I was interviewed earlier today by Julie Seibert Coraccio in a video interview which went live on YouTube a little while ago about Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out: Letting Go – A Unique Way to Manifest.

In the conversation we talked about how many people aren’t even aware of what they need to let go – it is outside of their awareness!  We also talked about letting go, allowing, fear, ego and allowing things to naturally come into your life!

(If you are reading this on the email subscription then please click here to watch the video on the blog)

Since the interview Julie joined Manifesting Excellence right away. If you aren’t on there yet and would like to join her and many others click here!

Clearing Clutter, Letting go and Law of Attraction



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  • Hi Hemal!

    Thanks for sharing 🙂 Miraculous, when we do the energy work how quickly our life changes. I’ve focused heavily on seeing good things happening around me, without turning on my lap top, or doing anything, and wow do I feel even better. Also, not depending on people or conditions but on the loving Universe has helped me allow some neat things.

    Thanks for all you do 😉

    • H Radia says:

      Thanks, Ryan!

      Nicely put! I agree! Yes, getting the energy into alignment and then letting the actions and synchronicities flow.

      And what you said about not depending on people or conditions but on the Universe, that’s nice too. Trusting and focusing more on your connection, and letting the outer take care of itself.

      Very lovely! And thank you for sharing! Thank you for all YOU do too! 🙂