Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex


Want to get some great insights and manifestations in your life?

– Wife Swap TV show & “Entitlement” Attitude, and Attraction of the Opposite Sex
– How to Manifest to “Make Amends”
– What to do When Finding it Difficult to be Grateful
– If I Help Others will I Attract Suffering?
– I have had Financial Challenges before and resolved them however I was filled with Dread and Panic recently. How do we Let Go of Old Programmed Responses?

These topics and more will be covered on this Saturday’s Manifesting Excellence call/downloadable audio –
Register at www.hemalradia.com/manifesting



 Manifesting Excellence


Finding GENUINE Gratitude and Appreciation to Solve Problems and Manifest

Whether in personal development or spiritual circles you would have heard about using gratitude and appreciation. (I covered this in yesterday’s Manifesting Excellence call which is available as an audio in the archives by registering)

But why? And more importantly, how?

Why? Because when you focus on what you are GENUINELY grateful or appreciative of you are focusing more toward that which gives you joy and away from that which looks towards lack. It is taking you into your flow than out of it.

As you focus more of which that is pleasant you will find ‘problems’ solving themselves – because your attention and energy will become more about the solution than the problem or lack. As you build the momentum (more on this below) you will experience more and more manifestations.

If you want a bit of a deeper understanding, beyond your physical body you are energy. The energy of gratitude and appreciation – as well as ‘love’ – is towards that which you inherently are on a deeper level beyond your physical body.

If you have worked with me or read my book you will know that you as an energetic being, on a deeper level, are already aligned to that which you want – that’s right, all your manifestations are already there in energy and are ready to enter your physical life.

By you on a physical level focusing on appreciation and gratitude you are getting into alignment with the energetic – spiritual – non-physical – whatever else you want to call it – aspect of yourself.


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The Mistake Many People Make

I say make sure you have GENUINE appreciation because some people do gratitude or appreciation games and ‘force’ themselves and it is not authentic. If you are not being authentic, how can you expect the Universe to be? That wouldn’t be the same energy as genuinely being appreciative or grateful for something would it? Your energy would be mixed or diluted, rather than ‘pure’.

It’s like saying to someone that you love them but not meaning it – they will know!

In the same way, the Universe knows what you are offering energetically – and whether you mean it or not.

And this is how the Law of Attraction works – when you are offering an energy, you attract more of the same – you attract energetic matches.

In this case you attract more that is a match to the frequency of gratitude and appreciation. And of course if you weren’t meaning it and were ‘mixed’ in your energy about it, your results will be mixed, if at all.


How to ‘do’ Gratitude & Appreciation

1 – Find what you are GENUINELY Appreciative or Grateful for

2 – Write/think about it.

Express the thankfulness – make it genuine. The key thing is FEEL the emotion – the emotion is an indicator of your energy.

3 – Write/think more! The reason for this is you want to create a MOMENTUM

Thinking one or two things is fine. But it has the momentum of your daily inner chatter to work against. You want to build a momentum with your positive work such that it affects your daily energy – that’s how you attract new things.

To attract new things offer a new energy.

As you build the momentum notice how it FEELS – that’s the key.

4 – Repeat the above steps.

What will happen is as you build the momentum it will become easier and easier. Just like when you start to get happy it is easier to be happier. Just like momentum was mentioned above about being helpful, once you have it, it will help carry you to an even stronger momentum (so long as you do not disrupt it with thoughts to the contrary).


Any experiences you have had with Appreciation or Gratitude? Any questions? Or perhaps thankfulness you would like to express? Please share in the comments below : )


Hemal Radia is the author of “Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction“, a speaker and a ‘super’ coach. His work is shared worldwide including on large followings on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Click here to Work One-to-One with Hemal

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Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Attracting Money using Appreciation: A Real-Life Example


Want to hear an example of how someone used appreciation and gratitude in attracting money to the sum of $350 within a few days?

I was approached by someone wanting to be a new client a week ago, whom I have been working with since then.  She doesn’t speak English very well, and so she preferred our interactions to be via email and audio replies which I sometimes send out to clients.  She is also on Manifesting Excellence and has been listening to the audios there.

She is in a job where she is not happy, in a relationship and living at a place where she would like to be able to have some contemplation away from.

The financial means to do so would be very helpful to her.  Hence, when she got in touch she wanted to get into her flow and attract work opportunities, financial resources, and more.




Getting a Sense of What’s Valuable to Work on Now

When I start working with someone I get a sense right away on where they are energetically and the steps for them to take at that moment.  In her case, I got her to start making lists of what she appreciated in her life.  I felt at the time that this would be the most useful thing for her.

I get a sense of what is most valuable for the client at the time, and also what they would enjoy the most as I want people to enjoy themselves, have fun, and be in their flow.

She was feeling the benefits of my suggestions in how she felt about herself right away and would tell me so.

I amped it up further and suggested she did the appreciation more frequently in the day, such as every few hours when she could, or even more frequently than that.  I also shared this approach in more detail on the Manifesting Excellence private group.


Shift the Energy, and Things Around You Shift Too

Things started happening in her life.  She felt more energy, she felt more of a purpose in her life.  And no longer did she allow the work that she hadn’t been enjoying to get her down, because she had something much bigger and better to focus on.

Within days, at the start of this week, she attracted a situation where she won $350 as well as various other happenings.

I wanted to share this example in how making subtle shifts in your energy can change things around you, including in attracting money.

Noticing the things that you DO have in your life is a great place to start in focusing on what is PRESENT in your life.

One, it magnifies your attention to what you DO have, and secondly, if you are focusing on what is present, that is time and attention that you WON’T be spending on lack – a two-fold effect on the energy that you are putting out.


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There are now two-hour packages to interact with him over the month available as well as four-hour packages!

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You can try it out and ask your questions!