FREE “Successful Visualization” Webinar on Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires


If you are seriously wanting to manifest in your life, my good friend, successful coach and founder of the Miracle Academy, Allyson Chavez, and I have a FREE webinar for you!

We have both successfully manifested over the years, whether it be trips to Disneyworld, money (I’ll share a £10,000 story on the webinar), clients, other synchronicities, and much more.

Join us on “Successful Visualization: A Conversation With Hemal & Allyson That Will Show You Exactly How To Manifest” by clicking here.

On the webinar we will cover:
– Super-Tactics to Manifest Your Goals
– “How I Manifested a Behind the Scenes Tour of Disneyworld for Free”
– “How I Manifested A £10,000 Situation The Following Week”
– Power Strategies to Propel You to What You Want

– How to Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself
– Stopping Your Mind Getting in the Way of Your Manifestations
– Are You Infusing Your Manifestations with The Right Energy?
– Stepping out of Invisible Old Patterns That Limit You

– Letting Go of Lack and ‘Wanting’ (Which Perpetuates More Wanting And Not ‘Having’)
– Strategies to Overcome Your Frustration of Not Having The Results You Are Wanting
– Super Focusing/Concentration Process to Avoid Getting Distracted

Reserve your FREE place here

Recent webinars have been oversubscribed and this FREE event will most definitely be also… click here to register and make sure you secure your place!



Visualisation as a Tool to Massage Your Energy

Visualising is one of the most popular tools in your spiritual toolbox and there are so many ways of using it.  Whether to use it with your intuition and have energies represented to you symbolically, to change how you see yourself or a situation, or many other ways in using your ‘inner mind’ with this tool of “seeing from within”.  Today you will experience how you can better use it as a tool to more effectively harness the Law of Attraction and manifest more of what you want.

People often use visualization but then say that they do not get what they want.  Why is that?

Because it is not just about visualizing.  It is a tool.  Manifesting is about a relationship you have within yourself with what you want.  Visualization is a tool to massage that relationship and work with your own energy in relation to what you want.

When visualizing, you see the end in mind, but you also relate it to your emotions.  That’s how you use it to get better at manifesting.  As you visualize, be sensitive to what your emotions are telling you.  When it comes to manifesting, adjust what you visualize so it feels as good or as real as it can.

Also do remember, it does not have to be that you visually (or necessarily clearly) ‘see’ something, it can be a ‘sense’ that you get.

Consider the following:

– What can I visualize that brings me great delight?
– What are the aspects of my goal(s) that feel good to me?
– What can I see beyond my goal, into the future, that feels good to me?
– If I had no fear and no doubts, what would I allow myself to see?
– If I was to be bold and outrageous, what do I allow myself to see?

This is just the start to using visualization to benefit yourself and the lives of those around you…


To find out more about Visualizing and Manifesting click here to check out Manifesting Excellence

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Your Dream is Alive

You may have started out in life with wonderful dreams of what you will be, do or have.  For some these may be rich and vivid dreams, whether in terms of work and career (or finances, and LOTS of them!), love, family, health and living a wonderful and extravagant life.  For others it may be things which are perceived as being more humble and modest, such as working with the environment, helping animals, working with children, helping those in need, etc.

What happens for many is, as they say, life happens.  Sometimes it may be they end up on a path that veers them away from their original dream.  It may be they take up a job or a career that they believe prevents them from pursuing their dream.  It may be that they get married and/or have children, or something else occurs and they find their time and focus taken up.



Whatever your dream, it never died.  Your dream has always been alive in your vibration and still is to this day.  Your vibration – just like the Universe and the spiritual part of you – always expands, it never contracts.  Even when you think you have done something wrong or made a mistake, you have never grown smaller but have expanded, always.  You are expanding vibrationally in each moment with the choices and preferences you make in your life.

Your dream has always been alive.

It may be that the dream is not important to you in the same way, and that is fine and that is your choice.  It may be that it was something which at that time aided your growth and experience, and now other things are important, and that is fine too.  In likelihood this will mean that you may have other dreams now too.

So, ask yourself:

– When you think about the dream (or dreams), how does it FEEL?
– Do you doubt you can have it?
– Are you scared of it?
– Are you limiting yourself?  Are you from a place of limitation and fear about it, rather than faith?

Castle in hand


Realise that you are a vibrational being living a physical life.  You, and everything else, are vibration on a deeper level.  The power that goals and dreams give you is what they do to you vibrationally – such as how you expand when you are excited by them – rather than just the physical world goal or condition you are looking to have.  The goal or condition will be the manifestation of you being a vibrational match to it and will be in your life before you know it, when you are in alignment with it.  It will be a natural consequence and manifestation of your vibration.

So, it is not about whether you can have the dream or not, whether you are scared about it or not, whether you perceive (note: you “perceive” – i.e. it doesn’t mean that’s the reality, it means that’s how you perceive it to be, in your thoughts and beliefs) it is possible or not or whether you ‘perceive‘ it will disrupt your life currently.

What is most important – as I say this in other articles, teleseminars and when I work one-to-one with people – is how does it feel?  You live your physical life with your senses but the spiritual part of you that knows everything (and is ‘God’/the ‘Universe’) communicates to you through your feelings It tells you what is best for you at that moment by what feels best at that moment.

It may be that you haven’t practiced your dream for a while.  Allow yourself to daydream.  What if it could happen?  What if it REALLY is there for you?  As you think this, from your place of possibility, notice how real it starts to feel.  And ask yourself, how does it feel?



You do not have to forsake the conditions in your life currently for your dream if you do not want to.  If you are in a job and need it to pay your bills or have children that you are looking after or are a house-wife or house-husband, take your attention off the ‘conditions’ and put it on how you WANT THINGS TO BE If your attention is on ‘conditions’ what are you attracting more of?  (Clue: “Law of Attraction!”)

As you practice your attention more and more on your dreams what will happen is the Universe will send you clues, it can’t not – as you become more of a vibrational match to something you will attract experiences that match it.

As you continue to practice your thoughts on it, you will get more and more reinforcements along the way.  Your expectations and ‘allowing’ will improve and you will see it more and more.

In terms of the ‘conditions’, what will happen is either they will resolve themselves or they will not be the same issue.  Think of it this way, if your attention goes off the problem – “Oh how in heaven can it happen, I have this and this and this and this that stop me having what I want“, and onto the solution – “Oh I would LOVE this and this and this and this!  Oh it feels SO good to think about what I want!  I’m not going to ‘think’ about it and figure it out, I’m just going to feel good about it and let the Universe hear my vibration and show me it happening“, how can the Universe do anything else but respond?

You came here to be creative and to express the beautiful spirit that you are.  Unleash that within you and allow yourself to think of the possibilities.  Allow yourself to dream and to think in terms of “Well if it IS possible then this will feel good and this will feel good” and so onYou don’t have to figure out the how.  That wasn’t the deal.  You, from your physical conscious mind, were going to make choices and preferences and the far far far larger spiritual vibrational part of you was going to correspond with Everything-Else-That-Is and create the manifestations.  It just got disrupted when the physical part of you thought you knew it all and were God and tried to overshadow the rest of you.  There is far more leverage and ease when you are in your flow by how you ‘feel’ (vibration, synchronicities, manifestation) than by how you ‘think’ (rational, logic, linear).

You are much much, much more than the physical body you see.  Be in harmony with it and let it flow.  The thoughts that feel good (including your ‘dreams’) are the ones that are in alignment with who you are.  And watch the magic unfold.

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