Visualising is one of the most popular tools in your spiritual toolbox and there are so many ways of using it.  Whether to use it with your intuition and have energies represented to you symbolically, to change how you see yourself or a situation, or many other ways in using your ‘inner mind’ with this tool of “seeing from within”.  Today you will experience how you can better use it as a tool to more effectively harness the Law of Attraction and manifest more of what you want.

People often use visualization but then say that they do not get what they want.  Why is that?

Because it is not just about visualizing.  It is a tool.  Manifesting is about a relationship you have within yourself with what you want.  Visualization is a tool to massage that relationship and work with your own energy in relation to what you want.

When visualizing, you see the end in mind, but you also relate it to your emotions.  That’s how you use it to get better at manifesting.  As you visualize, be sensitive to what your emotions are telling you.  When it comes to manifesting, adjust what you visualize so it feels as good or as real as it can.

Also do remember, it does not have to be that you visually (or necessarily clearly) ‘see’ something, it can be a ‘sense’ that you get.

Consider the following:

– What can I visualize that brings me great delight?
– What are the aspects of my goal(s) that feel good to me?
– What can I see beyond my goal, into the future, that feels good to me?
– If I had no fear and no doubts, what would I allow myself to see?
– If I was to be bold and outrageous, what do I allow myself to see?

This is just the start to using visualization to benefit yourself and the lives of those around you…


To find out more about Visualizing and Manifesting click here to check out Manifesting Excellence

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