“Letting Go of Emotional Attachment…”

In case you weren’t on the call at the weekend, here is some of what was covered on the “Identifying & Letting Go of Emotional Attachment” call.

You can access the audio of the call in the archives of Manifesting Excelelnce by clicking the link at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

The audio includes:
– What is “letting go of attachment“?
– It’s not letting go of your desire, it’s letting go of the resistance and the negative emotions around your desire
Attachment can be to:
– Fears
– Your identity, how you think of yourself and see yourself
– Other people
– Situations
– Addictions
– Clutter
– Symbols
– And much more

Why let go of attachment:
– Manifest your goals faster
– Less stress and more peace in your now
– Clarity of mind and quicker and accurate decision making
– Better connection with your intuition
– Seeing and recognising more synchronicities in your life

– It is not about being emotionally numb. It is not about ‘tolerating’
Negative emotions and resistance distort your signal to the Universe
– Without ‘noise’ your desire is more clearly, purely and powerfully expressed leading to faster manifestations and more of what you want
– When you define your goal what are you limiting or ‘fixing’ yourself by?
Specifying your outcome and listing and prioritising what is important to you
– Notice when you define your goal what aspects you are emotional to and what emotions
Attachment to timeframes and your goals
– Is there an attachment to ‘how’ your goal comes to you?
Letting go of the form of your outcome
Attachments take up energy…in freeing them up you get to live more of your joyful present now and  see the opportunities in it and less from your past

List of clues as to attachment:
– “I need it so badly or so soon”
– “I need this”
– I need it before x time”
– “I hope this happens” (either an attachment or more-so a bit of a lack of faith/belief. Nothing wrong with ‘hope’, but guide yourself towards ‘higher’ vibrations)
– “My friends will think differently of me or not like me in the same way anymore” (eg attachment to what others think, conflicting with going after the goal)
– “I just need this goal or thing and everything will be ok” (masking a problem or situation with a goal or thing – it can work out fine, but you may be mixing the energy of the problem with the goal and hence sending out mixed signals for it)
“How could you do this to me?” (puts responsibility and attachment to another than to their own power)

When you are attached you are lowering your energy and taking away from your spirit and your divinity – you are out of manifesting frequency and inspiration of the answers you are looking for
– “Letting go” is not resignation, it is letting go of the resistance to what you want . It is “allowing” what you want. It is also allowing your divinity and your greater power
“Symbols” such as money, cars, houses and things on a physical level – away from your sense of “Self” – are transient. Your spirit knows that. And that true happiness is in your connection to your sense of Self
True wealth is finding your connection within and wealth on the outside will follow that.
– Letting go of attachment allows you to be passionate about and love what is truly important to you – In what ways are you not happy in your present right now?
– “When you let go of attachment you focus more on the joy of the moment and of the process than the outcome. You know you will be ok. You have let go of your attachment to your form and to your  wellbeing. You are eternal. You are always fine. You have let go of your attachment to the outcome also. Because you have done this you can enjoy the present moment more, and the present moment is all you have.”

Questions included:
– “My relationship with my lover of a few years seems to be ending. She has a situation she is resolving and so am I. I feel sadness and am dealing with it along with everything else”
– Various follow up comments and questions in response to a question from last week
– “I have this belief that if I want something such as money, people, opportunities etc that I have to obsess about it in my head. I have bills that overwhelm me and want to manifest the money to  pay them off, it seems too big to handle…
– The most important thing to ask yourself about any situation in your life is what is it doing to you and your connection with your Self. From there all solutions are possible.

You can access the audio of the call by clicking the link at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


“Working with Fear about not having Money” and other topics

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Working with fear around not having money
– There are different ways into your flow
– Interaction about losing weight
– Being ‘pinned down’ energetically by the present
– Setting targets and a future direction
Enjoying the process and stepping away from where you are coming from
It’s the emotions behind not having money, such as survival, embarassment, etc
– Working with the core

Fear can be like quicksand
Make a list of fears and concerns and work through them, whether emotionally or behaviourally
Make a list of 50-100 constructive ideas – the key thing is to get your mindset in a place of solutions and ideas
See this as a phase in your life (ie transient) and you will be moving on to better things
– “Meditation is normally said to be great and most spiritual masters seem to recommend it. Why is that? Does it get you better into your flow?”
– Because of what you go through you will be better and stronger
Set an outcome or goal or direction. It is easy for your mind to veer towards fear, give it another pre-set direction so it has somewhere else to turn to than the fear
– What would you like? How would you like it? Get as specific as you can?
– “Trying to do too much”
The key thing is your alignment, not whether too much or too little – what feels the best and most desireful?
Avoid second guessing yourself and “splitting” your energy
Does it feel better or worse to do less? How about to do more?
Being ‘hopeful’ about manifestations and what it implies
– Getting conscious about how your impending manifestations feel to you
– You want to be ‘solid’ in your congruency and alignment
When you ARE it, you don’t have to think of becoming it
– Being gentle and soft with yourself and closing the emotional gap from where you are to where you want to be
– Being general at first and getting specific
– eg “I may not be where I want to be, but I’ll find my way…”
– eg “I may not know the how, but I love me having x. When I have it I will love x, y, z
The emotions you feel are indicative of the emotional gap between where you are and where
you want to be
Incorporating more into your life that adds towards your congruency, and taking things out which lead to incongruency
– For some people it can be addictive dealing with those that are incongruent. Be aware, and step
– “Energy vampires
Don’t get pulled into other’s issues when you don’t want to be. Be vigilant and aware
– Nurture the thoughts and things that add to your congruency and alignment
– Like orange juice, are you adding to the concentration or diluting it

These are details of the Manifesting Excellence call on Saturday, you can access it via the archives by registering at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting




“The Best Call Ever”


As you may be aware, we had a call yesterday on the group coaching calls about "Attracting Money & Material Possessions."  After the call, those that were on the call live said it was "The best call ever."


For an hour I covered content on prosperity, flow, abundance, dealing with debt, fear, and much more. For over half an hour afterwards I answered questions on these topics, and more.  The information below is what was sent in the email link to those of you that were registered to receive the download link of it.


Content covered included:

– How to change your energy about your situation by seeing it as an opportunity
Exercising your gratitude about it
Lack of money gets you to focus on within, which is a good thing
– It's actually not about money – it's about the most important relationship in your life, which is…
Is this taking you into or out of alignment with your Self?
Money and relationships tend to be influencers on many people's flow
Fear around money and debt, etc
Money and success are not good/bad, they are just magnifiers
Action steps and energetic steps
Making a list of 10, 20, 50 things etc
How will it be in a month, 3 months, 6 months etc?
What thoughts do you have on a daily basis about this?
– Communicating with your emotions and aspects of yourself
– As you shift your energy, inspiration and opportunities come
– And much, much more!

Questions asked included about:
– The formula for "How to Attract Money for Dummies"
– Difference between attracting small sums and big sums
– "Should I focus on attracting the money, or the possessions that the money will get for me?"
"I am great at promoting others and helping them, how can I have the same instincts for myself?"
– If someone has been successful at acquiring wealth with someone else and then the agreement or partnership changes or dissolves, what thoughts, feelings or actions would be best to maintain that wealth/lifestyle?
Handling litigation situations and staying in flow
Why is it some people fight hard for their money and end up with less, and others surrender without a fight and end up with less also?


If you'd like to access this call along with the downloads, you can do so via the  7 day trial mentioned at http://www.hemalradia.com/manifesting


That webpage will be updated in time to mention that the group calls have no obligation in having to  attend live sessions, though you can if you'd like to, and interact with me and others.  They are structured so you can access them how and when you like, including via the downloads of the calls. There is also a private Facebook group with a very strong spirit where, if you'd like to, you can connect with others and interact and enjoy a lot of fun and games that can help you to your flow.


(After the 7 day trial period, if you stay on, you also get a courtesy e-book version of my "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction" book.)


If it resonates with you, do feel free to check it out,  you have very little to lose.



“Recipe to Happiness”


A friend suggested to me to write a post on “Happiness”.  So I thought a post about “Recipe to Happiness” could be fun…


Ingredients to include, and not include in your life.  Starting with those to avoid…


Fear – Focusing on that which hasn’t happened yet can bring you more torment than it might if it does (and attract more also).

Anger – A moment’s miscontrol can lead to consequences and regret beyond the moment.  Which can lead to…

Guilt – Questioning an action or decision beyond when it happened.  It happened back then, you can drop the burden/load now.  Correct whatever you need to, and go forward with a free mind.  A heavy load just slows the rest of your journey…



Love – The truth is when you experience love, it is another (or some ‘thing’) enabling you to find the love within you.  Your whole physical experience is about revealing more of who you are.  You are in a beautiful place to do that.

Happiness – Oftentimes a state people allow themselves to feel when they have, be, or do something.  Essentially, those conditions act like ‘switches’ for you to turn on your allowance of this state.  Allow yourself to feel it now.  And having, being, doing what you want will come sooner anyway.

Self-worth – Much like happiness, people place conditions on how they see themselves.  Oftentimes they look around where they are, or look to their past, perform evaluations based on their beliefs, and determine their ‘value’.

Allow yourself to set no conditions on your ‘value’ or self-worth.  Or better still, project the most magnanimous dreams into your future, feel and embody yourself within them, and transform your now.  Expect your world and everyone within it to change.   It can’t not.  When you truly change how you see yourself in your now, you change everything that you see from your now – and that’s how you change your future, and your possibilities in your now.


Rainbow Rose



Jealousy, Control & Fear are Denials of Who You TRULY Are

“Hi Hemal, I was wondering what your thoughts were on jealousy?

I have been hurt so badly in the past by someone and struggle to move on from that.

I stayed alone for sometime and thought I had dealt with it – via reiki and positive thoughts and law of attraction etc – now I am with my new man I on occasion feel it in my stomach and find it hard to keep under control.Dont get me wrong its not a possessive thing, just the odd occasion where I feel sick to the stomach. I know deep down its my own mind and self esteem and I work with this daily but wondered what your view on it was or any advice from your way….thanks for your time to read ..have a great day

Em x”


When we are going into a relationship, we are feeling wonderful things and the beautiful emotions build and build – an example of Law of
Attraction!  And then what happens is we may experience fears and
insecurities and other things may come up.  It may be that we are fearful of losing what we have, or that we have a bit of moment to reflect and absorb what has been happening and start to ‘think’ (and the fears and ‘patterning’ come up) rather than continue ‘being‘ in that wonderful feel-good place.


“After people attract something (such as a relationship), they can
sometimes get busy trying not to lose it, which is a very different
vibration to what attracted it to them in the first place…”


Jealousy is a response to thinking that something is yours when in fact, like everything else in the Universe, it isn’t, and you are no ones either.  Other than the fact that you are two souls meeting along your journey.


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The discomfort that exists is because you are thinking thoughts that
are taking you out of your flow and from what you want.  And what you
want isn’t just this physical being in your life, but the essences of
what you are experiencing.  Whilst your physical body and mind
experiences this person, your soul and essences are experiencing so
much more and that is what led to the physical meeting.

You can’t be jealous if you are on your path and know that you will be ok. You cannot base your own wellbeing on another’s presence and feelings for you, but on your own connection to wellbeing and flow (which in itself is attractive for others to be around you).

You love them and adore them because, as a free being, you are chosing to be with them, and vice versa. There is no attachment or holding, especially emotionally. Allow them to be free, they will appreciate and love you even more for it.  Otherwise, energetically, they will feel constricted too.  And when someone feels constriction or pressure, little things can start to come in (such as disagreements, arguments etc) which can build.  It is far better to have the space within ourselves and allow the other, and ourselves, to be who we are.  To be fearless in all eventualities and being at peace with them, so we can enjoy our now.


Heart shaped birds


“Anytime we build a strong momentum about something, and we experience
strong emotions or fears to the contrary, it can get pretty

You cannot carve out and separate a bit of the Universe (such as a person) and hold it in statis
forever and say it is yours.  Everything is interconnected and
interrelated, as are you. You wouldn’t want it any other way.  You
wouldn’t want to be disconnected from your flow. It is more important
to you than this relationship or anything else, because it is to do
with your relationship with who YOU are as the spiritual being that is
living this physical life.

We fear losing what we have but remember we cannot ‘hold’ or ‘force’ something.  What we can do is deal with the fears about it.  What would happen if this person left?  Be at peace with that.  Have it so that does not scare you and you can focus your emotional energy on appreciating what you two have together.

Anytime a limiting thought comes up, identify the underlying what fear behind it, and let it go.  All fears are limited perspectives of the Universe.  They imply that you will not be ok as a result of something happening or not happening.  When in fact the Universe is wellbeing and does not place conditions on it, only you do.

“You came together to love and adore each other, not to be scared of what the future may hold.”

Any jealousy or element of control is about one’s fear or lack of security or certainty about having or keeping something that they want, or how they want it. It is an illusion because you can never truly ‘have’ something and keep it static forever and how you want it.  That’s the illusion. And that can be scary itself the first time someone realises that.  But that’s only fear, it is not reality. The reality is you have no need to be scared because you are safe.

The ‘truth‘ is your flow and connection to all that you want, including through this person or thing that you want. Take your attention away from the noises and distractions from fear, and put them on your truth which is your ever-abundant and ever-infinite flow and adulation from the Universe.

How can you ever be without when you realise how much you mean to this Universe?  There was no coincidence in your creation, and nothing would be withheld from you.  You just needed to know how to ask for it – vibrationally.  In realising your connection, you have nothing to fear being without.  It’s like having fears in looking at a blade of grass, and not seeing the whole field.


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