$50k in 60 Days, Losing Many Pounds in Bodyweight, Finishing a Book, and Much More!


Just to let you know that next week we are starting another 60 Day Process Thread on Manifesting Excellence.

Here are some of the achievements on the last one (which started on 7th May and finished last Friday):

– One woman made $50k in 60 days for the first time in her life (she is aiming for $100k in the next one starting on Monday)
– Another identified blocks which had been stopping her from increasing her income for over 30 years
– Another woman wrote a book and almost finished a second one also
– Health and energy benefits, juicing started by some, and many pounds in bodyweight lost!
Personal development goals achieved – the right information showing up at the right time!
– Other goals happening as a result of the natural focusing of energy in this process

Let me ask you, what would you like to happen in the next 60 days for yourself?

If others can make thousands of dollars, lose many pounds in bodyweight, finish writing books, have greater fulfillment and much much more, why can’t you have what YOU want?


Would you like to join the large list of people that have made things happen?  Or in 60 days will you look back with not much having changed in your life?

You get to set goals for yourself that YOU resonate with.  We are all in different places in our evolution with different things we want (or need) to happen for us to progress.

What would you like?

– A financial goal?
– Lose bodyweight?  Be firmer and trimmer?  Feel healthier?  Have more energy for your life and for those around you?
– Relationship goals?  Meet someone?  Deepen a connection you already have?
– Write a book?  Start a business?  Move your business to THRIVING?
– More fulfillment and joy in your life?
– Achieve a goal that you have been wanting to happen for some time but hasn’t happened yet?
– Overcome a challenge or an issue?  Grow in some ways?  Resolve some things so you can live your life much FREER?

I invite you to take this opportunity.  Many more are joining in on the next 60 Day Process which we are starting early next week.

Join now to make sure that you are in!

Many people read an email or a message like this but lack follow-through to make things happen.

Will you be making great things happen in your life in the next 60 days?  We would love you to… not for us, but for what YOU will get from it!

Join us by registering at Manifesting Excellence.

Wishing you a very special day ahead!!

60 Day Process - Law of Attraction



“Bringing a BIG Goal Closer to Happening”

Just to let you know that the topic for this week's Manifesting Excellence call is about "Bringing a BIG Goal Closer to Happening".

It came about from a question that was submitted for the call:
"I want to attract $400,000 to buy and sell property and live off the rent, buy property in Kuala Lumpar, look after my three girls and much more.  What should I be focusing on?  The money?  The property or Kuala Lumpar?  How can I make this dream come true?"

We will be talking about the action steps, the energetic steps, the psychology of going for something "big", and much, much more!

Click here to Register for Manifesting Excellence


“Integrating Realities” call this week


Just to let you know that, based on a request sent in, this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call will be about "Integrating Realities".  If you'd like to register for it you can do so at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting

Upon registering on the trial access you can listen live and/or get the audio within 24 hours of the call as well as have access to previous weekly calls, including on subjects such as Money, Relationships, Spirituality, Letting go, Life/Death, Family issues and Manifesting successfully.

On this week's "Integrating Realities" call we will be talking about how to integrate two realities together, for example where you are and where you want to be, or resolving two or more conflicting paths, and much more.
Also including:
Integrating the reality of what you want with where you are
Blending your past, present, future to the now that you want to experience
When your present and what you want in your future don't seem aligned, how to 'marry'/integrate them together, even when they may not appear easily compatible
Resolving two or more conflicting directions
Integrating anything, and evolution
Your beliefs and your psyche adapting to integration
Making integrations 'stick' and a part of 'reality'
Checking for conflicts
– And much much more!

We'd love you to join us!
Click here to try at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



Manifesting at 76 Years Young


I shared this on the Manifesting Excellence private group and thought you might enjoy this from a friend of mine who was ‘coaching’ her elderly dad to some goals. He attracted three goals, all using a similar way/method, this was one of them, to attract him and his wife taking a trip/vacation. It was quite something for him at this stage in his life to start to use the power of his thoughts to attract something he wanted into his life –


With regards coaching my Dad …. it really has been quite amazing …. at the time of him thinking about the ‘trip’ goal (he wanted to go away on a trip) … I suggested that he research the location, create a mind map … start a savings jar especially for the holiday where he could put his coins etc …. and basically suggested he should prepare as if they were definitely were going …. and the money would come …. well he did all of this and the money did come … unexpectedly : ) ….



Elderly couple holding hands



Using Goals and Outcomes to Align Your Energy


Blue Clouds


If you are going to set goals and outcomes I’d suggest using them as a tool to get your ‘energetic’ or ‘vibrational’ alignment to those things you are wanting.  In the end, THAT’S what gets you your goal, that you are an energetic match to it.

There are many methods of goal setting, one of them is the ‘SMART’ system.  I have just picked this system randomly to go through aspects of a system and show what each aspect does on an energetic level.  I’m not saying you should use this system or not – that’s about your resonance to it, I’m just highlighting how ‘traditional’ goal-setting techniques work on an energetic level – which is what it’s all about – and you .

Specific – If you’ve read my book “Find You and You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” you will know I talk about you being a physical being who flows non-physical or spiritual energy.  When you get specific, you are getting more and more focused and engrained into the physical and in your clarity there is more ‘power’ in your energy.

Meaningful The more meaningful something is to you, the more energically charged it will be for you and thus more attracting power.
Measurable – Similar to specific, mentioned above.

Achievable You achieving your goals is a process of magnifying your alignment to something, even if it isn’t here yet.  If you disbelieve your goal, you are magnifying that.  If you find something about your goal that feels good to you right now, you magnify that and attract more of that.  You don’t have to believe everything right away, you just start with what you DO believe and go from there.  Your life is a journey and an evolution.  These goals are a part of that process and a tool.

As if Now – Stating the goal as if you have it.  It’s about FEELING as if you have it, and that’s better when you are stating and thinking as if you have it.

Realistic – Similar to Achievable above.
Responsible – That the goal (in your perceptions) is ‘Responsible’.  This is down to your alignment and beliefs.  Trying to attract something that you have a conflict about may not be easy, hence get alignment with it.

Toward – State the goal toward what you want, than away from something you don’t want, i.e. state it how you want it (not what you don’t want)
Timed – Time is more a focusing mechanism in your alignment than the Universe bringing it to you based on the time you specify.  I will talk more about this on the Manifesting Excellence call this coming Saturday.

Understanding ‘Goal Setting’ on an Energetic Level

The above are some early thoughts on this topic.  When I explain things on an energetic level (such as some of the concepts in my book), people get the “aha” moments and it all fits.  There has been a lot of information around about goals, but this brings it all together as there is actually a pattern and simplicity around everything that is out there on it.

Tomorrow* on the Manifesting Excellence group coaching program call I will be talking more about this topic and taking questions on it (*the call was on June 11th, by registering now you can download the audio of it).  Some of the questions I’ll be answering include:

“Do I set my goal once and ‘let it go’ or keep thinking about it?”

“What is ‘letting it go’?”

“How specific do I need to get?”

“How do I trust what I want is coming when I have been waiting for it for a long time and it doesn’t show any signs of manifesting?”

“What if once the goals are set, you change your mind and realise this is not what you want…will the original goal manifest?  How do you change it without setting confused messages?”

– And much more!

Click here to join us on the call or to access the audio (if you are reading this after the call).  Upon registering, feel free to submit your questions for it also.  The call will be available as a downloadable audio if you are not able to be live on the call.


Law of Attraction


Remember, Vegas Hotel room rate is at HALF price until end of August


I just wanted to remind you that if you are wanting to attend the Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event next month (September 25th & 26th) that the discounted $99 rate (excl tax) that we have negotiated with the hotel for a studio suite at the Trump International is until August 31st.  This is almost HALF their regular rate of $179 (excl tax).

It would be great to meet you there if you can make it!  My intention is it will be a VERY special event with a lot of life changing, transformational, exhilirating, and fun, content.

Trump Suite

Bring Your Intentions, Expect them to Progress

You may come with goals and outcomes that you would like to be working on in your life
.  As well as me covering content, there will be interaction also. 

No Coincidence in You Being There

There will be no coincidence of the people attending and the questions asked, the answers and content you receive, and the connections you make.  It will be beautifully orchestrated for you to receive the answers you are looking for to take you towards where you want to be heading.


Las Vegas - night time-2

Answers for You on Many Levels

This Law of Attraction in Las Vegas event will give you many answers, on many levels, for themes in your life, and where you want to be heading.  The answers and content will be ‘multi-layered’ in that they will speak to you on many levels, and you will take information and ideas in the best ways that fit for you.

Finding ‘You’

You will also find a better connection with yourself on many levels.  When I work with clients, this happens right away and their perspectives change on everything, which in turn leads to them being more aligned to the scenarios that they want.  This harmony is always there, I enable you to more easily find ‘You’.

Connecting with Others before and during the Event

Whilst people have been booking onto the event, my intention is to create a way where attendees can connect before the event if they would like to.  Most likely, this will be a private Facebook Group for attendees.  We are also working on arranging optional buffet dinners on the evenings of the event so attendees can spend more time with each other and with me.

I know many of you that have booked, and know that there will be wonderful connections amongst you, as well as what you get from the event itself.  There are ‘light workers’, intuits, practitioners, coaches, and more, amongst those attending.

Vegas event room pics

Do remember, the $99 deal from the Trump International hotel is until the end of August

For more information and to book, go to Law of Attraction in Las Vegas

“How to Make Affirmations, Goals, Mantras, and much more, work for you”


I received a question about how to make affirmations, goals and mantras work “better”, which stimulated me to write a bit on this subject.  The answer goes beyond the scope of what was asked in the question.

From my other articles or teleseminars, you’ll know my emphasis of focusing on the feeling of what you are doing (and wanting); that is the indicator of your vibration about it – and being a vibrational match to what you want is how you let it into your life.  If you are not connecting with your feelings, you’re not evoking your spirit, which is what we’re here to do after all, aren’t we? 🙂

What many people are not aware of when they use goals, affirmations, mantras, visualisation, or anything else, is that it is not about what you use, but it is ALWAYS about your vibration.  When you are looking to make Law of Attraction work for you, it is about you and your vibration.  What will work for you best will be that which raises your vibration the best, in that moment.  There are times you use a fork, there are times you use a spoon; similarly, you can use different techniques for different things.

“It is about the vibrational relationship between where you are and your desires.  Your emotions are the indicator of that relationship, and what you need to be doing to be closing the gap.”

This is something that I tell my clients and guide them with.  When you are looking to use a technique, it is just a tool for you to work with your vibration, as is everything else – actually, as is everything else in life.  In your experiences in life, you make choices and preferences and decisions – you are always moulding and adapting your vibration in all of these instances.  There is no moment in your existence when you are not influencing your vibration (for one reason, that is what you are: a physical extension of who you are on a deeper level).  Every thought that you are thinking, even the ones not in your conscious awareness, are shaping your vibration and what is coming into your life.

There is so much I can say about techniques, and oftentimes I do, especially in the teleseminars.  On the question of goals, affirmations and mantras, here are a few quick tips about them:

1 – Does it feel good when you think about the goal etc?  If not, why do you have it as a goal?  Because others want you to have it?  Ensure it is because you feel good about it.

2 – If it feels good, how can you tweak the goal (or affirmation or mantra or whatever you are using) so that it feels better?  Can you think of something more to this goal that you can add?  Something else?  More specificity?  A different colour?  More belief in what you can have?  What ways can it feel even better?

3 – If it’s an affirmation or mantra (i.e. “words”), there are certain words we have which are emotionally loaded.  How about “money”, or “soulmate” or “sex” for example.  Find the words that you have that feel the best for you, relative to what you are wanting, and put them in your affirmation or mantra.  Use modifiers to make it feel even better – words that make it feel even better, eg “my palatial mansion”, “my beautiful car”, “the woman/man of my dreams“, “deep peace” etc.

4 – Mantras can be different things to different people.  For some, they may be something they repeat to “get” something (such as a goal).  For others, they may use mantras to create a peaceful mind and be in the moment – it is more ‘state’ oriented than ‘goal’ oriented.  For example, they may repeat something whilst doing breathing exercises to orient themselves in their now.  If this is the case, then be aware of this and choose the words that best orient you in your now and your attention in the direction that you would like to be going.

5 – The goal which you visualise or affirm is relative to where you are at, vibrationally.  As you grow vibrationally and get closer to it, it can mean and feel differently.  Pay attention to your feelings.  You are an expanding being, and as you grow and expand, focus and include the things that feel best to you – similar to as mentioned above about making it feel better and better.

“It’s about raising your vibration, not about the ‘things’.  If you raise your vibration, the ‘things’ will come.


“Your Dream is Alive” (Quote)

“Whatever your dream, it never died. Your dream has always been alive in your vibration and still is to this day. Your vibration – just like the Universe and the spiritual part of you – always expands, it never contracts. Even when you think you have done something wrong or made a mistake, you have never grown smaller but have expanded, always. You are expanding vibrationally in each moment with the choices and preferences you make in your life.”
~Hemal Radia~