“From Heartache to Joy” Global Summit

Eram Saeed has asked me to be one of the speakers in her “From Heartache to Joy Global Summit”.

It starts on February 5th and I will be speaking on February 20th about “Manifesting Love the
Easy Way by Following Your Heart

Other speakers include Marci Shimoff, Janet Attwood, Carol Look, and various others.

You can find out more about it by clicking here





Detaching From an Outcome and Following Your Joy


> I am not sure that I am understanding something, on one hand we are told to detatch from any outcome and on the other hand am hearing that we should be emotionaly invested in the joy of the outcome so that it will manifest. I feel that I am eather missing or missunderstanding something important. Any light you can shed will be most appreciated. Again, Thank You and Bright Blessings.

It may seem contradictory, but they are actually the same thing.  The way I would suggest to people to 'detach ' from an outcome is to let go of the attachment or need to itHave your perspective such that it feels good.  So the emotions that you 'invest' towards it, if any, are light, and enjoyable.

Let go of the details, let go of any attachment or need to aspects of itTrust that by you focusing on the essences of what is important to you, the details will take care of themselves.  When you do this, what you will be doing is taking away any 'heaviness' and resistance towards it, and what you will be left with is the joy that you are talking about in emotionally investing in it.


Making Money Doing What You Love, with Law of Attraction

> I am in a Law of Attraction Master Mind group and we are discussing the money aspect of our chosen path. We have been challenged to contact someone whom we admire that is doing what we wish to do and ask them a question. I have chosen you and the question is: What would you say about creating an income from someone's passion? If you feel that this something you can share with me I will be so grateful.
I thank you for your time and wish you bright blessings, Chessie, creator of "Evolution lf Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance"

If someone follows their true joy, that joy in itself has a very attractive vibration.  It will bring people to it that are a match to it.

What prevents many people from creating an income from what they love are their beliefs about it. 

Consider the following questions:

– Do I believe it is possible to make money from this?
– Do I believe that *I* can make money from this?

– As I think about doing this thing that I love, how do I feel?  Do I feel a conflict in relation to something else in my life, such as with creating money, or with something else?

– What other thoughts come up for me about this thing that I want to do?

It may not necessarily be that you always have to have positive answers to the above questions, it can even be that you just ALLOW the possibility of it (i.e. not block it).

If everything is energy in this Universe, then the possibility exists in everything.  The only thing that stops you is your vibration – which is composed of your beliefs about it.  Oftentimes, many of these beliefs are from past programming, maybe thoughts about 'traditional' ways of making an income etc. 

Regarding this last point about 'traditional' ways of making an income, some people, who are looking to start their own business, have been very used to making an income through a 'regular' job and when it comes to them starting their own business and following something they love, they may have beliefs about it not being right to do something that they love, that work and money are not meant to be enjoyable, etc.  These are all beliefs.  And beliefs can quickly be changed.

On the other hand, you can have beliefs that it is fun to make money, it is fun to do what you love – in fact that it's the best way.  That by you enjoying what you do, you are offering something so much more, and the money naturally comes from that also.  If you were giving someone so much joy and pleasure through the vibration of joy that you share, as you think about it, people would find it impossible not to give you money for it.

Some people believe they are not worthy to do what they love and make money from it.

In the joy of what you feel for what you are doing, the worthiness is inherent in that.  The value and the 'worthiness' is in the joy.  The vibration is the most important aspect that you can transfer on.  If you have that, then you are 'worthy'.  I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago about "It's not about the Actions but about the Energy behind those Actions."

In you questioning your worthiness, you are diluting the value that you offer.  Allow yourself to think of yourself in the grandest of ways and with the greatest contribution possible.  Activate the most powerful vibration within yourself.  Do it in the most loving of ways and in ways you resonate with, relative to your beliefs.  Allow your beliefs to expand and grow and for you to (vibrationally) 'grow' to this possibility for yourself.

In light of the above, as you think about it now, how unnatural would it be to NOT make money following your love… 😉


FREE “BEAUTY in LIVING” Wallpaper for May 2010


Many of you will remember the downloadable wallpapers from this blog last year with the inspiring quotes and pictures.  We have one for May that you can download right away!

The quote says:

“See the BEAUTY in places you never looked before for beauty.
Remember that the gift of life isn’t just in the having of it, but in the LIVING of each moment of it…”
~ Hemal Radia.

To download it, right click on the appropriate link below and “Save Target/Link As” and save it to your computer.

You can download this image in various sizes depending on the resolution of your computer:

Enjoy the wallpaper!  And feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you think 😉

LOA in Vegas

Going Into 2010 With Momentum

I had a very pleasant surprise yesterday.  Lisa Ellwood (she will tell you below how she came across me) tagged me on a note on Facebook that she had written.

A year ago I wrote a post on “Going into the New Year with Momentum” where I mentioned about how, through your perspective, you can have a great momentum in going into the New Year.  I didn’t know until I saw Lisa’s note yesterday, that she had applied what was in that note and (in her words) EVERYTHING she had written had come to fruition even down to the time periods specified.  As she will tell you, she is someone who has had some challenges, including “clinical depression”.

I will paste Lisa’s note and do feel free to share your thoughts and write YOUR answers to my exercise in the comments below.

By the way, on Saturday 9th January there will be a free teleseminar about making the most of 2010 for YOU, keep an eye out for more details soon.


Lisa’s note:

My latest New Years Tradition: Going Into the New Year With Momentum

This is a great addition to my New Year’s Traditions.

My dear friend Michelle H. turned me onto The Manifesting & Law of Attraction Page founded and run by Hemal Radia here on Facebook last year (http://www.facebook.com/ManifestingLOA). The timing was quite fortuitous as it was nearing Christmas.

Hemal did a post where he talked about *Going into the New Year with momentum*. In essence, you are compelled to do a lot of self-reflection – never a bad thing at all and especially if you are in denial about taking control of your life and your ability to create the future that you want for yourself. I can honestly say that just about everything I wrote for 2009 came to fruition even down to the time periods specified. Quite profound for one who struggles with positive thinking (being clinically depressed doesn’t help), meditation and visualisation.

Below is the exercise Hemal had us follow. I’ve made a couple of slight tweaks but this is the general format.



1 – Write at least 3 to 5 things that you have Appreciated about this year

2 – Write at least 3 to 5 things (or more) that you are Anticipating/Excited about next year

3 – This time next year, what will you be delighted and proud with? What will have happened? (You can do this for the end of Jan too, what will you be proud of by then?)


(Solaris image by Lisa Ellwood)

A Video about Tomorrow’s Teleseminar

Here is a video which Emma Turner of 7thSpace surprised me with earlier.  It has scenic pictures with beautiful music and gives suggestions on questions for tomorrow’s teleseminar.

If you are reading this in an email then CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view it on YouTube you can do so by CLICKING HERE

It’s not so much about the ‘How’, it’s about Lining up Your Energy

I got inspired to write this from an interaction I had with a client this morning.  This is what I wrote in a status message on Facebook about it earlier:

“About a month ago a client said that she wanted to lose weight but it felt like a bit of a chore and ‘hard work’. She was also looking to be in a relationship. In the last couple of weeks she has found a partner she is *very* attracted to (at the time she couldn’t believe it happened)…who is a gym instructor and she is spending more time at the gym (EVERY DAY last week lol) than ever. Interesting how things happen isn’t it 🙂

Let go of the how, focus on the essences of what you want, let the Universe orchestrate the details, which will be a match to your overall vibration.”

(Relationships is one of the areas we had worked on in helping her get alignment)



When we think of something not happening or not being possible, what do we do?  We tend not to think of it happening or it not turning out how we want to because of our beliefs about it (our beliefs act like switches as to whether we consider the notion of something happening or not), or we have a fear about the situation. 

How about allowing yourself to daydream about how nice it would be if it was to happen instead?  You don’t have to say it ‘will‘ happen (because that can be uncomfortable for some people because they do not fully believe it at the time), but ALLOW YOURSELF TO CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITYJust allow yourself to think of it and feel from it and daydream, just CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY.  As you do that, it will get stronger and stronger.

Allow yourself to feel the sensations of how it would be, without putting pressure on yourself for it to ‘have to’ happen.  By you experiencing these sensations without doubting or ‘thinking’ – i.e. without contradicting, these feelings will grow and build and you will start to see clues of it happening.

What happens for most people is because they do not believe that what they want can happen they disregard the possibility right away and short circuit their flow so to speak, so they don’t even give themselves a chance.   It’s about being gentle and kind with yourself.  Allow yourself to entertain the possibility of what you would like just for the thought of it, just for the fun of it.  That takes away the pressure of it ‘having to’ happen, and you are doing this for fun.

And as you do that your thoughts about it will build and grow and get stronger.  As this happens you will start to get ideas and physical manifestations.  These will act as a reflection of your building consciousness about this and you will also feel more and more certain about it – which means your expectation and belief will grow and your pull for what you want will be even greater and greater.

“When you tune into the possibilites this
Universe can provide you, you will think of yourself as crazy for all that
you were holding back from yourself.”


Castle in hand

The thing most people do is they let their doubts and fears come in and short circuit their natural and infinite and abundant universal flow There is no limit to the universal energy the Universe is sending you in every moment – and it is all around you – it’s about you letting it in and allowing it. 

Some thoughts you can consider:
– If my life could turn out wonderfully, how would it be?
– If things went right, what would it be like?
– What if things DO work out for me, how would it be?

go of the ‘how’ and the ‘thinking it’ too much.  What we are talking about
is you FEELING from what you want.  We are talking about vibration and
manifestation, not actions or plans or linear and logical
possibilities (there is a place in life for them too, but here we are talking about lining up your energy).

cannot fathom the possibilities for you from what you have been used
to.  Can
you imagine what it would be like if every resource in this Universe –
because you and it are not separate – was responding to
your aligned vibration to bring you what you wanted?”

Abstract storm



What many do is they expect themselves to rationally and logically know HOW they will get what they want.  That is what we have been taught as we have grown up.  We’ve been taught to have a plan and a structure and have actions listed out.  Many people even teach the Law of Attraction with this.  That is all very well, I would encourage people to use a vibrational aspect with this.

We are in a Universe that is not just physically full of logic and actions, but also non-physical and spiritual and there is far more that is unseen and we feel from the heart than what we can physically see.  There are dormant capabilities within you and around you.

Do you remember a time when things just ‘clicked’?  When they just fell into place and you weren’t ‘thinking’ too much and just ‘being’?  And you weren’t evaluating, you were experiencing, and things were just taking care of themselves.  THAT’S an example of when you had your energy aligned.  You may not have been aware of how you did it consciously, but you were in a place where you were in the moment and things were happening.

I work with clients with different aspects and often it is about identifying what feels best to them and taking
their attention off the things that do not matter.  Understandably
people have habits of thought they have built up over years and it
is just about practicing a new way.  Just like the client mentioned
above, people can start to see things around themselves in their lives
change.  But you do it for how you feel, the manifestations are natural

I hear pretty much everyday from people who have read something I have written or a teleseminar they have heard or in working with me and it has inspired them to think of something differently (and it is a pleasure and an honour to be on the receiving end of it!) and that has brought into their life all sorts of things.  I am hearing these stories everyday and throughout the day and this is happening around you and you will see more and more of it.  There’s only expansion and growth, you – nor anyone else – do not grow smaller.  You will experience more and more of these things.

Regarding the above interaction, it was with a Law of Attraction coach who is very successful at what she does.  From my perspective I just happened to suggest some tweaks and it has changed how she sees things and what has come into her life.

If you’d like to know more about working one-to-one with me you can do so here: Working One-to-One with Hemal.


Light cascade

“Love is you Being You” on Video!

I have received a surprise just now when Emma Turner of http://www.7thspace.co.uk has let me know she has created a video of my “Love is you Being You” article!

If you are reading this in an email, CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view this on YouTube then CLICK HERE.  (You are welcome to rate it and put a comment if you would like to!)