Physical Conditions, “Getting Older”, High Energy and Much More…



For many people as they get older they experience what they perceive as ‘symptoms’ of getting older, such as some aches and pains, gaining a little weight, perhaps less energy than what they were used to.  As a result, they start to filter their experiences with something synonymous to “I am getting old(er)”.

That in itself is not a bad thing but when you have a belief filter such as “I am getting older” and associate that with decline, plus if you filter everything else through that, then you are asking for trouble.

Even activities that you are capable of doing, if you process them through the generalised filter of “I am getting older” globally throughout your life, you unnecessarily ask yourself questions such as “Can I still do that?” and “Am I still capable of doing that?” and limit yourself.

Your energy about easily doing those activities gets tainted with a mixed energy.  It is no longer the fresh exciting exhilaration of being alive and flowing your energy to that which pleases you the most.  Instead, at least partially, it is a focusing of your energy on limitations and incapabilities.

And what you focus on, grows in your awareness and experience (Law of Attraction).

Physical conditions, "Getting older" and much more

It’s not just when people have symptoms that they create this filter for themselves but perhaps when they pass a milestone age, such as 30, 40, 50, 60 etc. Or how about when someone remarks to you “You’re getting old” or something is because “It’s age.”

All of these can be enough for someone to adopt a belief filter of “I’m getting old(er)”. That in itself is not a bad thing because in truth in every moment you literally are ‘older’.  But the problem is when most people take on the filter (belief) of “Getting old(er)”, they generalise their life through it and they look for indicators of their decline.

And of course as you look for something – you find it!  You get more confirmation and validation and now you have a negative spiral going on.



As you progress through life it may serve you more in choosing to not see your life or body as in ‘decline’ or ‘aging’ but instead realising you are entering different phases of your life which will have different characteristics.

People get so preoccupied with what they perceive as declining in some ways that they forget their increasing capabilities and experiences in other ways.

Aren’t you now more experienced, wiser, intelligent and perhaps even more creative than before?  (Including perhaps in having read this piece!)

So the emphasis should be in what ways are you better, more experienced, more advanced, stronger and so much more!  It is about growing THIS belief filter and withdrawing your energy from others that disempower you.

If you genuinely do this, your life will transform quickly.

In what ways you are better, stronger, more experienced, wiser, progressed?  Share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you would like to work with Hemal Radia do check out the One-to-One and Manifesting Excellence pages!




Man, 98, Free from Terminal Cancer for over 30 years: Eats from his Own Garden, Never Had Chemotherapy


This is something I found out about from my friend Rhonda Jackson’s Easy Natural Solutions Facebook page that I thought you would enjoy.  The article below is originally from Raw Michelle at Natural News:


When Greek native Stamatis Moraitis was living in the United States, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had just nine months to live. At the time, he was in his mid-sixties.

Here’s a glimpse at his timeline, but don’t worry about breaking out a box of tissues: six months into his journey, he started feeling significantly better. Twenty five years later, when he went to visit his U.S. doctors during a trip from his native Greek Island, Ikaria, he learned that his doctors had died. Today, he’s living life to the fullest as a vibrant 98-year old.

Fresh, healthy foods key to combating cancer

His secret? In addition to surrounding himself with loving relationships with friends and family and getting plenty of exercise, he plants foods in his own garden and tends to his olive grove daily. He is cancer-free, simply because of the lifestyle he lives in Greece, and his choice to shun chemotherapy, drugs or any kind of therapy.

Mind-body medicine physician and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute training program, Dr. Lissa Rankin fully believes that people can learn from Moraitis. She suggests taking a cue from people like him who have lived long, healthy lives, especially in the face of a life-threatening illness.

One of her top suggestions is to “Eat plants, avoid animal products, consume lots of olive oil, avoid processed foods . . . ” and to stay surrounded by like-minded people.

Best foods to help fight lung cancer

While most fresh fruits and vegetables have nutrients that are good for the body, certain ones in particular stand out when it comes to fighting off lung cancer.

According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, people who ate apples regularly had a 60 percent lower risk of lung cancer compared to those who did not consume the flavonoid-rich fruit.

Other foods linked to lung cancer prevention include cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage and broccoli.

Olive oil, a large part of a Mediterranean diet, has also been shown to reduce the risk of cancers ranging from colon cancers to breast cancer. Consumption of extra-virgin olive oil daily can essentially deactivate cancer cells that try to survive and destroy the body. It’s been shown effective in keeping a range of cancers at bay, from breast cancers to stomach cancers.

This article is originally from Raw Michelle at Natural News, click here to access it.


Millionaire Mindset call this weekend


Just to let you know that “Millionaire Mindset” is being covered on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call, which is downloadable as an audio if you can’t attend live.

This call came about after I got a request to cover the topic of: “How to get into the energy and mindset of a millionaire.”

Although it is themed as “Millionaire Mindset“, I will be covering processes that will enable you to accelerate your growth in any area of your life by acquiring the mindset, behaviours and skills in that context.

Yes, you can apply this to ANY area of your life.

On the “Millionaire Mindset” call we will be covering:

Identify 5-10 role models in a context you would like to succeed at whose conscious and unconscious behaviours you’d like to model and potentially ‘leap-frog’.

Apply this in any context, whether in making a million, having a fantastic relationship, health & body goals, and so on.

You will learn a process to behaviourally and energetically tap into what your chosen role models are doing.

You can then incorporate this on a conscious level, something which even the original role models may not always be aware of (oftentimes when people have unconscious competence they aren’t always consciously aware of every aspect of what they are doing)

You can evolve upon what you have learned and ‘leap-frog’ the role models.

Realise that I will be covering in a 60-90 minute call the main elements of what would be taught over several days in a live-event.

If this interests you, click here to register!


Attracting Money



Download the FREE “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” audio

You are very, very good at what you do. Great insight, great wisdom & delivery that creates ah-ha moments. I really appreciate the gift of it Hemal. So much appreciation coming to you right now from me.

— Lena Mitchell Jasiak

For those of you who haven’t downloaded the audio of the recent “Making 2010 Great For YOU!” teleseminar, you can do so here!  This event was very popular and HUGELY appreciated, as you will see.  There is content at the start about making this a great year for you, followed by insights to questions submitted.

It was scheduled for an hour and ended up being two hours because there were so many questions and interactions on it!  There is a lot of information here and great answers to some great questions.  And it’s a FREE audio to download. 

To download it:


I love the way you are so effortless when you talk about the Law of Attraction, unlike so many other speakers who almost make it sound like something incomprehensible … You are doing much good Hemal! … and I feel really blessed to have connected with you here.  The content, which I always find really valuable because even though it is stuff that I mostly know (on a deeper level) … again, you simplify it and make it so easy to apply.

— Georgina Laros, South Africa

This is fabulous… so much good
information and you’re hitting on so many areas that resonate here.
Your presentation was great last time and it’s even better this time.
Thank you!

— Krystal, Southern California

Thank you so much, Hemal! You answered all of my
questions, and in doing so gave me guidance to move ahead. As a side
benefit I found peace within myself for the ways you have offered
guidance to deal with my quandries! I look forward to your continuing

— Judy Green, USA



There were countless questions answered, some included:

– How do I manifest loads of money when I have never experienced it before?  How do I stop feeling discouraged when I compare myself to others successes in manifesting?

– What do I do when I feel my soulmate and twin flame is with another?

– I have used goal setting in the past and at times it has worked and at other times not.  Can you please guide me on this and on staying positive?

– I know it’s best to think only of the present moment -“the Now” – but how do I focus and be positive as I continue to endure several simultaneous and overwhelming life-changing situations this year?

– What if we attract something which is contrary to the lessons we may have chosen to learn. eg, what if our path is to learn to be poor to serve the poor, but we want to be comfortable financially?

– What do you do about negative people bombarding your life?  They seem to be all around and pulling you down.

– What if what you would like to manifest is possible but it seems “mountains will have to move out of the way” or a miracle occur for it to happen?  Still keep believing?

– I am looking to meet a partner that I can share my world with as well as start a family. I have been dating and continue to meet men that show interest and similar goals but when I express my interest in a relationship things take a different direction.  What can I do?

– As a result of some things that have happened, I doubt I will ever be as successful and get as much money now.  I fear I will become lonely, lose my friends, and that they are judging me. That they have views about me that I won’t like.  Is there something that can be done?

Thank you Hemal for valuable conversation!
You are extraordinary person! Please, keep walking your special way!
Have fantastic 2010 year! !

— Olga, Lugansk, Ukraine

It was very insightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom to the world 🙂

— Karla M. Nashar, Indonesia