Removing Conflicts, Blocks and Challenges: “The Logical Levels of Manifesting”


On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/audio I will be sharing a process with you that you can use to remove conflicts, blocks and challenges – many of which we are unconscious to and are hidden from us – so as to have more of what you want in your life, behaviourally and energetically.

This is a process that was devised in the 1970s for neurolinguistics and psychology which I have adapted for manifesting over the last 15 years or so.

If you are, for example, having trouble attracting money or the right relationship but don’t know why, this may give you your answers!


You will:
– Identify where the blocks are and more quickly address them
– Create change and manifestations more easily and avoid consistent frustration!
– Have a tool/process to map out any goal or area of your life to make it happen
– Apply and use this for manifestations as well as behaviours, habits and emotions
– Find that the possibilities are endless!


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Law of Attraction & NLP - Logical Levels of Manifesting with Hemal Radia


For example, many people get preoccupied in trying to change things in their environment or their behaviours/capabilities to solve their problems when the issue for them is often at the level of identity or beliefs (and they are totally unconscious and unaware of this) and ‘taking action’ does little good for them because in their case it is against the momentum of their problem.

If for example you are having trouble attracting money is it because of a block you have on an identity level or is it a belief or is it that you are falling short in terms of your capabilities?  Or a combination of those?  Register and get alignment!

If you have relationships that don’t work out for you, is it because of your beliefs about yourself or the opposite sex, about your values and motivators around the subject, or your identity and how you see yourself and find you are self-sabotaging yourself?

What you will learn you will be able to apply on an individual level as well as on a group, organisational or family level. You will be able to apply it to manifesting (energetically) as well as to behaviours (physical actions) such as losing weight, having an ideal figure, addictions, attracting money, new behaviours, etc.

We look forward to you joining us on what will be, as ever, a content-packed call/audio with life-transforming insights!


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3 Tips to Embracing Change


Many people go through life fearing what happens, whether it be by the ending of a relationship or job, being in debt or financial challenges, health situations, and the problems encountered in day to day life.

All of these situations require change and transformation within ourselves to transcend them.

On this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call we will be sharing some techniques that you can use to quickly do this.

In addition to the techniques on the call, how can you embrace change more easily?


3 Tips to Embracing Change

1 – Realise that change is natural in fact NOT changing is against your flow and is painful – it leads to discord within yourself and dis-ease.

2 – Have the awareness that every situation that you experience has the seed of a greater transformation for you.

Much like in the past, you will deal with this. And you will have grown in the process. HOW you deal with it and grow is your journey.

On Manifesting Excellence we aim to provide tools to help with this and make it easier.

3 – Not only will you change and grow, but have the intention that you will THRIVE AND PROSPER.

Life is not about fearing change at every turning corner. It is embracing it, transforming yourself and looking forward to every breath of life you get to experience.

3 Tips to Embracing Change


Wishing you a beautiful day with smooth & enjoyable transformations…




5 Ways to Make Change LAST

For a number of years I have been linked with being a Law of Attraction and Manifesting teacher, coach and author.  Behind all that, and with over 15 years of experience, is in helping people create lasting change in their lives.

Law of Attraction and Manifesting don’t tend to work if you are not in alignment with a new ‘you’.  It’s about creating integrated and ‘whole’ change in alignment with who someone is.

At this time of year, people are thinking ahead to creating changes in their lives.  I will be working with my clients and those on my Manifesting Excellence Group Coaching calls to envision a wonderful 2012 for themselves.  People often find that the changes they make do not ‘stick’.  Here are 5 tips to making change last for you –

1 – Integrate it With the Rest of You

Change doesn’t often ‘stick’ when there is some element of you that conflicts with it.  Some emotion or belief or value or ‘attitude’ conflicts with the new change and eventually ‘overrides’ it.  Also, ensure it is congruent with who you are, your identity, and how you see yourself.

Have an internal check, does this change feel congruent?  Is there any resistance or conflict to it?  If so, identify and align it.

2 – The Motivation Behind the New Change

Are you motivated to making the change for someone else or from a place of imbalance, such as to address a fear, insecurity or something else?  In likelihood the change may not have as much motivation or ‘power’ behind it to last than something resonant with the core of your being.  This can be relative in that at times fears may motivate us (because we are emotionally/energetically in that place); use the greatest motivation for yourself at this moment, and go from there.

If the intial spur of motivation is from someone else, identify YOUR motivations for making this change.  It will tend to ‘stick’ better that way.

 3 – See it in Your Past and Future

You could imagine having this behaviour or this change in your past and future, and as a result imagine how it would feel if you are very familiar with it.

When someone is giving up something, such as changing their diet or something else, what leads to them regressing is they have had the identity of their ‘old self’ for years and so the change doesn’t last.  Their mind sees them how they were and doesn’t integrate the new change.

Change how you saw yourself.  Change how you see yourself in your future.

Changes can happen in minutes. It’s a matter of choosing to see oneself a certain way and doing this with internal alignment.

4 – Accountability

Some find that it can be motivating to be accoutable to someone in entraining a new behaviour.  Kind of like having a training partner to meet you each morning if you are going to be wanting to going to the gym regularly.

This can be useful, if it’s something that resonates with you, particularly in the short to medium term, and based on the dynamics with the person you are being accoutable with.  In the long term, you may want to entrain the behaviour to a degree that it becomes a habit and a way for yourself or you have love for the process.

5 – Love for the Process

This is probably the most important.

If you can love something enough, and not have objections or resistance within yourself to doing it (such as ‘not enough time’ or ‘I can’t get round to it’, or other conflicts), in likelihood you have a habit or behaviour that will last.

Oftentimes people start a behavior for the outcome – for example they want to exercise to lose weight, they want to make financial decisions to create a nest egg, they want to do things for their partner to add spice to their love life, etc.  The key, ideally, is to be in love with the process and the outcome takes care of itself.

If you love adding spice in your relationship, your partner will feel it – including in your energy.  If you entrain a mindset and love exercise, in likelihood the weight will come off, or the benefits to self esteem and one’s own flow will make it more of a non-issue.

Loving the process is different to someone doing a process just for the sake of an outcome and not having the energetic alignment to it.  Loving the process aligns your energy to the process, and makes the desired outcome more likely to happen.  

Loving a process is not just a matter of getting ‘lucky’ in liking something, it’s about the perspective you have about it.  We have all had the experience of loving something we once didn’t, because we changed how we saw it.


Click here if you would like to work one-to-one with Hemal

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Being Intuitive, Congruence to What you Want, and “Muscle Testing”

Letting Your Body/Mind/Spirit Talk To You

As some of you may know (especially those of you who were there!), I was speaking last week in London and opening Perenna Fleming and Anne Walsh’s “You’ve Got Spiritual Voicemail” seminar on the Friday evening.  They also invited me to attend their one-day event on the Saturday, which was great fun.

One of the methods used during the day was “muscle testing”.  At times what they would do is ask themselves a question and based on the congruence of a physiological test, they would determine the answer.  For example they may have a participant put their arm out, ask a question, and gently press down on the participant’s arm.  If the answer was “Yes” the arm wouldn’t be able to be lowered by pushing down on it.  If the answer was a “No” then the arm would easily drop.

What is happening is the body/mind/spirit knows the answer and when the arm stays up or drops, it is based on the CONGRUENCE (or incongruence) within the system.  Similarly, they will also create a circle with their thumb and forefinger and insert the forefinger of the other hand inside the circle and ask a question and try to break outside of the circle.  If the answer was a “Yes” then because of the congruence of the energy, the circle couldn’t be broken.  If it was a “No” then it would be broken.

Over the years when interacting with people about food and diet, I have always said your body knows what is best for you.  Your body will tell you its congruence or incongruence to certain foods.


This also applies with anything and everything else.  Your body, mind and spirit are communicating to you in every moment.  They know what you need to do to have what you want.  The way you know is by your congruence and incongruence – i.e. your “alignment” – within yourself.



Getting in Tune with your Intuition

What this reminded me of was our internal congruence and alignment.  You have often heard me use the word “alignment” in aligning to what you want, the muscle testing is a physiological demonstration of it.  It happens on an internal level with your feelings also.

Your body, spirit, and mind KNOW THE ANSWERS.  And you can FEEL them.  It is in your skill in getting aware and familiar with the exact feeling/kinesthetic sensation.


As some of you may know, especially those on the group coaching calls where I have been mentioning this more regularly, I tend to incorporate my intuition with my other know-how and skills in working with others, whether in working one-to-one with others or on the group coaching calls.  When you are “right” with your intuition, you tend to have a congruent feeling attached to it.  If you yourself are working on your intution, you may want to have an awareness of a feeling when you are “right”.

Similarly, when manifesting, you will know the times that when you have gotten what you wanted, it has “felt” differently than when you didn’t (haven’t I been saying for years that it’s about the feeling?).  In likelihood, when you weren’t about to get something, it probably felt “weaker” energetically (sometimes this can still work out, though the “weak” feeling is an indication that the probabilities aren’t high).

When someone is wanting to attract a goal and I tell them to start making a list of thoughts that are resonant to that, the indication of whether you are heading closer to that is by how these thoughts that you are writing FEEL.  Do they feel better?  Do you feel more congruent about your goal?  Or does it feel like wishful thinking?  “Wishful thinking” is usually when you are finding thoughts around your goal but you do not quite yet believe it.  It will tend to feel “weaker” and there is more work to be done on it.  Identify why you do not believe it, what beliefs you have that do not enable it and address them (or feel free to work with me either one-to-one or on the group coaching to help you!).

Some people maythink that “thought-work” is pie in the sky.  As you can tell from what we have shared here, there is a physical consequence to every thought you have.  Whether it be within your body, or the manifestations you experience in your life.  That’s right, your thoughts matter.  And they are creating in your life.  Also, you know this, you know this from the experiences you have had in your life.



Ride the Wave!

As you start to build a congruence (“Alignment!”), and add more thoughts to it, you will start to find things happening.  You will feel clarity within yourself and within your actions and thinking.  You will see things easily and clearly.  You will be decisive.  This is what I would say is an indicator of when you are getting more and more into “alignment”, “into your flow”, etc.  And if you haven’t already, you will start to see synchronicities and manifestations.

Your job then is to ride the wave and keep building it.  It will transcend into other areas of your life and more will be happening.

The stream of wellbeing, the stream of possibilities, your ‘flow’, they are all waiting.  It’s just about you gently stepping on, relative to where you are at, and letting your flow carry you.  It will TAKE you, if you allow it.



  Colourful Intuitive Rose


“Work One-to-One with Hemal” Page Updated

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know the “Work one-to-one with Hemal” page has been updated, you are welcome to check it out. 

Feel free to check out the information at the above link and contact me at  Many of you have been asking about it and there will only be so many I will be able to work with one-to-one on a monthly basis.  

You are amazing.  You are, in my opinion, the world’s leading expect on Manifesting and the Law of Attraction Wendy Franklin Muhammad, Host of Authentic You radio show

Let me just say that I heard you on My Life Coach’s radio show and was AMAZED at how many jewels I picked up from the talk! Thank you for being you Hemal! Dawn The Self Esteem Queen,

Work one-to-one with Hemal