3 Tips to “Letting Go” And Manifest More Easily


This is a popular and powerful topic which came up at the recent Manifesting Excellence get-together.  There is so much I can say on it but for now I will share some tips below and we can cover more over time if you’d like me to (let me know in the comments below if you would!)

Letting Go

Letting Go To Manifest

Attachment can be about pretty much anything: people, possessions, the past, our looks/bodies, jobs, money, the present – anything!

It is not so much about what you are attached to but more so the constricting of your flow from the attachment that limits your life and prevents new happenings, opportunities, experiences and so much more coming in.

Here are some tips on ‘letting go’… you can reply to this and let me know what you think!


1 – Letting Go is Not Necessarily Letting Go of What You Want but to the Resistance (Attachment) to What You Want – Thus You ALLOW and RECEIVE it Better Into Your Life.

You can manifest just by ‘letting go’ and not necessarily actively ‘chasing’ something and trying to ‘make’ it happen (not that I am recommending that – there are many ways of manifesting, but I’m saying it can be done), it is something I have done regularly and we have seen happen on Manifesting Excellence a lot too.


2 – Are You Attached to the Who, What, Where, When How etc?

The key word here is ‘attached’, is it something that is taking you out of your flow or into your flow?

If you want to be with a particular love and it is taking you INTO your flow there does not necessarily need to be anything wrong with that.

But if you are thinking of someone and pining over them believing you cannot/will not have them, it is probably taking you out of flow (especially as there is likely to be attention to ‘lack’ on some level).

Similarly, when you think about money does it take you into or out of your flow?

Cleaning up beliefs and perspectives about a subject will change your attraction to it and of it coming into your life.  If you want help, join us on Manifesting Excellence.


3 – Are You Constricting Your Flow or Expanding and Allowing it?

It’s ALL about universal/spiritual energy (or whatever you want to call it… Universe, God, your Higher Self etc) and the connection between you and ‘it’ (which is just another aspect of you).

The thoughts you think and emotions you feel: are they leading to CONGRUENCE or incongruence?

Are they opening up the cells of your body to receive?  Or are you tightening up, anxious, scared etc?

When do you feel your best?  In moving towards what you are congruent with, you will also be moving away from the fear and scarcity energy connected to attachment.


When you move towards (and beyond) ‘letting go’, the universe finds solutions for you beyond what you ever thought.

But when you attach (and identify) yourself to old paradigms that do not serve you, you limit the ways the broader universe can come into and influence your life.




“Meeting Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Britt Ekland, Peter Sellers and David Niven”


Yesterday I had a very lovely experience which all started by me setting an intention, which I will share with you in a moment.

I was on my way to the gym early yesterday morning and I knew I would be doing quite a bit of cardio so I set an intention… I said to myself: “Wouldn’t it be lovely if I bump into some wonderful people at the gym and we have some GREAT chats!

The irony is this… I DID meet three people… and they were all people I had known from the gym for years, but (as a result of the energy of the intention) we had very NEW conversations…

The world around you reveals itself to your energy… if you have the same energy then you have the same experiences and same aspects experienced from others. 

Change your energy, and you draw forth new experiences, including from the same people.
The third person I synchronistically bumped into worked freelance with film studios such as Pinewood and Shepperton here in the UK and worked on major blockbuster movies over the years.  We have said hello to each other for years but this time we talked about all sorts of experiences that we have had in our lives.

In his case, we was telling me how in the 70s and 80s he worked on the Superman and Star Wars movies amongst others.  He met Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Peter Sellers and his wife Britt Ekland, David Niven and many others.

I got to know about these people as if I had met them myself… their nuances and their day to day habits which most people never get to know.
As we got talking my friend mentioned how in breaks during filming they would play football (soccer!).  They played football matches with Christopher Reeve and the lighting crew.  He told me now nowadays it wouldn’t happen anymore because the studios try to protect their ‘assets’ (the actors), including for insurance reasons.  I learned how Marlon Brando would take the crew out for drinks and was “a man’s man”.

I heard about how Peter Sellers would keep to himself, perhaps focused on his roles.  And there were quite a few stories about him and his then wife Britt Ekland!

I also heard about how David Niven is just like he is on-screen as is Christoper Reeve, and a gentleman.

My friend and I talked for quite a while and I learnt about many of the behind-the-scenes secrets and how high profile actors were when they weren’t on-screen.

I ended up getting a lot of cardio done as well as us laughing a lot and having plenty of fun!  At the end my friend and I shook hands and said we would chat again.


Let’s See What Happened Manifestationally…

1 – I set an intention: “Wouldn’t it be lovely if I bump into some wonderful people at the gym and we have some GREAT chats!

2 – I let it go.  I stayed in the moment and enjoyed my time in the gym.  I found that I used three pieces of equipment and waiting for me on the next equipment every time was someone ready to have a conversation.

Sure, I could have put on my earphones and listened to music or done something else, but I’d set the intention for conversation and this is what I got on this occasion, every time.

When you think of your goals, are you setting intentions?  Intentions create a focus in your energy.  Your perceptual filters (conscious and unconscious) also draw in data, information and situations to be consistent with your intention.

Setting intentions is often an under-rated tool.  Even if you are having a challenge or are stumped on a situation, set an intention for the answers to come to you – even if you don’t know how they will come.  Take it a step at a time.  You can intend your way to manifestations!

The above process may seem trivial to some, but it is a same type of process that makes fortunes, brings fantastic love to your life as well as bodily and health changes.


FREE Video – Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out: Letting Go – A Unique Way to Manifest


I was interviewed earlier today by Julie Seibert Coraccio in a video interview which went live on YouTube a little while ago about Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out: Letting Go – A Unique Way to Manifest.

In the conversation we talked about how many people aren’t even aware of what they need to let go – it is outside of their awareness!  We also talked about letting go, allowing, fear, ego and allowing things to naturally come into your life!

(If you are reading this on the email subscription then please click here to watch the video on the blog)

Since the interview Julie joined Manifesting Excellence right away. If you aren’t on there yet and would like to join her and many others click here!

Clearing Clutter, Letting go and Law of Attraction



What Are You Not Letting Go Of That You Need To?


What served you to get to where you are may not be what you need to get to where you want to be…

The paradigms, concepts, situations, thoughts, emotions and constructs – all transitory – that got you to a point, you need to relinquish so as to enable the new to grow around you and within you…

The past that is overdue is a shell preventing the new from fully emerging…

A decaying past held more than it is needed to will cause pain, whether in spirit or in physical, requiring you to let go of it…

Your spirit, your eternalness, is all about continuity and flow. Not about form and attachment…

What are you scared of letting go of? What are you scared of NOT happening – these too are also indicators of fears and attachment: attachment and fear to who you think you won’t get to be (do/have)…

When you create space for your spirit to inhabit your now, miracles and magic happen beyond your wildest dreams…

There will be much more about this on Manifesting Excellence.


Letting go, detachment, Law of Attraction, The Secret




“Letting Go of Emotional Attachment…”

This Saturday we are covering a topic which in my opinion is one of the most powerful in transforming and manifesting what you want. In fact if you have mastery over this you have mastery over most things.

Over the last 18 years or so I have shared techniques and principles around the world and in my view “Letting go of Attachment” is one of the most powerful things you can do because it is about letting go of the noise, friction and resistance, and being who you truly are – the powerful magnificent divine being that you are.

Why Let Go of Attachment About What YOU Want?
– Manifest Your Goals Faster
– Less Stress and more Peace in Your Now
– Clarity of Mind and Quicker and Accurate Decision Making
– Better Connection with your Intuition
– Seeing and Recognising more Synchronicities in your Life


Click here to register onto Manifesting Excellence to access Saturday’s call/audio download


On Saturday’s call we will be talking about how to identify attachment within yourself and others and what to do about it.

Enjoy some quotes about letting go of attachment:

Letting go” is not resignation, it is letting go of the resistance to what you want. It is letting go of the  resistance and the negative emotions around what you want, not your desire. In doing that, if anything, it amplifies your desire and makes it even more pure and powerful and your manifestations are more likely to happen faster because you are sending out a clearer signal.
The art of “wanting and not-wanting”. Like everything else it appears paradoxical. When you master the paradox you master the manifestation.” – Hemal Radia

More on Saturday’s call…

When you let go of attachment you focus more on the joy of the moment and of the process than the outcome. You know you will be ok. You have let go of your attachment to your form and to your  wellbeing. You are eternal. You are always fine. You have let go of your attachment to the outcome also. Because you have done this you can enjoy the present moment more, and the present moment is all you have.” – Hemal Radia


Click here to register onto Manifesting Excellence to access Saturday’s call/audio download




“You know you’re ‘Attached’ when you say things like…”

When you are ‘attached’ to something – whether it be something you want, a person, a situation, or anything else – you will have stifled your flow and be making it difficult for it to naturally manifest how you would like it to be.

On the Manifesting Excellence group I created a thread yesterday titled “You know you’re ‘Attached’ when you say things like...” where we shared many clues to know when you are  attached’ to something and know that you are not letting it happen, and then to work on relieving that.

Below are some of the comments I posted early on. Since then the thread has grown with many  other’s commenting and we will be having a call/audio to go into this in more detail and to resolve this and manifest what you are wanting.  If you’d like to find out more you can by  registering at Manifesting Excellence.

“You know you’re ‘Attached’ when you say things like…”

– “I just need this goal or thing and everything will be ok

– “ When will it happen?

– “I ‘hope’ this happens…

– “I need to manifest this so badly

– “I ‘need’ this…
– “I need it by x (eg Friday)
– “My friends will think differently of me or not like me in the same way anymore
– “How could you do this to me?
– “I ‘just’ need this to work out...

–  And so many more!! 

If you’d like to know the others and how to resolve them, click here to register to access the rest of the thread and the call/audio that will be covering this in detail.


Detaching From an Outcome and Following Your Joy


> I am not sure that I am understanding something, on one hand we are told to detatch from any outcome and on the other hand am hearing that we should be emotionaly invested in the joy of the outcome so that it will manifest. I feel that I am eather missing or missunderstanding something important. Any light you can shed will be most appreciated. Again, Thank You and Bright Blessings.

It may seem contradictory, but they are actually the same thing.  The way I would suggest to people to 'detach ' from an outcome is to let go of the attachment or need to itHave your perspective such that it feels good.  So the emotions that you 'invest' towards it, if any, are light, and enjoyable.

Let go of the details, let go of any attachment or need to aspects of itTrust that by you focusing on the essences of what is important to you, the details will take care of themselves.  When you do this, what you will be doing is taking away any 'heaviness' and resistance towards it, and what you will be left with is the joy that you are talking about in emotionally investing in it.