FREE “Hemal Radia Quotes” E-book!

I hope you are having a wonderful week!

Here is a FREE “Hemal Radia Quotes” E-book that has been created for YOU!

Recently, Laureen Falco came across my book, Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction, and felt inspired to create an e-book with some of my quotes that she had gathered online, such as via Facebook.

This is an e-book with my quotes alongside scenic pictures, and it’s free to download right away.


Hemal Radia Quotes Ebook

Quotes For Your Beautiful Spirit

The path will appear when you step forward… ~ Hemal Radia

When the darkness appears and the way seems lost, let the love in my heart to yours light the path ahead ~ Hemal Radia

Fresh drops of inspiration you pour each day to the reservoir of your soul soon overspill into everything within you and around you ~ Hemal Radia

The essence of your spirit is so loud it will call forth all in the Universe that is a match to be a co-creator. You find the essence of your spirit by quietening all the other noise. It will do the rest. ~ Hemal Radia

Your thoughts are of the same substance as something seemingly solid, such as a rock.  The only difference is that one of these has been built up over time with applied concentration.  Both have a vibration and are of the same substance – as is everything.  Mould your reality by the focused attention of your thought. ~ Hemal Radia

“7 Questions (& Answers) about Self Belief”

About a week ago I was asked if I would answer some questions about self belief. I’m asked these sorts of questions often so I thought the answers might be useful to put in a post.  More information below…

Hi Hemal,
I hope you are doing great. I am reading a book on how to improve my grades in school, and I am on a part which talks about self-belief. I have an exercise to complete which is to ask a few questions to those that I admire the most. I thought that you would be the perfect person to ask. I know that you are a busy man and I won’t mind if you can’t take time to answer these, but I would really appreciate your response.  šŸ™‚

1. What compels you to take action and begin any type of work or project?

To follow my inspiration and what feels good (or ‘best’ in that moment).

2. What makes you keep on taking action when you feel overwhelmed? What makes you think you can finish it and do a great job of it?

Staying in the moment as best as possible.  Having faith and ‘knowing’ you will, but staying in the moment and enjoying it regardless of the outcome.

3. Others have not accomplished what you have. What do you think makes you different than them?

It’s not about what others do or not do.  It’s about whether I want to do it and if I do then staying in the moment and doing it.

4. When you have a challenge in front of you, how do you deal with it and how do you get past it?

Don’t see it as a challenge unless it inspires you positively, but focus on the outcome and how you’d like it to be and build that up.

5. What goes in your head when someone tells you that you can’t achieve your goal?

It’s not about what others think, it’s about oneself and their flow and their feelings/beliefs

6. What if you are wrong or if you make a mistake? How do you deal with this?

There are no mistakes.  If something doesn’t quite happen how you’d expect, see it as still fine as you got many other things out of it and what you needed from it you ‘perfectly’ got.

7. Can you provide me with any suggestions to help me develop a successful mindset?

Start with the intention and the application and continue building it.

And check out my free audios and blog!


Oh my God!!  These are the best answers I could get!!! You are awesome!! šŸ˜€ Thank you so much!  I really really really appreciate you taking time to answer them. Have a wonderful week! šŸ˜€

Anything YOU’d like to share?  Feel free to share in the comments below.

“Honoring Hemal Radia”

Here is something that was written about me in the last few hours.  I woke to find that this article had been written about me and mentioned online on Google, Twitter etc šŸ™‚

Emma Turner of 7thSpace nominated me for this – thank you Emma!

Honoring Hemal Radia, “Speaker, Author, Super Coach”

Honoring Hemal Radia