3 Manifesting Questions For You


Here are 3 questions for you which the Manifesting Excellence group have been answering this week:


1 – What happens when two people want the same thing?  How does that work in relation to manifesting and the Law of Attraction?  For example, what if you and someone else are going after the same job (or lover!)?  Who gets it?

2 – “When it comes to parking spaces or ‘little’ happenings manifesting seems easy.  But I can’t seem to attract the ‘bigger’ things such as a long-term love partner, more money and so on… why is that happening?  What should I do?”

3 – “I keep attracting people that aren’t a fit for me in some way… what do I need to change to attract what (who) I want?”


What do you think?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Click here if you’d like to join us on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio at the weekend for the answers.



Money in Your Life and in the World Within You

Related post: Want to Improve your Cashflow?


Money has been on many people’s minds recently and we will be covering it on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio (if you are reading this after the call date, you can still register and access the audio via the archives) and possibly on some subsequent ones also:


Money is the label of an agreed commodity for economic exchange. It is one means – one of many means – with which the universe can bring you what you are a match to.

If you are open to believing that the economic and physical world is NOT everything there is (and it isn’t), there is a lot more happening underneath the surface of what you see in the world around you and in your life.

It’s about getting in tune with the undercurrent of your relationship to money and abundance in your life.

The undercurrent is shaping what degree of prosperity (not just money, but ALL prosperity) you allow into your life as well as the aspects that you experience of the world around you – whether there is a constrained flow and experience or an expansive one.

An expansive flow is available to you not by what is happening in the world around you but by what is happening in the world within you.

~ Hemal Radia


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I have received some questions about dealing with hurt from relationships in the past, getting into the flow of abundance in addition to others.

We will be addressing those as well as covering:

– De-identifying from your past

– Working with your ‘form’ around money to flow more abundance

– How you can inadvertently have hooked up “money” to what you don’t want

– Unhooking past momentums of negativity

– Why the ‘how’ isn’t necessarily important for you to know


If you’d like to access the call or the audio download afterwards you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.

Finding that Helping Others is Draining?


This is an excerpt of my response to someone on a forum who was finding they were getting drained by helping others (this is also a topic that was covered in last week’s Manifesting Excellence call and is in the archives there):


If it is forced or draining then there is an energy misalignment. It’s finding different motivators for you in doing this (if you still choose to) which get you into alignment.  Ideally, look for things that give you a sense of joy, love etc.

It sounds like you have some things that are taking you out of flow (this would also tie in with not seeing the inspiration, because there are things ‘pulling’ at you rather than things inspiring you).  Doing things when out of flow will feel hard work.  It’s about remedying those perspectives/situations so that you are going forward from a neutral/positive place and your consequent manifestations are a match of that energy.



When You Fall in Love…. (Something for YOU)


Hello : )

I hope you are keeping well…

This is something that came to me intuitively this morning that I thought I would share with you….


When you find what you love, whether it be a person, a goal, a dream, don’t think twice about it… embrace it, imbue your energy with it. Mesh your existence with it….

Not compromising your sense of identity, but expanding your sense of identity and who you are with the promise and excitement of your divine spirit expressing delight to you and through you…

You came here for the expression of your spirit and the experience of it than of the second guessing and of the egoic thinking…

You are spirit expressing itself through every joyous portal than a mind calculating the fears and constraints. One leads to ever expansive and exponential expansion, expression and joy, the other to contractive and cautious movements and a potentially declining and uncomfortable existence…

When you fall in love it is not about the object of your desire but the indication that what you feel is the path to who you are. Make the most of it…

Embrace and fall in love with this moment that you are in love…

“I Love You”

~ Hemal Radia


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When You Truly Manifest You Wont Need to ‘Think’ About It

Manifesting is an expression of your being rather than an activity of your rational mind.  When you are drawn to something it pulls you towards it, rather than you having to ‘think’ your way to it.

This coming Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence call/audio we will be covering “Authenticity, Self-esteem & Self-value“, next week I will be sharing a method I developed in getting your daily thoughts into alignment to what you want so that it happens quickly in line with what we are talking about here.

What happens for many is daily they find themselves in a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions and they can’t think of what they want, it is too much against the tide of fear and anxiety and other emotions they are feeling.

They can’t sleep, they feel tired, they feel other symptoms. I’ll share a way of changing this and moving towards what you want.


When you truly manifest you don’t need to ‘think’, the energy ‘pulls’ you (like a magnetic experience). The right thoughts, ideas, manifestations and happenings pave the way to what you want.


For most people this doesn’t happen because their thoughts are going in mixed directions so very little tends to happen or if there is inspiration it is crowded out by noise and not realised in physical manifestation.

When you have thoughts going in different directions it’s like trying to lift or pull something with your arms and legs pointing in different directions – that’s not ‘alignment’ because you are diffusing and your effort and energy.

It’s the same with manifesting, you want alignment with your thoughts.  The reason things feel hard when your thoughts are in different directions is you are ‘splitting’ your energy.  When you lift something with alignment it’s easy, it doesn’t feel like hard work.

If you’d like to access Manifesting Excellence, including over 2 years of archives, you can do so at Manifesting Excellence.


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5 Questions for Faster Manifestations


Want to have things happen in your life more quickly?  Want to have what you want come faster?

Consider the following questions…

1 –  About what I want, do I really want it?  How do I naturally feel about it?

2 – If what I want was in my life right now, how would I feel?  Does it feel comfortable, exciting, or scary?

3 – How do I feel about taking action about what I want? (This can be a clue to the above questions)

4 – Am I attached to when it comes, how it comes, where it comes from?  Why?

5 – Is what I want aligned (and not in conflict) with other goals and desires that I have?  As I think about it, how can what I want add value and compliment everything else? 

Conflcts are a perception on some level. You are wanting what you want to be supportive and complimentary and ADD energy to everything else, not take away from it.

This way it will be exciting and every other part of you will WANT you to succeed, rather than having parts of you sabotaging it because they are in conflict.

You want it so that every aspect of you is in alignment and supportive of your goal and desire and that this is your path, the best way forward for you at this time.

We will be covering “How to’s” and techniques on the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting next week (Postnote: It is now available as an audio download via the same link) and talking more about this as well as what to do with the answers to the questions above on the Manifesting Excellence  (which includes the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course as a bonus).


 Law of Attraction Group Calls




Course: “Mastering the Law of Attraction”


I have been asked by The en*theos Academy of Optimal Living to teach Law of Attraction courses on their network.  If you remember, a few months ago I taught a 4-part course on the “Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction“.

I’m writing to let you know that next month is “Mastering the Law of Attraction“!  It will be a live online class environment and also downloadable audios if you can’t make it live.

Click here to find out about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course

(If you are on Manifesting Excellence then will have courtesy access to this as a courtesy)

The en*theos Academy for Optimal Living is excited to be hosting Hemal Radia as he shares his wisdom in The Fundamentals of The Law of Attraction! Hemal’s knowledge and enthusiasm are sure to make this an amazing course!” – Casey Carey, en*theos


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FREE Coach Cafe Radio Show Interview Audio


I was on Estra Roell and Kathleen Martin’s Coach Cafe radio show yesterday where we talked about a variety of topics including how we often manifest ‘incorrectly’ in trying to attract the things we are wanting, living from our purpose, how to follow our ‘essence’, whether to take physical actions or follow our inspiration or both – and how to do this, relationships, money, and a lot more.

Click here to Access/Download the Radio Interview


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LIVE “Law of Attraction in Australia” event



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On 17 & 18 November this year we are running a live event on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia…”Law of Attraction in Australia“…and you are welcome to join us!

There is more information at www.LOAinAustralia.com

It will be an opportunity to attend a very special seminar where you can learn more of the ‘secrets’ of manifesting what you want and also meet fabulous like-minded others! 

Two years ago we did a Las Vegas event where the spirit was phenomenal and life-long friendships were made.  Our intention would be that to create a very special experience for you.

To incentivise you attending it:
We have aimed to keep the costs down for the event so as to make it as affordable as we can
We have arranged accomodation on the Saturday night if it interests you as well as meals and refreshments
– I have agreed that anyone who registers will have courtesy access to Manifesting Excellence (“ME”) up to the time of the event.  It is also an opportunity to connect with others there who will be attending the event
– We are supportive of attendees connecting with each other and arranging tours, meals and get-togethers outside of the event

Please do let family and friends know (there is also an affiliate program in place).  As well as attending a live seminar with me and the content I share, our aim is to have this as a wonderful meeting place for all that want to meet each other in person.

For more information or to book go to www.LOAinAustralia.com




Visualisation as a Tool to Massage Your Energy

Visualising is one of the most popular tools in your spiritual toolbox and there are so many ways of using it.  Whether to use it with your intuition and have energies represented to you symbolically, to change how you see yourself or a situation, or many other ways in using your ‘inner mind’ with this tool of “seeing from within”.  Today you will experience how you can better use it as a tool to more effectively harness the Law of Attraction and manifest more of what you want.

People often use visualization but then say that they do not get what they want.  Why is that?

Because it is not just about visualizing.  It is a tool.  Manifesting is about a relationship you have within yourself with what you want.  Visualization is a tool to massage that relationship and work with your own energy in relation to what you want.

When visualizing, you see the end in mind, but you also relate it to your emotions.  That’s how you use it to get better at manifesting.  As you visualize, be sensitive to what your emotions are telling you.  When it comes to manifesting, adjust what you visualize so it feels as good or as real as it can.

Also do remember, it does not have to be that you visually (or necessarily clearly) ‘see’ something, it can be a ‘sense’ that you get.

Consider the following:

– What can I visualize that brings me great delight?
– What are the aspects of my goal(s) that feel good to me?
– What can I see beyond my goal, into the future, that feels good to me?
– If I had no fear and no doubts, what would I allow myself to see?
– If I was to be bold and outrageous, what do I allow myself to see?

This is just the start to using visualization to benefit yourself and the lives of those around you…


To find out more about Visualizing and Manifesting click here to check out Manifesting Excellence

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