asked me to write an article that they could share with their mailing list.

I thought you might enjoy this article and hence I’m sharing it with you here!


“It’s Not About Chasing What You Want, It’s About Attracting It To You”

There is so much information out there about ‘getting’ this or that and chasing what you want and ‘making it happen’.  That is all very well, but have you considered the notion that instead of chasing something, how about making yourself attractive to it, so that it is drawn to you?

How would this work?  Firstly, everything is energy.  Everything has a vibration.  You and what you want are ALL energy.  Your thoughts and emotions are energy and have a vibration.  In this world, like vibration attracts like vibration.

So, you can change your thoughts and emotions…which means you can change your vibration…which means you can be vibrating from a similar place to what you want…and draw it to you.

You don’t have to get it perfect, you just need to get your frequency closer to what you want.  You will then get clues and guidance, whether it be through inspiration, manifestations that happen or the infinite number of ways the Universe can communicate to you.

You follow these clues and you get closer and closer…and then you have the manifestation of what you want – you and what you want have come together…


Click here If you’d like to know more about being on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction” course


Fundamentals of Law of Attraction



Being Intuitive, Congruence to What you Want, and “Muscle Testing”

Letting Your Body/Mind/Spirit Talk To You

As some of you may know (especially those of you who were there!), I was speaking last week in London and opening Perenna Fleming and Anne Walsh’s “You’ve Got Spiritual Voicemail” seminar on the Friday evening.  They also invited me to attend their one-day event on the Saturday, which was great fun.

One of the methods used during the day was “muscle testing”.  At times what they would do is ask themselves a question and based on the congruence of a physiological test, they would determine the answer.  For example they may have a participant put their arm out, ask a question, and gently press down on the participant’s arm.  If the answer was “Yes” the arm wouldn’t be able to be lowered by pushing down on it.  If the answer was a “No” then the arm would easily drop.

What is happening is the body/mind/spirit knows the answer and when the arm stays up or drops, it is based on the CONGRUENCE (or incongruence) within the system.  Similarly, they will also create a circle with their thumb and forefinger and insert the forefinger of the other hand inside the circle and ask a question and try to break outside of the circle.  If the answer was a “Yes” then because of the congruence of the energy, the circle couldn’t be broken.  If it was a “No” then it would be broken.

Over the years when interacting with people about food and diet, I have always said your body knows what is best for you.  Your body will tell you its congruence or incongruence to certain foods.


This also applies with anything and everything else.  Your body, mind and spirit are communicating to you in every moment.  They know what you need to do to have what you want.  The way you know is by your congruence and incongruence – i.e. your “alignment” – within yourself.



Getting in Tune with your Intuition

What this reminded me of was our internal congruence and alignment.  You have often heard me use the word “alignment” in aligning to what you want, the muscle testing is a physiological demonstration of it.  It happens on an internal level with your feelings also.

Your body, spirit, and mind KNOW THE ANSWERS.  And you can FEEL them.  It is in your skill in getting aware and familiar with the exact feeling/kinesthetic sensation.


As some of you may know, especially those on the group coaching calls where I have been mentioning this more regularly, I tend to incorporate my intuition with my other know-how and skills in working with others, whether in working one-to-one with others or on the group coaching calls.  When you are “right” with your intuition, you tend to have a congruent feeling attached to it.  If you yourself are working on your intution, you may want to have an awareness of a feeling when you are “right”.

Similarly, when manifesting, you will know the times that when you have gotten what you wanted, it has “felt” differently than when you didn’t (haven’t I been saying for years that it’s about the feeling?).  In likelihood, when you weren’t about to get something, it probably felt “weaker” energetically (sometimes this can still work out, though the “weak” feeling is an indication that the probabilities aren’t high).

When someone is wanting to attract a goal and I tell them to start making a list of thoughts that are resonant to that, the indication of whether you are heading closer to that is by how these thoughts that you are writing FEEL.  Do they feel better?  Do you feel more congruent about your goal?  Or does it feel like wishful thinking?  “Wishful thinking” is usually when you are finding thoughts around your goal but you do not quite yet believe it.  It will tend to feel “weaker” and there is more work to be done on it.  Identify why you do not believe it, what beliefs you have that do not enable it and address them (or feel free to work with me either one-to-one or on the group coaching to help you!).

Some people maythink that “thought-work” is pie in the sky.  As you can tell from what we have shared here, there is a physical consequence to every thought you have.  Whether it be within your body, or the manifestations you experience in your life.  That’s right, your thoughts matter.  And they are creating in your life.  Also, you know this, you know this from the experiences you have had in your life.



Ride the Wave!

As you start to build a congruence (“Alignment!”), and add more thoughts to it, you will start to find things happening.  You will feel clarity within yourself and within your actions and thinking.  You will see things easily and clearly.  You will be decisive.  This is what I would say is an indicator of when you are getting more and more into “alignment”, “into your flow”, etc.  And if you haven’t already, you will start to see synchronicities and manifestations.

Your job then is to ride the wave and keep building it.  It will transcend into other areas of your life and more will be happening.

The stream of wellbeing, the stream of possibilities, your ‘flow’, they are all waiting.  It’s just about you gently stepping on, relative to where you are at, and letting your flow carry you.  It will TAKE you, if you allow it.



  Colourful Intuitive Rose


Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Want to hear an example of how someone used appreciation and gratitude in attracting money to the sum of $350 within a few days?

I was approached by someone wanting to be a new client a week ago, whom I have been working with since then.  She doesn’t speak English very well, and so she preferred our interactions to be via email and audio replies which I sometimes send out to clients.  She is also on Manifesting Excellence and has been listening to the audios there.

She is in a job where she is not happy, in a relationship and living at a place where she would like to be able to have some contemplation away from.

The financial means to do so would be very helpful to her.  Hence, when she got in touch she wanted to get into her flow and attract work opportunities, financial resources, and more.




Getting a Sense of What’s Valuable to Work on Now

When I start working with someone I get a sense right away on where they are energetically and the steps for them to take at that moment.  In her case, I got her to start making lists of what she appreciated in her life.  I felt at the time that this would be the most useful thing for her.

I get a sense of what is most valuable for the client at the time, and also what they would enjoy the most as I want people to enjoy themselves, have fun, and be in their flow.

She was feeling the benefits of my suggestions in how she felt about herself right away and would tell me so.

I amped it up further and suggested she did the appreciation more frequently in the day, such as every few hours when she could, or even more frequently than that.  I also shared this approach in more detail on the Manifesting Excellence private group.


Shift the Energy, and Things Around You Shift Too

Things started happening in her life.  She felt more energy, she felt more of a purpose in her life.  And no longer did she allow the work that she hadn’t been enjoying to get her down, because she had something much bigger and better to focus on.

Within days, at the start of this week, she attracted a situation where she won $350 as well as various other happenings.

I wanted to share this example in how making subtle shifts in your energy can change things around you, including in attracting money.

Noticing the things that you DO have in your life is a great place to start in focusing on what is PRESENT in your life.

One, it magnifies your attention to what you DO have, and secondly, if you are focusing on what is present, that is time and attention that you WON’T be spending on lack – a two-fold effect on the energy that you are putting out.


Click here if you’d like to Work One-to-One with Hemal:

There are now two-hour packages to interact with him over the month available as well as four-hour packages!

Click here if you’d like to join Manifesting Excellence:

You can try it out and ask your questions!


It’s not so much about the ‘How’, it’s about Lining up Your Energy

I got inspired to write this from an interaction I had with a client this morning.  This is what I wrote in a status message on Facebook about it earlier:

“About a month ago a client said that she wanted to lose weight but it felt like a bit of a chore and ‘hard work’. She was also looking to be in a relationship. In the last couple of weeks she has found a partner she is *very* attracted to (at the time she couldn’t believe it happened)…who is a gym instructor and she is spending more time at the gym (EVERY DAY last week lol) than ever. Interesting how things happen isn’t it 🙂

Let go of the how, focus on the essences of what you want, let the Universe orchestrate the details, which will be a match to your overall vibration.”

(Relationships is one of the areas we had worked on in helping her get alignment)



When we think of something not happening or not being possible, what do we do?  We tend not to think of it happening or it not turning out how we want to because of our beliefs about it (our beliefs act like switches as to whether we consider the notion of something happening or not), or we have a fear about the situation. 

How about allowing yourself to daydream about how nice it would be if it was to happen instead?  You don’t have to say it ‘will‘ happen (because that can be uncomfortable for some people because they do not fully believe it at the time), but ALLOW YOURSELF TO CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITYJust allow yourself to think of it and feel from it and daydream, just CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY.  As you do that, it will get stronger and stronger.

Allow yourself to feel the sensations of how it would be, without putting pressure on yourself for it to ‘have to’ happen.  By you experiencing these sensations without doubting or ‘thinking’ – i.e. without contradicting, these feelings will grow and build and you will start to see clues of it happening.

What happens for most people is because they do not believe that what they want can happen they disregard the possibility right away and short circuit their flow so to speak, so they don’t even give themselves a chance.   It’s about being gentle and kind with yourself.  Allow yourself to entertain the possibility of what you would like just for the thought of it, just for the fun of it.  That takes away the pressure of it ‘having to’ happen, and you are doing this for fun.

And as you do that your thoughts about it will build and grow and get stronger.  As this happens you will start to get ideas and physical manifestations.  These will act as a reflection of your building consciousness about this and you will also feel more and more certain about it – which means your expectation and belief will grow and your pull for what you want will be even greater and greater.

“When you tune into the possibilites this
Universe can provide you, you will think of yourself as crazy for all that
you were holding back from yourself.”


Castle in hand

The thing most people do is they let their doubts and fears come in and short circuit their natural and infinite and abundant universal flow There is no limit to the universal energy the Universe is sending you in every moment – and it is all around you – it’s about you letting it in and allowing it. 

Some thoughts you can consider:
– If my life could turn out wonderfully, how would it be?
– If things went right, what would it be like?
– What if things DO work out for me, how would it be?

go of the ‘how’ and the ‘thinking it’ too much.  What we are talking about
is you FEELING from what you want.  We are talking about vibration and
manifestation, not actions or plans or linear and logical
possibilities (there is a place in life for them too, but here we are talking about lining up your energy).

cannot fathom the possibilities for you from what you have been used
to.  Can
you imagine what it would be like if every resource in this Universe –
because you and it are not separate – was responding to
your aligned vibration to bring you what you wanted?”

Abstract storm



What many do is they expect themselves to rationally and logically know HOW they will get what they want.  That is what we have been taught as we have grown up.  We’ve been taught to have a plan and a structure and have actions listed out.  Many people even teach the Law of Attraction with this.  That is all very well, I would encourage people to use a vibrational aspect with this.

We are in a Universe that is not just physically full of logic and actions, but also non-physical and spiritual and there is far more that is unseen and we feel from the heart than what we can physically see.  There are dormant capabilities within you and around you.

Do you remember a time when things just ‘clicked’?  When they just fell into place and you weren’t ‘thinking’ too much and just ‘being’?  And you weren’t evaluating, you were experiencing, and things were just taking care of themselves.  THAT’S an example of when you had your energy aligned.  You may not have been aware of how you did it consciously, but you were in a place where you were in the moment and things were happening.

I work with clients with different aspects and often it is about identifying what feels best to them and taking
their attention off the things that do not matter.  Understandably
people have habits of thought they have built up over years and it
is just about practicing a new way.  Just like the client mentioned
above, people can start to see things around themselves in their lives
change.  But you do it for how you feel, the manifestations are natural

I hear pretty much everyday from people who have read something I have written or a teleseminar they have heard or in working with me and it has inspired them to think of something differently (and it is a pleasure and an honour to be on the receiving end of it!) and that has brought into their life all sorts of things.  I am hearing these stories everyday and throughout the day and this is happening around you and you will see more and more of it.  There’s only expansion and growth, you – nor anyone else – do not grow smaller.  You will experience more and more of these things.

Regarding the above interaction, it was with a Law of Attraction coach who is very successful at what she does.  From my perspective I just happened to suggest some tweaks and it has changed how she sees things and what has come into her life.

If you’d like to know more about working one-to-one with me you can do so here: Working One-to-One with Hemal.


Light cascade