Accelerating your Manifesting & Law of Attraction skills!

Many of you have been asking about them and the audios on Manifesting & Law of Attraction are now available!

These are from the teleclasses in the summer which if you didn't attend them live then you can download them now

There is a free audio in which I answer questions from around the world on the topic and there are 4 audios on Accelerating Your Manifesting & Law of Attraction Skills which are over 6 HOURS in duration in total and include handouts for each audio, for more information click on the following links:

Free Audio

Accelerating Your Manifesting & Law of Attraction Skills Audios

Accelerating your Manifesting & Law of Attraction skills

Getting into Alignment with your Body

“Hi Hemal, I decided earlier this year that I will run the Great North Run at the start of next month (October ‘08).  It’s a half marathon – 13.1 miles, and I had a lot of problems with my knees when I was younger and the past few years I have healed them (changed my vibration). I started training a few months ago, (I wasn’t very fit at all and could hardly run a mile!!) then due to various commitments I didn’t train as much. Tonight I went out for 3 miles and it felt a lot further!! I was wondering, how I can use Law of Attraction to help me feel fitter and feel that I can run the GNR in a good time. I want to improve my fitness. I know that it is a matter of aligning my vibration, any specific tips?

I have challenges with 2 particular aspects,
1: I find cardiovascular exercise very hard and tiring. It can be perceived that I am unfit in this sense. I am much more comfortable, used to and good at yoga, dancing etc. (Yes, I know these are beliefs that can be cleared)
2: The majority of my life I had extremely bad problems with my knees, partly a manifestation of my family saying repetitively ‘we all have knee pain/ arthritis etc and you will have it’, ‘you won’t be able to dance professionally because your knees wont take the strain’ You get the point. And secondly I feel it manifested because I didn’t love myself or feel loved by anyone else. Although this has changed, and my knees are much better, there is still sometimes a voice in my head saying I shouldn’t go out running if my knees are painful. Today I over rode that voice and went out for a run, it was fantastic and I had no pain. I felt it a bit on my chest from breathing heavy!!!

Love and light”


Just as you can be physically conditioning yourself for something you can also be vibrationally conditioning yourself.  In fact we talk about getting vibrational familiarity or vibrational alignment.

For millennia as a race we have been so focused on the action journey – the ‘doing’ – taking actions to get things done, we are now becoming more conscious of the emotional or vibrational journey – the journey that lines us up with our inner guidance and orchestrates happenings with the rest of the Universe where things happen far far far far more easily and are far more leveraged.  The action part was meant to be an expression of the vibration to have what we want than the full process in getting what we want

Regarding the cardiovascular conditioning, you start from where you start and make the most of it.  So it’s not about what you’re not or what you can’t do, it’s about focusing on what you CAN do, whatever that is, and expanding from there.



There is a reason you chose this race, and all that it entails, there are no coincidences.  So you are here.  There is something (perhaps many things) that drew you to this race and activity and all it entails.

That is being said to remind you that you are here and you are here by choice, and so whilst you’re here and you’re going to undertake it you might as well have the full experience in being here – rather than being ‘split’ about it or in two minds.  Sometimes when people undertake something or go through something in life they go through it with ‘split energy’, so they are there but either they don’t want to be or they think of things not working out or something or other on some level THAT DOES NOT MATCH WHAT THEY REALLY WANT TO BE DOING.  And so they end up either sabotaging what they are doing and having bad results or succeeding but it being an ordeal in the process (and sometimes physically and emotionally), or a combination of the two.

The way to deal with that one might say:
– Ok, now I know I’m here and I’ve got to undertake this and I realise there aren’t coincidences and I want to undertake this
– I know that part of isn’t certain about it, perhaps in my capabilities or whether I should be doing it, but I do know I want to be
– So knowing I want to be doing this, and knowing that I will be doing this, I might as well go into it with ALIGNED ENERGY
– So as I go through this I will think from the place of it going how I want it to go
– I will use what I am about to do as an opportunity to line up my energy
– And I also know that when I line up my energy I don’t just benefit in what I am about to do but in many and all other things, ALIGNED ENERGY is very powerful, very attractive, and I attract all sorts of things
– And I also know that when I have completed what I am about to do, it creates a wonderful platform for whatever else I will do.  From having completed this I will have new eyes, new perspectives, new experiences, and a new place to make more decisions from
– And from those decisions I will flow energy to other things and I will grow, and that’s what I’m here to do


Being aligned will have a powerful effect on the results you get.  Having considered the above thoughts, you can also:

Start to practice you having completed the run.  Go out to a day, a week and a month after having completed it.  How does it feel?  How do you feel about yourself?  Practice this thought regularly, every day, whenever you get a moment, ideally 1-3 times a day.
Get used to how you feel about yourself.  How does your body feel?  How do your clothes fit you?  How do you feel about yourself physically?  As well as the sense of pride and all the other emotions in having achieved what you have

Notice how the month aligns itself in order for things to take care of themselves.  Your job is to align yourself emotionally to how things have gone, practice that imagery.  In professional sport they teach visualisation techniques to improve performance, especially physiological motor skills.  We are talking about conditioning you (emotionally and) vibrationally.

A couple of years ago I was looking to change my weight training routine and I spent time imagining how I’d like to be, I’d imagine my physique and what sort of a routine would feel fun and the type of lifestyle.  I enjoyed the process and what I was finding is I would be bumping into people that would be offering the right advice THAT WAS A MATCH TO MY VIBRATION and there would be people telling me about the right nutritional companies with the right advice at the right prices and so on!

As you line up your vibration the cells of your body literally respond to that.  You will also feel inspired and the cardiovascular conditioning will come on too


Other things you can do:
What are the positive aspects of what you are doing? i.e. what do you like and enjoy about it?  Kind of similar to above where I asked you to think about how it’d feel having done it, this is getting you to line your vibration with all the things you love about it and hence draw more to you.

When someone is in a relationship and they focus on the positive aspects of their lover or partner, as they keep their pure (i.e. not split!) thoughts on them, hence they draw those forth those aspects from the partner (as long as they are a match to it, or they attract someone who is a match) and it grows and expands and builds and builds.  You are doing the same, except the relationship is with what you are doing than a partner in a relationship.

What is it you love and appreciate about what you’re doing?  Again, by regularly practicing these thoughts you are keeping your vibration around that


As your vibration builds the race and the preparation will literally ‘pull’ you towards it, that is always the case, as your attention is around it, the ideas will come to you on how to do things, what to do, where to be, being at the right time/right place, talking to the right people, etc.

Whatever is happening or isn’t, keep your knowingness about it and that it is being taken care of.  It is your ability to keep that attention regardless of what is happening around you that is key, because sometimes the physical can take a moment to manifest what we’ve been vibrating.

All too often the Universe has the cake in the oven and is baking it and is about to deliver it and the person decides ‘Nah, it’s not happening’ and short circuits the whole manifestation.  Always assume your cake is being baked, even if it wasn’t in the timing or conditions you created from your physical/conscious brain, because the broader ‘God’ perspective of the Universe had far bigger plans for you than you could ever imagine.



Know that every single cell of your body (in fact the Universe) responds to your vibration.  It summons the nutrients and energy flow it needs for what you are asking.  And on a Universe level, whatever is a match to your vibration is attracted, including any and all resources and even any resources that need to be brought together and integrated together to be a match.

Regarding your knees, know that the body has the total ability to heal itself.  Your body is constantly replenishing and regenerating itself.  Every three days or so you have a new stomach lining.  Every seven years you have a completely new body – i.e. there is no cell in the body at that time that was in the body seven years ago.  If that’s the case and the body is regenerating itself, then how come physical symptoms don’t go away?  Putting it simply it is to do with the thoughts and emotions one has around it.

The body is regenerating itself and it is using your own internal blueprint to know what to recreate.  When there are (‘negative’) thoughts and emotions – or ‘resistance’ (i.e. thinking/feeling of what you don’t want) – that communication gets distorted and the body is not ‘regenerated’ how it is intended.

People tend to assume that the body declines with ‘age’, the passing of time has nothing to do with deterioration of the body, it is to do with resistance which distorts the body’s ability to maintain itself.  Resistance which is built up over time and which can be let go of by getting into alignment, and the body will immediately start to respond.  Some things may take longer to resolve as they have been built up over time, but the body will respond, it can’t not.  The whole Universe responds to vibration.

It is the same with ‘genetics’ too.  The body recreates through vibration.  Certain habits and patterns can be ‘inherited’ and chosen, but one can also practice a new vibration, and the body will respond.



So if you had an issue to do with knees in the past.  As you get into alignment as mentioned above you will find in that good feeling place that things will take care of themselves, you will be in a ‘flow’.  If you are wanting to do any ‘softening’ around that subject specifically you could say:

– I know my knees haven’t been great in the past but I’ve heard that the body can regenerate itself
– I know that as I tap into what I feel good about, whether it be about my body or anything else, I am in touch with my wellbeing
– And I know that as I keep myself in that place, and my thoughts about how my body used to be, the cells of my body are filling up with the wellbeing of the Universe, I can imagine it as light or anything else I like that feels good, but I can know my body is doing whatever it needs to to feel good, vibrant, energised, FRESH, and so much more!
– My body has been great over the years and I appreciate it SOOOO MUCH.  It has been my friend and my companion on this journey and I want to remember how I have felt at the best of times.  I want to remember the energy I have felt, the vibrancy, the ecstacy and so much more!

And remember the good times, the good feelings and the good thoughts*!  THAT’S how your body stays fresh and ‘young’!
(*Imagine or create some if you’re saying “But I don’t have good times”)


Of course, this article has focused on the energetic and vibrational side of things.  You will get many ideas on an action and physical level as a consequence.  You will find things line up to support what you want to happen, you will meet the right people or get the right advice and things will take care of themselves.  And if it appears it doesn’t, keep your attention and vibration on what you want, knowing your body and the Universe are responding.

Some things you may do in concert with an action perspective and vibration perspective.  So for example you might find a certain set of wraps that work well for you and you feel fine.  Or you may just find your knees are absolutely fine.  It’s your journey and you will know what to do by what ‘feels right’. 

Hemal talking about Law of Attraction on Bliss Radio

Hi Everyone,

My good friends Shireen Freeman and Nina Ferrell run the Good Vibrations Club of which Bliss Radio is a part.

Next week, on Thursday 11th September they have me appearing on Bliss Radio taking YOUR questions on "Law of Attraction and Your Business"

It is freely available and a podcast can be downloaded after the event.

For more details go to

Cropped pic

Do you need to change your physical suroundings to attract what you want?

I just started reading The Secret, and I understand the Law of Attraction clearly.
What I don't understand are the physical aligning of things. I don't
know what I need to do with my room to attract the things I want. For
example, I want a husband. Do I
need to align things in that particular room for that to happen? 
What should I do to attract love and all these wonderful positive
things humans long for?

The book mentions that you should change your surroundings as if you
have your soulmate with you. For example: there's a story about a lady who stopped taking up
the whole space of the garage, and left some space for her potential
soul-mate's car to park in her garage.

So my question is: Is changing my surroundings a strictly important action to take in
order to attract my soul mate?

To answer your question – no!  You do not have to change your
surroundings or anything necessarily, it is about your thoughts and
feelings – hence your vibration about it.  And as a result you may/will WANT to make certain changes – such as your surroundings or by taking actions or anything else – because they feel good and inspired,
not necessarily because you 'have to'.  So the 'actions' are a consequence of how you feel rather than them being forced necessarily to 'make it happen'.  They are a natural progression of your feelings and your building vibration rather than something 'forced'

Changing surroundings or taking actions may lead to a change in one's vibration, the key IS the change in vibration, so – and oftentimes the easiest and hence most efficient way – what you can do is the practicing of the thoughts and feelings of what you want and that will bring in the new vibration and the consequent physical reality

Softening your Vibration about a Decision Made

Here is an interaction from the comments of the "Everything you Experience is for you to Have What you Want" post.  It was a question Pat asked and I thought others would value it so I've pasted it here so it can be more visibly seen.  I've edited it a bit and added some additional comments

"Around January 2007 my husband and
I made a decision that affected me deeply (moving to another country),
and which I now regret. I cannot reverse it now, and I feel guilty,
remorseful, and depressed. I keep wishing I could turn the clock back,
which of course won't happen. I'd love to believe everything will be ok,
and attract the right things, but I just cannot. Any words of wisdom?"

Hi Pat,

You are in a situation that does not feel nice and you are looking to see what possibilities there are.

Start with the situation at hand, look at the things that feel
uncomfortable and look to 'soften' them. So you might say you are not
enjoying the country and find aspects that aren't so bad about them,
rephrase or reframe things such that they feel 'softer' rather than the
harsh way they've been perceived as previously.  It is never about a situation but your perspective on it, and that determines your vibration about it and thus your physical experience. 

As you soften how you see something the resistance will decrease and you will attract better feelings thoughts and feel better too.  Feeling better is a sign of alignment towards who you really are, from a spiritual point of view, it's alignment towards everything that you want

So as you soften your vibration you will attract other
thoughts in line with that and so on. As you do that you will find soon
enough your reality will change, and at the very least how you see your reality will have changed, in gentle subtle shifts. But it starts with gently softening
how things have been

You can say to yourself:
– I don't enjoy how things have been, but things have happened and I can try to make the most of them

I feel guilt and am depressed about it, and I can start to gently look for things I might appreciate because I know that will improve how I feel and is on the way to things changing, whether it be that my physical reality changes or that how I see my physical reality will change
– I can look for things that have come about through all of this which
may be of benefit to me, even if it's being clear on what I don't want.  I know there are things I have not enjoyed, in fact detested, but I am also clearer on what I DO want
– What I DO want is….

And work with building those thoughts, practice them, imagine them, spend time on them.
Just imagine if things could be a certain way, how would they be?  Don't
think you are trying to create something, just focus on these better feeling thoughts and practice them.  Doing this will raise your vibration and in time you will see things
around you shift, they can't not. If your vibration changes, what is
around you will (almost seemingly magically) shift

Fine Tuning your Law of Attraction Skills & Some Advanced Techniques, this Saturday!

The content for this coming Saturday's (Aug 16th) Teleclass includes:

  • Applying NLP techniques with Law of Attraction
  • Using the Power and Perspective of ‘Time’ in Creating your Desires
  • Common problems experienced by people in Applying LOA (and their solutions!)
  • Answers to the questions YOU submit!
  • And as always Much Much More!

For booking details go to—book-now.html

If you have missed previous teleclasses you can download them from
that link and are still able to purchase them as a bundle ($20 each or
$50 for the bundle of all 4 teleclasses)

And remember, even if you can't attend live you can still submit questions and access the download to them afterwards


Some excerpts on Abundance, Money & Relationships from last Saturday’s Teleclass


  • Abundance is around you, everywhere. The Universe can’t not be abundant, it is inherently abundant, infinite and unlimited
  • You’re letting the Universe reveal the abundance to you that’s here.  Remember that what you want is always here.  All you’re doing is turning the unseen into the seenEverything you want is around you
  • What the physical illustrates is not what is possible but just a projection of the physical mind.  The Universe is your canvas, the artwork you create is as good as your expression of it
  • There is never-ending expansion and growth, NEVER-ENDING


  • Raising your financial set point, just like anything else, is by practicing your vibration about it.  It feeling better and better is a raising of it
  • The things you want – and their essences – help line up your desires to attracting them, practice the vibration of these BEING in your life and you HAVING them.  If you are from the place of them BEING in your life it is much harder (and less likely) to be on the lack side of them


  • See the things, including in yourself, that you are looking for.  In having vibrational familiarity with what you are looking for you will see it more and more [including in others]
  • Ensure the partner you are looking for is an expression of how good you feel (rather than compensating for how you feel)
  • Most people live their lives trying to fix the reflection – with action or by trying to change the physical experience – than working with themselves through their vibration.  There is leverage in working from the vibrational level and consequently the action/physical level will ‘reflect’ the changes made
  • You want your energy lined up (about anything) not split
  • When you work on your alignment you change your relationship with everything.  You are the focal point, it’s like when you change a lens you change everything reflected from it

Law of Attraction: Abundance, Money & Relationships in this Saturday’s Teleclass!

“You are the focal point, when you change the lens you change everything reflected from it”

The content for this coming Saturday’s (Aug 9th) Teleclass includes:

  • Tapping into the Abundance around you
  • Lining up with your essences of Money
  • Can you ‘Attract Someone Specific’?
  • Thoughts on Attracting a ‘Soulmate’
  • And much more on ABUNDANCE, MONEY & RELATIONSHIPS plus answers to the questions YOU submit!
  • Examples of working with processes
  • Practical exercises
  • Do of course send in your questions and make this an even more unique and special experience for you! Send them to

For booking details go to—book-now.html

If you have missed previous teleclasses you can download them from that link and are still able to purchase them as a bundle ($20 each or $50 for the bundle of all 4 teleclasses)

And remember, even if you can’t attend live you can still submit questions and access the download to them afterwards

It’s about Flow…






It’s on its way! (2)

Here’s a follow-up to my earlier post It’s on its way

So let’s use an example,  let’s say you want to manifest a car and you are having doubts about it, about whether it is coming, whether you deserve it or if it is ok to have it.

Let’s say that you have already decided what type of a car you want and that you felt good about it but you haven’t seen anything happen on a physical level yet and you are wondering if it’s on it’s way, so you can say the following to yourself:

I know the make, model and colour on the car that I would like and am enjoying thinking about it being outside my home
I realise that recently I’ve not been so sure that it was on its way as I’ve not seen too many things happen and…Where is my car?  Why is it not here?
I realise that as I think about it and most importantly FEEL it in my life the Universe is orchestrating for it to manifest in my life.  By me trusting and allowing and letting it do what it does best and me focusing on what I do best – ENJOYING this process of creation – it will happen in the fastest way
I realise it’s about the PROCESS of creation than the end result.  My goals – including my car – are about what energy I flow about them than the items themselves.  How good I feel about something is relative to how much energy I am flowing and letting in about it and how quickly it will be in my life

I think about my car in my life, outside my home and gleaming wonderfully
As I touch the door handle and hear the sound as I open it, I appreciate this car in my life
I step inside and can smell the interior as I feel the back of the seat against me and feel the upholstery, it feels sooooo lovely
I put my hand on the steering wheel and start the car up and hear the beautiful hum of the engine
I change gear and as I drive this car, I feel how beautiful this experience is, me cruising down the road in this wonderful car of mine

I think about all the places I drive my car and how wonderful it is
It feels very real and I very much feel it in my life
As I think of it and how wonderful it feels I realise that it’s already manifesting and on its way to me
I know that by me thinking and feeling the way I do about it IT’S ON IT’S WAY
