Are you Living Less of a Life Than is Possible For You?


Are you living far less of a life than you are capable of because? Perhaps not even being aware that you are?

Saturdays Manifesting Excellence call was about “Authenticity, Self-Esteem & Self Value” as well as answering questions that had been submitted.

We often become conditioned to our mental patterns and how we see ourselves.

For example when we grow up in a family situation where we may consistently be served last or a school situation where we are treated as not intelligent or capable or if we have been in an unhealthy relationship, we can inadvertently take on notions that we are not deserving of being happy or having what we want.

This can become very ingrained within us and we have no awareness of it because we are too busy living from those paradigms to even realise them.

Self-esteem and self-value can impact:

    – Your income
    – Your relationships and friendships
    – Your health
    – Your manifesting abilities and what you allow in your life – ie your quality of living


We also talked about authenticity on the call.  It is about alignment in what you say and what you do, as well as in relation to the energetic aspect of who you are.

When this is NOT in alignment we experience emotional pain and lives where what we want doesn’t happen.

If you’d like to know more about this click here to register for Manifesting Excellence and access the above call.



Authenticity, Self-Esteem & Self-Value

Download the Self-Esteem/Self-Love call/content details


Just to let you know that the download of the Self-Esteem/Self-Love call is available in the archives of Manifesting Excellence along with other topics such as Money, Relationships, Letting Go, Fear,  Emotions, and many others. 

You can try Manifesting Excellence for 7 days and have access to all the archives, all the calls from every week going back to early last year.

Click here to Access Manifesting Excellence

I've listed the content below from the email that was sent to the group on Saturday.
The content included:
– You are questioning the unquestionable about yourself
– It's really about how you deny your own light and love to yourself
– It is a sense of disconnection, rather than moving to a place of connection
– Learning and modelling someone else's sense of disconnection and disempowerment
– As you shine the light, the shadows disappear
– When you are in your divinity you don't question these things because you are BEING it
Abusive situations
It is often a victim that creates another victim. However it is your choice how you see a situation and in going forward
We question whether we are:
    – Lovable
    – Likable
    – Capable
    – Valuable
What is your language with yourself like, what are the things you say to yourself
Using physical situations and conditions to define ourselves, and them being transient
Notice the vibration/energy of when you are unkind to yourself – it implies disempowerment, such as hopelessness, despondency etc
Releasing blockages to self-love/self-esteem
Unintentionally creating an invisible 'ceiling' in your energy. Flea and elephant analogies
What this means on a Manifesting level
Expectation and allowing
– Living each moment with your presence
Make a list of why you deserve or don't deserve something. Deal with what's on that list, that is what prevents the manifestation of what you want
Denying others and the Universe through us not forgiving ourselves
Questions included about:
Is money correlated with self-esteem?  Are they intertwined?
– Is there a way to 'test' how high or low your self-esteem is?
– How do you get around when you procrastinate or make excuses or get too busy to doing the things you adore and love and feel are your 'path'?

Click here to Access Manifesting Excellence

Have a wonderful week ahead!


P.S. As mentioned above, just like the content above on Self-Esteem/Self-Love, there is content on other topics such as Money, Relationships, Letting Go, Fear, Emotions, and more as well as over $250 in bonuses!



Want to Resolve Self-Esteem/Self-Love?


Would you like to have the answers in resolving any self-esteem/self-love or self-value challenges this weekend?

I will be covering them on this Saturday's Manifesting Excellence call!  Recently we did a survey of the group calls and received unanimous delight – ie from ALL the respondents…including from those who had been on it for over a year as well as those that joined recently. 

One topic request that came up from this survey was about self-esteem and self-love – and so we will be covering it right away!

Below is more information on Saturday's call.  In accessing this, you will also have access to the archives which includes over a year's calls on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go…and many others!  (There are also over $250 of bonuses!)

This weekend's call will include:
– Self-love/self-esteem (including self-value)
– What this means on a Manifesting level
– Self-forgiveness
– Identifying and releasing blockages
– Indicators of low self-value/undermining yourself
– And much more!

You will also be able to download this call (and others) afterwards!

Click Here to Access the Call

I look forward to seeing you on the call!


Remember, you will be able to access the ARCHIVES of over a year of group calls including on topics such as Money, Relationships, Fear, Letting Go, and many others, and you have access to forthcoming courses and my book, totalling over $250 in bonuses.

Click Here to Access the Call