Magical Manifesting Techniques (incl Abraham processes)



Have you had the experience of using a technique and afterwards felt like you wasted time and effort because either not much happened or very little happened and you still didn’t get what you wanted?

Lower down this email I will share with you about how to make manifesting techniques work for you which I will be elaborating more on this Saturday’s “Magical Manifesting Techniques” call on Manifesting Excellence.

We will be talking about:

– What makes a technique effective for manifestation (clue: It HAS to affect your energy, for starters)
– How to pick the best technique for you for the fastest results
– Common characteristics in the BEST techniques
– Demystifying some of the Abraham Hick’s processes – what are the common patterns between the techniques?

– Whichever technique you like to use, how to use it most effectively

Magical Manifesting TechniquesEveryone wants the ‘super-duper-how-can-I-have-everything-in-5-minutes’ technique… as mentioned above we will be talking about TECHNIQUES & PROCESSES on Saturday’s call.

It’s All About ‘Energy’

It is not about a method or technique, it is about YOU and your energy.  All methods, techniques, processes are TOOLS to help you with your energy.  It is always about ‘you’ and your energy as to what happens.


There are so many techniques out there, how do you know what will work for you?The thing to realise is no matter which technique, ‘all’ they do is work with your energy – and of course you manifest based on your energy.

Some techniques work better at energy levels to disrupt resistance where you are doubtful, fearful, more ‘negative’/resistant.  Other techniques are enablers and magnifiers of your good energy, such as gratitude and appreciation methods which further enhance the good feelings you are experiencing.

Realise that your situation or outcome you want has a particular energy to it.  And, currently you have a particular energy.  If you do not have what you want then in likelihood those energies (‘vibrations’) are different, hence you are experiencing the mismatch on the physical that you are.

You then use techniques and methods to close and bridge the gap between your present energy to where you want to be.  As mentioned above, all techniques (if they are to help manifestationally) will be about shifting your energy.

You may also find that different techniques work better for you along the way as you progress towards your manifestation because most techniques work better at a specific energy level for that particular technique.

For those of you that like Abraham Hick’s techniques, I studied them many years ago early on in my journey to identify the underlying structure and use that to create new techniques.  Many/most of the patterns have a very similar underlying intention.


In order to manifest what you want in the quickest way it is about getting your energy as a match to the outcome you want in the quickest way.  Whether it be about money, relationships, health & physical goals, etc.


We will be talking about the above and much more on Saturday’s call in giving you an awareness of how to best use techniques, avoid wasting time on those that won’t help you, and use the ones you do use to get the best/quickest results for you.Click here to register and join us.  Even if you can’t attend live you will be able to access the audio download afterwards.

Plus, you can send in any questions that you have about this subject!  (We have already had some questions sent in, they will be taken on a first-come first-served basis time permitting for the call!)


LIVE “Law of Attraction in Australia” event



LOA in Australia horizontal pic2

On 17 & 18 November this year we are running a live event on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia…”Law of Attraction in Australia“…and you are welcome to join us!

There is more information at

It will be an opportunity to attend a very special seminar where you can learn more of the ‘secrets’ of manifesting what you want and also meet fabulous like-minded others! 

Two years ago we did a Las Vegas event where the spirit was phenomenal and life-long friendships were made.  Our intention would be that to create a very special experience for you.

To incentivise you attending it:
We have aimed to keep the costs down for the event so as to make it as affordable as we can
We have arranged accomodation on the Saturday night if it interests you as well as meals and refreshments
– I have agreed that anyone who registers will have courtesy access to Manifesting Excellence (“ME”) up to the time of the event.  It is also an opportunity to connect with others there who will be attending the event
– We are supportive of attendees connecting with each other and arranging tours, meals and get-togethers outside of the event

Please do let family and friends know (there is also an affiliate program in place).  As well as attending a live seminar with me and the content I share, our aim is to have this as a wonderful meeting place for all that want to meet each other in person.

For more information or to book go to