It’s on its way!

One of the questions I answered in Saturday’s (yesterday’s!) teleclass is when you have dreams and desires, what happens when you get doubts about them?

We are very much used to SEEING things happening, in only believing when we see them.  Having said that, the Universe does a lot of its work on the unseen level – on the spiritual or non-physical level.

And so there we are on the physical looking and saying “Where is it?  Where is it?  Why isn’t here yet?  Does this work?  Oh it doesn’t work!  Oh it doesn’t work for me!”  Whereas it was ALWAYS HAPPENING and on it’s way to you.  As mentioned in the class the moment you think a thought and you focus on it it is on its way, even in the stages of attracting more and more thoughts and attracting clusters of thought and it building and manifesting on the physical.

It’s like planting a seed and then digging it up every few minutes to check whether it is growing.  IT’S ON IT’S WAY!  

The implication of asking “Where is it?” is doubt and doubt is not conducive to you quickly and easily manifesting what you want.  The way to manifest what you want is to focus on the good feelings of what you want and to keep yourself there and to not question it, to have faith, to believe, to allow it in (rather than push against it by doubting or questioning).  You don’t have to be thinking about it all the time but you don’t need to be questioning it either.  How you feel and how good you feel about it is an indication of it being on its way.  Thus if you are questioning it and doubting it that’s not going to feel good and thus you have your indication.  Let go of those doubts and instead focus on what you enjoy and like and love about what is on its way to you, step into the experience of it and how your life will be in having it in your life.

As mentioned, in the subsequent teleclasses there will be techniques and processes to work with this as well.

But remember that whenever you focus on something and you do not contradict that thought i.e. do not doubt it, do not think about the lack/absence of it, IT IS ON ITS WAY

If you were not able to attend yesterday’s teleclass you can still download it, all the teleclasses are available for download after the event.  You can currently do this via the post at—book-now.html

And you are also able to take part and send your questions for the subsequent ones too!


Conversation about Money

come I’m not abundant?

Yes, how come you’re not?

Well…I don’t know, I’m just not, I don’t have much money/abundance….

Yes, why don’t you?

Well…I just don’t…

Have you ever wondered how you can be in an ocean AND NOT GET WET??

Er no….?

Well isn’t that what you are, the Universe is prosperous and abundant beyond what you could ever imagine, and you are in it, the last time we checked you are a part of it, and you say you are not abundant, how do you do that?

Er….I don’t know?

By resisting.  By resisting your natural birthright, by not letting it in.  By thinking you don’t have enough, by thinking you don’t have it.  By thinking you are not good enough. By thinking about what others have and not feeling very good.  By seeing what is on the TV and not feeling good about what you have.  By pining.  By yearning.  By thinking of scarcity.  By thinking of recessions.  By being scared of what might happen.  By being scared of what will happen.  By thinking of how you never had enough.  How you were never lucky or had a lot passed on...

By considering the work you are in and how you’ll never have enough.  By thinking of where the money goes and how there isn’t enough left over.  By thinking of all the people making money and not feeling very good thinking about it.  By thinking how if you had the money what you would do with it…ah that’s a good thought, maybe that might get you more money….. but then you feel bad you don’t have it and say to yourself why even consider what you might do with it because you don’t have it.

Want us to go on?

Ok….so how do I create money?

By thinking of what you will do with it.  By thinking of how it feels.  By realising that just like everything else in the Universe it is energy and it will flow and be attracted by vibration JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE

By realising it will flow into and out of your life by your thoughts, and more importantly your feelings.  It responds to your vibration, just like everything else, including the cells in your body and in the Universe, they literally respond to you

Oftentimes your vibration is a mix and so the responses you get are a mix or not a clear signal, and then you wonder if all this stuff is really true

So how do you create or attract money?  Think about the things you will do with it.  The pound or dollar notes in and of themselves do not have value for you, it is what you think they will get you, whether it be the items or physical experiences, but more so the essences and the EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES, whatever labels you choose, such as freedom, security, fun, etc. 

What is more important than these specific labels is what they underly also, i.e. ‘Freedom to do what?’  Get the essences of that.  ‘Security from what?  And if you had that Security what would you do?’  ‘And what sort of Fun?  If you had Fun what would you be doing or what would it allow you to do?’  HOW DO THEY FEEL?  Your vibration is through your feelings.  SUMMON WHAT YOU WANT through your feelings. 

The Universe will respond, it always responds.  Send it a clear pure message and it will respond and respond as quickly as the purity and emotional intensity of your message, and before your eyes you will see the money and abundance flow in.  And as you see it and notice it, you will start to see it more and more, you will believe it, you will ‘allow’ it more, you will let it in more, your attention will be on what is coming than those previous thoughts you had about it not coming.  See the difference? 

You create that reality in your mind.  And then you see the trickle.  And the trickle expands upon your attention to it.  It cannot not.  Just like a magnifying glass, the focus leads to more.  And more.  There are no limits to what the Universe can bring your way other than what you let in.  And the thing is, you’re in the Universe, it’s all around you.   EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS ALREADY AROUND YOU.  IT IS ALL IN PLACE.  How lined up to it ARE YOU?


‘Detaching’ and being with a loved one

"I have a question that has been troubling me the past couple of
days… How does one detach from someone when one knows that they are
already there, the love is already incredibly strong, and we have been
trying to get together so much yet obstacles continue to get in the way?

feel like detaching will help with the unification, but it just seems
so difficult and even after many prayers and meditation, it still seems
very difficult to detach from one another in order to complete the
attraction and let our physical beings connect rather than just our
mind and spirit…

Any insight/advice is greatly appreciated!
Thank you


The way to 'detach' is also through 'allowing' and letting it
, and focusing on the GOOD FEELINGS, but not the heavy ones and
not the ones that are trying to figure it out and how it will happen
and so on from your physical perspective. Focus on the enjoyment and
the appreciation and PRESENCE of WHAT YOU HAVE NOW than on the absence
what you would like]

Don't look at what is around you to feel
good, use your imagination if you have to to think of how you would
like things to be. Don't think about what is or isn't here yet. Think
the wonderful thoughts you do in the moment because in that moment they
give you the pleasure, love, joy etc they do

And as you feel
better about things you will be allowing it in and letting it happen
and thus will be less attached (which is what I'm presuming is the
intention of you wanting to be detaching)

So for example you can appreciate the wonderful things in this relationship such as:
-the fact that you and your partner have found each other
-that your love is incredibly strong
-the aspects of each other that you love so much

go of the [issue of the] unification and the 'obstacles' (because what
you focus on expands), soothe your vibration by saying things such as:
-I love my partner so much, and we have a love so strong…
-I realise that things maybe aren't perfect right now but I know they are on the way to being good…
know the universe can orchestrate anything and I know that it will
orchestrate this in my lining up to it (through my allowing, via my
good feelings as mentioned above)…
-I will line up to it by
remembering the positive aspects in that person and in our relationship
and our love and in the Universal orchestration…
-I'll remind
myself that the universe can orchestrate anything – but I have to let
it in and the universe will match my vibration about it…
-As I see my partner and I together the universe will match that…
realise that I may not see things immediately but what is important is
how I feel about it and that will be bringing it to me…

MILKING your Dreams

So, what dreams do YOU have?
Remember to MILK the thoughts, remember
it's not just about the dreams you have but about how you use them to flow
, and that is about how you think about them, HOW GOOD YOU LET

So for example if you want to visit/live on an island, you can describe it in detail, there is power in the specificity…

What is the island like?
What are the people like on it?
The colourful and nutritious (and tasty) vegetation?
What is it like to wake in the morning and hear the ocean waves?
Describe the beautiful sea that you get to experience every morning? How does your body feel when you feel it each morning?
And the wonderful morning sun? And how is it hearing the native birds with their colours and vibrant plumages?
What are the sunsets like? What colours do they paint in the sky?

What fresh and natural foods do you get to experience? How does your body feel in experiencing these?
What is your rich sensory experience in being here?
What is the lifestyle like?
Are you here with your family and loved ones? How is it for them?
What do you do on this island when you 'play'?

Can you see how just in reading these questions your thoughts and feelings have already shifted…?
are already vibrationally closer to all that you want
, just by
considering the above, and you have access to thoughts and ideas you
didn't a few minutes ago as a result of your raised vibration

There is power in specificity.  Where it is not helpful is when you aren't totally clear on your goal and initially  you can 'soften' it by being general or vague about it but as you get clearer and clearer about what you want and as you gather data and information in your day-to-day experience and you hone it and refine it and get clearer and clearer on what you are wanting, there is great power in the specificity, there is a greater FOCUS

That is what creation is about, when you focus you are channeling universal energy through you to manifest on a physical level, in your focusing and alignment – by thinking and feeling FROM your goal – you are lining up with the bigger part of 'You' – The Universe, God, Source, Universal energy, whatever you want to call it – and letting it in.  And as you do that you feel better and better and that is your indication that you are lined up with the bigger 'You' and things are happening.  It doesn't matter what actions you take because in your alignment you will be inspired to take the right actions, say the right things, be in the right places etc.  Actions are very much a physical 'human' concept and alignment (how you feel is an indication of your alignment) is when you are in harmony with the larger (non-visible, non physical spiritual essence) part of the physical planet and Universe.


Law of Attraction ‘Equation’

You can have an equation like:

POSITIVE EMOTIONS (Desire, feel-good etc) – RESISTANCE (Attachment, contradictory thoughts etc) = ATTRACTION

ATTRACTION is in the positive then momentum will build and build in
that direction, each thought attracts another and another and so on, by virtue of Law of Attraction more of the same is attracted and one will
have what they want i.e. thought reaches a critical mass and it
reveals itself on the physical

Ok, the above is getting into the
'thinking' side of things (for those who are into that lol) but it's
more about feeling than thinking
, about feeling from what you want

What you Want is Already around you

What you want is already around you,
EVERYTHING is already around you,
You are turning the invisible to the visible,
You are letting it reveal itself to you,
As you think the thoughts that are in harmony of it,
As you think of what you want,
What you are thinking is only a tool or a symbol for you to get into the frequency (/vibration) of what you want,
And then you are allowing by letting it in or something better,
When you are saying ‘ONLY this’ is what I want, you are not allowing something that might be better or more suited to come to you, you are dictating the ‘how’,
There are an infinite number of ways it can make its way to you,
Let it come to you in the easiest and quickest way it can…
But of course, your journey was meant to be as fun as the destination,
So you were never going ‘where is it, where is it’ were you <wink>
Because you are so enjoying the journey and the creation of it….

(Hemal Radia)


Abraham on Manifesting a House using Law of Attraction

Thanks to Nina Ferrell for letting me know about these audios

Abraham on Manifesting a House, part 1

Abraham on Manifesting a House, part 2



Which Thought Feels Better? A simple way to getting what you want

Decide on an area of your life you’d like to work with or something you would like

1 – Write five thoughts about it

2 – Determine if amongst those 5 thoughts there are thoughts that feel better than your current thoughts on the subject (use your feelings as your guide), if not then write 5 more thoughts, repeat until you have a thought or thoughts that feel better

3 – Replace your current thoughts with the thought or thoughts that feel better/best, make that your way of thinking (practice it, mentally rehearse it if need be), and don’t contradict it with what you used to think

4 – Repeat from step 1, until…

5 – You have what you want

By doing this process you will always be thinking and feeling better and better thoughts:
-The better it feels the more aligned you are to what you want
-The more aligned you are to what you want the closer it is…
…and it manifests on the physical level


-You feelings are telling you how close you are to what you want, they are your guidance from the Universe, God, Source, Higher Self, whatever you want to call it

-When you access a better feeling thought it opens up other thoughts that weren’t previously accessible to you, including ideas, thoughts and inspired actions.  From where you are initially you do not have access to where you will
end up as vibrationally it is too far, but by repeating from your
new perspective each time you have access to new thoughts and feelings
that get you vibrationally where you want to be.  Your physical experience is a manifestation of your vibration

-From the new feeling place you are immeasurably closer to what you want than you would have been by ‘action steps’

-The Universe is not an action one but a vibrational one, by doing the above you are getting closer to what you want far more quickly than you would by action alone, you will have ideas that get you closer, you’ll be in the right time/right place, experience synchronicities, etc, there will be an almost seemingly magical unfolding



Bashar on Abundance and Trusting What Is


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