FREE Inspiring “Abundance” Wallpaper for October 2009 Downloadable Now

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Following on from the September calendar wallpaper we have an "Abundance" inspirational wallpaper calendar for you for October 2009.

Can you spot the "ABUNDANCE" in this image?  It's there. Look closely.  Much like the abudance around you, it's there, you just need to look for it

(We have tried to make it a bit visible in the image as we realise that with varying monitors it may not always be easy.  So if for you it is very obvious, then you know why.  But realise also that the abundance around you is that obvious too, you just need to see it.)

Autumn, or "fall", can have varying meanings for different people.  We wanted this image to be vibrant and colourful; inherent and in accordance with the natural wellbeing that is always within you regardless of changing seasons.

This concept was created in collaboration with my good friend Jessie Smith at StoryKraft Kreative.

To download it, right click on the appropriate link below and "Save Target/Link As" and save it to your computer.

You can download this image in various sizes depending on the resolution of your computer:

 800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
 1280 x 1024
  1600 x 1200

   960 x 600
 1280 x 768
   1600 x 1024
   1920 x 1200

You are very welcome to share this post with your friends.

And do feel free to leave us a comment below and let us know what you think šŸ™‚

“Honoring Hemal Radia”

Here is something that was written about me in the last few hours.  I woke to find that this article had been written about me and mentioned online on Google, Twitter etc šŸ™‚

Emma Turner of 7thSpace nominated me for this – thank you Emma!

Honoring Hemal Radia, “Speaker, Author, Super Coach”

Honoring Hemal Radia

A Video about Tomorrow’s Teleseminar

Here is a video which Emma Turner of 7thSpace surprised me with earlier.  It has scenic pictures with beautiful music and gives suggestions on questions for tomorrow’s teleseminar.

If you are reading this in an email then CLICK HERE to go to this post on the blog and view the video.

If you would like to view it on YouTube you can do so by CLICKING HERE

“Work One-to-One with Hemal” Page Updated

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know the “Work one-to-one with Hemal” page has been updated, you are welcome to check it out. 

Feel free to check out the information at the above link and contact me at  Many of you have been asking about it and there will only be so many I will be able to work with one-to-one on a monthly basis.  

You are amazing.  You are, in my opinion, the world’s leading expect on Manifesting and the Law of Attraction Wendy Franklin Muhammad, Host of Authentic You radio show

Let me just say that I heard you on My Life Coach’s radio show and was AMAZED at how many jewels I picked up from the talk! Thank you for being you Hemal! Dawn The Self Esteem Queen,

Work one-to-one with Hemal

Manifesting & Law of Attraction Teleseminars coming soon – What do *YOU* want?

Coming in the next few weeks will be some teleseminars and I’d like to get your input on what YOU are wanting

you can take a look at this survey and give an opinion, it is an opportunity for you to have a voice on what you
want. Doing this does not oblige you to anything, the purpose of it is
for information gathering

“Why you are simply the best”

This is an e-mail I received earlier today.  It is from someone who subscribes to this blog and is also on the Universal Law of Attraction group on Facebook.   My friend Dora Crow (famous for the Tatiana videos!) suggested I share it with you on this blog, so here we are…

Hi Hemal,

This is what I have been wanting to tell you why I said to you that for me you are simply the best!

I joined several groups in FB, group for encouragement and for LoA. I think I join 5 of them and the creator are on my friends list too, including you.

I was quite active with all groups or tried to. But you are the only one who calls my name (which is important for me), who gives wonderful responses, who is warm and who gives great attention to all of your members.

I thought maybe other creators were very busy and had many clients/members. But then I noticed you ARE too a very busy man and has MANY members. Yet you can still give time and energy for me and everybody else personally. That is WOW!

So thank you again, Hemal. It really means ALOT to me.

You are simply the best! I wish you success and happiness, always.

I really look forward to reading your book!

You are loved,
Claudia Caecilia

Appreciating Life with the Law Of Attraction

Many of you will remember Dora Crow – ‘human mommy’ of Tatiana the dog.  She is a great friend and has also been a client

I thought I would let you know of a post she has just written on her blog about how working with the Law of Attraction has enabled her to appreciate the things in her day to day life that in a way many often don’t realise to do,

Whilst we can appreciate our loved ones, we don’t always remember the wonders in our day to day experiences and when we see the magic we attract more of the same

You can find her post titled The Wood Burning Stove and LOA on her Barefoot Pony Whispers blog

Dora blog pic

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When you enter your email address in the form in the top left do remember to confirm your subscription by clicking the link in the confirmation email that you receive in your email inbox.  Do check your spam folder if you do not see this email in your inbox.

If you do not click the confirmation link in the email your subscription will not be confirmed.  This is handled by a service outside the blog

The advantage of subscribing (for free) is that you will automatically be sent notifications of new blog posts within 24hrs of them going up on the blog

Hemal working with *YOU*

For quite some time now as I have interacted with people, whether
online or on phone or in person, I have been hearing the results people have been getting from our interactions.  This has been happening time and time and time again.

In my background in the mid 90s when I did my NLP I coached and trained and
developed many of my own Manifesting & Law of Attraction processes
over the years and had results with others as well in my own
life.  What has been happening more recently is that people have also
been experiencing answers from me intuitively and it was very much
resonated with what they were looking for and given them their answers.

wanted to open this option
up for others, for you to work one-on-one
with me on your goals and challenges.  I have a monthly package with limited slots remaining for us to interact via email
and phone interaction on YOUR goals, contact me for more information.

Contact me at about what you would like to work with and for more information.
I am letting people get in touch
and ā€˜book their placeā€™ as there will only be a number of people I can
work with one-to-one on a monthly basis

I love your work, Hemal.  Between you and Abraham Hicks….I feel so supported in this wild journey!  Blessings from Colorado!

Tamara Kerner, Colorado, USA

I know I always say “Thank you, Hemal” but I mean it.
I am more aware of my alignment, my own vibration, focus on feeling good, Thank you.
Your teaching is always interesting and I feel good reading your articles and listening to your Teleclasses, Thank you.
Thank you so much and I am very happy that I can connect with you.

Rebecca Seal, London, UK

I participated in one of your Teleseminars in August and it was amazing how the experience not only stayed with me throughout the day, but as positive things occurred, they kept growing and compounding.  Everything seemed to flow so easily – the more people I encountered, the more I was able to give to them and receive back their energy.  By that evening, I was feeling so “buoyant” that when I was suddenly asked to speak in front of an audience without warning – instead of panicking, words just flowed easily.  And – at the end of the day: I won 3 raffle prizes that night!

So Hemal, don’t feel pressured – I won’t be expecting that kind of result from every Teleseminar you do. šŸ™‚ But I know I will come away with something very special.
To folks considering working with Hemal, I highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to get to know Hemal and hear what he has to share with all of us.

You can really get to know him; he is down-to-earth, authentic, and really has something of value to offer.

Dora Crow, California, USA

Your answer is exactly what I
wanted to hear and I immediately feel more aligned with my goal and I’m
certain I am going to receive it within the next few weeks.
Thank you so much!  In all honesty this is fantastic!
The depth of information you give is very good.
Thanks very much Hemal

Sanjay Patel, West Midlands, UK

I’ve been aware of Law of Attraction for some time now, with most things I can deliberately put myself in the best feeling place, but other times I have needed some clearer direction.

Hemal’s website and useful advice have been incredibly helpful. His experiences of using the Law of Attraction and his wisdom and compassion makes him an extremely understanding and non-judgmental person. It is often useful to have an objective point of view, and someone who might be able to say that something is not quite in alignment. Although, I fully understand the Law of Attraction, his post on health which was a response to a question of mine, goes into great detail about finding that great feeling and getting into alignment with your body.  I knew I had to find the feeling that I would feel when I reached the finished and achieved my goal, but all the other extra tips and advice made that bit of difference.

It is great to have someone who asks: How did you attract this into your life?  What beliefs, thoughts, restrictions, are in place? It is also wonderful to have someone who can put out a specific plan for helping you achieve your goals, whatever they are.

Tanya Moore, Newcastle, UK

After just one coaching session
with Hemal Radia and Kim in the Teleseminar they held, I began to
observe the limiting beliefs which were keeping me separate from that
which I desired. From this new awareness and observation I am able to
powerfully shift my perspective in a way that has enabled me to
actually become and therefore attract what I truly desired.
I really enjoyed listening to the teleseminar and the two teleclasses
that have taken place since then. I felt that there were certain things
in what was discussed that related to me.
There are two more teleclasses that are yet to come and for which I am eager to listen to.
 I would recommend everyone interested in this subject to join Hemalā€™s Teleclasses, I am sure it would be of great help to them.

Bhavini Raicha, UK
(she sent this at the time when the teleclasses were running live)

ā€ā€¦..since we met 10 years ago you
have been an inspiration and an influence to me on how to on how to
walk the talk. On a continuing basis have I seen how it is possible to
take action not just sitting and feeling nice vibrations. I look
forward to the next step on our journeyā€¦.ā€

All love, Elizabeth, Denmark

I have had coaching on many levels with Hemal. Of late I have experienced his coaching with spirit. Itā€™s incredible. Hemalā€™s insight into Law of Attraction is wonderful as it is, but coaching with spirit brings it to a whole nother level. I  asked him about my relationship with another person and the extra insight was awesome. It helped me to see things that I hadnā€™t seen.

Kate Strong, New Zealand
