About Hemal Radia

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Free Audio – “Manifesting Your Life’s Purpose” interview

Earlier today I appeared on Nancy Brook’s “Love Your Path: Passion, Purpose & Possibilities” radio show and we had a great time.  She asked me various questions about purpose, manifesting successfully, how to live our purpose when we have responsibilities such as earning a living and raising children, do other people’s intentions affect us, as well as questions from my “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” book.

I thought you might like to listen to the audio.  There is no opt-in required, i.e. no email address to give to access it, just click the link below and you can play it in your browser or download the audio.

To listen to the show or download it click here.

Love Your Path Show


Hemal was an amazing guest on my Love Your Path Radio Show.  He explains the Law of Attraction in a way that makes it easy to understand.  He puts abstract concepts into words that anyone can follow.  Plus, Hemal has a supportive and soothing energy that makes it all feel so easy!  I could listen to him for hours.”

Nancy Brook, Host of “Love Your Path Show”


7 Thoughts on Transitioning from a Relationship

Are you transitioning from the ending of a relationship?

At the moment I am working with quite a few people in the process of transitioning from a relationship and making the move as seamless as possible, sometimes with children involved too.

If this is something that resonates with you, I thought you might enjoy some thoughts on it:



1 – Just because this ended, does not mean something beautiful isn’t around the corner.  This has created space for something else, at the very least for yourself and who you are…and from there, all possibilities are open

2 – There can often be shame and guilt involved, especially if there are children.  Realise, your children are here because on a deeper level they chose to come into this life.  What you want them to experience in the future and the direction you want their lives to go is a choice that you make.

3 – You may feel sad about it having ended…if it was an unhealthy relationship, consider how much sadder you might have been if it had continued…

4 – With some relationships you feel you can’t live with your partner and you can’t live without them.  Identify the factors that push you apart and deal with them.  Or else, the pattern will go on and either you will resolve it or there will come a point when the inertia is strong enough for you not to want to continue the relationship.


There ARE better times ahead for you…


5 – You may feel that this was your ‘soulmate’ (or words to that effect) and you ask yourself how can you continue without them, even though it was an unhealthy relationship.  Read that last sentence again – particularly the words “unhealthy relationship” – and ask yourself if this really was your ‘soulmate’.  See the previous point also (4)

6 – If you felt that it was a ‘soulmate’ relationship, that it was a healthy relationship, you were rejected or turned down and you are wondering how will you find someone like that again, there are a few things to be said on that.  Firstly, you allowed yourself to love and to immerse deeply in an experience with someone else. Give yourself credit. Next, realise it is an abundant Universe and there is someone else out there who will make you feel that way and more (it’s true), will adore you, AND wants what you want too.

7 – There may be ‘noise’…whether from the partner you are leaving or from others around them or you. Don’t let it distract you.  Make decisions that you are congruent with.  You will have to live with them.  Do not be scared of making the wrong decision; you can only make the best decision you can at that moment in time.  If fear wasn’t a factor, what would you do?  This puts you more in touch with your spirit.

Bonus – Realise, that no matter how bad it may seem and no matter how scary it may seem, it will get better.  This phase will pass and you will enter a new phase.  The choices, including your thoughts and feelings you nurture, will influence the new phase that comes.


Would you like to work on this area of your life or any other with Hemal Radia?  Click here to work one-to-one with him.  There are a few slots currently available on a first-come-first served basis.




What if your Current Challenge *IS* the Answer?

Are you going through some situation right now, it may be recent, or it may be long-standing, and you wonder when you will be rid of it or how you will resolve it?  Consider how the situation can actually serve you…


The challenges you think stop you having what you want may be exactly what are needed TO have what you want…


When we go through something challenging, it can sometimes serve us in so many ways, besides the hindrance it may appear to be, in the grander scheme of things.
For example, the financial challenges someone is experiencing may be exactly what they need to more clearly notice the opportunities around them…
Or the person you think is an obstacle may be giving you information about yourself that may serve you in making changes within yourself to be with the love of your life…
It's like the farmer who finds a strange vegetation besides his crops…at first he fights it, but then realises that it is actually edible and can add it to the rest of his harvest to sell it and make a profit…
What possibilities and opportunities exist in your life right now that you haven't noticed yet?  

Manifesting at 76 Years Young


I shared this on the Manifesting Excellence private group and thought you might enjoy this from a friend of mine who was ‘coaching’ her elderly dad to some goals. He attracted three goals, all using a similar way/method, this was one of them, to attract him and his wife taking a trip/vacation. It was quite something for him at this stage in his life to start to use the power of his thoughts to attract something he wanted into his life –


With regards coaching my Dad …. it really has been quite amazing …. at the time of him thinking about the ‘trip’ goal (he wanted to go away on a trip) … I suggested that he research the location, create a mind map … start a savings jar especially for the holiday where he could put his coins etc …. and basically suggested he should prepare as if they were definitely were going …. and the money would come …. well he did all of this and the money did come … unexpectedly : ) ….



Elderly couple holding hands



Can Change be Quick, Easy, and Long-Term?


There may be moments when the journey isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you.


Have you worked with yourself on your own beliefs and energy?  How was it for you?

This has been a bit of a theme recently as I've been sharing information on my group calls about working with your own beliefs and energy.

 We experience what we do in our lives and go through the changes we need to experience.  Whether it be to move towards something or to move away from something, or both.  Change is a constant in life, as is your own growth and evolution

 How you handle it and how easily you go through it, is up to you.  Below are some insights that may serve and inspire you in what you experience. 

1 – Change CAN happen quickly?

Some changes can appear to be difficult, and some things can need work.  But…change can also happen quickly.  One of the keys is in identifying the centre of the issue or the key dynamics and patterns in play.

This is where I feel many people miss out…whether they are using spiritual healing, EFT, NLP, therapy, or other tools, they don't get to what the issue or the patterns are.  Once you get good at finding this, it can be easy and intuitive in finding it in yourself and others.

2 – It doesn't always have to take lots of 'work', it can oftentimes be just about shining the light

Oftentimes when you find the real issue and see it, it is so obvious, it disappears (I often get this with clients or those on the group calls). The reason for this is because your present day awareness is greater than when you first took on the 'problem'.  When you clearly identify what the issue is – when you have the centre of the issue – and shine your awareness and wisdom from today upon it (oftentimes just by being consciously aware of it), it can resolve itself.

Where people might have challenges with this and that not happen is if their awareness isn't to a sufficient degree to resolve the issue.  In which case it is then about sharing insights and awareness with the person (as an example, when working with others and if this happened to be the case, I would then work on educating them, sharing perspectives, sharing resources such as my book, content, etc with them in increasing their awareness to shine their light) such that they DO create a separation and movement from the issue and it disappears.

3 – Can change be permanent?

This comes down to various factors, particularly to how well integrated the change is.  If the new 'you' has conflicts of self sabotage, then it's not so easy. Identify how the new 'you' feels, play it through in your mind, make it feel good.  In fact, if you can see the new 'you' as more 'you' than you have ever been, you are on your way.

I believe if change is healthy, progressive, organic, amongst other things, then it will stay.   All that I teach (or when I work with others) is geared towards that, towards progression, evolution, growth, learning, self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, self-awareness, and so on.


 Realise…life will happen…and there will be changes…there may be ups and downs…how you navigate this journey and your course will determine how you feel and the degree of happiness and satisfaction you experience… 


There may be moments when the journey isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean you are not on the perfect journey for you…




Does the Universe substitute Love?

Earlier I had a question about whether the Universe 'substitutes' your desires, such as Love, which I shared with the coaching group (which had its one year anniversary this week!) on the private Facebook group. I thought you might enjoy the answer so I have posted it below:

Just because you haven't gotten what you want yet, doesn't mean it's not on its way.

I had a question asking that if you are looking for a love relationship and the Universe gives the qualities of that to you through friends, a parent, a child etc, does that mean it doesn't want to give you a love relationship?

The answer is no, it doesn't decide or 'judge' what you can have, that is down to your own allowing and your own energy/vibration (after all, you and the Universe are one anyway). Yes, the Universe can give you aspects of something through other avenues, but that does not mean that you cannot have it in a relationship as well. In fact, the fact that you are getting it through the other avenues may be an indication that you are getting closer to what you 'really want'.

“Attracting Soulmates” Conversation

I thought you might enjoy this excerpt from an email interaction I had with a client towards the end of last year.  She has happily agreed for me to share this.

Client: The Universe is going to bring you exactly what you want and what you are a match to… So if your "perfect vibrational match" was hypothetically in Canada or Russia would you get nudges, synchronicities etc that would lead you there, or them to you?

Hemal: Yes, or even someplace else.  It could be that someone somewhere else is also a match or someone in your own town or street is a match and you are given the guidance/steps to experientially realise that.  For example, there could be someone in your street who you weren't attracted to but through your intention and desire and alignment you have a growing awareness and attraction for them…a week or some other time later you see them in a different way – with "new eyes" – which is all we are doing when we are creating, we are seeing the world WE (i.e. you) have created with "new eyes" – and the world obliges.

So it’s not just about being attracted to someone physically, but having the awareness and energetic alignment to it.  If you are not energetically a match you won't see each other or the attraction won't be there. 

Re: Canada/Russia, you may get nudges in that direction…and all of a sudden a cousin in Canada/Russia might say "Come and visit me" and send you a ticket and you end up there and happen to be somewhere where you meet your match.  Or, as mentioned above,  you may meet them somewhere else.  You handle your energetic alignment, let the Universe handle the details.

Client: Would they only be there if that was what you believed?

Hemal: A
ll possibilties are around you and it is up to you in seeing/recognising this – and yes, our beliefs are when we consistently see/experience something.    It’s like the salt cellar, what we want can be in front of us but us not recognise it.  When we attune to it, we see it.

It’s to focus that it’s here and feel it and let the Universe reveal it – though it’s not actually the Universe revealing it, it’s you revealing it to yourself, as you and the Universe are the one and the same anyway.

Client: Do you think there are always 100's of matches to you anyway??

Hemal: My view is there is no limit – the Universe is energy and everything is malleable.  Everything changes form, as do you and your thoughts.  It’s also not about what’s ‘out there’, everything out there is a projection of what’s ‘in here’.  So when you work with what’s ‘in here’, you see it more and more 'out there'.  It’s all a total choice.

"Relationships" was covered in the group call last Saturday on the Manifesting Excellence Group Calls.  Upon joining, you can access a recording of the almost 2 hour call.

If you would like to work one-to-one with Hemal Radia click here.

“The Best Call Ever”


As you may be aware, we had a call yesterday on the group coaching calls about "Attracting Money & Material Possessions."  After the call, those that were on the call live said it was "The best call ever."


For an hour I covered content on prosperity, flow, abundance, dealing with debt, fear, and much more. For over half an hour afterwards I answered questions on these topics, and more.  The information below is what was sent in the email link to those of you that were registered to receive the download link of it.


Content covered included:

– How to change your energy about your situation by seeing it as an opportunity
Exercising your gratitude about it
Lack of money gets you to focus on within, which is a good thing
– It's actually not about money – it's about the most important relationship in your life, which is…
Is this taking you into or out of alignment with your Self?
Money and relationships tend to be influencers on many people's flow
Fear around money and debt, etc
Money and success are not good/bad, they are just magnifiers
Action steps and energetic steps
Making a list of 10, 20, 50 things etc
How will it be in a month, 3 months, 6 months etc?
What thoughts do you have on a daily basis about this?
– Communicating with your emotions and aspects of yourself
– As you shift your energy, inspiration and opportunities come
– And much, much more!

Questions asked included about:
– The formula for "How to Attract Money for Dummies"
– Difference between attracting small sums and big sums
– "Should I focus on attracting the money, or the possessions that the money will get for me?"
"I am great at promoting others and helping them, how can I have the same instincts for myself?"
– If someone has been successful at acquiring wealth with someone else and then the agreement or partnership changes or dissolves, what thoughts, feelings or actions would be best to maintain that wealth/lifestyle?
Handling litigation situations and staying in flow
Why is it some people fight hard for their money and end up with less, and others surrender without a fight and end up with less also?


If you'd like to access this call along with the downloads, you can do so via the  7 day trial mentioned at http://www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


That webpage will be updated in time to mention that the group calls have no obligation in having to  attend live sessions, though you can if you'd like to, and interact with me and others.  They are structured so you can access them how and when you like, including via the downloads of the calls. There is also a private Facebook group with a very strong spirit where, if you'd like to, you can connect with others and interact and enjoy a lot of fun and games that can help you to your flow.


(After the 7 day trial period, if you stay on, you also get a courtesy e-book version of my "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction" book.)


If it resonates with you, do feel free to check it out,  you have very little to lose.



“Attracting Money and Material Possessions” Call/Audio this Saturday

This Saturday's group coaching call will be about "Attracting Money and Material Possessions".

This is a popular subject which many of the members would like to get content, processes and answers on.   Another topic that is being asked about which we will most likely cover soon is about "Losing Weight".

If you'd like to be on the call or receive the download of it then you can register via the webpage at Manifesting Excellence Law of Attraction Group Calls

As members and those joining submit questions, these will form the processes, techniques and content that will be covered as a result.



Something to Help You to an AMAZING Year

I hope you have a had a very lovely start to your year.

I thought I would add some thoughts that may help you to a very wonderful year…

A New Year awakens possibilities, hopes and aspirations…
Nurture them…it is easy to fall into habits and previous routines by end of January or February…
Your aspirations are always with you…just remind yourself of them…

At the start of a year or at the end of the prior one, we clutch our loved ones and remind them how much they mean to us. We remember fond memories and do our best to forget those not so fond.
Hold them deeply…your love for them is priceless…for yourself, and for them…
Sometimes some may not say those words you have been wanting to hear…
It does not mean it is due to any shortcomings in you…
Love them anyway…and yourself…
There are those for whom you light up their world…
Whether they be a lover, a friend, a relative, a pet, or someone new…
You are still lighting up the world…your light burns brighter each time…
Do not forget what you offer this world…
Too often we get caught up with the day, and ups and downs…
A ship may rock up and down, but doesn't forget its path…
It is ok if you experience turbulence, but stay true to your course…

There are those wanting to adore you for you…
Allow them to do that…it is not just about you receiving, but allowing them to give too…
Both have their own meaning to the heart…

Take this year and know that everything is to play for…
It doesn't matter the past that you accumulated…
It is not an accumulation world but a flow one…
In changing you, you change what you accumulate…
The past disappears, new experiences and people and happenings appear…
Everything is changeable…

Your future is bright and large…with you very PRESENT in it…

To YOU, and to one of your most memorable years EVER.

With Much Love,