“Find You & You Find Everything” Limited Edition Unavailable Soon


This week will be one year since my book “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction” came out.  I am touched and honoured by all your feedback and your stories of what has happened in your life since reading it.  Thank you. It is truly an honour and delight to interact with you about it and hear your experiences.

Just to let you know, if you haven’t got a copy yet, that the Limited Edition version of it will not be available for too long.  If you would like to make sure you get yourself a copy or get copies for friends and family, please use the following link: “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction

This page has links to Amazon and Lulu for the Limited Edition version, as well as the e-book version of the New Edition.


Law of Attraction book



Detaching From an Outcome and Following Your Joy


> I am not sure that I am understanding something, on one hand we are told to detatch from any outcome and on the other hand am hearing that we should be emotionaly invested in the joy of the outcome so that it will manifest. I feel that I am eather missing or missunderstanding something important. Any light you can shed will be most appreciated. Again, Thank You and Bright Blessings.

It may seem contradictory, but they are actually the same thing.  The way I would suggest to people to 'detach ' from an outcome is to let go of the attachment or need to itHave your perspective such that it feels good.  So the emotions that you 'invest' towards it, if any, are light, and enjoyable.

Let go of the details, let go of any attachment or need to aspects of itTrust that by you focusing on the essences of what is important to you, the details will take care of themselves.  When you do this, what you will be doing is taking away any 'heaviness' and resistance towards it, and what you will be left with is the joy that you are talking about in emotionally investing in it.