Intuition and Symbology – Want to Know More?


We have been having great fun and results on Manifesting Excellence in using intuition and symbology to manifest recently!

This is some of what we covered –
“I would like to know how to slow down my metabolism, how do I do that?”
“How can I make the changes in my life last?”

What is ‘intuition’?
– When using your intuition you may find yourself manifesting more because of the changes it may create in your energy
– If everything is energy and we are energetic machines, why shouldn’t we be able to read energy?
– Many people are influenced by others and change their own energy and diminish their abilities
– Dealing with “Am I doing it right?” when using your intuition

Using symbology and identifying your own symbolic language
You have always used symbology – the words (language) you see and hear are symbology too, as well as the imagery that your unconscious presents to you for unpacking the meaning. The visual imagery your unconscious presents to you has much more information packed within it than words could convey, that’s why your unconscious uses the symbology it does
–  “A picture is worth a thousand words”
– It doesn’t have to be just visual, it can be auditory, kinesthetic etc

What if there are no coincidences for where your attention and energy goes – what you focus on is indicative of your energy
– Example: “I want to go into a business deal with my friend, should I trust her?”
– “How will I know I’m doing it right?”
– Don’t let the logic of the left side of your brain get in the way

How to ask questions to get more detail
How to interpret the symbology you get
– How to check if you are ‘right’. Muscle testing, congruency etc
– “I’d like to know how to really tune in to my intuition and know how to read the signs that come up
– “I am very intuitive…but sometimes guilt gets in the way. I’ve had incidences like I knew someone was gonna die…then I say it to someone and they say I’m spooky”
– “I’d like to use my intuition to pick stocks, find unlisted real estate deals, meet random strangers who want to partner with me on projects. The other part is that once I attract/intuit these things, I need to know what to do with them. As an example, I attracted partners for deals but I haven’t yet discovered the right deals.”

If you’d like to access the recent audio covering the above and join in the fun and results click here.






How Much are You Using Your Intuition?


How much do you use your intuition?

Those on Manifesting Excellence will know I talk about this, particularly when it comes to manifesting and using the Law of Attraction as well as in everyday life.

You using your intuition is a natural and inherent part of you…not using it is like choosing not to use a hand of yours – it is a natural part of you.

Some people don’t fully trust theirs and others don’t believe they are intuitive or that it isn’t there.  This would be like you not believing that you have a right arm – you wouldn’t use it if you believed that you didn’t have it!


What are your thoughts and beliefs about your intuition?
What experiences have you had in using your intuition?
How would you encourage others who want to use theirs?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


Intuition candle


“5 Thoughts on Using your Intuition to Manifest What You Want”

The “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starts this Thursday and will be covering many topics including using your intuition to more easily and effectively manifest your goals.  This is a live course and the audios are downloadable afterwards.

In light of that, I thought you might enjoy the following…

1 – The path from where you are to where you want to be is revealed as you energetically line up to it.

The intelligence and information is ‘unlocked’ as you get into frequency and resonance with what you are wanting.

You can get into frequency and resonance with anything that has a frequency and vibration, and… everything has a frequency and vibration…

2 – There is usually a question (an ‘asking’), even an unconscious one.  This is followed by the answer in energetic form which you decode into a from that you understand, eg something you see, something you hear, something you feel etc.

When people get wrong information it is usually because:
– They are asking the wrong questions
– They are not able to discern the correct inutitive information from the noise

3 – All information is available to you. It is based upon your openness to what you are wanting to know.

4 – You will always get an answer. The accuracy of it will depend on your interpretation and ‘decoding’ of it

5 – This channel of information is available to you just like your other senses. It is just about activating and bringing this forward in your awareness, asking questions, separating the clean information from the noise.

Click here for more information about the “Mastering the Law of Attraction” course starting this Thursday

Mastering the Law of Attraction

Being Intuitive, Congruence to What you Want, and “Muscle Testing”

Letting Your Body/Mind/Spirit Talk To You

As some of you may know (especially those of you who were there!), I was speaking last week in London and opening Perenna Fleming and Anne Walsh’s “You’ve Got Spiritual Voicemail” seminar on the Friday evening.  They also invited me to attend their one-day event on the Saturday, which was great fun.

One of the methods used during the day was “muscle testing”.  At times what they would do is ask themselves a question and based on the congruence of a physiological test, they would determine the answer.  For example they may have a participant put their arm out, ask a question, and gently press down on the participant’s arm.  If the answer was “Yes” the arm wouldn’t be able to be lowered by pushing down on it.  If the answer was a “No” then the arm would easily drop.

What is happening is the body/mind/spirit knows the answer and when the arm stays up or drops, it is based on the CONGRUENCE (or incongruence) within the system.  Similarly, they will also create a circle with their thumb and forefinger and insert the forefinger of the other hand inside the circle and ask a question and try to break outside of the circle.  If the answer was a “Yes” then because of the congruence of the energy, the circle couldn’t be broken.  If it was a “No” then it would be broken.

Over the years when interacting with people about food and diet, I have always said your body knows what is best for you.  Your body will tell you its congruence or incongruence to certain foods.


This also applies with anything and everything else.  Your body, mind and spirit are communicating to you in every moment.  They know what you need to do to have what you want.  The way you know is by your congruence and incongruence – i.e. your “alignment” – within yourself.



Getting in Tune with your Intuition

What this reminded me of was our internal congruence and alignment.  You have often heard me use the word “alignment” in aligning to what you want, the muscle testing is a physiological demonstration of it.  It happens on an internal level with your feelings also.

Your body, spirit, and mind KNOW THE ANSWERS.  And you can FEEL them.  It is in your skill in getting aware and familiar with the exact feeling/kinesthetic sensation.


As some of you may know, especially those on the group coaching calls where I have been mentioning this more regularly, I tend to incorporate my intuition with my other know-how and skills in working with others, whether in working one-to-one with others or on the group coaching calls.  When you are “right” with your intuition, you tend to have a congruent feeling attached to it.  If you yourself are working on your intution, you may want to have an awareness of a feeling when you are “right”.

Similarly, when manifesting, you will know the times that when you have gotten what you wanted, it has “felt” differently than when you didn’t (haven’t I been saying for years that it’s about the feeling?).  In likelihood, when you weren’t about to get something, it probably felt “weaker” energetically (sometimes this can still work out, though the “weak” feeling is an indication that the probabilities aren’t high).

When someone is wanting to attract a goal and I tell them to start making a list of thoughts that are resonant to that, the indication of whether you are heading closer to that is by how these thoughts that you are writing FEEL.  Do they feel better?  Do you feel more congruent about your goal?  Or does it feel like wishful thinking?  “Wishful thinking” is usually when you are finding thoughts around your goal but you do not quite yet believe it.  It will tend to feel “weaker” and there is more work to be done on it.  Identify why you do not believe it, what beliefs you have that do not enable it and address them (or feel free to work with me either one-to-one or on the group coaching to help you!).

Some people maythink that “thought-work” is pie in the sky.  As you can tell from what we have shared here, there is a physical consequence to every thought you have.  Whether it be within your body, or the manifestations you experience in your life.  That’s right, your thoughts matter.  And they are creating in your life.  Also, you know this, you know this from the experiences you have had in your life.



Ride the Wave!

As you start to build a congruence (“Alignment!”), and add more thoughts to it, you will start to find things happening.  You will feel clarity within yourself and within your actions and thinking.  You will see things easily and clearly.  You will be decisive.  This is what I would say is an indicator of when you are getting more and more into “alignment”, “into your flow”, etc.  And if you haven’t already, you will start to see synchronicities and manifestations.

Your job then is to ride the wave and keep building it.  It will transcend into other areas of your life and more will be happening.

The stream of wellbeing, the stream of possibilities, your ‘flow’, they are all waiting.  It’s just about you gently stepping on, relative to where you are at, and letting your flow carry you.  It will TAKE you, if you allow it.



  Colourful Intuitive Rose


How to Read ‘Signs’ from the Universe


Thanks Hemal,

I have been wondering about this whole physics, chemistry and biology of manifestation.
How do we differentiate between the ‘signs’ from the universe and our fears and mental blocks?  What if we are repeating the same pattern over and over again and still it feels to be a ‘sign’?

Thank you for your answer : )


Essentially the Universe IS an extension of you.  Any ‘signs’ from the Universe are reflections of your OWN vibration.

So if you are getting repeating ‘signs’, that is more an indication of your own vibration rather than the Universe “telling” you to do something.

In this Universe you have total freedom, you can create your reality with your vibration.  The Universe is malleable to your thought and vibration and will respond to it, it is your CHOICE on what you want.  As you shift your thoughts towards the things that you want and vibrate from that place, you will tend to see ‘signs’ from the Universe that match that vibration.  And then you will see them more and more as you get closer and closer and you will experience manifestations along the way.

It is about you following your joy
.  The Universe will never ‘tell’ or ‘force’ you.  You are an extension and aspect of the Universe (or of God), you are an expression of it.  It grows when you do.

There are those that believe that destiny is written for them and live their lives with constraints and limitations, and there are those that believe they write their destiny and create it.  It does not matter if you do not fully believe this at this moment, pretend as if you do and see what happens.  Practice that ‘muscle’ like any other. Think and make decisions as if you are in charge of your destiny.  This is also a distinction in being empowered and in charge of your life rather than being disempowered.

Those that believe (or at least pretend as if) they are in charge of their destiny will tend to make choices and decisions from a place of creativity, growth, possibility and expression.  Those that do not will tend to feel limited, they may feel that others are making decisions for themselves.  Sometimes if they do this for long they pick up physical conditions which are a reflection of the limitations they perceive in their thoughts and vibration.

So any ‘signs’ you see are more reflections of your own thoughts and attention.  Ask yourself what do you want to see?  And FEEL and vibrate from that place and see what happens. What if YOU were writing your own destiny, what would you do, be, think, feel, act as if?

What you experience in your life is an indicator of where you are vibrationally (the vibration always comes before the physical happenings) it is your choice where you want to be relative to that.

Heart on beach